Slurpeemon: Regice Discussion

Notable Physical Moves
Arm Hammer
Focus Punch

Notable Special Moves
Ice Beam
Focus Bomb
Hidden Power (duh)

Notable Support Moves
Thunder Wave
Psych Up
Sleep Talk

Regice seems to have gotten a lot better in D/P thanks to a larger movepool. It does much the same as it used to it seems, but now it has more options so it can hit other special walls reasonably hard with things like Focus Bomb. It also has Arm Hammer to play with.

Bold: 252HP / 96 Def / 20 Spd / 140 SpA
-Ice Beam
-Psych Up / TWave / Counter / Focus Bomb

Standard Regice with the new Focus Bomb added as an option. It lets it actually do something to Blissey, Snorlax, and other Regice outside of a Curse set or PP stalling Blissey.

Brave: 252HP / 108 Atk / 148 Def
-Ice Beam
-Counter / Thunderbolt

Regice advanced team from smogon. Cursesplosion hurts lots of things. I put down Thunderbolt as an option if you still want boltbeam to hit Skarm reasonably hard.

Brave: 252HP / 116 Atk / 140 SpA
-Arm Hammer
-Ice Beam

Not a lot of prediction needed here, unlike Focus Punch. Cursed Arm Hammer does reasonable damage to Snorlax, Blissey, and other Regice.

Unfortunately, as cool as Regice is (bad pun not intended but can be intended if you wish), it has a...*drumrollclashangtadah* Stealth Rock weak. You need to have a lot of Special Attack before you can really do anything to Blissey with Focus Bomb. I do like the whole Arm Hammer thing going on though...
Regice @ Leftovers
-Ice Beam
-Sleep Talk

The only way regice can actually wall special attacks decently now.

Regice @ Leftovers
- Ice beam
- Thunderbolt
- Explosion
- Focus Punch

No, i'm not kidding. I used this on my all special team, with success. Basically, boltbeam here and there, focus punch when they switch to Snorlax/Blissey, then explode. Now, with stealth rock, Blissey is a guarenteed death. Snorlax needs an extra kick (I use an exploding gengar for this).
Of course, once their Snorlax/Blissey dies, you are free to sweep with Agu/Raikou/Suicune. You name it.

Regice is a main problem with this set (lol, regice walling regice), as it had enough def and sp.def to take this and not die, but what with stealth rock, he'll die as well.
Regice @ Leftovers
- Ice beam
- Thunderbolt
- Explosion
- Focus Punch
Hm, I like that set quite a bit.

I have to say that it sucks that Regice is so weak to Stealth Rock... It's interesting how all three Regi react differently to SR, though. But yeah, I can see this thing's use decline in the DP metagame.
Psych Up sounds even hotter on Regice now in D/P. With all the Scheme users running around, it can boost its Satk and screw the Scheme user, which won't have the sdef to handle Schemed Ice Beams/Tbolt (which is the problem with Psych Upping Calm Mind), unlike Regice, which already has that monstrous Sdef. It needs a decent amount of Sdef EVs, though.
Zapdos and Raikou wear down Regice quite quickly in Advance. Imagine what Schemed attacks will do. Regice may have 200 base Special Defense, but unlike our beloved fat blobs of walls, he only has 80 base HP.
Azelf's Schemed Flamethrower will 2HKO him, so will PorygonZ's Tri Attack and Togekiss' Pulse Bomb. So he can survive and paralyze them, but he's dead the next turn.
The reason for that, Mekkah, is because Regice was predominantly Bold in ADV, with max HP and near-max Defense. Regice actually has better Special sponging capabilities than Snorlax, if you max out both the HP and the SpDef stat. People seem to forget that 110% of a large number gives a larger increase to that number than usual.

Unfortunately for Regice, though, it has more weaknesses than Snorlax.

It just means that you need to give Regice more SpDef than in ADV to do a better job at special sponging in DP. Same as with Snorlax.

That said, both can't really compete with Blissey.
The reason for that, Mekkah, is because Regice was predominantly Bold in ADV, with max HP and near-max Defense. Regice actually has better Special sponging capabilities than Snorlax, if you max out both the HP and the SpDef stat. People seem to forget that 110% of a large number gives a larger increase to that number than usual.

Unfortunately for Regice, though, it has more weaknesses than Snorlax.

It just means that you need to give Regice more SpDef than in ADV to do a better job at special sponging in DP. Same as with Snorlax.

That said, both can't really compete with Blissey.

Unlike Blissey however, Regice can nuke itself on something and actually attack halfway decently.
Unlike Blissey however, Regice can nuke itself on something and actually attack halfway decently.
So Im thinking about something like...

Regice @ Leftovers
Sassy (+SDef, -Spd)
Thunder Wave
Ice Beam

this could be anti-special sweeper really

Thunder Wave speedy little bastards, Explode on thier soft defenses, Ice Beam/ Thunder anything else
Blowing up your special sponge / wall isn't a good idea, and while Scheme is now present, some pokemon still rely on Calm Mind to set up, making your attacks do next to nothing. For an example of what beats your set, check out CalmKou.