List of Released Dream World Pokemon and Attacks

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So I take it no walkthrough video guide today???
Not today, but I know what I'm doing now so I should have one tomorrow.

I would have one now if it weren't for the damn once-per-day limitation Nintendo has imposed :(
That's the way to remove the limit of 10 steps. It still kicks you off after an hour of play time.
Um... so I managed to put my Denchura to sleep. I also managed to enter the Dream World, but there like nothing I can do, I don't know where these mini-games are that everyone is talking about. Is it because Denchura isn't supported in the DW? Can you guys see the Pokemon you put to sleep in the DW?
Yes to the second question since I've seen my Monmen and Venomoth in Black and White respectively. I see Pokemon grayed out or not grayed out in the boxes while selecting what to put to sleep, so I'm guessing that's how you tell what's supported...

Edit: While I'm thinking about it, does anyone know when the end of the day rolls over and allows us to go back into the Dream World? Going by Japan time I've definitely not been on at any point today, but I still can't go on...
maybe the listed confirmed mons should be sorted by generation of appearance so we have a neater list
Hardly anything new to report, I can't seem to use the cancelling trick to use 9 steps to explore the whole area, I can't find the cancel button anywhere. Backtracking my steps does not reduce the step count either.
All male except Exeggcute.
Poochyena (M)
- Howl (level up move)
Exeggcute (F)
- Barrage (start move)
IgglyBuff (M)
- Fake Tears (egg move)
According to a screenshot previously posted on this thread, there seems to be an Igglybuff with Sing instead of Fake Tears.

There is a chance that the results of the mini game determines the moves of certain pokemon as the moves are only revealed after the mini game is completed. All of the pokemon I met have hearts above them after completing the game, so I guess those pokemon which can have a special move might only get it when you score really well.

And something not that important but nonetheless interesting, my friend brought his legit shiny minezumi into DW and its image did not show up as the shiny version.
I'd show a picture of where the button to go back to the house is, but for some reason I can't get back into the Dream World. Both my Black and White finally let me put Pokemon to sleep again, but that's about as far as I get.

Now I see this message for White every time I click the Dream World button--though the number 50 in that shot keeps decreasing and is at 12 now, so I'm hoping that when it counts down all the way something will happen. As for Black, I can enter the Dream World and see my old data, but it doesn't recognize my sleeping Pokemon and whenever I exit out, I see this message. Again, the number seems to keep decreasing, so I'll find out what happens when it hits zero.

I'm basically hoping it's some kind of queue for a number of people who can access the Dream World simultaneously. In the worst-case scenario, I guess I could have locked myself out today somehow... hope that's not true.
I'd show a picture of where the button to go back to the house is, but for some reason I can't get back into the Dream World. Both my Black and White finally let me put Pokemon to sleep again, but that's about as far as I get.

Now I see this message for White every time I click the Dream World button--though the number 50 in that shot keeps decreasing and is at 12 now, so I'm hoping that when it counts down all the way something will happen. As for Black, I can enter the Dream World and see my old data, but it doesn't recognize my sleeping Pokemon and whenever I exit out, I see this message. Again, the number seems to keep decreasing, so I'll find out what happens when it hits zero.

I'm basically hoping it's some kind of queue for a number of people who can access the Dream World simultaneously. In the worst-case scenario, I guess I could have locked myself out today somehow... hope that's not true.

i can only read a little japanese, and kanji kills me, but the numbers are followed by the kanji for minutes.
so its fairly safe to say its a timer.
also "access dewanai", which appears on both means "cant access"

since i have 11 hours, and did mine about 12 hours ago, id guess its just the 1 day lock out.
i can only read a little japanese, and kanji kills me, but the numbers are followed by the kanji for minutes.
so its fairly safe to say its a timer.
also "access dewanai", which appears on both means "cant access"

since i have 11 hours, and did mine about 12 hours ago, id guess its just the 1 day lock out.
Thanks, you were right and I did get in when they counted down.

Unfortunately, it looks like I had a second problem too since I can tell from the trainer card button (on the site) that the site just wasn't even recognizing that I had a sleeping Pokemon in either game. From what Jonathan was saying earlier, it sounds like I had the same issue as him. Guess I'll try again on Friday, then...
Now I see this message for White every time I click the Dream World button--though the number 50 in that shot keeps decreasing and is at 12 now, so I'm hoping that when it counts down all the way something will happen. As for Black, I can enter the Dream World and see my old data, but it doesn't recognize my sleeping Pokemon and whenever I exit out, I see this message. Again, the number seems to keep decreasing, so I'll find out what happens when it hits zero.
My japanese is admittedly terrible, but I'm pretty sure I can read that. The first message says: "the last time you accessed (the DW) was 13/10 17:00. You will be able to access (the DW again) 50 minutes from now." The second message says you still have 35 minutes left.

In other words, you can only access the Dream World 24 hours after your last visit.

Edit: Ninja'd :(
I don't have a picture on hand, but I can confirm that my Sunkern had Early Bird and the move Earth Power.
I caught the Taillow with HG/SS Exclusive move Tailwind. I also encountered a Shinx (apparently I am the only one). I forgot to screenshot as I didn't know the process yet, but hopefully everyone can take me on my word. Both were male (so no female Shinx yet).

Genders are also very important to note as well.

I don't have an image cause I didn't see this until after I finished the dream world for yesterday. But I also seen a shinx(unfortunately, I couldn't win the game, it was the combee game). I befriended an oddish(don't know what special move it had, didn't check, xD), and a Poochyena(w/howl). I seen a sentret but decided not to befriend it or the hoppip I've seen.
Hey guys I got info at Serebiiforums on that blasted Combee game! Apparently it's the most difficult (but not boring) game, and you have to pay attention to the flavors' "slipperyness".

Serebii feel free to mine through my gamefaqs post.

It seems you are still able to grow berries without having a sleeping pokemon.

Also, I'll just throw this in here for people to read:

Dreamworld Minigames

Japanese Name: ひこうレース [Air Race]
Name: Pelippers Air Race
Type: Race
Description: Pelipper flies right to left across the screen. You have to dodge obstacles and collect speed boosts to achieve a high score.
Pokemon: PokPelipper
Controls: Use the mouse to go up/down/forward/back. [If you've ever played that helicopter flash game where you can't touch the the top and bottom, it's like that.]
Collect type-marks that are your own type for speed boosts. If you touch ones that you are weak to, you slow down.
Other Information:
-Clouds slow you down while you are touching them.
-Negative-Type Marks (electric) decrease your speed by one bar you lose points.
-Positive-Type Marks (water) increase your speed by one bar and/or points.

Japanese Name: まいごのポケモンをさがそう! [Look for the lost Pokemon]
Name: Missing [Pokemon]
Type: Search
Description: You're shown a Pokemon that you must within a certain time limit.
Pokemon: Chatot, Hootoot, Fearow, Cleffa [there's heaps more for this]
Controls: Use the arrow keys on-screen to navigate to different areas and try finding the pokemon.
Click on shaking bushes to see if they are there. Shiny patches hold berries. The game ends when you find the asked for Pokemon.
Other Information:
-Time limit of 90 seconds.
-You have a map that becomes revealed as you go through the areas.
-Berry locations are marked with a red dot.
-Can occur on the ground or in the air. (Aesthetic and pokemon appearance changes only.)

Japanese Name: ホエルオーと遊ぼう [Let's play with Wailord]
Name: Wailord's Balls (lol.)
Type: Breakout
Description: You control Wailord who has to keep the Pokemon in the air so they can collect colour-coded balls that match their colouration..
Pokemon: Wailord, Pikachu, Meowth, Piplup, Buizel
Controls: Move with mouse, Click to make Wailord spout water to push the pokemon up.
Other Information: If the Pokemon falls into the water they will be out of play for a while. Feels similar to Breakout.

Japanese Name: アイスクリームづくり [Make Ice-Cream]
Name: Ice-Cream Stacking
Type: Stacking
Description:You scoop up ice-cream and place them into a bowl. Try build an Ice-Cream mountain before the time runs out. Higher builds score more points.
Pokemon:Combee (Just measures the height)
Controls: Click to scoop Ice-Cream and drag it to the bowl.
Other Info: It costs 1 berry to play.
The ice-cram flavors each have their own stats for slipperyness? and something else (forgot to look)
The flavor stats may change depending on which berry used.


edit; updated information for icecream game:

Ice-Cream star/stats:
'sukuiyasusa' - speed at which using that icecream flavor makes the mountain big.
'kutsukiyasusa' - the ice cream ability to stay in place.

Hint: Place Ice-Cream from the sides to be more stable.

If you don't care about the points, use one big scoop and one small scoop til you reach the clear line and wait for time to pass.

Bad placement of icecream may result in icecream falling off.
Hey guys I got info at Serebiiforums on that blasted Combee game! Apparently it's the most difficult (but not boring) game, and you have to pay attention to the flavors' "slipperyness".

Serebii feel free to mine through my gamefaqs post.

It seems you are still able to grow berries without having a sleeping pokemon.

Also, I'll just throw this in here for people to read:

Dreamworld Minigames

Japanese Name: ひこうレース [Air Race]
Name: Pelippers Air Race
Type: Race
Description: Pelipper flies right to left across the screen. You have to dodge obstacles and collect speed boosts to achieve a high score.
Pokemon: PokPelipper
Controls: Use the mouse to go up/down/forward/back. [If you've ever played that helicopter flash game where you can't touch the the top and bottom, it's like that.]
Collect type-marks that are your own type for speed boosts. If you touch ones that you are weak to, you slow down.
Other Information:
-Clouds slow you down while you are touching them.
-Negative-Type Marks (electric) decrease your speed by one bar you lose points.
-Positive-Type Marks (water) increase your speed by one bar and/or points.

Japanese Name: まいごのポケモンをさがそう! [Look for the lost Pokemon]
Name: Missing [Pokemon]
Type: Search
Description: You're shown a Pokemon that you must within a certain time limit.
Pokemon: Chatot, Hootoot, Fearow, Cleffa [there's heaps more for this]
Controls: Use the arrow keys on-screen to navigate to different areas and try finding the pokemon.
Click on shaking bushes to see if they are there. Shiny patches hold berries. The game ends when you find the asked for Pokemon.
Other Information:
-Time limit of 90 seconds.
-You have a map that becomes revealed as you go through the areas.
-Berry locations are marked with a red dot.
-Can occur on the ground or in the air. (Aesthetic and pokemon appearance changes only.)

Japanese Name: ホエルオーと遊ぼう [Let's play with Wailord]
Name: Wailord's Balls (lol.)
Type: Breakout
Description: You control Wailord who has to keep the Pokemon in the air so they can collect colour-coded balls that match their colouration..
Pokemon: Wailord, Pikachu, Meowth, Piplup, Buizel
Controls: Move with mouse, Click to make Wailord spout water to push the pokemon up.
Other Information: If the Pokemon falls into the water they will be out of play for a while. Feels similar to Breakout.

Japanese Name: アイスクリームづくり [Make Ice-Cream]
Name: Ice-Cream Stacking
Type: Stacking
Description:You scoop up ice-cream and place them into a bowl. Try build an Ice-Cream mountain before the time runs out. Higher builds score more points.
Pokemon:Combee (Just measures the height)
Controls: Click to scoop Ice-Cream and drag it to the bowl.
Other Info: It costs 1 berry to play.
The ice-cram flavors each have their own stats for slipperyness? and something else (forgot to look)
The flavor stats may change depending on which berry used.


edit; updated information for icecream game:

Ice-Cream star/stats:
'sukuiyasusa' - speed at which using that icecream flavor makes the mountain big.
'kutsukiyasusa' - the ice cream ability to stay in place.

Hint: Place Ice-Cream from the sides to be more stable.

If you don't care about the points, use one big scoop and one small scoop til you reach the clear line and wait for time to pass.

Bad placement of icecream may result in icecream falling off.

Yeah I realized that very quickly - typically the top ice cream is the most sticky, and it goes down from there... and its dumb. In general. I did get to the 20 foot line thankfully on my first attempt.

And yes, I can confirm the DW button when it counts down is a 24 hour clock. You get 1 hour every 24 hours.
Just something I'm wondering. Serebii says that a male one with DW ability does not pass on the ability when bred with a female one without dw ability OR female with ability with a ditto. Any conformation about male ones with DW ability breeding with a ditto?
I did the Dream World Poll and obtained my C-Gear Pikachu "FOR THE TOP!" Skin.

But the interesting note is everything from Gens 1-3 are there. That includes Kyogre, Groudon, etc., that didn't get Dream World abilities as far as we saw. Maybe this just means they'll be released, or perhaps they'll have a new move. Also included: Ralts, Politoed, Ninetales Poliwrath, and a bunch of others I didn't bother checking, but basically the entire OU list.

I voted Kyogre particularly because I want to see if it gets something other than Drizzle, or alternately a new move since we know nothing about it from our database rip. I would love for everyone to vote Kyogre, but I know people have their favorite - just don't waste your votes on stupid shit like starters that we know are going to be released anyway.

They are going to give out the top 3 This poll runs until January.

Go to the Global-Link main screen. In the bottom right there's an orange button with an arrow that pops up a window with two ongoing polls/promotions. The first is the voting one. It gives you easy instructions.
They are going to give out the top 3 This poll runs until January.

Top... three? Guess I'm voting for Darkrai, (Wish)Blissey and Deoxys then, as Arceus is pretty much guaranteed already. I just wish the female voters didn't waste their votes on Eevee. I mean, c'mon...

EDIT -- Guess I'm gonna throw a wrench into the little girls' polls and vote for Deoxys, tee hee
got a unusual attack <.<

i befriended a tangler but am having problems wakeing up my pokemon to catch it and see its abilities.
ive sent a dude to sleep before, and woke him up for the pikachu Cgear and the starters on my pokedex. and i put him to sleep this morning, can kinda read japanese so i know i did most stuff right, i have a photo on tangler in my dream house, and my profile says i have met tangler recently, and when i try to wake my pokemon up, i see a picture of tangler fall down from the cloud into my sleeping pokemon.

however, after that i get an error with no error code. my connection is a bit dodgy and i get other 52100 and 52300 errors a lot, but its worked before if i try enough times, but now i get" つうしんエラー が はっせい しました"

which google translate cant handle, prob due to lack of kanji. i also get another error "something something something きって something something&quot;, while would need me to turn off DS to get passed normally, unlike the other one, was going to copy it down but i finally successfully woke my dude up while trying to get on to see the error.

i also befriended, but didnt keep a hoppit, bidoof, farfetched and surskit igglybuff and stantler. all male bar farfetched and tangler.

EDIT: did this with a lvl 20 shinbora. not sure if what pokemon you take effects what ones you can find.

caught him, knows constrict, sleep powder absorb and leechseed is lax with regneration.

please learn to write the pokemon names Q_Q
Nothing new from me today.

Though my Stantler had these moves:


Nothing special.
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