Muertos Rojos (Peaked #1)

Gabranth Presents : Muertos Rojos



Hi every one, before saying everything else, I wanted to apologize for my poor english, it is my 4th language and I make a pretty lot of mistakes, hope you guys will forgive me for that. Anyway, I'm not really famous on Smogon, so I think I'll quickly introduce myself, well I'm Gabranth, or Gab or many other nicks I used and I was introduced to the strategic part of pokemon at the beggining of the fourth gen, I know Smogon for a pretty while already and I play on the Smogon server from the very beggining. I'm also in the staf of the French Spirit forum (which is like the "pokecultural center" of the french pokemon players lol) at the side of my friends Go10 (even if he's a dick) and Private. This is explained by the fact that I always evolved in the french community of players, even if I'm not really french. Anyway, I think that's about all about me and that it already is more than you wanted to know ! So let's start about the team I guess ! Like you all probably already know, it is a team to be used in the UU metagame, which is by far my favorite 5th gen metagame and I've been playing it for a pretty while already. More or less all of the teams I had built in UU were more or less successfull, but I think this one is one of the best teams I have ever built. I was actually saving it for the Smogon Premier League, but well, no captain picked me. It is a very agressive offense team just the way I like them and I hope you will like it too ! Oh yeah and I almost forgot, by the name of the team and the pokemons and by the quotes, I wanted to make a tribute to the awesome game that is Red Dead Redemption, so well, that's why the team is called Muertos Rojos without having even one red pokemon lol Ok, now I think I'll really stop this annoying intro and start introducing you the team !

II)The Team

A)The Strategy

Like I've said before, this is a very agressive team composed mostly of violent sweepers. The main goal of the team is to weaken the opponnent's team and then finish it off with one of my favorite pokemons which is Sharpedo. All of the other pokemons are here to get Sharpedo's sweep ready by weaking the (not so many in UU) pokemons that he can't OHKO. Well of course that's not the only point of the team and I have other ways of breaking the opponnent's defences. Of course, more details are comming beneath.

B)The Team at a glance


C)A closer look at the team


"Everyone eventually pays for what they have done."

Edgar Ross (Empoleon) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Aqua Jet
- Hydro Pump
- Grass Knot​

  • Why using Empoleon ?
Even if he's the first one I introduce, Empoleon was actually the last pokemon I picked from this 6. I had need in a steel pokemon, because otherwise I got wrecked by things like Flygon or Kingdra. Also I had need in the support of the Stealth Rocks, so I basically had the choice between Registeel and Empoleon. Neither of them got me intresting at first, because they both are considered in UU as purely defensive pokemons and I wanted a pure offense. Also I didn't want to use any ghost of the UU metagame, so my only option was to not let the opponnent spin too easily and this is how I came up using an original version of Empoleon. And it's simply amazing. Hydro Pump allows me to exert a constant pressure on the opponnent, as in UU except Chansey and the Grass pokemons there are not much thinks that can freely switch in on this Empoleon. Also, in UU, it's often hard to play purely physical or purely special offense teams, so a powerfull special sweeper in addition to Mew was REALLY a lot of help.

  • Moveset, Nature, EVs :
As I said, I wanted a very offensive version of Empoleon, so the choice of the EVs came up naturally. I maximazed the HPs for a maximal bulk and maximazed the special attack for.. well.. a maximal offensive power.. Why didn't I use an speed- nature ? Because it was important to outspeed Donphan.
About the movepool, I came up with Hydro Pump at the time where Hippodown wasn't banned yet and it was the only way to OHKO him. But even after Hippo's ban, Hydropump is very important to deal the maximal amount of damage to Registeel, Escavalier, Sableye, Zapdos etc... In other words all the annoying pokemons that can block Sharpedo. Aqua-Jet is almost here only for one pokemon : Alakazam. I need to be able to break it's sash to be able to finish it with Flygon, or in the opposite, U-turn him with Flygon and finish him with Empoleon. Aqua-Jet is not really used in UU, so i'ts often pretty much of a surprise to my opponnents. Of course, the move is really really weak, especially with the modest nature, but I use it only to finish up very weakened foes (mostly sweepers, like Alakazam or Weavile). This move saved my life more than once. Grass Knot is here so Blastoise won't spin too much easily on me and also because weaking water bulkys is important for Sharpedo.

  • In game :
My use of Empoleon pretty much depends of the opponnent's team. If my opponnent does not run pokemons like Escavalier, Kingdra, Flygon or any rapid spinner, I mostly lead with Empoleon, set up the rocks, deal a maximal amount of damage and let him die. Also I can lead with Empoleon against taunt user leads, I mostly mean Sableye, who is easily lured by Empoleon and not aware of the fact that it takes 70+% on H-pump..
If my opponnent does run the said pokemons, then I have to save Empoleon before they are dead. If it's like this, I mostly bring him on bulky harmless pokemons to setup the rocks and then run away. The main reason of me saving Empoleon is often Flygon, which can be VERY dangerous in late game for my team.
Finally Empoleon can help luring some types of Zapdos, as it can most of time take one Thunderbolt and KO Zapdos back with Hpump (that often gets Torrent Boost) or even better, if Zapdos predicts the obvious switch on Flygon and uses HP Ice (what he often does) it's all good for me. Of course Zapdos is not the only one in that case, Rotom-H or Raikou can share the same fate, even if most of the time they will Volt Switch and it's another pokemon who will take the powerfull Hpump.

  • Empoleon's place in the team's balance ?
As I've said, he can KO Zapdos and Sableye, put in Sharpedo's KO range pokemons like Blastoise, Milotic or Suicune and of course he blocks Escavalier, who is one of the biggest threats of my team. Also, he's the only ghost resistance I can swith in to in early game, which helps me when scarfed Chandelure tries to Revenge Kill Mew.

  • Other options ?
-Ice Beam could be used instead of Aqua-Jet, but I don't really have problems dealing with grass pokemons and even with Ice Beam, staying on Roserade or Shymin is not a great of an idea, so well, I mostly use Aqua-Jet.
-I could put enough speed to outspeed Hitmontop, but he's not that dangerous to the team and I don't want to reduce Empoleons HPs only to outspeed him, mostly because I don't want to be OHKO'd by non LO Raikou and Zapdos.


"When I'm gone they'll just find another monster. They have to justify their wages."

Dutch (Mew) @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Aura Sphere​

  • Why using Mew ?
When you use a fully offensive team, taking even the weakest hit can become hard if it's not resisted. That's where Mew and it's AMAZING bulk comes. Sadly, yes sadly, Mew is my first switch in for pokemons like Zapdos and Donphan, mostly because my usual Electric (Flygon) and Ground (Tornadus and Flygon) resistances can't come into this two. But also, Mew has an incredible offensive coverage.. Do I need to re-explain the Ghost/Fight combo ? Mew can also help me break through some defensive teams that fully or mostly focus on the physical defense, which is always usefull.

  • Moveset, Nature, EVs :
Nothing too much hard to understund on this one is it ? Classic offensive spread of the Nasty Plotter. I had no choice but to maximise the speed, especially for things like Zapdos and for outspeeding everything else under 100 base speed. Really not much to say on this one...
Psychic for the Stab, Aurasphere and ShadowBall for the perfect coverage.

  • In game :
What makes Mew so awesome is the insane danger it can become for the opponnent if you have a good mindgame, and the mindgame is one of my best skills, so often Mew becomes pretty dangerous in my hands. He easily setups and if my oponnent doesn't run Chansey or Escavalier, the more he can do is put a pokemon able to outspeed and OHKO Mew (scarfed Chandelure, Krookodile and Heracross for example) using the pivoting and so if I can read through and hit with the right move, I can take a big advantage.
Also in game, with Mew I'm trying to deal as much damage as I can to some pokemons like Donphan, Porygon 2 or Zapdos, who otherwise can pretty well annoy me.

  • Mew's place in the team's Balance :
Mew is not really the pokemon whose type helps that much, but he helps by taking care of fightning pokemons. More than his type, it's his incredible bulk and offensive coverage that help the team, but I think I've already said everything that had to be said about this.

  • Other options ?
-Fire Blast/Flamethrower over Aurasphere. It could nicely lure and destroy Escavalier, but I don't want to lose the amazing fight/ghost combo
-Psychock over Psychic. That would allow me to beat Chansey more easily and by this way wallbreak stall teams, but I need much more the damage that Psychic deals to Zapdos and Donphan than the ability to beat Chansey.


"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."

John Marston (Tornadus) (M) @ Flight Gem
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Bulk Up
- Acrobatics
- Brick Break

  • Why using Tornadus ?
Honestly ? The main reason why I chosed Tornadus is not strategic, actually he's the first pokemon I choosed. Tornadus is my very favorite pokemon. Tornadus is a beast, that's the SubBulkUp version that Agammemnon showed me once in OU. Tornadus is one really strong sweeper, he can quicly inflict a crazy amount of damage on some pokemons, actually, you are almost sure to kill every pokemon that's not resisting to flying in UU after one Bulk Up if you still have your Fly Gem... One free kill on almost every pokemon of my chose.. What more could I ask for Sharpedo ? And let's not forget that Tornadus's Speed Tier is one of the highest in UU, being outspeeded without a Choice Scarf only by Jolteon, Weavile, Crobat and Alakazam (hope I don't forget any one)

  • Moveset, Nature, EVs :
Substitude and Bulk Up combined with Pranksterquickly becomes a strong weapon. Agammemnon showed the insane power that a physically oriented Tornadus could show in OU, well, in UU he's even more powerfull. With Fly Gem, you can KO almost anything you want with Acrobatics, while brick break is used against Steel pokemons like Empoleon and Registeel. Substitute not only protects you against more or less every thing that doesn't inflict damage, but also allows you to avoid Volt-Switch/U-turn users. Finally Bulk Up... Does what the move is ment for ! Which means it reases the offensive and defensive power of Tornadus.
I need the Jolly nature to outspeed pokemons like Froslass and Mismagius and the EVs... Well I think they are obvious.

  • In game :
Often Tornadus is the one that comes first, inflicting as much damage as possible. He's the one that makes the first blood. (donnow if you can say that..). Also I often lead with him against "scoot" leads like Darmanitan or Flygon who will probably use U-turn giving me a free sub and against Roserade or Froslass (Acrobatics at 0 doesn't not OHKO Froslass but either does it's Ice Beam, and I always like to quickly get rid of Froslass). And of course, Tornadus is my only physical sweeper who's not getting ruined by Sableye, so if Mew and Empoleon failed at getting rid of him, Tornadus comes really handful. He's also the one I hope on to destroy Chansey. Anyway, in two words, Tornadus is the first one breaking through opponnent's defences and also dies first (or destroys the whole opponnent team, that actually happens a pretty lot of times...)

  • Tornadus's place in the team's Balance
Tornadus greatly supports Empoleon. He's the main reason allowing him to play Empoleon without using Ice Beam. Also he can come at fighting pokemons like Hitmontop or Heracross (actually he's the only one who resists Heracross's both stabs at the same time, which comes handy for Mew)
Also, it can start damaging Zapdos (which is perfectly lured by Tornadus and can take a lot of damage at +1 Fly Gem Acrobatics), Escavalier, Donphan, Blastoise or Suicune and Sharpedo likes that.

  • Other options ?


"Don't make me kill you. "

B.Williamson (Sharpedo) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Speed Boost
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Protect
- Earthquake

  • Why using Sharpedo ?
The answer will be quick : because Sharpedo is the very best finisher of the UU metagame. It wracks offenses and can easily finish any other team too. The number of pokemons it can't OHKO in UU is not really high and if you use him him at the right time there is almost no chance something can outspeed him. Isn't that the perfect formula for a finisher ?

  • Movepool, Nature, EVs :
Well, I think everything is kind of obvious here. The only thing that may need an explanation is the full speed I use on him and there is only one answer : Stoutland. This broken shit is really dangerous, so I need to be sure to be able to outspeed any form of Stoutland under Sandstorm once I have +2 at speed. 236 EVs were enough, but having 20 EVs in HPs wasn't of any use, so I put everything in speed so I can reach 289 at speed.

  • In game :
If everything went as supposed, he comes in late game and just finishes off the opponnent. He can destroy all of the 6 opponnent's pokemon with a great ease if the job of his teammate was properly done. It's hard to say what I do if I used him in another way, because I would have to explain it case by case.

  • Sharpedo's place in the team's Balance :
Well, the whole team's job is to set his sweep, so the team does not depend on him, he depends on the team. The only thing I could say in this part is that he makes one hell of a late game combo with Flygon, either of them can start the job and the second one finishes it. Actually it would be more accurate to say that it's a finishing combo, not only one finisher.

  • Other options ?
-I could use Ice Fang instead of Earthquake, because Flygon is pretty dangerous in late game and no move I run can OHKO him. Earhquake helps against pokemons like Empoleon... But actually, I really think about putting Ice Fang over it, so well, do not hesitate to share your opinion about this one !


"It only takes a few men to move many."

De Santa (Flygon) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

  • Why using Flygon ?
I had need in a fast pokemon that can easily revenge kill and that could resist electricity. I had the choice between Krookodile and Flygon, I picked Flygon because of Levitate, U-turn and because his Outrage is actually pretty strong, thing that I had forgot in DPP OU.

  • Movepool, Nature, EVs :
Well, every thing is pretty classic right here, I picked the Adamant nature because the main goal of Flygon is to help Sharpedo finishing the team and the Adamant nature can really make the difference when you speak about damaging things like Suicune or other bulky things in late game.

  • In game :
As I said, at first I picked Flygon for its ability to revenge kill, but finally he ended up like a fucking good finisher. Like Sharpedo, in late game he's often the fastest pokemon still alive thanks to its scarf. He usually comes up a little bit earlier than Sharpedo, in mid or late game. He cleans up the opponnent's lower scarfed pokemons like Chandelure, Heracross or Krookodile with his powerfull Outrage and leaves Sharpedo finishing the job. Also, if the opponnent used a more defensive team and there were not this much scarfed pokemons, he will just go on a rampage with Outrage trying to deal as much damage as possible to leave the way open for Sharpedo. Sometimes it goes in the opposite way, Sharpedo starts wallbreaking and Flygon finishes the job, but more usually it's not the case.

  • Flygon's place in the team's Balance :
Like for Sharpedo, Flygon does not always play such a great role in supporting the team, sometimes I switch him to pokemons which attack he can take and can KO back with U-turn, well, mostly at Alakazam. Sometimes I switch him on electric pokemons (mostly Zapdos), but I have to be carefull, as they often predict the switch and hit with Hidden Power Ice and losing Flygon in the beggining of the game can ruin my late game sweep. If I switch him on an electric pokemon, I go on Outrage on Earthquake without taking the risk to U-turn. Also, of course, Flygon helps getting rid of some nasty setup pokemons like Kingdra or Cobalion, which can otherwise become dangerous.

  • Other options :
-Jolly nature. I got swept by another Flygon in late game some times, as most of Flygons are played Adamant nowadays (at least I think so oO) that would give me a good advantage against them, but it will be alot harder to hit strong enough to break through in late game without the attack boost providen by the Adamant nature.


"So you think you're tough now ? Hahaha."

J. Escuella (Kingdra) (M) @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 168 HP / 168 Atk / 172 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- Waterfall
- Dragon Dance
- Rest

  • Why using Kingdra ?
I used to play without Kingdra at first, but then I took a V-Create to the knee. (Skyrim players will get it). Yeah well, I was really weak to strong fire attacks of Chandelure, Darmanitran and of course Victini, so I picked Kingdra for its X0.25 resistance. Also Kingdra is pretty good in mid or late game, for braking through or even finishing the opponnent, he's a great support for Sharpedo's sweep for its ability to lure bulky water, steel and grass pokemons who otherwise can annoy Sharpedo's sweep. Also, if Zapdos (yeah him again..) survived in late game, he's probably the only one who can do anything about it.

  • Moveset, Nature, EVs :
I choosed the Chesto Rest version for its ability to easily setup on special sweepers. Also, he can be my status-absorber. The EV spread sacrifice the offensive power for an easier setup. Again, I don't have a lot to say here as it's just the classic Chesto Rest Kingdra.

  • In game :
Kingdra's role is pretty much similar to Tornadus's one, he weakens the opponnent as much as possible to allow Sharpedo to easily sweep, the main difference is that Kingdra usually comes later than Tornadus and needs a special occasion to setup, he actually more often comes after a kill than on a switch. Also, Kingdra is my first switch to Chansey for it's ability to get read of the poison and paralysis with Rest and the ease it has to setup on her. When I have setup 1 or 2 Dragon Dances, I just go on Outrage to inflict as much damage as possible. If I'm lucky (which I'm not -_- ) I can finish of the whole team, if not, the damage inflicted will always be high. Kingdra comes especially handy against Stall teams which he usually easily breaks.

  • Kingdra's place in the team's Balance :
As I said, I don't often switch in to Kingdra, except to take the very powerfull choiced fire attacks and Chansey's moves. Kingdra is also one of the most bulky pokemons of the team, he's almost never OHKO and can use one free Outrage in extreme situations.

  • Other options ?

D) The Export

Feel free to use the team :
Edgar Ross (Empoleon) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Aqua Jet
- Hydro Pump
- Grass Knot
Dutch (Mew) @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Aura Sphere
John Marston (Tornadus) (M) @ Flight Gem
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Bulk Up
- Acrobatics
- Brick Break
B.Williamson (Sharpedo) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Speed Boost
EVs: 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Protect
- Earthquake
De Santa (Flygon) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
J. Escuella (Kingdra) (M) @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 168 HP / 168 Atk / 172 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- Waterfall
- Dragon Dance
- Rest

III) The Conclusion

And with this my friends, my RMT ends. Again I apologize for my poor english, I hope you guys could still undestund me. I also hope that you enjoyed reading my RMT and maybe using my team ! I want to thank people who supported me all along and helped me get number 1 in the ladder, my friends McMeghan, Somalia and of course all the other members of the french community. Also of course I want to thank Private, who gave me some ideas while I was building the team, actually this guy is like my inspiration every time I build a team, he talks shit but that gaves me good ideas :D

And I want to end by wishing you all a very happy new year, which has already come here where I am ! Wish you all the best Smogon !
The Threat List

-Not a threat
-Can be annoying but not a big threat
-Dangerous pokemon
-Big threat

A)Offensive :

-Aerodactyl : well, he can't do much, if he comes for the lead duel, Empoleon easily wins with Hydro Pump and Aqua-Jet. If he comes later in the game, except for Tornadus, he can't OHKO any of my pokemons and is OHKOd by any of them.
-Alakazam : The truly annoying version of Alakazam is the one with the Focus Sash, the other ones are easy to kill with Flygon. I usually try to Aqua-Jet + U-turn the one with the sash, or even take a hit on one pokemon and attack him back. Sharpedo can also finish him off.
-Ambipom : I didn't think I'd had to say that, but Ambipom is pretty annoying. He's fast and hits strong enough. Though he can't really OHKO any of my pokemons and is easily KO'd back, so well, not such a big deal.
-Arcanine : The only annoying part about Arcanine is it's ability to OHKO Sharpedo with Extreme Speed. But usually it's easy to get rid of him in the beggining of the game before Sharpedo comes to the field.
-Azelf : Azelf can hardly do more than make one kill on a damaged pokemon. Flygon, Sharpedo and even Kingdra don't have much to fear.
-Azumarill : Azumarill is banded most of the time, so I just have to guess the move he will use, which is pretty easy. And of course, I have one double and two simple resistances to his stab, so well, he can't really do much.
-Bisharp : Bisharp can litterally ruin me if I missplay. Not only his Sucker Punch OHKOs Mew and Sharpedo, but at +2 he can more or less OHKO anything. The good thing is that I'm pretty good at Sucker Punch mind game duels... I think that I can even say I never lost one with this team. Tornadus is a good pokemon to deal with Bisharp and Kingdra can take a hit a +2.
-Chandelure : Only its scarfed version is a bit annoying as it makes Mew run away, but that's it. All the other versions are way to slow to be scary
-Cobalion : If I missplay, Cobalion can setup one sword dance, but there will always be Tornadus, Sharpedo and Flygon to revenge kill him. Of course that implies that no matter which pokemon will be on the field, I'll attack him on the turn of the Sword Dance. He's not a big deal.
-Crobat : He's a way too much weak to be scary. He can't really KO anything and will often be lured to use Taunt on Empoleon, condamning himself. Empoleon easily walls him by the way.
-Darmanitan : Kingdra easily takes its fire moves, in early game or elad duel, Tornadus often gets to setup a free sub, plus he's weak to stealth rocks and the only move he really can use to damage me is resisted X 0.25 by Kingdra. Also in late game he can be killed by Flygon or Sharpedo of course.
-Donphan : The annoying part about Donphan is : 1 : Sturdy, which doesn't allow Empoleon to OHKO him, and 2 : its bulk, which doesn't allow Sharpedo to OHKO him. But still, Empoleon totally beats him as being faster, stronger and not OHKO'd by Earthquake. Mew also pretty much hasn't anything to fear from him and can setup. When Tornadus is at +1, Ice Shard cannot break the sub by the way.
-Dugtrio : The only pokemon Dugtrio can try trapping is Empoleon, which he's not even sure to OHKO while himself being 2HKOd by Aqua-Jet. All the other pokemons of my team beat him with ease.
-Durant : He can't do anything to Empoleon... Or actually to any one of the team.. Except maybe Mew that he can try to revenge kill, but with 2 resistances to bug, there are a lot of chances that Mew will have a good switch.
-Eelektross : He's too slow to be dangerous.
-Electivire : Same goes for Electvire, but he's even weaker and less bulky.
-Escavalier : Well guys, we have here the pokemon which is probably the biggest threat to my team. Especially if he has Zapdos as a support... He stops Mew and is not really scared of anything except Empoleon. Taking him down could take 1 or more pokemons and worse in this kind of team, could take a lot of switches... The only fact that he's in the opponnent's team doesn't allow me to use Mew before he's dead and that's the most annoying part, as Mew is often the pokemon that comes early in the game. In two words, Escavalier is not that dangerous by himself, but if he's well supported, especially by Zapdos, things start getting reeeeeeeally bad, as Zapdos counters my switchs to Escavalier and Escavalier counters my switchs to Zapdos...
-Flygon : Flygon is also a veeeeery dangerous pokemon for the team, especially in late game. He forces me to save Empoleon until he's dead (or at Sharpedo's KO range) and that's not always easy. The deal will often be to deal him 30% of damages so he then can be KOd by Sharpedo.
-Froslass : he's outspeeded by Tornadus, Empoleon has nothing to fear (and can KO him with H-Pump + Aqua-Jet depending of the bulk of Froslass and the damage roll) and he can't really OHKO any other pokemon except Flygon which outspeeds him. And with Tornadus and Empoleon, Froslass will most of the time be able to setup only one spike.
-Gallade : Tornadus, Mew.
-Galvantula : He can't really OHKO anything and is easily KOd back.
-Golurk : He's weak to Water and Dark... Very easy to take down.
-Gorebyss : Gorebyss may be able to setup one Shell Smash and even pass it, but my team is so agressive that passing anything or even setupping is pretty hard.
-Heracross : Tornadus, Mew, Empoleon, Flygon, Sharpedo can deal with him... Actually even Kingdra can take a hit. Only the scarfed version is a bit annoying as it can come on Mew (btw I often predict his switch and KO him before)
-Honchkrow : Honchkrow is a beast. The same I said about Bisharp goes for Honchkrow.
-Houndoom : Weak and slow, can't do much.
-Jolteon : Too weak to hurt, Empoleon takes a hit and Prankster Tornadus can easily guess with sub the move it will use and the item it runs.
-Kingdra : Kingdra can't really setup. If he does, Empoleon stops him with ease and Flygon can Revenge Kill him.
-Krookodile : Scarfed Krookodile is only annoying for Mew, but most of the time its switch is sooooo obvious that instead of absorbing an immune Psychic he takes an Aurasphere in his face. I have 2 immunities to ground, 2 resistances to Darkness and 2 pokemons that can easily revenge kill him (Sharpedo and Flygon) so well, not a big deal.
-Lilligant : The worst Lilligant will be able to do is putting a pokemon to sleep. Tornadus or Flygon can easily beat him/her.
-Machamp : Mew, Tornadus. The only dangerous thing about Machamp is the potential haxx he can cause.
-Mamoswine : He can't really OHKO anything except Flygon and Empoleon. Sharpedo or Mew don't have much to fear from him.
-Medicham : Tornadus, Mew, Flygon or Sharpedo for the potential revenge kill.
-Mew : Sharpedo, my own Mew for the defensive versions, Flygon can finish him off, Empoleon has not much to fear, Kingdra and Tornadus can try to setup.
-Mismagius : Mismagius is only annoying for Mew, except that he's to weak to be scary and even for Mew by the way... Usually he's pretty easy to KO.
-Moltres : Weak to Water and double weakness to Stealth Rocks... Not much to add about this one.
-Nidoking : Weak to water, ground and Psychic... He can only come at Empoleon and if I don't fuck up switching on some random Ice Beam with Flygon, it can't do anything.
-Ninjask : Facing randoms using Ninjask is ALWAYS annoying. Often I go for Tornadus and try to setup my sub and as much Bulk Ups as I can on his Protect turns so he can't really Baton Pass anything
-Omastar : Empoleon has nothing to fear and KOs it with Grass Knot. And it's really hard to setup some Shell Smash as the only pokemon that hasn't any super effective move against him is Kingdra and if he comes at Kingdra, Kingdra will most probably already be at +1 or +2.
-Poliwrath : Mew, Tornadus.
-Porygon-Z : Too slow without a scarf, too weak with a scarf.
-Raikou : Raikou usually comes trying to setup on Empoleon and predict Flygon with HP Ice. Even if he doesn't, Empoleon takes a T-bolt. Except that he can't do a lot.
-Rhyperior : He stops Tornadus but that's about it. Its double weakness to water doesn't allow him to become dangerous. But again, he's annoying for stopping Tornadus.
-Rotom-C : The good thing about Rotom-C is its weakness to U-turn, which means I can more or less easily beat him with Flygon. Also, Tornadus can KO it with ease. Rotoms are actually too weak to hurt.
-Rotom-H : This form of Rotom is stronger against Flygon and Tornadus, but much much weaker against Empoleon, it can't OHKO it and is easily KOd back. Kingdra has not much to fear from him, the same goes for Sharpedo and even Mew.
-Sceptile : Sceptile is really not bulky, a U-turn from Flygon hurts him a lot. And Sceptile is also too weak to KO anything in my team..
-Scolipede : Empoleon perfectly deals with him, Toxic Spikes are not really dangerous to my team and Kingdra can easily KO him.
-Scyther : I've actually NEVER saw one lol I doubt he can be dangerous, Empoleon easily delas with him, Kingdra can take a hit and Flygon can revenge kill.
-Sharpedo : Wooow... This shit can be dangerous. The deal will be to save Kingdra or/and Empoleon and/or Flygon before he's dead, or to setup my own Sharpedo before. If Empoleon, Kingdra and Flygon have taken enough damage to be on his KO range, it's over for me. But well, it's not that easy to put those 3 in KO range, especially Kingdra who usually comes in mid or late game AND to setup him before I setup my own Sharpedo.
-Shaymin : Shaymin is annoying because it comes with ease at Empoleon and can stop Sharpedo's sweep, so I have to take him down or put to KO range before starting with Sharpedo. Tornadus is probably my best weapon against him. One good Outrage from Kingdra or Flygon is also usually enough to put him to KO range. The more his version is defensive, the more annoying he gets.
-Sigilyph : Sharpedo, Mew, Empoleon, Tornadus.
-Smeargle : It all depends on when does it come. If he leads, I will lead with Tornadus and easily setup. If he comes later on Empoleon, actually the worst thing he can do is putting one pokemon to sleep or/and setupping rocks. That's about it.
-Snorlax : Snorlax is not really dangerous by himself, but this fat piece of shit ALWAYS haxxes me with Body Slam.. Come on seriously, Body Slam is supposed to paralyse 30% of the time, not 130% -_-
-Stoutland : This thing is broken. I mean seriously.. Empoleon can take care of the banded version and once he took twice Stealth Rock Damage he is on Sharpedo's KO range, also Kingdra, Flygon and Mew can take one hit. But still, this shit is seriously annoying in late game as a finisher.
-Suicune : The Roar version is a bit annoying as I can't setup Kingdra on it. All the other versions are only free setup to Kingdra.
-Togekiss : Togekiss is not the most used pokemon in UU, but he's one of the most dangerous for my team. No matter which version we're speaking about, the choice scarf or the Parahaxx, both are incredibely annoying. I'll usually try to put it on Sharpedo's KO range with Empoleon, Tornadus and Stealth Rock damage, but still, this shit is bulky and strong, pretty annoying.
-Tornadus : Tornadus can't really setup anytime. No matter the version, my team is too agressive for allowing him to become dangerous.
-Venomoth : Tornadus setups sub on him, Flygon and Sharpedo can revenge kill.
-Victini : Victini can't spam U-turn because of Stealth Rocks and can't spam V-Create because of Kingdra and Flygon. That makes him pretty innofensive.
-Weavile : Weavile can become dangerous as it can OHKO Flygon, Mew (only with entry hasards) and Tornadus, but he usually comes in early game and is pretty easily beaten by Empoleon (although even Empoleon takes some damage on Low Kick). In late game Sharpedo or Kingdra can beat him.
-Yanmega : Yanmega is not a big deal, most of the time the opponnent leads with him. Tornadus often setups a sub on Protect turn and Empoleon can also easily beat him, so well...
-Zoroark : Zoroark is pretty slow and easy to spot, also his stab is far from being the most dangerous one for my team.

B) Defensive :

-Altaria : I don't even know what's Altaria doing in UU Threat List. It can't really wall anything in my team except maybe Empoleon (who still can setup the rocks..)
-Blastoise : Blastoise can slow down Sharpedo's sweep but that's about it. Easy to put into KO range, lured by Empoleon, tries to spin, takes a Grass Knot, is almost on KO range. That's about it. He really can't do much.
-Chansey : Another broken piece of shit. The first thing I do is switching into Kingdra and trying to setup. If Kingdra fails, I go for Tornadus and if Tornadus fails too at putting Chansey under 40%, then my last resort is setuping 2-3 Nasty Plots with Mew and trying to break through. This pokemon is annoying as fuck.
-Claydol : Can't safely spin against Empoleon, weak to Water, Dark and U-turn, in other words Claydol is a joke for this team.
-Clefable : Clefable is a weaker Chansey.
-Cresselia : Weak to Darkness, Mew beats her with ease. Really not a big threat.
-Cryogonal : Weak to stealth rocks and not that much bulky... Pretty easy to break.
-Deoxys-D : Usually I put Mew on him and just setup one Nasty Plot, as he usually flees after that, all I have to do next is predict the right pokemon and kill it. Also DeoD is weak to Darkness which means weak to Sharpedo.
-Drapion : As I've already said, Toxic Spikes are not that scary for the team, so is Drapion. He's a bit annoying for Mew but that's about it.
-Dusclops : Weak to Darkness, no recovery move, Mew can setup, Tornadus and Kingdra are not scared of Will-o-Wisp. Really not hard to destroy.
-Dusknoir : Same.
-Empoleon : Often Empoleons will only come on Tornadus... Just to get 2HKOd by Brick Break. That's about all Empoleon can hope for. It surely can wall a little bit Kingdra but often at the time when Kingra comes out Empoleon is already dead or on KO range.
-Ferroseed : Ferroseed is actually a bit of annoying. I don't see him quite often, but I never like having Leech Seeders in front of me. But then again, Mew and Tornadus can pretty easily bring him down.
-Gligar : He walls absolutely none of my pokemons except maybe Flygon...
-Hippopotas : same as for Gligar. But his sandstorm is annoying. (See Stoutland)
-Hitmontop : That's not my favorite Rapid Spinner to face. Intimidate, tons of priority moves and a good bulk... But Mew and Tornadus can setup on him.
-Milotic : Milotic is often down before I pull out Sharpedo, also Milotic often tries to come at Tornadus or even Mew, which is never I good idea.
-Nidoqueen : Again, T-spikes are not that scary and plus Nidoqueen is vulnerable to Water and Psy.
-Porygon2 : P2 is actually annoying. Mew and Kingdra are my best choices for him, but if I fail breaking him with those two, he can become pretty hard to kill. Especially if he traces Prankster. Although Tornadus also can try dealing with him if he steal has the Fly Gem.
-Quagsire : I don't like having to face Quagsire because of his stupid special ability. Although he takes a lot of damages from Tornadus, Mew and of course Empoleon's Grass Knot.
-Qwilfish : Qwilfish doesn't really wall anything in the team.
-Registeel : Registeel will often paralyse one of my pokemons but that's about it, Mew and Tornadus are pretty good for bringing him down or putting him into Sharpedo's KO range.
-Roserade : The versions with sleep powder can be annoying, but if I don't missplay, Tornadus will be infront of Roserade and will just have to sub. Yeah, Roserade get's totally destroyed by Mew and Tornadus and allows sometimes Kingdra to setup, not a big threat at all.
-Rotom : Too weak to really wall anything + he has a Darkness weakness.
-Sableye : Tornadus, Empoleon and Mew are usually the ones that try dealing with him, otherwise he can become preeeeety annoying.
-Slowbro : His double stab is easily resited by many pokemons of the team, he's weak to Darkness, Empoleon's Grass Knot and allows Kingdra and Mew to set up. Not dangerous.
-Spiritomb : Spiritomb is 2HKOd even by Mew after a Nasty Plot, so well... Nothing much to worry about.
-Tangrowth : Tangrowth is the grass bulky I hate the most. Although, Tornadus, Mew and even Kingdra can deal with him.
-Umbreon : He can't wall anything in the team and allows a free setup for Tornadus and Kingdra.
-Uxie : Can't really wall anything and gives free setup to Mew and Kingdra.
-Whimsicott : You just have to attack whimsicott without thinking. If he comes at Empoleon, I go for Flygon and U-turn. The worst thing this shit can do is paralyse Flygon. Oh and Tornadus wrecks him.
-Xatu : When Xatu comes to Empoleon, he expects the classic specially defensive version and expects me to try settuping Stealth Rocks, instead of that he gets an Hydro Pump in the face and takes 70+% damage.
-Zapdos : One of the worst threats to the team. Especially in combo with Escavalier... Together those two are almost impossible to break.. Separately it's less hard to deal with them. I try setuping Stealth Rocks as fast as I can or to luring him with Empoleon. By the way Zapdos often uses HP Ice for nothing predicting Flygon. Mew is usually the pokemon I try to face him with, because the offensive versions take a pretty lot damage on Psychic (if I don't lose every speed tie !) and defensive versions can poison themself because of Synchronise. Kingdra can setup and deal him a lot of damage with Outrage, so can Flygon. But Zapdos remains one of the most annoying pokemons I have to face.
I'm not the best team rater, but this team was made for rain. The fact that you already have Sharpedo, Tornadus, Kingdra, AND Empoleon on your team means that you should seriously consider converting this to a rain team or at least giving some rain support. Tornadus is great at setting up rain and then abusing it with Hurricane (which would be preferable over the Bulk Up set you have), Sharpedo needs some more power behind its Waterfalls to make sure it gets the OHKOs it needs. Kingdra can sweep so much easier in the rain with most of its counters not being able to stand up to a +2 rain boosted Waterfall (or change to a Specs Hydro Pump). Finally, although its certainly not a sweeper, Empoleon could use some more power behind its Hydro Pump and it could use Rain Aqua Jets as a means of revenge killing the opponent.
You missed the point dude, this team's strategy and gameplay are radically different from those of a Rain Dance team and the fact that the rain could be a good support for many of my pokemons does not change that.

Thanks for sharing your opinion though.
Wtf, why cant I give a luvdisc to this thread BS, Anyways I don't have any rating to do since this team is the best I seen in all my time of B/W UU laddering man, just passing by to say congrats dude!
I remember battling this team 2 times, once i lose due to a crit at the end from empoleon to my mew :( and the other i won. Dunno if you remember me.

I would say you are weak to Offensive Porygon2, as it can OHKO/2HKO any member of your team while recovering itself (that's how i won at the 2nd battle mostly), but keeping pressure on it can be enough... I guess.

Also, after thinking a bit, you are weak (too, sadly) to offensive Zapdos, and to Zapdos in general really. Don't really know what to do to solve this problems though :S Maybe a bulky grass type can solve that, still not very sure.
Heard about your success and had to stop by to congratulate you!

I've looked at the RMT and it is extremely detailed. Excellent job.

I do haven't played a lot of UU lately, but from what I see it deals with a ton of threats.

Too bad Tornadus is OU now. :/
SPM 3 -> I'm not sure Tornadus is OU.. At least he wasn't the last time I played in UU, which is 2 days ago lol
Well, if he became OU since then, it's even better, it means no regrets for posting the team ! Glad yo liked the team and the RMT, thanks !

DestinyUnknown -> Yes I remember the offensif P2, honestly, I totally fucked up this two games, that's actually when I fell from the ladder. And yes, P2 is annoying, as is Zapdos (donnow if you read the whole RMT but I really often talk about him). But with a correct game, they are faaaaaar from being unstopable. I'll explain more in the T-list

SOMALIA -> Thank you very much bro, it means a lot to me ! :D

Edit : Actually you were right SPM, Tornadus just got OU ! I didn't see it happenning. Well, so I posted this team on the perfect moment as a souvenir of the old metagame.
Oh and finished the Threat List by the way
Good team and gratz on #1.
We battled two times and jolly Flygon in combination with Stealth Rock and Spikes was a pain to this team after Empoleon was taken out.
There is nothing to add or change becoz it's outdated but anyways cool team, I like it.
Thanks !

And yes, in late game Flygon is very dangerous, as said in the Treat List. Actually I don't even think it needs SR or Spikes.
This team runs my Tornadus and a Sharpedo. The only thing I can do is to Luvdisc it !
Awesome team bro, even more with Chansey being out.
Yeah thanks bro ! :D

But sadly Tornadus is also out, so well... This team will be the example of how the metagame was.. Even if this Tornadus and this Empoleon were pretty much used mostly by me...
Hey, awesome team. I love the use of Sharpedo, it really needs more love.

It really sucks that Tornadus is OU now, but I wouldn't retire this team just yet. You could use that empty spot on your team to patch up some weaknesses on your team. From looking at your threat list, you have a couple of big weaknesses, and I think filling that space with Bronzong would help to patch them.

Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Toxic / Hypnosis
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake

Ok, Bronzong can switch in on Flygon all day, and can tank attacks from Togekiss as long as it doesn't get haxed. It can take care of Togekiss with Toxic, and Flygon with Hidden Power Ice. If you go for Hypnosis over Toxic, then you have a solution to Bisharp, as it won't be doing much with Iron Head, and you can just put it to sleep. Bronzong is also a good solution to some other minor threats from your threat list, such as Shaymin, Rhyperior, and Weavile. Try it out and let me know what you think!

Good luck with the team, I hope I helped.
Since you're having a lot of trouble with Bisharp, Chansey, Escavilier, And Zapdos i recommend something of an unorthodox set, specifically designed to support your team Which is changing Mew to A Colbur berry Varient, it allows you to live honchkrow and bisharp sucker punches after a few sr switch ins or taking a weak move prior( to set up a plot or say a donphan ice shard) And then I recommend giving it psyshock over Psychic to deal with Specially Defensive Zapdos And Chansey and since Most of the things you're going to be KO'ing with mew's aura sphere are also weak to flamethrower you should also Try that, it KO's Escavilier, Bisharp, mamo, Shaymin, Rotom-C, the only the thing you really miss out on killing is empoleon but Flygon, Tornadus and Sharpedo Take care of it easily.

Mew|Colbur Berry
Timid|252 Speed|252 Sp Atk|6 Def
Nasty Plot|Shadow Ball|FlameThrower|Psyshock

Fire Blast or flamethrower is irrelevent.
252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs 0 HP/6 Def Colbur Berry Mew: 53.08% - 62.76%
2 hits to KO

My only advise to help with stoutland is to add aqua jet to sharpedo over protect as extra added priority, you'd have to change your team structure to deal with it, you could Change Kingdra to A Mix Rain Dance set but its far less useful then Chesto Rest.

Hope i helped good luck with the team.
First of all thanks for sharing your opinions guys.

Moo -> Yes, defensively it would without any doubt help, but there are things that will too badly wall me without the offensive potential of Tornadus. I don't know if I can make it work out. I've been playing this team since Tornadus is UU, I think it is time to move on for me :) I have plenty of good team ideas and I can't wait to test them all !

Chocoboz -> Specially defensive Zapdos is a way less dangerous than the Physically one, I don't know if you've read it all but I explain that this is the exact reason why I run Psychic over Psychock. And Bisharp is not this much of a threat actually, running the Colbur Berry just for him would be a little bit of a waste I think. But yeah, I needed an advice about Aurasphere or Flamethrower as said in "Other Options" and yeah I would definitely change that. But well, this team does not fit with the metagame any more...

About Aqua-Jet, it doesn't deal enough damage to Stoutland to change anything sadly. with Protect, I have 50% of chances to beat him, as after 2 protects I easily outspeed him. But well, if I send out Sharpedo on Stoutland, it probably means that I'm already in serious trouble.

Thanks for your comments !
Just wanted to say congrats on your peak and congrats on making a great team!
Great read.

Anyway you say that you are weak to Zapdos, Bisharp, Flygon, and Togekiss and I think a physically defensive Quagsire replacing Tornadus (since it's OU now) could help patch up these weaknesses. Adamant Scarf Flygon only 3-4HKOs Quagsire with Outrage, Zapdos is walled unless it carries Toxic, Bisharp isn't a a threat thanks to Unaware, and Togekiss can be tanked and then hit with a Toxic. (This kind of doesn't fit the offensive nature of the team, but eh.)

Here's the set:

Quagsire (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Scald
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Recover

I still don't know what to do about Escavalier, but you could try Flamethrower/Fire Blast over Aura Sphere on Mew even though you do lose some nice coverage. I'm not really a rater but I hope I helped, good luck!
Thank you very much guys, I appreciate it. I really do.

Eradicator, my answer will be more or less the same as the one I gave to Moo, I really need Tornadus's offensive power, I know that putting a defensive pokemon like Quagsire or Bronzong would make me less weak to many offensive threats, but then I couldn't setup Sharpedo's sweep this easily and my offensive combos will be totally lost.

Let's leave this team at it is, this team maked the whole metagame quake, but now it's over and I don't want to run after something that will never be as good as it was.

Don't worry, I will build new good teams for the new good metagame !
All of the suggestions ruin the offensive momentum of the team tbh. This team is definitely one of the best teams I've seen for Uu, but sadly it doesn't seem like anything can replace Tornadus :/
Thanks !

And yes, that's what I've been trying to explain about Tornadus. But it's not sad, I don't like adapting teams built in an old metagame to a new one, as even 1 new or banned pokemon can change everything (remember Mence or Latias in DPP ? ), so the team wouldn't really be the same in such a potentially different environnement.
Thank you very much guys, I appreciate it. I really do.

Eradicator, my answer will be more or less the same as the one I gave to Moo, I really need Tornadus's offensive power, I know that putting a defensive pokemon like Quagsire or Bronzong would make me less weak to many offensive threats, but then I couldn't setup Sharpedo's sweep this easily and my offensive combos will be totally lost.

Let's leave this team at it is, this team maked the whole metagame quake, but now it's over and I don't want to run after something that will never be as good as it was.

Don't worry, I will build new good teams for the new good metagame !
Oh please do Gabranth, your team building skills are amazing. I , without any hesitation, seconded the recommendations for putting your team in the archives. Keep it up, and I hope to see another great team soon.
Thanks guys, that's really making me happy that this much people liked my team and are cheering for me.

I'll try to keep up with your expectations Straw Hat lol

And yes, I hope this team will at least be confirmed as a nominee and who knows maybe will go to the archives. (although I think your name and reputation also matter when speaking about archives and I'm not this much "famous" on Smogon)
Brilliant team and kudos for your peak! I have one question though... Why are you using physical Sharpedo and not Mixpedo? The standard UU Mixpedo would do for you, since Stoutland is gone and you don't need to outspeed him anymore.
This Sharpedo fares much better against pokes that give you troubles like Zapdos,Flygon,Donphan and Escavalier. Is there any significant ko that you miss with the physical set that i missed?
Thanks guys, that's really making me happy that this much people liked my team and are cheering for me.

I'll try to keep up with your expectations Straw Hat lol

And yes, I hope this team will at least be confirmed as a nominee and who knows maybe will go to the archives. (although I think your name and reputation also matter when speaking about archives and I'm not this much "famous" on Smogon)
I am thinking that your reputation won't matter for archive nominations. Smogon is better than that, I hope. P.S. I sound like an 8 year old girl in my last post...:evan: