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Name: Tsutarja aka "Smugleaf" (ツタージャ)
National Dex Number: 495
Type: Grass
Abilities: Overgrow - Boosts Grass-type moves by 1.5 when HP is at 1/3rd or less, Perversity - Reverses stat boosts and drops (Dream World)
Egg Groups: Ground, Plant

Base Stats (Min - Max)
HP: 45 (19 - 25)
Attack: 45 (8 - 15)
Defense: 55 (9 - 16)
Special Attack: 45 (8 - 15)
Special Defense: 55 (9 - 16)
Speed: 63 (10 - 17)

Level Up Moves:
Lv1: Tackle, Lv4: Leer, Lv7: Vine Whip, Lv10: Wrap, Lv13: Growth, Lv16: Grass Mixer, Lv19: Leech Seed, Lv22: Mega Drain, Lv25: Slam, Lv28: Leaf Blade, Lv31: Coil, Lv34: Giga Drain, Lv37: Wring Out, Lv40: Gastro Acid, Lv43: Leaf Storm

Egg Moves:

Natural Gift
Iron Tail
Magical Leaf
Sweet Scent
Mirror Coat
Mean Look

TMs and HMs:
TM04 - Calm Mind, TM06 - Toxic, TM10 - Hidden Power, TM11 - Sunny Day, TM12 - Taunt, TM16 - Light Screen, TM17 - Protect, TM20 - Safeguard, TM21 - Frustration, TM22 - Solar Beam, TM27 - Return, TM32 - Double Team, TM33 - Reflect, TM40 - Aerial Ace, TM41 - Torment, TM42 - Facade, TM44 - Rest, TM45 - Attract, TM48 - Troll, TM53 - Energy Ball, TM70 - Flash, TM75 - Swords Dance, TM86 - Grass Knot, TM87 - Swagger, TM90 - Substitute, HM01 - Cut

When Tsutarja's image was first released, many people, including myself, expected a Treecko clone. However, leave it to Game Freak to through us completely off guard. Tsutarja and its evolutions have an odd combination of high Defense, Special Defense and Speed with average stats everywhere else. How does this effect Tsutarja in Little Cup? Well, it just barely reaches 17 Speed, which is good. But is has poor offenses to go with its Speed and only reaches 16 Speed max with Hidden Power Fire. Tsutarja has good Defense and Special Defense, but its low base HP hurts its defensive capabilities. In the movepool department, it was left with few offensive options, although its defensive options are decent. But, in all honesty, Lileep is probably still better defensively. And Treecko has better offensive stats and a better movepool. So, it appears Tsutarja is simply outclassed by other Grass-types and there are very few reasons to use it, right?

Not quite. Tsutarja has a niche that not only separates it from other Grass-types, but every other Pokemon in Little Cup. And that niche is its Dream World ability, Perversity. Thanks to Perversity, every time Tsutarja uses Leaf Storm, it gets +2 Special Attack. After a single Leaf Storm, that meager 14 Special Attack jumps to a fantastic 28 Special Attack. Pervesity Leaf Storm makes Tsutarja one of the best cleaners in the game. Very few things that don't resist it will survive a +2 Leaf Storm. And Tsutarja isn't frail either. It can take a few hits as a scarfer.

While Scarf Perversity is awesome, Tsutarja still has a few defensive options it can run. Tsutarja is the fastest Grass-type to learn Dual Screens, which are appreciated by everything in Little Cup. It also is tied for the fastest SubSeeder with Treecko, but Tsutarja has much better defenses. And, of course, Tsutarja has Glare, Taunt and Gastro Acid for support.

Overall, Tsutarja is one of those Pokemon who'll surprise you. With Pervesity and Leaf Storm, it's one of the best cleaners in the game. Outside of that niche, its offensive movepool is terrible. It has decent support options and can often aid in a Pokemon's sweep. Tsutarja is a good enough reason to run a Grass-resist on every team, since it can demolish teams if it gets a Leaf Storm boost. The smug lizard has earned its place in Little Cup, and it won't be giving it up anytime soon.


Name: Choice Scarf
EVs: 240 SpA / 252 Spe
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Perversity
Nature: Timid
~ Leaf Storm
~ Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Rock
~ Taunt
~ Gastro Acid

Yeah, Tsutarja's offensive movepool sucks. But honestly, Leaf Storm is all it really needs. If it's weak to it, use Leaf Storm. If it takes neutral damage from Grass, use Leaf Storm. If it 2x resists it, use Leaf Storm. If it 4x resists it, like Tesshiido and Meraruba, use Hidden Power Fire or Hidden Power Rock, respectively. The other moves are mostly filler. Taunt is a fast way to keep hazards down, protect your team from status and prevent the foe from setting up. Gastro Acid nullifies Shadow Tag, allowing Tsutarja to escape if you get lucky. With Hidden Power Fire and Rock, it only reaches 16 Speed, which is disappointing.

Name: Smugstitute
EVs: 240 SpA / 252 Spe
Item: Life Orb / Berry Juice
Ability: Perversity
Nature: Timid
~ Leaf Storm
~ Substitute
~ Giga Drain
~ Hidden Power Rock / Hidden Power Fire

With this set, Tsutarja attempts to sweep the opponent. Leaf Storm is obviously going to be your main attacking move with Perversity. Substitute acts as a way to block status and as a safety net. That one extra turn Substitute can provide can often make or break a game in Little Cup. Giga Drain can be used to recover damage lost from Substitute and Life Orb. Hidden Power Rock hits Flying-types, Bug-types and Fire-types super effectively while Hidden Power Fire hits Steel-types, Bug-types and Grass-types super effectively.

Name: Dual Screen
EVs: 236 HP / 252 Spe
Item: Light Clay / Berry Juice
Ability: Perversity
Nature: Timid
~ Leaf Storm
~ Reflect
~ Light Screen
~ Glare/ Gastro Acid

A neat defensive set that can still do damage. Leaf Storm is still powerful even without investment, and you are looking at 22 Special Attack after a boost. Light Screen and Reflect raise the teams defensive, potentially allowing another Pokemon to sweep. Glare provides paralysis support and Gastro Acid allows it to escape Shadow Tag. Not much else to really say.

Name: SmugSeed
EVs: 236 HP / 252 Spe
Item: Leftovers / Berry Juice
Ability: Perversity
Nature: Timid
~ Leaf Storm
~ Leech Seed
~ Substitute
~ Gastro Acid / Mean Look

See a pattern? Yeah, Perversity Leaf Storm is so good, every set needs it or else Tsutarja will be outclassed. SubSeed isn't the best strategy in Little Cup, but with Toxic Spike support, it can work. Gastro Acid allows Tsutarja to get away from Shadow Tag or remove Moguryuu's Sand Throw, which is just plain awesome. Mean Look can be used to trap Pokemon so they can't escape Tsutarja's SubSeeding wrath.
Correct me if I`m wrong, but I thought pokemon in LC could only use moves available to them at level 5, meaning unless leaf storm is an egg move, he can't use it.
AFAIK, Leaf Storm isnt an egg I guess you should use something like Giga Drain, atleast you can get some HP now that Giga Drain hase BP 75.
It has been confirmed that breeding a Dream World female parent with any male parent has a chance of giving the egg the Dream World Ability. So, breeding a Female Dream World Tsutarja who's been leveled up to know Leaf Storm with a male Tsutarja who knows Leaf Storm may result in a baby Tsutarja with both Perversity and Leaf Storm. The baby can then be EVed for Little Cup.

So, Dream World abilities are available in Little Cup with Egg Moves and Level Up moves, unless the Pokemon is unable to breed.
EDIT: wtf to the poster above

How exactly will Perversity work? Is it:

Turn 1: Smugleaf used Leaf Storm!
Its Special Attack sharply increased! (+2 total)

Turn 2: Smugleaf used Leaf Storm!
Its Special Attack sharply increased! (+4 total)


If so, I might even vote this thing Uber since nothing is gonna survive a Leaf Storm coming off 28 SpA or even a ridiculous 42. Just bring it in on a revenge kill of say, Staryu and all of a sudden only 4x resists can stop you. Even Munchlax will take a ginormous amount of damage, and I really can't see anything else stopping this. So watch out :S
What do you mean wtf. I just got surprised is all.

All other threads I've seen so far have people saying that Dream World abilities cannot be bred onto pokemon caught in the game itself. So it's a real shocker tbh :S

Yeah, I agree. It's gonna be Uber in some way or another. A Leaf Storm that becomes a freakin' Leaf Hurricane after 3 uninterrupted turns is something to be afraid of.
Just about any Grass/Poison or heck even Bug/Flying counters Tsutarja. I see no reason to ban it.
not when their pitiful defenses get maimed by Smugleaf's epic leaf blowing abilities.

Smugleaf at +6 SpA can maim just about anything. And it sets up while it attacks, so no free turns for you. And it just happens that the set up move has 140 BP.

hell yes, Smugleaf smokes weed and blows them :pimp:
This seems like something that will make players think hard about having a scarfer with at least 25 Speed on each of their teams. Preversity is a hell of an ability, I'm just happy that Tsutarja doesn't reach 20 Speed, so we have a chance against this. Also, the sub set doesn't look too bad, but it's Substitute in Little Cup, it's good on everything.
If only he had just one little priority move (heck, even quick attack would've worked) a focus sash+mirror coat set would've worked SOOO well...
This is going to be a great late game sweeper. It is fairly fast (which can be patched up by a Scarf), you spam Leaf Storm at things that are going to switch out and you have quiet the little monster running around. I don't even think you need LO since you are just going to be boosting every time you attack. With Berry Juice you can take a hit and keep on trucking. I'm a big fan of this, plus since there are like 0 grasses used for the most part, its nice to see one that can be utilized well.
Shikijika and Shimama is immune to leaf storm with Herbivore and both are faster then smugleaf. Shimama can also hit back with SE Nitro Charge. Shikijika could use agility and then try its own sweep with +1atk and +2spe or Baton pass it to something else. Perversity and Leaf storm is not gonna make this uber.
if Dream world isn't allowed in LC, this thing is nearly useless :/. However if it is, that changes the story.
Shikijika and Shimama is immune to leaf storm with Herbivore and both are faster then smugleaf. Shimama can also hit back with SE Nitro Charge. Shikijika could use agility and then try its own sweep with +1atk and +2spe or Baton pass it to something else. Perversity and Leaf storm is not gonna make this uber.

thats why i'll probably use one of those on my new LC team when pokelab is fully released & has 5th gen supported :)

I dunno i it'll go uber, though its looking like a hell of a good chance if it wasn't for herbivore. it can sub, dual screens, then spam leaf storm. even if you're 4x resisting it, if its gotten 2 storms used than you're screwed.
So maybe uber, however I think it'll just be OU (or w.e. you call top-tier LC :P never found out).
Shimama surprisingly checks this thing. With a set of Thunderbolt/Nitro Charge/Return/Quick Attack and Herbivore, it can freely switch in on the first turn after it comes in on the Leaf Storm, get +1 Atk, and NC for the KO and +1 Speed. You can then proceed to sweep.
The scarfer set is very predictable and is setup bait for any herbivore pokemon.

Giving a free turn to anything in lc is dangerous; but a free turn and +1 attack? It's good, but it can't spam mindlessly.
The only 2 Pokemon that have Herbivore in LC environment are Shimama and Shikijika. I would argue that Shimama is more dangerous, as after a NC, only Scarfed Pokemon and priority can stop it.