Casey Anthony found Not Guilty.

To be fair, I have no knowledge of the trial other than that her daughter was murdered and that the general consensus was she did it. Thing is, their was no alternative idea for Todd until years after his sentencing.

Edit, this might not be the exact definition of "moral" but thing is, unless we can clearly figure out what happened, if we let her go chances are she is not going to murder anyone else (should she be guilty) and if we give her the chair we risk killing an innocent woman. Keep in mind this is assuming we don't have enough information to convict her nor few enough evidence not to convict her. Chances are though it'll be clear cut (one way or the other).
Reading more about Willingham, it wasn't just that one piece of evidence, it was that the prosecution in that case actually was pretty awful and should have been laughed out of court (holy fuck he's a sociopath because he has Iron Maiden posters), and presented joke "expert" after joke "expert", in a field (fire forensics) that was in a deplorable state of professional development.

I think it's an apples and oranges comparison, because the evidence in that case was actually horrible and the defense didn't even try to discredit it. It doesn't help that the Texas criminal justice system was, and still is, a laughingstock in many ways.

to be fair though, florida isn't that much better
you'd have to be desperate to want to fuck casey anthony

i mean, men will put it in pretty much any humanish thing with a vagoo but come on
I've read most of the posts, and I do agree with both Fishy and mattj's posts.

The prosecution did mess up the trial, and the evidence presented did seem circumstantial. The prosecution's job was to show how the evidence proved Casey Anthony was the killer of her child.

Now, do I personally believe this woman to be the murder? I can't say with certainty, like many others have. However, I'm sure of one thing: this woman had no business being a mother. Her gross neglect for her child, the lying to the police, and especially the partying...Being a parent isn't a luxury; it's a job, and some sacrifices must be made.
Juries can be wrong, and they can misinterpret information.

Once again, that is not your call. In order to make any meaningful claims about the jury's decision, you would either have to a) present evidence they did not have access to or b) prove that one or more members of the jury had a conflict of interest. Barring those two scenarios, the case went down exactly as it should have. Literally everything else you say is irrelevant.

I'm not stating that you cannot disagree with the jury's decision. I am stating that you cannot say there was a miscarriage of justice, because there was not. It went how it should.

Ultimately it comes down to the fact that this was not a failure in our system as much as it was a failure on the part of the prosecution (both in overextending themselves and by producing little actual evidence), and therefore this case absolutely does not deserve any of our attention. It's just Colosseum style calls for blood, except without actual gladiatorial matches (which would at least be cool). And before you bring it up, yes, I feel the same way about the OJ case.

Would you be making the same argument if the jury had come back with guilty?

No? How would my argument apply in that case? If the jury finds her guilty then there was clearly enough evidence that she committed the crime. Plus people wouldn't be bitching about it because their bloodlust wasn't satiated, so I probably wouldn't have even known who this lady was.
Why does it even matter that she wasn't convicted? Her life was going to end up being shit either way... I mean seriously she won't be going to any parties any time soon if people in the outside worlds' opinions are anywhere similar to those of you guys.

Also I found it hilarious that the prosecution called a "smell expert" who pretty much said, "the car smelled like a decomp so that pretty much seals that the kid's body decomposed there" in his testimony.

EDIT: Oh and speaking of phenomena of accepted social hatred aimed at women, did you guys hear that octomom hates her kids now?
Juries can be wrong, and they can misinterpret information. Furthermore, they can be biased, and they can act on emotion as much as reason. Just like all humans, they can be wrong. In this case, it is very likely that they were wrong.

I have no problem with the idea of innocent until proven guilty. None at all, whatsoever. But to me, and to many others, the evidence proved Casey Anthony guilty, at least of manslaughter, and at the very least, of child abuse. No the jury did not concur, but the jury did not think OJ was guilty, and the jury did not think James Bain was innocent. Juries can be wrong. And because they can be wrong, it is fair to judge their verdicts, because they are a jury of our peers.

Why are juries different in this regard to all the people calling for her head, who are arguably in much less a position to review the evidence as presented? It is much easier to say "I'm convinced she's guilty" when nothing rides on your decision.

Furthermore, not having access to every shred of evidence presented in court does not deprive people in the public of the ability to make informed analyses.

Well, it does actually, because without all the evidence, they are not informed. Fairly tautological, wouldn't you say?

Most, if not all evidence in a criminal trial is public record. So what is your point here? What gamebreaking piece of evidence did the jury have that the public didn't? What makes a randomly selected sample of jurors more (or less) qualified to judge the quality of evidence than you or me?

How would he know, unless he was a juror?

I do not support the State imprisoning and killing innocent people by any means. I do support the State killing guilty ones though. Most of the evidence in the case suggested Anthony was guilty. If you think that a person should not be convicted unless you have photographic evidence, clear DNA evidence, or fingerprints, regardless of the actual nature of the crime scene or the circumstances of the case, then you'd have to throw out 90% or more of the cases actually adjucated, and pretty much every death penalty case, because you're asking for evidence not only beyond reasonable doubt, but into the realm of absolute doubt. In that case, you might as well close down any semblance of a justice system, because you'd never indict anyone, let alone convict them.

Interestingly, cases where there is a death penalty riding on it tend to have lower than average conviction rates, because jurors are under more pressure to get it right.

Noone's saying you -need- DNA, fingerprints, etc., but with only circumstantial evidence it's very difficult to get past reasonable doubt.
Ancien Régime said:
Anyone can be guilty without evidence.
This is all I'm getting. The fact is we don't know everything the jury was shown, and we weren't at the hearings. It was their decision and they obviously were compelled to the defense's direction based on everything they were presented, and we weren't. And sure, you can endlessly argue the jury was wrong, but that takes the discussion nowhere.

I'm also getting infinitely annoyed with most people saying "she'll get hers." I mean, these people know nothing to little about her or what she "did." It's not like they lived her life, and the lynch mob attitude they have is far more disgusting than what this case has proved to be. I would like for this to be forgotten already but steady Facebook posters seem intent on keeping people going. |:
Juries can be wrong, and they can misinterpret information. Furthermore, they can be biased, and they can act on emotion as much as reason. Just like all humans, they can be wrong. In this case, it is very likely that they were wrong.

If that were so true, then the judge would have overruled their verdict and declared the defendant guilty. They have the power to do that if juries obviously have accomplished an incorrect verdict. That judge, who sat in the courtroom and heard EVERY SINGLE WORD that was said by either side, allowed the jury verdict to stand.

Everyone needs to move on with their lives and let this sleeping dog lie.
Judges can only overturn "guilty" verdicts; they cannot overturn "not guilty" verdicts.

The interesting thing about it is that apparently, the jury (not the alternate guy) thought she was guilty based on the evidence, but they were not sure what she was guilty of. Probably lends support to the claim that it was more the prosecution's wanting to swing for the fences than anything.
I can't wait to see the kinky porn with her holding a gun against those tits...

...Okay though she was offered a porn star position from Vivid Entertainment. I just find the entire publicity around this trial a bit ridiculous, and proof that America has way too much time on their hands to focus on something like this. Yes I get it; a kid was possibly murdered by this woman, but then I see crap like this:
Why does it even matter that she wasn't convicted? Her life was going to end up being shit either way... I mean seriously she won't be going to any parties any time soon if people in the outside worlds' opinions are anywhere similar to those of you guys.
Okay so OJ wasn't allowed to go to parties and anything after he was convicted of murder... right?

Anyway, disclaimer: didn't really follow the trial. I do care a child died, but without "concrete" evidence that she did it, then I don't see why she can't walk off (at this time).
I didn't mean she wouldn't be allowed, I meant that nobody would want her there as in her social life will be miserable. She may have evaded the court of justice, but in the court of social appeal she lost horribly.
Why does it even matter that she wasn't convicted? Her life was going to end up being shit either way... I mean seriously she won't be going to any parties any time soon if people in the outside worlds' opinions are anywhere similar to those of you guys.

Also I found it hilarious that the prosecution called a "smell expert" who pretty much said, "the car smelled like a decomp so that pretty much seals that the kid's body decomposed there" in his testimony.

EDIT: Oh and speaking of phenomena of accepted social hatred aimed at women, did you guys hear that octomom hates her kids now?

actually i read a couple articles on this and she's set to make millions off of publishing deals, interviews, and even a possible movie
I didn't mean she wouldn't be allowed, I meant that nobody would want her there as in her social life will be miserable. She may have evaded the court of justice, but in the court of social appeal she lost horribly.
You shitting me? You realize that people are so retarded that they'll do almost anything for 5 minutes of fame. Hanging out with Casey Anthony will be the new "hip and happening" thing.
That actually makes sense, which is very disturbing. All we can wait for now is the inevitable robbery/drug use that she'll come across. I have a feeling that she will become great friends with señor crack/heroine in the future–I mean honestly I can't see her NOT becoming a crack whore... And won't all that unprotected sex just get her pregnant again?
A lot of people have compared her case to OJ 2.0. Perhaps she too will attempt to rob a casino and be sent to prison for that. Oh well, je peux rêver.

If she were to take up porn, would she still be considered a MILF?

I don't see how she could be considered a MILF unless she has other children. The M has dropped off and bounced away.
I just googled "What's next for NASA" to find out about how we're going to get stuff to the ISS until we get whatever our next space program will be running.

After I typed in "what's next for" the first suggestion was "what's next for casey anthony". "What's next for NASA" was the third. I want to punch somebody.
A lot of people have compared her case to OJ 2.0. Perhaps she too will attempt to rob a casino and be sent to prison for that. Oh well, je peux rêver.

I don't see how she could be considered a MILF unless she has other children. The M has dropped off and bounced away.

What case was OJ 2.0?