Challenge Nuzlocke Challenge

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Well, so far everything has been going really well, I've been getting incredibly lucky. I counted the Route next to Nacrene and Pinwheel Forest as two different areas, so I managed to pick up Krusty the Timburr and Liberty the Sewaddle, as my most notable additions. Just reached Castelia, still no losses.

none yet!

I've got a Purrloin, Roggenrola, and Patrat for backup. I'm hoping to replace Timburr, and not use Roggenrola, since I'm not trading, even just to evolve.

Two badges down, 6 to go!
Well i have a question people, what happens when you are just wondering around minding your own business trying to find a wild pokemon on a route when all of a sudden you run into.......ENTEI WTF!!!!!!!!!But you fail to catch it -_- does that count or what?
Well i have a question people, what happens when you are just wondering around minding your own business trying to find a wild pokemon on a route when all of a sudden you run into.......ENTEI WTF!!!!!!!!!But you fail to catch it -_- does that count or what?

Naaaaah. Entei is a legendary and should be excluded from the normal rules. At least that's my opinion, it's up to you, really :)
Well, I ran into my first loss. I was training my team, getting ready for the battle against the Bug Gym Leader, and I found a trainer with ~4 Basculin, on Route 4, and my team was getting kinda low on health. Down to the last one, I sent in Yorkie the Herdier, since Sand Rush would make her fast enough to 2HKO easily. Aqua Jet killed her the second hit :pirate:

Burgh was easy enough, though, once I evolved Presley into Simisear. Also joining the team, from Route 4, is Swiper the Sandile. Here's hoping Swiper can power through the next Gym, at least.


Shogun, Presley, Liberty, Krusty, Swiper


Lvl. 4-21

3 down, 5 to go.
my current deaths
CAT the starly lv 3 fell to a lv 4 bidoof critical tackle
CHICKEN the shinx lv 7 fell to a lv 6 bidoof that got four crits in a row and i got sick of wasting potions ( i limited myslef to pokecenter uses and i didnt want to waste one)
im on gym two and ive got budew prinplup and machop
( i wanted to know if i can catch other pokemon and not use them, but transfer them to black?)
since i cant be f***ed doing a story i am just going to say i killed a bunch of rocket people and gyms and this is my team
1. Nile(Totodile-Croconaw-Feraligatr)Male
Item-Silk Scarf
1. Surf
2. Strength
3. Crunch
4. Ice Fang
Gym wins-2.

This guy was my starter and i must say is an aboslute pain, he has nearly died so many times, it aint funny no more. But when he is on a role he kills everything. He is still sad that Kenya died protecting him from Jasmine, but isnt letting her sacrifice go in vain. Only recently evolved agains Archer, he is going to pown the next gym with Nicholas.

2. Nikida(Poliwag-Poliwhirl)Female
Ability-Water Absorb
Item-Mystic Water
1. Bubble Beam
2. Body Slam
3. DoubleSlap
4. Rain Dance
Gym wins-0.

She is a very strong pokemone, despite her moveset, she has saved me from a couple of tough situations. But unfortunatly not the MVP.

3. Nicholas(Dratini-Dragonair)Male
Ability-Shed Skin
Item-Shell Bell
1. Slam
2. Thunder Wave
3. Twister
4. Dragon Rage
Gym Wins-0.
I remember when i first got this guy, he was very frail, but OHK'ed every thing with Dragon Rage. I cant wait for him to evolve.

4. Niki(Geodude-Graveller-Golem)Female
Nature-NAUGHTY(This is pretty good)
Item-Quick Claw
2. Focus Blast
3. Rock Throw(-_-)
4. Headbutt
gym wins-3.
Definitly the MVP, i couldnt have gotten this far without her. She killed Falkner, took Whitneys Miltank down without much of a stratch. Man she is the strongest member of the team and she took down the most gyms. She has been even more powerfuler since evolving. But misses Nasty a lot.

5. Nick(Togepi-Togetic-Togekiss)Male
Item-Zoom Lens
1. Extransensory(it knew this when it hatched WTF!!!!)
2. Hidden Power(poison)
3. Headbutt
4. Roost(nearly kept dieing)
Gym wins-1.
This guy didnt go very well at the start, but i kept saying dont worry Maxie you will get a togekiss soon enough and what happens I GET A TOGEKISS FUCK YES. Since evolving he has kicked loads of butt and i except more butt kicking to come.

6. Nic(Evee-Jolteon)
Ability-Volt Absorb
Item-EXP Share
1. Quick Attack
2. Double Kick
3. Bite
4. Sand Attack
Gym wins-0.
This guy is the LVP, he hasnt even been in a battle yet except against one magikarp, most of his lvling up was from EXP Share and switching him in and out. But now he is going to kick some butt.

1. Nix
2. Nell(traded for a Onix to defeat Bugsy so i guess)-gym wins 1.(thanks to her death i won)
3. Nite
4. Kenya-Beat 1 gym before death.
5. Nasty-died against Red Gyrados.(I HATE YOU)
6. Shuckie-died against 7th gym to heal Nikki and then NastyKill took down the rest of the gym.
Hey, which game do you guys consider the hardest to Nuzlocke? I tried LeafGreen and it was easy as hell (only lost 1 fodder which I wasn't going to use anyway), but when I switched to Emerald... oh my god. I think I played it about 10 times (without any hardcore grinding) and lost every single one of them. Mostly at Wattson, he's such a troll with parahax and Explosion. I had a rule on picking a random starter (via a dice roll) and 8 times out of 10 I ended up with a Treecko. Now I can safely say it's the single most horrible starter in the entire series (even Chiko is better). It doesn't learn any attack with a base power of over 40 until level 29. If you ever do an Emerald Nuzlocke, my advice is - do not pick a Treecko!
@Giga-its soul silver and maybe >.>, <.< or maybe i got it from the POKEATHLON or the NATION PARK BUG CATCHING COMP(which i did win on the first go btw(and the only go))
@redtype-personally Platnium.
Also expecting Simons entire team to die against Clair, so any suggestions to help?. Also Larry died against Steven. So i am starting a white nuzlocke just in case, already got the prolouge finished, just gotta wait for the results from Clairs battle really.
@Giga-its soul silver and maybe >.>, <.< or maybe i got it from the POKEATHLON or the NATION PARK BUG CATCHING COMP(which i did win on the first go btw(and the only go))

LOL YOU CANNOT FOOL ME. I searched for ages seeing if there is a Shiny Stone in HG / SS and there is not one in Johto (unless you beat the E4)!!!!


This page needs a ginganinja update don't you all agree. Since you were all so patient I think its time for part two of the Volkner battle

Volkner gave a grunt, and threw a ball. A powerful Luxray stood at his side and I weighed things up. I had to make sure I got the right match up. The fact that Luxray, an exceptionally powerful pokemon, was still not Volkners strongest pokemon did not bode well. Noting that Luxray had an ability of Rivalry I made my decision and in a flash, Venom entered the field. Being female, Luxray would be slightly weaker, a small advantage but one I planned to abuse like hell.

Moving quickly, Luxray suddenly began a charge, lightning gathering from its jaws. In contrast, Venoms mighty claws turned a deep purple. Both pokemon struck at the same time, and both felt the pain of the attack. Luxrays jaws breathed fire while Venoms jaws turned black. Again they both struck, wounding each other, but Venom was stronger, the Rivalry decreased the power of Luxray’s attack. Volkner was furious, but his Luxray was weakened now, and he had to keep it in and weaken Venom for his final pokemon to sweep.

“Venom, Acupressure now!” I called out and Venom flashed gold, shrugging of an attack from Luxray as its attack stat was boosted. Seeing the attack boost, I gave a slight smile. Acupressure was always a risky attack to use, but in situations such as this it was invaluable. With the attack boost, Venom lashed out with its claws, doing severe damage to Luxray while Luxray’s Thunder Fangs did hurt, however they were not going to be enough in this fight. Luxray would fall, and whatever Volkner switche din would hav to face a +2 Venom. I cracked a grin, this was almost too easy…

Luxray charged in for what would be its penultimate attack. It slammed its jaws down but to my horror, I realised the attack had struck a weak point in Venoms armour, resulting in a critical hit! Venom gave a scream of pain before flailing away with its claws, dealing a glancing blow to Luxray. In the space of one turn, the balance had shifted and I realised that Venom would be unable to KO Luxray Luxray which would mean that my trusted Vulcan would have to face a full power Rivalry boosted Thunder Fang, and then deal with Volkners final pokemon. I gritted my teeth, this was not a viable option. Time began to slow as Volkner ordered one final attack, Venon, crippled and barely hanging on was waiting for my final order as I raced to think of a plan. Suddenly, a ray of hope speared into me as I realised something, Venom did not have the ability Battle Armour, in stead, it had the ability…

“Venom! I cried, “Focus on Luxray’s attack last turn, channel it now, Sniper!”. Volkner watched, horror struck, as Venom locked on to Luxrays charging form. Luxray leapt foward when in perfect synchronisation, Venoms Claw swung in from the left, as its other claw swung in from the right, the two claws meeting together at the exact same time crushing Luxray mid-leap. A Drapions Claws are powerful enough to totally turn a car into Scrap metal. So when they hit Luxray with crushing power, backed by that powerful sniper critical hit, Luxray was, quite simply, wrecked. Venom was left standing, utterly exhausted, but still alive.

Volkner looked slightly irritated as he prepared to send out his pokemon for the last time. It was… an Electivire!

As Electivire made his entrance I ran though my available options. All three of my available pokemon were slower and crippled. Which basically meant it was going to be Vulcan vs Electivire, winner take all. I made the decision and Vulcan appeared at my side, ready for this fight. Both Electivire and Vulcan eyed each other up before both charging forward. Vulcan launched into a Flame Wheel and rocketed across the gym floor toward Electivire. Electivires fists charged, then he slammed his fist into Vulcan blasting him backwards.

Vulcan was stunned, but landed lightly on both feet. Frowning I knew I needed a better option. That damn Electivire could stop my Flame Wheel cold, I needed to try something else. “O.k Vulcan lets try a Fire Blast” I called, Vulcan straightened up, and then blasted a massive fireball toward Electivire. “Electivire, Charge”, Volkner calmly ordered. Confused, I watched Electivire actually run towards the attack instead of running away from it, what on earth was Volkner up to?

My question was answered as Electivire drew in close, its fist flashed, then glowed with fire, in a flash I knew Volkners plan and knew that Vulcan was far to close to Electivire to dodge. Electvire slammed his fist into the fire ball, raping up the power of his Fire Punch, then blasting right through the Fire Blast as if it never existed, continuing onwards and hammering home a devastating uppercut to Vulcan, lifting it up in the air before it slammed into the dirt.

As Vulcan struggled to get back up after that powerful blow, I quickly considered my options. From long range, Vulcans Fire Blast was probably strong enough to send Electivire flying, but from close range, with Electivire charging forward with momentum, I had no chance, Electivire would just absorb the Fire Blast and reflect its power right back at me. Grimly, I realised that Volkner could effectively counter all of my attacks, Vulcan needed to do something special, something unexpected and I knew it had to be massive, something that Electivire could never recover from. Thinking fast, I realised that while Electivire was in close quarters, it would be harder to react to a sudden, powerful attack. The beginnings of an idea surged though my brain, it was unexpected, reckless, but if I could pull it off, Volkner had no chance.

With a fresh plan I simply waited for Volkner to make the first move, after all, looking back, most of my battles came from my opponents overreaching themselves, and sooner or later Volkner would have to attack. I did not have to wait long, Volkner screamed an order and Electivires fist raised, glowing with electricity. It charged toward Vulcan, closer, closer, and then the blow landed. Vulcan had done nothing to stop the blow, nothing at all. Volkner watched, confused as Vulcan sailed through the air, and crash landed on the gym floor, again. Hurt bad, Vulcan struggled to its feet, while Volkner continued to look bewildered at my reluctance to even bother to attack, Vulcan got to its feet, and, we both smirked. A Tremendous blast of flame roared upward, an explosion of heat, a towering inferno of flame. As calculated, that last ThunderPunch had done enough for Blaze to activate, there was nothing Volkner could to but only watch as Vulcan went nuclear.

“GIGA IMPACT” Volkner yelled, “MATCH IT, FLAME WHEEL” I called. Both pokemon glowed with energy and they both charged, with a thunderous crash both pokemon slammed into each other however Vulcan had all the power, it just carried on, pushing Electivire backwards as it had been shot from a gun, it landed hard on the ground as Vulcan stood over it, giving it an evil smirk. Flat on its back and helpless, it was time to administer the final blow. “Vulcan, Fire Blast” I called. Electivire could only watch as Vulcan gathered all its power, and then blasted Electivire from point-blank range. There was a massive explosion and when the smoke cleared, there was a massive crater in the gym floor. Electivire was out, no question, and thanks to Vulcans mastery of Blaze, I had my final badge, the Pokemon League, awaited.
Hey, which game do you guys consider the hardest to Nuzlocke? I tried LeafGreen and it was easy as hell (only lost 1 fodder which I wasn't going to use anyway), but when I switched to Emerald... oh my god. I think I played it about 10 times (without any hardcore grinding) and lost every single one of them. Mostly at Wattson, he's such a troll with parahax and Explosion. I had a rule on picking a random starter (via a dice roll) and 8 times out of 10 I ended up with a Treecko. Now I can safely say it's the single most horrible starter in the entire series (even Chiko is better). It doesn't learn any attack with a base power of over 40 until level 29. If you ever do an Emerald Nuzlocke, my advice is - do not pick a Treecko!
Platinum. If you keep your level on par with them, it's hard enough. Without any extra grinding, expect difficulty spike around gym 7 when you start losing mons to leaders and Cyrus. Fucking Cyrus. And that's if you're good at exploiting AI stupidity. If you're unlucky and AI roulette gets you, boom.
Depending on if I ever find a Light Ball for my Scramble, I will restart HeartGold on a Nuzlocke. I will create my rules for it tomorrow if I don't find that stinking item:(
I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!!!!!! I ACTUALLY BEAT CLAIR WITHOUT LOSING ANY MAJOR POKEMONS FUCK YES!!!!!! I Only Lost a Few Fodders i brought with me. But Nile kicked ass and won his second gym victory.
Ok that means now that i have Lugia i need to grind up my team before the E4 or i will get my ass kicked like at the Hoenn.
Goddammit how on Earth do you beat Elesa's without losing multiple useful pokrmon? My Herdier, Gurdurr and Darumaka all fell here especially that damn Double Teamin Emoga. With Dewott dying at the 2nd gym. The only pokemon I have left that doesn't suck is Archen.
Rogenrola is a pretty cool guy, he's sturdy and doesn't afraid of anything.

Also, if you're good, get a scarf at the subway and pack it to darumaka/darmanitan for massive damage

Also, at least you don't lose everyone but one at Lenora. I'm left with only snivy BEFORE facing lenora because her gym trainers loves crithax.
Right, I bet you all want to see my final League update but its not really an option. I really wanted to write a fucking awesome update but like, Gyarados pretty much swept Cynthia cold, as well as Flint and Bertha. While Vulcan and Venom handled the rest. Really sorry about this guys but on the other hand, I did win.

For future reference I guess I won't use a Gyarados lol in future Nuzlockes. That said, I am considering doing another Nuzlocke. Any suggestions for me as to what game to Nuzlocke and/or what starter to use?
Goddammit how on Earth do you beat Elesa's without losing multiple useful pokrmon? My Herdier, Gurdurr and Darumaka all fell here especially that damn Double Teamin Emoga. With Dewott dying at the 2nd gym. The only pokemon I have left that doesn't suck is Archen.

Elesa is the game's That one Boss.

The only pokemon at this stage with Super Effective attacks by level are:

RoggenRolla: 2HKO'ed by Volt Switch due to non-existant Sp.Def
Dwebble: See RoggenRolla
Timburr: Rock Throw, again, lolsp.def and weak to Aireal Ace anyway.

There's also a couple of noteworthy Rock Tomb users:

Sandile works OK, but needs a bucketload of grinding, and you need to use the Rock Tomb TM that's somewhere.

Drillbur is pretty much the #1 option, but odds are a Woobat or something showed up first.


How I've beat her in the past is using Dwebble. How? STEALTH ROCK.

No, I'm serious.

Stealth Rock due to Sturdy, and then switch in your tankiest bro/sis. Spam healing when need be. Let the Emolga suicide as they spam Volt Switch. I parked my Whirlipede in front of them.

Zebrastrika is easier than the Emolgas, because you can just use Dig on it.

However, if you don't have a Sturdy Dwebble or a Drillbur... good luck.
Well I was overwhelmed with all the suggestions you guys all gave me so I started a White Nuzlocke with a half decent plot. This is a massive update (which I had to trim and move stuff to other planned updates as it was just too fucking long) so I hope you enjoy!

The Beginning

I was sweating as I lifted another heavy box up high, before finally placing it on the nearby stack. The room was hot. With no fresh air at all the air was stifling, and made it difficult to breathe. I bent over to pick up another box and then abruptly stopped as a distant buzzer sounded. Exhaling, I left the room and filed out with a group of other girls. We were all females here, aged from 12 to 18 all expected to do humdrum work until we reached 18, and then we were assigned to wealthy people as servants or something. I was 17 which gave me one year before that happened. As one unit we all walked down the corridor, guards watching us as we made our way to our sleeping quarters. One of them gave me a particularly nasty look. I had resorted to physical violence just last week when he hit a small girl who was exhausted. The action had left the guard with a nasty bruise and me with a heck of a lot more. Still, helping the little girl had made me feel rather good inside.

There was another buzzer and then the lights went out and I curled up on my sleeping mattress. It was extremely thin but it helped cushion the hard floorboard which was something to be grateful for. In the darkness, I tried to get to get some sleep but failed miserably. The truth was, we all were. Our families had all been separated, I had not seen mine in some years now. We were alone, and work did not allow much time to make friendships. However, it was not my missing family that kept me awake tonight, for tomorrow was a “special” day. Tomorrow was the day of “The Challenge” an event that terrified pretty much everyone. The Challenge was simple, if your name was drawn in a random ballot, you were automatically entered. Then, you were flown away from the complex, and given your freedom. I have to admit, the first part of the challenge sounds pretty sweet especially considering that none of us really like being on the complex, especially with the horrid working conditions there. The catch was was basically becoming a pokemon trainer and having to deal with every pokemon fainting, actually dying. Of course there were other rules as well, however that was the main one. The big rule however, that everyone worried about, was that if you actually failed your challenge, that is, ran out of pokemon, then everyone you ever cared about were all killed, and then they would detonate some explosive and kill you too. Sounds a bit harsh I guess but the official reason is to prevent people just running the moment they get free. No one has ever won this challenge, which meant all of us regarded participating in the “The Challenge” as a death sentence. This line of thinking was strengthened by the fact that despite the ballot being “random” it was always troublemakers who were picked.

With a sigh I rolled over and tried once again to sleep. Worrying about this would prevent much needed sleep and there was no guarantee I would even get picked anyway. After tossing and turning a few times I finally slipped into a rather shaky sleep.

Morning came and we were all dragged out of bed and into the main work room. A group of guards stood at one side of the room, we all sat down as far away from them as we could. The ceremony was exceptionally quick, a slip of paper was pulled out of a small, plain box, the name was read out, and it was my name.

I woke up in an actual bed. I was groggy and remembered that the lucky winner gets sedated on the journey out to prevent them from knowing where the complex actually is. I sat up, and felt a small weight around my chest. It was a locket, a gold one, which was rather warm to the touch. I frowned at it, in all likelihood that thing was rigged to blow any time they chose and part of me wanted to rip it off and run away screaming in the opposite direction. The problem with this was that They would probably know if I took it off and would blow it anyway. I rubbed the locket and a spark jumped from it, giving me a light jolt. Belatedly, I remembered another one of the guidelines of “The Challenge” which was to put yourself through similar trials that your pokemon faced. This guideline was open to interpretation and it was enforced in different ways every challenge. In my case, it looked like this humble looking locket was programmed to shock me if my pokemon took damage. I guess punching a guard was going to do me no favours here.

I walked out of my room and saw a women with 2 teenagers my own age. At the sight of them I groaned. As if the challenge was not hard enough a Rival or two, people not part of the complex, normal people, started their journey the same time as I did. The end result, is someone else, how knows your team and stratigies, activally trying to beat you in a battle, with no idea that you and your pokemon die if they lose. And since Trainers cannot refuse pokemon battles, I could not tip my rivals off without jeopardising “The Challenge”. With everything stacked against me, I struggled to hold back tears. I clung to the one positive, I got to pick my starter pokemon now. And with two rivals, they could not give me a poor one, for fear of awkward questions. Three poke balls sat on the table, I did’nt bother to stop,rushing forward and picking one. I tossed the ball, a flash of Red light, and an Oshawott appeared at my side.

I let out the breath I had been holding. Oshawott was an excellent pokemon to start with, especially as it was well balanced and powerful. My Rivals picked the other, final two pokemon Snivy and Tepig. The Professor gave us our respective pokedexs, and then left. I stepped out of the house and took a step, entering Route 1, my Challenge had now begun…

Route 1 was rather pretty, especially when you factor in that I had not been outside for any decent length of time for quite a while. So, I was content to lay in the sunshine for a bit before going looking for pokemon. After a while however, I began to thinking about this Challenge. In theory, it was doable, all I had to do was beat the Elite Four (and the Champion) and I would be free. In practise however, I was going to have a rough time of it. I realised that as much as I wanted to keep my pokemon safe, battling as often as I could, would hopefully make my pokemon that much stronger, giving me a better chance. After working up the courage, I released Oshawott (newly christened Typhoon) and walked with it into the grass. The very first pokemon I would encounter on this journey would be…

….A Patrat. The little squirrally thing did not look like much but then again, it looked soooo cute as well so I just had to take it along. I managed to successful capture it and I named it scout, for its annoying ability to run ahead of me and “scout” the terrain. After walking for a little while, I pulled out my map and realised that Straiton City was not that far away. I stopped in Accumula Town for some lunch and witnessed some speech made my Team Plasma members about freeing pokemon. I hoped nothing would come of it, if my pokemon were “freed” I would have technically lost the challenge, not a good idea. With the Gym not far away, Typhoon and I spent some serious time in training, practising moves over and over so that I would be as prepared as I could be for this first Gym battle. When I finally arrived In the city, I headed straight for the Dreamyard, in the hope of finding new pokemon for my party. Luckily, a lovely girl gave me a powerful Pansear which I named Flint. Since it was a girl pokemon, I realised I could catch another pokemon if I so wished, but I decided that three pokemon should be enough for the gym and headed off to challenge it,

In my first ever Gym battle, Straiton Gym sure was a challenge. Cilan did not let up, sending out a powerful Lilipup first, while I had no choice to send in my strongest pokemon, Typhoon took centre stage in my quest for the badge.

Cilian wasted no time in ordering Lilipup to attack right off the bat. The little puppy charged head on into Typhoon preparing to knock it down. Credit to Typhoon tho, it was fast. A blast of water slammed into Lilipup, stopping its headlong charge and throwing it back. Cilian quckly realised that Lilipup as not strong enough to break through the Water Gun so ordered a Work Up, in order to increase his pokemons power. Using the fre turn I had available to me, I ordered another Water Gun, which slammed into Lilipup again, blasting it off its feet. Hurt, Lilipup staggered towards Typhoon, desperate to cripple it with a Tackle but Typhoon was too good, the long hours he and I had spent perfecting his Water Gun technique paying off as he fired it into the ground, throwing himself out of the way of Lilipups Tackle, before blasting it from behind, knocking it out.

Cilian was rather upset that he had lost his first pokemon but quickly sent out his last, a Pansage. Realising that I was at a disadvantage I sent out Flint, who blasted his opponent with a stream of flame, preventing it from getting close enough to abuse its powerful Wine Whip attack. It was tough, and gritty, but finally after flinging Fire attacks in every direction, Flint finally managed to back Pansage into a corner, and he quickly finished it with an Incinerate.

With my first Gym badge I returned to the Dreamyard to find two nasty individuals physically abusing a Munna, Flashing back to the Guards mistreatment of small girls back at the complex, I sent out Typhoon in fury. A few minutes later both Team Plasma goons had been crushed, and both fled. I turned to congratulate my powerful friend when Typhoon began to glow, it flashed with golden energy, chainging form, it was now a powerful Dewott. I turned to the abused Muna and smiled encouragingly at it, hoping it was alright. It looked at me for a long while, before nudging a pokeball at my waist. With a sudden flash of understanding I tossed a ball at it, and a new friend, Mist, was added to my team. This journey was off to a good start,


Typhoon the Male Dewott
Lv 19
-Water Gun
-Shell Blade
-Focus Energy

Typhoon is my starter pokemon and really is such a boss. He is pretty much my only active pokemon at this point so I rely on him a lot to do the heavy lifting for the team. Excaptionally strong and a natural leader. Typhoon looks set to lead the team in the long trials ahead.

Non Actives

Scout the Patrat
Flint that Pansear
Mist the Munna

Before everyone sees what level Dewott is DON"T FREAK it was Lv 14 at Cilian and I accidentally trained it too hard, there was never an intention of grinding it I swear!!!

As far as updates go don't expect too much more from me over the next few days. I have about three essays to write and im a bad enough procrastinator as it is without writing more updates. The nezt Gym battle Update (assuming I get there) should be up within the week however.

On a side note has anyone used Munna in a Nuzlocke. How was it?
jesus christ fuck crits. Missed out on a Blitzle and a Roggenrola thanks to untimely crits. Fuck this Nuzlocke
Well Simons team died thank to Bruno killing half of it and Karen killing the other half. The ironic thing is that the LVP was my last pokemon left
Anyway heres my new Nuzlocke
The Maxie chronicles
Season 1. Unova

1. Must catch first pokemon in route(unless i have caught it before or if its a normal type) if i dont STIFF SHIT.
2. Must nickname all pokemons.
3. If a pokemon faints, it dies.
4. No catching normal types
5. Gift pokemon don't count.
6. Can only trade dead pokemons 3 times.
7. Can't have more than 1 pokemon of the same type on the team, eg. 2 grounds, even if one was ground/flying and the other was rock/ground.
8. No starting with Snivy. Honestly i think its crap against this reigon with 5 GYMS IT CAN'T BEAT(1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th).
9. Can only catch 3 legends(i am sorry, but theres so many to choose from).
10. If i black out, i die.
11. If i lose the orginal 6 pokemons i caught, i die.
After the failure of Simon and Larry, Maxie the last of the great trio of Nuzlockers must save the world. And he is starting with his home reigon of Unova.
*Phone rings*
"Hello is Maxie there?"
"Your speaking to him"
"Oh well i have some bad news, your friends Larry and Simon have failed"
"Damnit i thought i could count on them. So how did they die?"
"Simon died losing to the Elite 4 of Johto, but i wont tell you who against, but lets just say that he nearly got to Lance, and Larry beat the Sinnoh league but died against Steven"
"Damnit!. That does it i am doing this myself, i will see you soon..........Red"
"Oh yes i look forward to our battle, if you can reach me MAUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA"
*Beep Beeep*
"Damnit he hanged up. Hmm i will beat Unova first, Mum i need to talk to the Proffosser"
"Archer, Archie, Cyrus, i need yous again"
"Your bringing us back, even after we failed you?" Cyrus asked puzzled.
"Yes i need you to stop Maxie, the last of the Trio. Larry was one of them. But he died against Steven"
"What of Simon" Asked a very curious Archer
"He died against Karen, now with only Maxie left, and i dont entirly trust N's and Ghetisis motives and i know they will fail me, i need yous to regroup your forces and get back on track and stop Maxie once he reachs yous, the only he can beat me is if he becomes champion of the Unova, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Johto. I want yous to stop him before he accompilishes that goal"
"Yes Red i will stop him if he comes anywhere near the Hoenn" Says a very inspired Archie
"Good, but dont fail me"
End Of prolouge
1. Must catch first pokemon in route(unless i have caught it before)
2. Must nickname all pokemons.
3. If a pokemon faints, it dies.
4. Gift pokemon don't count.
5. Can only trade dead pokemons 3 times.
6. Can't have more than 1 pokemon of the same type on the team, eg. 2 grounds, even if one was ground/flying and the other was rock/ground.
7. No starting with Chikorita.
8. If i black out, i die.
9. Special Rule: Things that have crap encounter rates (Dunsparce and Marril I am looking at you) can be grinded for.

I figured it would be fun to do a Team Rocket themed one in HG. My Character is a child of a TR rogue and now wants to shut the others down.
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