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Damage Calculator (and other utilities)

A couple more bugs I found:

In the "My Team" section, as you may know, the chart underneath the part that highlights each team member's weaknesses and resistances has things listed for weaknesses, but nothing comes up for the 2 resistances rows. There are things in the formula area [for example, in the 0.5x resistance to Electric cell, it reads =COUNTIF(V$5:V$10,"=0,5")].

Another is that, in the "Moves" tab, Double Chop is listed as having 40 base power. In the "Damage" tab, however, when you type in Double Chop for calculation, the base power below comes up as 50. It's minor since so few things learn Double Chop, but something I noticed when calculating for CB Ononokusu. Lol!

I hope I'm not annoying or anything... Dream-Come-True file.

Do you use 2003?
None of these happen to me...
Try applying black color to the resistance cells, and make sure you don't have a 50 typed besides the original BP cell (in H10), cuz that overrides the original
Do you use 2003?
None of these happen to me...
Try applying black color to the resistance cells, and make sure you don't have a 50 typed besides the original BP cell (in H10), cuz that overrides the original

I use 2007. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

On these two, when I open the file at first (and enable macros), the resistances are displayed just fine with the default things in the team slots. If I change any Pokemon name in the slot, like Nattorei to Kojondo, all the resistance numbers go to white 0's. Even "undoing" everything I did, making it go back to Nattorei in said slot, keeps the resistances as white 0's.

And on Double Chop, I just noticed another oddity. It only says the move is 50 base power if I type that Ononokusu is using the move. I tried it with Garchomp (the only other Pokemon outside Sketch that learn Double Chop), other random Pokemon, and other Dragons, but it's only Ononokusu. I haven't altered the file or anything to my knowledge - I re downloaded it and tried again to make sure, and it still does both the Double Chop thing, and resistances showing up.
I really don't know what's up with the team things. Does the type matchups chart (R5 to AH10) show things properly?

For Double Chop, Rivalry. Unhide row X on the damage calc and you'll see. Rivalry, along with some items and most abilities, are direct modifiers to the base power.
Discovered what was wrong.
Those cells for resistance use =COUNTIF(V$5:V$10,"=0,5")
However, as the criteria is text, it looks exclusively for "0,5"
This is a problem with users that use . as a separator instead of ,
I modified them to =COUNTIF(V$5:V$10,"=0,5")+COUNTIF(V$5:V$10,"=0.5") (etc)

New Version 5.0.8
~ The above fix
~ Fixes in MoveSets sheet
~ Indentifies if your inputted set has Eccentric as an ability and prompts you to copy your opponent's Pokémon (it keeps your item, level, and HP as 300 (Ditto's max HP)).
Yep - thought I was doing something wrong. I feel silly for the Double Chop thing. Haha! Thanks! Changed the ability to "Secondary" Mold Breaker and it solved that issue.


Just saw your edit, and was typing this while you updated.


Yep! That fixed the issue! Thank you so much, and I hope I'm not a bother.
Using OpenOffice 3.2, I encountered the aforementioned error about referencing other files or whatnot. I also found that the defending Pokemon's stats on the damage calculator became "#REF!". Looking at the formula's and comparing them to the attacking Pokemon's, this problem can be fixed by removing the following code from the formula lines for all six stats:
'file:///C:/Downloads/Opera/Pokemon5 (1).xlsm'#
This seems to be an oversight... Perhaps to look into?

This, of course, did not stop me from getting the Error 511...

I just spend sometime digging with Open Office's Detective Tool, and it looks like all of the 511's trace back to Cell Z10 on Damage. It's an empty IF parameter, and changing it solves the errors. However, I'm not sure what to change it to to maintain accuracy, but perhaps you could look into that for us OOers?

Aside from these discrepancies however, this is a terrific tool.
Talk properly Manxer.

Anyways it isn't likely that he is going to fix the 2003 bugs for one person while you could easily update your microsoft.

Sorry, i'm not sure if it's normal speaking or not because i'm not native speaker, i think u know what i mean

yes it 's easy if i just install 2007 but i think 2007 won't fit win xp and i hate win 7
Thanks Amethyst for helping me with bugs.

It appears that OO is too dramatic and returns errors even when the error is not the result of an IF. Well, eventually someone would use Reflect and the Exporting Tool and notice the error. All thanks to my laziness.
Also removed that reference to an external file that I included by mistake and some other proble
This makes it fir version 5.0.11, which you should download if you are having any trouble currently.

OpenOffice users: it just came to my attention that OpenOffice does not use VBa and, therefore, Excel macros can't be used in it. Things that break are:
  • Buttons that clear settings
  • Button to swap attacker and defender
  • Importing sets
  • Creating sets
  • Ditto detection
  • Coverage Calculator
  • Exporting Tool (though this one can do without macros; it is in my to-do list)

Tough. I can Pastebin the Excel macros if anyone is willing to convert them.
With the recent PO flock, I included a tool which exports your team or a moveset to PO-importable text.
The version is 5.1

Please tell me if anything doesn't work when imported into PO so I can fix it!
also, just a small problem, but in the Pokedex section, the list on the right has a small typo, it sais "EV Weild" rather than "EV Yeild"

you said to report anything, so... yeah
Using a VBa compatible version of OpenOffice (Novell's 3.2, just cause then i don't have to build OpenOffice from its source with the VBa added) the 2007 version loses all its buttons but the macros themself seem to work. The 2003 version has the buttons, am currently testing the macros and they seem to work so far. I'll report any errors i get, so this is an option for OpenOffice users if they don't mind registering with Novell and using a evaluation version, or building from source.
hey just a quick question, what do you need to run this program? I searched my windows thingy and nothing showed up titled OpenOffice.
hey just a quick question, what do you need to run this program? I searched my windows thingy and nothing showed up titled OpenOffice.

In order of preference: Microsoft Office Excel 2007, 2003 or OpenOffice.

Using a VBa compatible version of OpenOffice (Novell's 3.2, just cause then i don't have to build OpenOffice from its source with the VBa added) the 2007 version loses all its buttons but the macros themself seem to work. The 2003 version has the buttons, am currently testing the macros and they seem to work so far. I'll report any errors i get, so this is an option for OpenOffice users if they don't mind registering with Novell and using a evaluation version, or building from source.

Hmm, maybe I should name my macros something more intuitive then...

also, just a small problem, but in the Pokedex section, the list on the right has a small typo, it sais "EV Weild" rather than "EV Yeild"

you said to report anything, so... yeah

Thanks. I'll fix and also give correct base xp (it all changed in gen5)
wow, this is epically amazing Slipperjeans! did you do this ALL yourself???

Not all myself but most; look at the credits sheet
I can enter all of the info on the calc, but I can't get it to calculate. It always says that it deals 1-2 damage or .4%-.9%

Is there a way to enter the information and to have it recalculate?
As a follow up to before, I have problems with afew macros. Import macros all error, the Set buttons for the Damage Calc will add moves to the list but don't set items, EVs and such (assume they should). After swapping Defender and Attacker, applying hazards sets health to 0% rather than what Stealth Rocks + Spikes should do.

Also it randomly switches to the Moveset page after using drop down tables, and the coverage just constantly fills up with data when you do anything, ie select a cell and it will add in a new line to it.

Overall thou, you can use it for most things.
I can enter all of the info on the calc, but I can't get it to calculate. It always says that it deals 1-2 damage or .4%-.9%

Is there a way to enter the information and to have it recalculate?

Maybe the attacker is at a very low level?

As a follow up to before, I have problems with afew macros. Import macros all error, the Set buttons for the Damage Calc will add moves to the list but don't set items, EVs and such (assume they should). After swapping Defender and Attacker, applying hazards sets health to 0% rather than what Stealth Rocks + Spikes should do.

Also it randomly switches to the Moveset page after using drop down tables, and the coverage just constantly fills up with data when you do anything, ie select a cell and it will add in a new line to it.

Overall thou, you can use it for most things.

What OS and spreadsheet program are you using?
Vista, and as i said earlier a VBa compatible version of OpenOffice. Once i get time i'll check exactly what isn't working in the macros, as it is probably just something the VBa project hasn't made compatible yet.
Vista, and as i said earlier a VBa compatible version of OpenOffice. Once i get time i'll check exactly what isn't working in the macros, as it is probably just something the VBa project hasn't made compatible yet.

Oh, I didn't notice you had posted earlier

Yeah, that's a problem with OO and I have no solution...
I was hoping that since its likely you've used alot of common commands that rebuilding OO with VBa Compatability projects addons that it could work in OO. And while its better than basic OO, not sure if the few extra bits that work would be worth anyone messing about building OO from source :( If i can figure out why the 2007 buttons disappear, or make new buttons and link them to the right macro, that version may have less errors.
I have a suggestion because I think It'd be useful and I cant find it anywhere else on the web; maybe make something in which u enter up to four moves and it give u back a list of what pokemon wall it depending on types, not base stats or other stuff. For example you'd type in earthquake return focus punch and it would give u back gengar followed by whatever else is in the air or resists all those moves. I think this would be really useful to many players because I myself am also looking for it.