Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - VGC edition

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This is kind of off-topic, but do you guys think that Pokemon will ever be an E-sport? You know, like be part of the World Cyber Games and whatnot. I mean, it does have a big enough fan-base. Even more so than Smash Bros Brawl, and even that's played competitively .
I'm not sure what I should run on my Breloom. I'm running toxic orb with poison heal and Spore, Drain Punch, Seed Bomb, I'm just not sure if I should have protect or substitute. Breloom would Spore both Pokemon before using protect or substitute. So I'm leaning toward substitute but I'm not sure.
This is kind of off-topic, but do you guys think that Pokemon will ever be an E-sport? You know, like be part of the World Cyber Games and whatnot. I mean, it does have a big enough fan-base. Even more so than Smash Bros Brawl, and even that's played competitively .
Brawl is almost entirely grassroots. If you mean on that level, then yes. It's up to us to do it though (with a little help from Nintendo). Smogon has been stepping up coverage slowly every year. This year we hit a snag with the format shift, but I think we can make US Nationals and then Worlds better than last year from a coverage perspective.

If you mean at the level of Starcraft, League of Legends, Street Fighter, etc, then no. They have developers who have much better relationships to the competitive communities than Game Freak and Nintendo are. The Pokemon Company is definitely more in tune with the players than say Nintendo and the Smash community, but they don't get to directly develop the game after all.
Ah, that's good to hear. When I meant to the E-sport level, I meant to the level where it is recognized enough so it becomes larger in terms of competitive play, such as bigger prize pools, more participants, etc.
2010 and likely 2011 regionals were as large and in many cases larger than any single Smash tournament in history. As far as Nintendo games go, this is the biggest. To get as big as something like SC I think would require a stronger working relationship between the community and developers than we have now.
2010 and likely 2011 regionals were as large and in many cases larger than any single Smash tournament in history. As far as Nintendo games go, this is the biggest. To get as big as something like SC I think would require a stronger working relationship between the community and developers than we have now.

This. At Apex, we wanted to stream the finals for the pokemon tournament (whcih certainly would have helped Pokemon as an e-sport, considering the stream had as many as 6000 viewers), but there is no possible way to stream Pokemon in any reasonable quality without the technology that is used in the battle boxes at official tournaments. Nintendo giving access to the DS dev kit (or making the next system compatible with TVs or PCs) would help Pokemon grow tremendously.

Outside of simple mechanical issues, metagame problems exist as well. While many people (myself included) disagree with the aggressive stance smogon has taken on banning things in the OU metagame, no one can deny that everything they have banned has been overwhelmingly popular. If the metagame is stale and boring, not many people will want to watch or be excited about Pokemon. In order to prevent this, either Game Freak needs to communicate with the community when they are making decisions about abilities/moves/mechanics/etc., or they need to add (or improve if it already exists) a competitive balance team that reviews new things being added and tests to make sure they are not so powerful that they will overpower any other strategies.
Well, Singles doesn't seem to be meant to be played competitively in the way Smogon does so that's part of the rules thing. I think it would be better for Game Freak to integrate more doubles in the single player campaign to ease people into it. This is probably getting off-topic from the purpose of the thread though.
Yeah, I would say doubles is the way to go competitively. Also, would it be safe saying that if there were bigger prize pools, then more people would participate? I mean, one of the reasons that E-Sports such as LoL and stuff are popular is b/c of the ridiculous prize pools (I mean $5 million? that's more than some celebrities).
I'm fairly certain the answer to this is no, but does nintendo do any sort of tiering (of pokemon, like nu and uu etc...) at their tourneys?

You're correct, outside of the banned Pokemon list, Nintendo has no "tiers", just what you can use and what you can't use.
quick question:

Can you use a pokemon with a dream world ability that hasn't been released in your country but has been released elsewhere? ie: chlorophyll Venusaur
quick question:

Can you use a pokemon with a dream world ability that hasn't been released in your country but has been released elsewhere? ie: chlorophyll Venusaur
It can be used, but it must be in the language of it's origin location. So Chlorophyll Venasaur would need to be Japanese to be legit.
I'm not sure what I should run on my Breloom. I'm running toxic orb with poison heal and Spore, Drain Punch, Seed Bomb, I'm just not sure if I should have protect or substitute. Breloom would Spore both Pokemon before using protect or substitute. So I'm leaning toward substitute but I'm not sure.

Breloom is simply too frail of a pokemon with too many weaknesses that are common in VGC, to be using a healing set with. In singles you can have a little more success by using poison heal w/ toxic orb, but in doubles, the only way to use loom is with sash. don't waste your time with substitute either. The best loom set is as follows. Protect, spore, seedbomb, superpower/drain punch. Mach punch sometimes does well on breloom as well. It's up to you whether you use jolly or adamant, but definitely one of the two, with full evs in speed and attack, as you'll be compensated for low defenses with the focus sash.
quick question:

Can you use a pokemon with a dream world ability that hasn't been released in your country but has been released elsewhere? ie: chlorophyll Venusaur
More generally: if it was obtained legitimately (without glitches), and it's not specifically on the ban list, you can use it.
So I caught a lotad and was planning to evolve to ludicolo which i did. i then realized one of the moves i wanted him to know was fake out. so i went to the move rememberer and tried it. there was no fake out. what do i do to get ludicolo to learn fake out?
Ludicolo doesn't learn the move at lower levels, which means you can't use the move relearner for ludicolo itself.
However, lombre does get fake out at level 11, so you would need to use the move relearner while it is still a lombre to get the move you want.
Skarmbliss server would be your best best, if it's not on the list then use the advanced connect:

Thats where most of the vgc players hang out
Well, there is the Battling 202 if you want a tutor to show you the ropes and help you build a team if you are struggling, but I think the best advice is to watch some good players, and when you start battling, don't be disheartened if you don't win every match straight away, practise makes perfect, just don't take anything too seriously to the point where it stops being fun
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