Most Underrated Pokémon of Generation 5

Haxorus is also underrated. All it needs to do is be the recipient of a Shell Smash or even just a Rock Polish (Mew is great for the latter and also for setting up Dual Screens) and you've got a fine sweeper on your hands. Especially if you had Mew set up Dual Screens and your Haxorus is the "Bulky SD" variety. You could even have a Smeargle pass Ingrain to a Mew with Dual Screens and Rock Polish passing to a Bulky SD Haxorus, just for the epic sweep, and have three other party members who rock in their own way.

Garchomp can also be the recipient of Shell Smash. Or better yet, Hydreigon (who can use all three offensive boosts). I can't tell if you're serious here. A lot of Pokemon are great when passed a Shell Smash (Bibarel..), it doesn't mean they are underrated. It just means they require more support than other Pokemon, and are STILL outclassed.
I'm going to say Kirikizan. I used it today and it is rediculously easy to set up swords dances. With a bit of fighting removal a set of SD/Sucker Punch/Iron Head Stone Edge or Brick Break.
Brick Break is kind of necessary as Phys Def Natt screws you with SE ( although it 2HKOes SpDef Nat). A great perk is the fact that any Intimidate user is a free +1 thanks to Competitive spirit. Also if you switch in on say, a Scarfed Shandera's Shadow Ball and it gets the drop you get a free SD.
Sucker Punch negates any speed issues while Iron Head is a good flincher on slower stuff. SE is nice to hit Natt without recoil as well as flying types.

Also, use Max HP, Max Atk. it gives it much greater ease switching in.
Yeah, all Haxorus needs is Dual Screens and use of Bulky SD/DD, and it's ready to go. Doesn't even need Baton Pass.

A bit like Kingdra who needs Tornelos or Thundurus.
I'm going to say Kirikizan. I used it today and it is rediculously easy to set up swords dances. With a bit of fighting removal a set of SD/Sucker Punch/Iron Head Stone Edge or Brick Break.
Brick Break is kind of necessary as Phys Def Natt screws you with SE ( although it 2HKOes SpDef Nat). A great perk is the fact that any Intimidate user is a free +1 thanks to Competitive spirit. Also if you switch in on say, a Scarfed Shandera's Shadow Ball and it gets the drop you get a free SD.
Sucker Punch negates any speed issues while Iron Head is a good flincher on slower stuff. SE is nice to hit Natt without recoil as well as flying types.

Also, use Max HP, Max Atk. it gives it much greater ease switching in.
Bisharp also makes a good Stealth Rock lead thanks to its typing (despite the 4x weakness to Fighting). It also has Metal Burst to "counter" attacks back (as long as it's not on the receiving end of a strong Special attack).
Bisharp also makes a good Stealth Rock lead thanks to its typing (despite the 4x weakness to Fighting). It also has Metal Burst to "counter" attacks back (as long as it's not on the receiving end of a strong Special attack).

metal burst works for both physical and special attacks
With Focus Sash it could be an okay one-off revenge kill, and with Sucker Punch would be able to score another powerful physical hit against trigger-happy enemies who jump at the opportunity to KO a 1HP enemy. It IS a gimmick option, but Metal Burst would be unexpected.
With Focus Sash it could be an okay one-off revenge kill, and with Sucker Punch would be able to score another powerful physical hit against trigger-happy enemies who jump at the opportunity to KO a 1HP enemy. It IS a gimmick option, but Metal Burst would be unexpected.

Fake out sure sucks though.
Eh if I was gonna use a suicide SR lead with Metal Burst I'd probably try Sturdy Aggron with Shell Bell or whatever that berry is that lets you move first in a pinch or some shit. Weak to almost the same things, although admittedly Aggron don't get any sort of priority so whatever.
I would say Sawsbuck is pretty underrated. Even without a Herbivore boost, it still hurts. I run Jump Kick/SD/Megahorn/Leech Horn and for a late sweep it rocks.
I would say Sawsbuck is pretty underrated. Even without a Herbivore boost, it still hurts. I run Jump Kick/SD/Megahorn/Leech Horn and for a late sweep it rocks.
Unfortunately, Sawsbuck is walled by Crobat with this moveset, as Crobat 4x resists all 3. Return is a better alternative over Megahorn, IMO.
I had a problem with Ranky so Megahorn was there for that. I may just run a LO set and remove SD for Return.
why the hell im the ONLY one that think haxorus sucks because it lacks power ?
Just funny, everytime i face ono, i always though it wont damage me enough to give me trouble and it happen. When i use it, i always though will my Outrage or EQ kill him(nattrei) ? And if i use SD, terakion is more than ready to CC me away.

@ Thorhammer & JSND

I was joking about Druddigon and Flygon. They suck.

Druddigon has nothing over the other Dragons aside from Sucker Punch, (and it's not even a STAB Sucker Punch) it has a higher Attack stat than Kingdra, Flygon, and Altaria,'s decent in Trick Room if you can manage to get it in safely with it's plentiful resistances & immunities his secondary typing gives it-OH WAIT!

And can only hope every faster Dragon and Landorus all get banned.

If you wanna talk about underrated Pokemon, let's talk about Durant. Mr. Come In and OHKO 252HP/252Def Reuniclus With Life Orb X-Scissor himself. Yeah. That guy that's seen NO usage.

BTW crimgan can OHKO nattrei with fire fang. If all he has is only has unSTAB sucker punch, i wont really use that thing and hype it back in early BW

And Durant has no special defense but has massive power, so he IS underatted too. Well lets calc

67.9% - 79.7% x 50 %(OMG OHKO to Rankurusu 100 % of the time !!!!)
why the hell im the ONLY one that think haxorus sucks because it lacks power ?
Just funny, everytime i face ono, i always though it wont damage me enough to give me trouble and it happen. When i use it, i always though will my Outrage or EQ kill him(nattrei) ? And if i use SD, terakion is more than ready to CC me away.

BTW crimgan can OHKO nattrei with fire fang. If all he has is only has unSTAB sucker punch, i wont really use that thing and hype it back in early BW

It doesn't suck because it lacks power, it "sucks" because it can't break through the common steels as easy as other dragons and gets revenged somewhat easy by anything faster with a dragon move or hard hitting priority (Scizor/Breloom) or just hits hard for neutral and is faster when it's weakened enough and it has a pretty bad sdef. Although I am curious as to how many Nattorei still run GyroBall as DD Hax can still pound through Natt with Taunt if they don't smack you Hard with Gyro.

Choice Band Hax also hurts like hell and it could take out weakened Nattoreis/weaken it to the point where it can't take another hit. It's funny how Haxorus had gone from (admittedly) way way overrated to (underserved) underrated, because it is still absolutely lethal.

And is Crobat common against the Deer?
I actually use Crobat quite often, with a fairly defensive spread, except for speed which I run with fairly high speed EVs (just enough to outspeed what needs to be outsped).... It walls quite a bit. With the massive amount of fighting types this generation, the rise in a few grass types, and the always present bug attacking threat, Crobat actually walls quite a bit, and does his job quite nicely. Multiple times have I come across a 1v1 with Crobat being my last pokemon and have stalled out things like Skarmory or Ferathorn by just Taunting and Roosting and Brave Birding once the enemy runs out of PP on attacks.

The downfall is the fact that psychic types have made a slight rise. That and Rock, Ice, and Electric have always been common attacking moves... This makes it difficult in knowing what you can switch Crobat into safely, however his high speed + U-Turn make up for it, being able to do hit and run techniques on pokemon like Reuniclus to deal some damage as you U-Turn out to a dark type or something to finish him off.

Sawsbuck does not bother me when I have my Crobat.

He is definitely one of my favorite leads, between him and Aerodactyl, I feel like I can't give those 2 up when deciding on my team lead.
I ran Durant for a while, and he was good, but not what my team needed. I distinctly remember that with Hustle and only 2 Claw Sharpens he reached around 1100 Atk, which is mighty impressive.

He falls down because Dig and ThunderFang are the only things he has to hit Steels with. But still, get another Claw Sharpen or 2 in and he can just brute force his way past them.

Underrated? Most definitely.
Meh. I still think the 'walled by steels bit' is very bad for him. Still, Ferrothorn, Jirachi, Metagross and Bronzong to name a few are common steel-types who get hit neutrally by his STAB.
I've got an Accelgor set that should be pretty obvious, but you haven't got one up yet so I figured I'd post one.

Accelgor@Choice Scarf/Focus Sash
Hydration/Sticky Hold
-Extreme Risk
-Bug Buzz/Toxic/Yawn

This is a guess on the set used by the YouTube battler MMLFrostyPixie in a few battles near the start of 5th edition. Her version was Scarfed and usually just Extreme Risked away the opponents lead or anything they switched in to take a predicted attack. Maxing at 364HP and 639Spe with Scarf or 426 without it, this lead will be outspeeding most of the metagames leads. Gauge the threat level of the opponents lead and either set up Spikes if you want or just Risk them away for an easy KO. The other moves round out the moveset with a standard U-Turn for scouting if you want and Bug Buzz to hit the special side. The other two options are for Sash versions that want a bit of utility.

Personally I see myself using this as my standard lead almost permanently come 5th edition. Just saying.

Here's the standard Crustle set I've seen a bunch of times:
Crustle@Custap Berry
Adamant/252Atk/252Def/4HP(Not sure on these EV's, but they seem solid)
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge

Pretty much relying on Sturdy for the activation of the Custap for one last "Hurrah" before death, this lead is pretty much guaranteed to set up Rocks and one layer of Spikes for your team, or Rocks and an attack on the opponents lead/switch in. Pretty bulky physically it's capable of taking a hit or two, maybe even allowing for the set up of 2 layers of Spikes off the activation of the Custap on a 3HKO.
I, for one, see Lilligant as a very underrated Pokémon. A standard Sun sweeper with a few tricks up her sleeve, Lilligant's got Quiver Dance and the lovely combination Own Tempo/STAB Petal Dance, now that it's all powered up. Sure, her coverage is lacking, but what she has is really interesting.
I've got an Accelgor set that should be pretty obvious, but you haven't got one up yet so I figured I'd post one.

Accelgor@Choice Scarf/Focus Sash
Hydration/Sticky Hold
-Extreme Risk
-Bug Buzz/Toxic/Yawn

This is a guess on the set used by the YouTube battler MMLFrostyPixie in a few battles near the start of 5th edition. Her version was Scarfed and usually just Extreme Risked away the opponents lead or anything they switched in to take a predicted attack. Maxing at 364HP and 639Spe with Scarf or 426 without it, this lead will be outspeeding most of the metagames leads. Gauge the threat level of the opponents lead and either set up Spikes if you want or just Risk them away for an easy KO. The other moves round out the moveset with a standard U-Turn for scouting if you want and Bug Buzz to hit the special side. The other two options are for Sash versions that want a bit of utility.

Personally I see myself using this as my standard lead almost permanently come 5th edition. Just saying.

Here's the standard Crustle set I've seen a bunch of times:
Crustle@Custap Berry
Adamant/252Atk/252Def/4HP(Not sure on these EV's, but they seem solid)
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge

Pretty much relying on Sturdy for the activation of the Custap for one last "Hurrah" before death, this lead is pretty much guaranteed to set up Rocks and one layer of Spikes for your team, or Rocks and an attack on the opponents lead/switch in. Pretty bulky physically it's capable of taking a hit or two, maybe even allowing for the set up of 2 layers of Spikes off the activation of the Custap on a 3HKO.

Let's see... Accelgor is inherently terrible and your crustle has an illegal item (custap is not yet released).
Every set that Haxorus has can really hurt a completely different team type. I believe that he is truly underrated.

versus Balanced:
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def, Adamant CBHaxorus
This set uses sheer brute force to disable critical Pokes using Outrage while building up momentum for your own team.

versus Offense:
136 HP / 252 Atk / 120 Speed, Adamant DDHaxorus @ Yache Berry
This set relies on the natural resistances of the Dragon type, along with a little bit of bulk, to set up a DD which will allow you to outpace neutral natured Base 80 Pokemon. Substitute allows you to evade status while further boosting your already sky high attack and decent speed to obscene levels. It also prevents sniping from Eccentric Ditto.

versus Stall:
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def SDHaxorus @ Leftovers
By using a combination of SD + Taunt, this ensures that you will not only be able to demolish any non-steel wall, but that you will also be able to Taunt and then subsequently destroy enemies like Skarmory / Nattorei. Skarmory only dooms himself with Brave Bird while Gyro Ball usage on Nattorei is becoming rarer by the day (and it will also do relatively little to your no speed Haxorus). Then you crush through the rest of the team.

Not the definitive "How to use Haxorus!" guide but I think he's getting too much hate lately and I'd like to point out that he has the ability to handle a lot of teams that are probably not prepared for him.
It's a good thing you can change your moveset before every battle -.-

The problem with haxorus is the problem with kyurem: every single set it can run is done better by another dragon. There's a fine line between underrated and outclassed.
Has clefable already been mentioned? Much like shinpora, it can pull off a pretty mean assist power/cosmic power set. But if only has one weakness and can be EV'd to take one crit stone edge or so if need be. It has reliable recovery too.

It can also pull off the assist/cosmic power set while running its unaware ability (currently unreleased). The ability to boost on enemy pokemon while ignoring their own boosts is just fantastic. You'll have to use wish instead of softboiled though, and you're more prone to status. Then again, so are most pokemon.