Metroidvania Mafia - GAME OVER! 7 winners!

So exactly who didn't know what I was? I thought everyone already knew I was a hooker.
I do not trust Aura Guardian at all. We already know he's been helping Belmonts.
It's time for him to die.

Also, where did you get your info on LKK?
Are you sure you should be trusting it?
New plan everyone:
Stealthlynch ginganinja

We're sailing away with this one.
Just thought it was worth mentioning that imperfectluck and loudkirbyking have also edited their votes to ginganinja (amongst a few other vote edits). No stealth lynching!

Also, get your leader votes in. They can always end up being game changing!

In the village square in Wallachia, there is quite a bit of yelling and fighting. First everyone wants to lynch Aura Guardian, but then they decide to lynch ginganinja and loudkirbyking. Only they don't know who to lynch first, so they all go hime unhappy.

It is now Night 5. Deadline is in 48 hours, or after all night actions are sent.

Everyone wakes up, and decides that they are just getting comfortable with the recently low mortality rate. Well too fucking bad. The first thing you find is an empty suit of armor. There is a big ass hole blasted in it, with electricity burns on pieces of cloth decorating the suit. You find no body, so you theorize it must have been vaporized completely.

Dear ginganinja,
You are Axe Armor

The departed soul of an old knight stuck in a suit of armor, you are one of Castlevania’s oldest inhabitants. You specialize in both throwing axes high, and throwing axes low. When vampire hunters attack the castle, you do your best to fend them off by pacing back and forth and throwing axes. Sometimes when you are feeling festive, you charge forward with your axe. When the Space Pirates invaded Castlevania, you decided it was a good day to pace back and forth while throwing axes.

As a suit of armor, you are gifted with defensive tactics. Once per night, you can PM vonFiedler and polelover44 with “Pace back and forth in front of USER”. All attempts on USER’s life will fail, as their assailant tries to figure out your pattern. You may not target yourself with this action.

You have the Alucart Sword. It’s a rather poor imitation of the real thing. You are so ashamed to be holding such a knockoff, you cannot post in the thread. If you do, you will be killed. You should probably give this item away.

You are allied with the Castlevanians. To win, the Space Pirates, the Belmonts, and the Werewolf must be eliminated. In addition, as a suit of armor it would reflect pretty poorly on your job performance if you died. You must survive until the end of the game.

Next you find the body of a rather large space squid. It appears to have been stabbed through the eye, but it suddenly gets up and says "Nah its cool I'm a ghost, but you guys suck and I'm going home". Then it floats into space.

Dear Captain Bagman,
You are Phantoon

A giant alien squid ghost, you are affiliated with the Space Pirates but your true passion is haunting wrecked ships. You haunted a wrecked ship in Zebes, and you even made an appearance at the Bottle Ship. You can steal electricity from any source, as well as create powerful plasma. There aren’t alot of wrecked ships in Castlevania, but when the Space Pirates are done there you want to check out the Bermuda Triangle.

The full extant of your abilities are unknown. Once per night, you can PM vonFiedler and polelover44 with “Night X - Rage Hands USER”. Rage Hands will be summoned to attack USER, preventing them from completing their night action.

You have the Badelaire, a sword that becomes more powerful the more experienced you are. Currently, it increases your vote count by one.

You are allied with the Space Pirates. To win, the Castlevanians, the Belmonts, and the Werewolf must be eliminated. In addition, you may be a ghost, but you are really looking forward to haunting ships on Earth. You must survive until the end of the game.

Finally, you find a viral organism just lying on the ground. You can't tell how it died, but its a space virus so there is really no way to apply practical logic to these things.

Dear Aura Guardian,
You are X

The natural inhabitant of SR388, you infect other living beings gaining there intelligence and the ability to mimic them. The Chozo, peaceful and loving of all species, realized your threat and created the Metroids to destroy you. However, when Samus Aran exterminated the Chozo this allowed you to quickly repopulate. With everyone heading to Earth, you feel that is a good place to start your galactic conquest.

Once per night, you can PM vonFiedler and polelover44 with “Night X - Infect USER”. USER will gain the infection status, and may spread the infection once.

You can do ONE of the following abilities to any infected player;

You can PM vonFiedler and polelover44 with “Night X - Mimick USER”. You will gain USER’s night action, and can use it the following night. You may not gain more than one kind of the same night action per game.

You can PM vonFiedler and polelover44 with “Night X - Degrade USER”. USER’s items will melt, destroying them. A few items cannot be destroyed.

You can PM vonFiedler and polelover44 with “Night X - Control USER”. In the body of your PM, make up a posting restriction that USER has to follow or die. There are many applications of this, silencing, full post persuasion, or plain old goofing around. The only limits you have is don’t post count+ people (force them to post something 10 times) and you cannot force people to be godkilled.

You are allied with yourself. To win, all living players must be infected.

With 9 players left, I expect the game to start wrapping up, but its still anybody's game right now. Get those votes in, and don't forget to vote for leader (I need a majority on leader votes too to end the turn early).

imperfectluck is frozen as well, so he cannot communicate outside the thread until Day 7 (and don't contact him either).

It is now Day 6. Deadline is in 48 hours, or after ALL majorities have been reached.