Jirachi (Specially Defensive)

This is my first time in QC, so I hope I got everything right. I made this Jirachi set when I got sick and tired of not being able to reliably switch into and handle fast special attackers, such as Starmie, Gengar, Jolteon. This Jirachi is designed to counter these "big 3" special attackers, whilst simultaneously handling a multitude of other offensive and defensive threats.

Status: Approved by QC
GP Checks 2/2

Changes Log: New EV spread
Now using a physical variant that has been deemed more effective
Minor Change in EV Spread


name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Thunder Wave / Body Slam
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Wish / Protect
move 4: Fire Punch
nature: Careful
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 228 SpD / 32 Spe


<p>With a Careful nature and large investments in both Special Defense and HP, Jirachi is able to switch into any special attacker, bar strong Fire-types, without being 2HKO’d. Anything else, from Life Orb Starmie’s Hydro Pump to Choice Specs Jolteon's Thunderbolt will not manage a 2HKO. The only other Pokemon who can come close to this level of special bulk is Blissey, who is set-up fodder for anything and grinds the momentum of more offensive teams to a screeching halt. However, unlike Blissey, specially defensive Jirachi cannot switch into special attackers all day long; Jirachi must use Wish whenever it can afford to do so in order to stay healthy. Therefore, Jirachi is a check, not a hard counter, to special attackers and must be played as such.</p>

<p>The crux of this set is Thunder Wave. By paralyzing its foes, Jirachi becomes faster than them, letting it abuse Iron Head's 60% flinch rate in tandem with paralysis. Jirachi can keep itself in good condition with the steady recovery from Leftovers while periodically using Wish to quickly regain 50% of its health. Iron Head helps Jirachi buy itself turns until it can safely use Wish. It is also Jirachi’s strongest attack, and while not that powerful, its low damage output won't matter after a few hits. Wish is Jirachi’s healing move, and works well in conjunction with with Iron Head and Thunder Wave. Wish can also help Jirachi support its team later in the game. Lastly, Fire Punch helps Jirachi by hitting foes who resist Iron Head, preventing Jirachi from becoming set-up fodder against these opponents. </p>


<p>The EVs prevent Jirachi from being 2HKOed by a myriad of threatening special attackers, including, but not limited to, Life Orb Gengar and Lead Azelf. The HP EVs provide Jirachi with a good amount of physical bulk. Jirachi can also act as a one-time stop to many physical stat-uppers, because it can switch in and paralyze the stat booster, allowing the rest of your team to take out the weakened opposing Pokemon. 32 Speed EVs let Jirachi outspeed Jolly max speed Tyranitar, allowing Jirachi to Iron Head Tyranitar before it can hit Jirachi with a Choice-Band boosted Earthquake.</p>

<p>If your team has a problem with Pokemon who are immune to Thunder Wave, Body Slam can be used instead, sporting a 60% chance of paralysis. However, Jirachi will lose its ability to check Rotom-A if it runs Body Slam. Protect is a useful move that may be used over Wish to scout Choice item users. Jirachi can also run an EV spread of 176 HP / 136 SpA / 176 SpD / 20 Spe along with a Calm nature and a moveset of Psychic, Thunderbolt, Wish, and Icy Wind. These changes will allow Jirachi to better handle Starmie, Jolteon and Dragon-types. However, Jirachi loses a significant portion of its bulk and the ability to combat most physical threats due to the lack of Thunder Wave. Only choose to run this variant if your team really struggles with Starmie and Jolteon.</p>

<p>Sandstorm helps Jirachi when it is trying to stall opponents, making Tyranitar and Hippowdon important teammates because of their Sand Stream abilities. In order for Jirachi to win against Starmie, Jirachi needs a fair amount of luck. Jirachi also loses to Jolteon because Jirachi cannot paralyze it; therefore, back-up checks to Jolteon and Starmie can come in handy. Tyranitar again is useful, as it can survive an attack from either and retaliate with a strong Earthquake or STAB Crunch. The only special attackers whom Jirachi cannot reliably stand up to are Fire-types, so bulky Water-types such as Suicune and Vaporeon are great teammates. Finally, defensive Water-types can stall out Jirachi, so an Electric- or Grass-type teammate will come in handy; good candidates for this role include Rotom-A and Shaymin, respectively. Use Jirachi on semi-stall and bulky offensive teams; typically, both of these team styles fare poorly against fast and powerful special attackers, and will therefore appreciate the Wish and paralysis support that Jirachi offers.</p>

Why This Set Deserves to Be on Site

-Checks many potent special attackers
-Also handles many physical attackers with Thunder Wave
-Can stall many Pokemon with a combination of Thunder Wave and Iron Head
-No other Pokemon can do all this with out being locked into a move because of choice scarf, or posing little offensive presence (Blissey)
-Currently no special defensive set on site

Additional Comments

-Biggest weapon is ability to stall with Iron Head
-Thunder Wave threatens many Pokemon that could care less about Iron Head
-Body Slam can be used to paralyze grounds, but then you can't paralyze Ghosts
-Wish heals, and is quite reliable with the high chance for the opponent to not move in tandem with leftovers
-Protect works even better with leftovers, and is always useful for predicting against choiced opponents
-Fire Punch is a coverage move to hit steels that love to switch in
-Thunder Wave and Wish provide great team support, allowing it to fit in on many teams
-Mention of special set with different EV spread
-HP and Special Defense EVs along with a Careful nature make Jirachi unable to be 2HKO’ed by LO Starmie Hydro Pump, LO Gengar Shadow Ball/Focus Blast, Specs Jolteon Thunderbolt, Defensive Zapdos Heat Wave and Choice Scarf Rotom-A Thunderbolt; therefore, it can switch into may of these and paralyze them
-36 Speed EVs let you outspeed Jolly Tyranitar
-Should be played conservatively, as if you keep it alive it can be an asset throughout the whole battle:as a response to heavy hitters in the beginning, as a supporter utilizing Wish and Iron Head+Thunder Wave mid-game, and as a late-game response to stat-upping attackers (DDTyranitar)

Teammates and Counters

-This set works great with SandStream support, so a Tyranitar or Hippowdon are heavily recommended
-The only special attackers Jirachi reliably loses to are Heatran and Infernape, so a Bulky water type makes for a great teammate
-Jirachi is not a guaranteed to win against Starmie, and also loses to Jolteon
-Therefore, a back up to these two threats is appreciated; something like Tyranitar or your own Joleton are appreciated
-Loses to most bulky waters, so an electric or Grass type teammate is useful
-Most Grounds, in addition to being immune to Thunder Wave, easily shrug off Iron Head and Fire Punch, so it is necessary to have a response to them
-As always, it is helpful to pack resists to fire and ground moves
-Considering above, Shaymin, Rotom-A, Gyarados, Tyranitar, Heatran, Dragonite, Forretress and Vaporeon all make great teammates.

The problem I see with the set posted is that it tries to do too much. Jirachi cannot check all of Jolteon/Gengar/Starmie...however it can check 2/3 which for many teams is good enough.

The crux of this set is thunderwave which prevents many threats from switching in or setting up. Now this doesn't prevent flygon, jolteon and gliscor from walling you, so if those threats give your team problems try body slam over thunder wave. Of course body slam means that you are more susceptible to gengar and rotom (with ss up you can paralyze scarf rotom and flinch it to death). The combination of paralysis + wish + iron head's flinch chance can give rachi a much longer shelf life. Now, even though Starmie does have natural cure, if you switch into it, twave and wish you can still beat it (especially with ss up) due to flinch chances and if starmie switches out, you've successfully forced it. Fire Punch rounds out the set with great coverage, allowing you to beat magnezone and scizor. Protect is an option over wish just for lefties recovery and scouting.

EV's are very streamlined to take special hits better. No attack investment is ever really needed. This set works best with ss support for reasons stated, mainly non-ss-immune mons lose 6% each turn while you gain 6% which becomes even more important with flinches. As a bonus this jirachi acts as a one time check to dd tyranitar (+1 barbiri EQ does 75.7% - 89.1%) so you have a chance to paralyze it and a decent chance to flinch it to death.

Special/Physical attacks?: I prefer physical attacks, since twave is needed to negate the speed drop since we instead opt for special defense ev's, the flinch chance becomes much more important whereas I found that when I ran special attacks I rarely had the chance to stay in and recover with wish. Besides being able to paralyze, this set is now walled by bulky waters but you aren't beating suicune with either set, you still beat starmie, so it's just vappy that becomes a problem.

This set plays like a bronzong with paralysis support but doesn't invite skarm and fort to set up on you in exchange for no EQ immunity meaning that flygon and metagross can beat you.
name: Utility Counter
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Psychic
move 3: Wish
move 4: Icy Wind / Protect
nature: Calm
item: Leftovers
evs: 176 HP / 136 SpA / 176 SpD / 20 Spe
Why this Set Deserves to be on Site

-Can switch in and counter or force out a dangerous and varied array of top OU threats, including Starmie and Gengar, among others
-Can also check a good amount of threats, including Gyarados, Machamp, Gliscor, Dragonite, Flygon and Heracross
-Jirachi can also switch in and wall some defensive Pokemon, such as Vaporeon, Tentacruel and Skarmory
-No other Pokemon can do all this with out being locked into a move because of choice scarf, or posing little offensive presence
-Currently no special defensive Jirachi set on site

Additional Comments

-Thunderbolt is for Waters and provides good neutral coverage
-Psychic allows Jirachi to hit Pokemon that resist Thunderbolt for good damage, and it is also a great move to put the hurt on fighting types and Gengar
-Wish increases Jirachi’s longevity, and can also be used to support teammates
-Icy wind can be used to hurt dragons and slow down speedy threats so another Pokemon can come in and finish off weakened Pokemon
-Protect can be used to scout and give Jirachi reliable healing in tandem with Wish, and one additional turn of Leftovers turns some OHKOes and 2HKOes into 2HKOes and 3HKOes, respectively
-U-Turn keeps the momentum up on offensive teams, and can also provides a way to get weakened teammates in with out taking hit so they can receive a Wish
-EVs make the set- HP and Special Defense along with a Calm nature make Jirachi unable to be 2HKO’ed by LO Starmie Hydro Pump, LO Gengar Shadow Ball/Focus Blast, Specs Jolteon Thunderbolt, Defensive Zapdos Heat Wave and Choice Scarf Rotom-A Thunderbolt, all assuming SR and Leftovers (I’ll provide damage calcs in the actual write-up)
-Defense makes LO Adamant Gyarados (with out a DD)/Choice Scarf Flygon/Anti-Lead Dragonite unable to OHKO with EQ, making Jirachi a good check in a pinch
-Speed lets Jirachi outspeed 252 Adamant Breloom, as well as Timid 252 Starmie and Azelf after the drop from Icy Wind, letting Jirachi hit them again and hopefully KO before they can land a hit back on Jirachi
-Special Attack lets Jirachi KO Starmie after SR+2LO recoils 100% of the time, OHKO Gengar with Psychic, almost always 2HKO Jolteon with Psychic with SR, and OHKO Dragonite with Icy Wind after SR and 1 Life Orb recoil
-Also has a decent chance to survive MixApe and Choice Scarf Heatran Fire Blast, and can OHKO Infernape with Psychic or slow down Heatran so another Pokemon can finish it off
-Stalls and eventually beats walls such as Vaporeon and Skarmory due to inevitable hax from Thunderbolt and Psychic

Teammates and Counters

-Needs SR to ensure many KOes, so a lead with SR is advisable
-A Ghost such as Rotom-A is very important to prevent your SR from being removed via Rapid Spin
-Conversely, Jirachi will be 2HKO’ed by many of the things it is supposed to counter if spikes are present, so a rapid spinner is very helpful
-The only special attackers Jirachi can’t handle reliably are Heatran and Infernape, so a Tentacruel or ResTalk Gyarados can be useful teammates
-Certain stat-uppers can set up on Jirachi, such as CroCune and SubDDKingdra, so a Roar or Whirlwind user that can switch in and phaze them out is important, such as Roar Gyarados and Skarmory
-This Jirachi can fit well into any type of team, as both Offense and Stall alike have difficulty with fast and powerful assaults from Starmie and co. (aside from using the predictable and easy to kill Blissey and ScarfTyranitar)
-Ground types are helpful teammates when it comes to absorbing Thunderbolts from Jolteon and Rotom-A, as Jirachi has a little difficulty taking these moves repeatedly

Damage Calculations:

Damage Calcs to prove Worth of Special Attack EVs (when I refer to Jirachi, I mean my Jirachi spread):

Jirachi Thunderbolt vs. LOStarmie: 69% - 81.2%- 100% chance to OHKO after SR + 2LO recoils
Jirachi Psychic vs. LOGengar: 108% - 127.2%- 100% chance to OHKO
Jirachi Psychic vs. LO/Specs Jolteon: 42.4% - 50.2%- Good chance to 2HKO after SR
Jirachi Thunderbolt vs. 252/252 Careful SpDSkarm: 46.7% - 55.1%- 100% chance to 2HKO after Rocks, good chance to 2HKO if Skarm packs Leftovers
Jirachi Icy Wind vs. MixNite: 63.2% - 74.3%- Very good chance to OHKO after SR + 1LO recoil

Defensive Calcs (Some of these are just to show off Jirachi's tremendous bulk):

LO Starmie Hydro Pump vs. Jirachi: 42.4% - 49.9%- Never a 2HKO
LO Gengar HP Fire vs. Jirachi: 39.9% - 47.1%- Never a 2HKO
Specs Jolteon vs. Jirachi: 41.6% - 49%- Never a 2HKO
Choice Scarf Rotom-H Overheat vs. Jirachi: 52.6% - 62%, (at -2) 26.6% - 31.6%- Never a 2HKO
Physically Defensive Zapdos Heatwave vs. Jirachi: 34.9% - 41.6%- Never a 2HKO
LOShaymin Earth Power vs. Jirachi: 42.7% - 49.3%- Never a 2HKO
Choice Scarf Heatran Fire Blast vs. Jirachi: 78.7% - 93.1%- Never an OHKO
Physically Based Infernape Overheat vs. Jirachi: 86.4% - 101.9%- Rarely a OHKO
LOOffensive Gyarados (Adamant) EQ vs. Jirachi: 82% - 97%- Never and OHKO
Anti-Lead Dragonite EQ vs. Jirachi: 78.1% - 92.5%- Never an OHKO
Jirachi doesn't always survive a +1 Adamant Dragonite's LO Earthquake even with a 252/252 Bold spread, so this is a shaky "utility" counter to him. Your EV spread ensures that both Life Orb Gyarados and Life Orb Dragonite OHKO with Earthquake.

Honestly, I don't see why I would use this set when I can just revenge all of those threats you just mentioned with a Choice Scarf Jirachi. Wish support is nice, but I can use Vaporeon for that, who is a sturdier Gyarados counter.

This might sound cliché, but this set is trying to accomplish a lot when in reality, it doesn't accomplish very much. There are other Pokemon that do Jirachi's job better.

You should clean up that EV spread if you want this to go anywhere. 252 HP/240 Def/16 Spe Bold lets you check Dragonite/Gyarados more effectively and it outspeeds Adamant Breloom. Jirachi has no business attempting to counter Specs Jolteon.

Finally, please change Icy Wind to Hidden Power Ice. The speed drop is nice, but it has absolutely pathetic base power, and it doesn't deal nearly enough to Dragonite.
Jirachi doesn't always survive a +1 Adamant Dragonite's LO Earthquake even with a 252/252 Bold spread, so this is a shaky "utility" counter to him. Your EV spread ensures that both Life Orb Gyarados and Life Orb Dragonite OHKO with Earthquake.

Honestly, I don't see why I would use this set when I can just revenge all of those threats you just mentioned with a Choice Scarf Jirachi. Wish support is nice, but I can use Vaporeon for that, who is a sturdier Gyarados counter.

This might sound cliché, but this set is trying to accomplish a lot when in reality, it doesn't accomplish very much. There are other Pokemon that do Jirachi's job better.

You should clean up that EV spread if you want this to go anywhere. 252 HP/240 Def/16 Spe Bold lets you check Dragonite/Gyarados more effectively and it outspeeds Adamant Breloom. Jirachi has no business attempting to counter Specs Jolteon.

Finally, please change Icy Wind to Hidden Power Ice. The speed drop is nice, but it has absolutely pathetic base power, and it doesn't deal nearly enough to Dragonite.

About Dragonite, read "Anti-Lead." That means no DD, as Anti-Lead doesn't carry that move. With the standard Lead Dragonite set with LO and Quiet Nature, it deals 78.1% - 92.5% to this Jirachi: read, not a OHKO. Even Adamant 252 LO Dragonite will rarely OHKO, as it only deals 86.4% - 101.9%. With Gyarados, I forgot to mention that it only survives LO earthquake if Gyara doesn't have a DD under its belt. But still, this Jirachi is supposed to counter special threats primarily. I never say that Jirachi is supposed to stop DD Gyara/Dragonite, it just has the added bonus of being able to deal with them both in a pinch.

The purpose of this Jirachi is not to revenge, per say, but to switch into special threats and deal with them like no other can (excluding Blissey). Choice Scarf Jirachi can't reliably and repeatedly switch in to Starmie or Gengar. Yes Vaporeon is a better Wish-Passer, but that is not the main point of this set. And again, Jirachi is not supposed to be a solid answer to Gyarados; it can however, check it if it must.

I don't quite understand what you mean by "it doesn't accomplish much very." It counters Starmie (LO Hydro Pump deals 49% max), Gengar (LO Gengar deals ~47% max with HP Fire, and Shadow Ball doesn't even have a sure 3HKO), Specs Jolt is dealing 49% Max with Thunderbolt, LO Zapdos/Defensive Rotom-h don't 2HKO with their respective fire moves, and the list goes on and on. Not to mention Jirachi can either KO or out-stall all of these examples. Plus, Jirachi can check quite a few physical threats and hurt most of them. To top it off, it can pass Wishes and just overall be a team player. This seems like a hell of a lot to me.

Also, what other pokemon can "do this better?" Blissey can, but it is dead weight against any physical attacker that offensive teams have, such as Machamp, which Jirachi can deal with. And what offensive wants to waste a team slot for a pokemon that completely stops their team's momentum? Blissey is also asking to be set up on by TauntDos, SDLuke, DDTar, DDKingdra, SubSplitGengar, Charge Beam Rotom-A and others. Jirachi does not allow this, as it's Icy wind will at worst lower the speed of the setter-upper, letting whatever wants to switch in next kill it. It can even do significant damage to most of these sweepers through T-bolt and Psychic, leaving them in easy kill range fro the next pokemon.

Those Evs you suggested are for physical threats, but as I said, this Jirachi should be primarily checking special threats. The ability to check physical threats is only a bonus, not the main selling point of the set.

Icy Wind does 68.7% - 80.9% to MixNite, which has a chance to OHKO with rocks and a sure-fire KO after SR+LO recoil. And against Choice Scarf Flygon, it does 73.1% - 86.4%. Again, enough for a revenge killer that has most likely taken prior damage, and even if it doesn't KO, the speed drop will let something else take care of a Flygon locked into EQ with no speed boost. And Jirachi will always have a chance to hit Flygon, as even Adamant 252 Flygon EQ won't OHKO. That seems like enough damage to me. Also, the extra damage provided by HP Ice still doesn't achieve 100% OHKOes, so you are better off with the speed drop provided by Icy Wind.

There is already a utility counter Jirachi...

If I'm correct, isn't it called Scarfed Jirachi?

Scarf Jira has to lock itself into a weak and often non-STABed move coming off of 299 Atk to revenge kill something (and if something has to be revenge killed it normally has to be switched in after a kill, and can't normally switch into boosted attacks). This leaves it as easy set-up fodder for another of the many threats that are commonly used. Also, this counters different things that Scarf Jira can't reliably switch in to and force out.
Also, what other pokemon can "do this better?" Blissey can, but it is dead weight against any physical attacker that offensive teams have, such as Machamp, which Jirachi can deal with. And what offensive wants to waste a team slot for a pokemon that completely stops their team's momentum? Blissey is also asking to be set up on by TauntDos, SDLuke, DDTar, DDKingdra, SubSplitGengar, Charge Beam Rotom-A and others. Jirachi does not allow this, as it's Icy wind will at worst lower the speed of the setter-upper, letting whatever wants to switch in next kill it. It can even do significant damage to most of these sweepers through T-bolt and Psychic, leaving them in easy kill range fro the next pokemon.

Mesprit can do this soo much better with its much larger movepool and immunity to Earthquake and its overall bulk.

EDIT: Plus, Icy wind's speed drop isn't even that much. Sure it negates dragon dance, but even so it has pitiful damage.
About Dragonite, read "Anti-Lead." That means no DD, as Anti-Lead doesn't carry that move. With the standard Lead Dragonite set with LO and Quiet Nature, it deals 78.1% - 92.5% to this Jirachi: read, not a OHKO. Even Adamant 252 LO Dragonite will rarely OHKO, as it only deals 86.4% - 101.9%. With Gyarados, I forgot to mention that it only survives LO earthquake if Gyara doesn't have a DD under its belt. But still, this Jirachi is supposed to counter special threats primarily. I never say that Jirachi is supposed to stop DD Gyara/Dragonite, it just has the added bonus of being able to deal with them both in a pinch.

Remeber that you have to switch-in into one of Dragonite´s move before taking the Earthquake.
Wish + Calm Mind Jirachi takes physical hits better and can Calm Mind on Gengar + co. Specially Defensive Zapdos / Celebi are generally better options for taking on Starmie etc.

That EV spread is disgustingly inefficient defensively.
The EVs are so inefficient it's not even funny. No way in hell anyone would ever use this set as is. Maybe if you fix the EVs, and even then it's a stretch.
without protect, this set doesn't really reliably counter the special threats you say it does. it gets to switch into starmie and jolteon exactly once. if you thunderbolt on the switch to heatran or whoever, you have to switch out and the next time you try to switch back in starmie and jolteon will 2hko (if i was using starmie and your best switch was a jirachi id probably not sacrifice it and instead exploit your teams weakness to water attacks). if you wish its the same situation except you lose if they stay in.

even with protect you're shakily countering specs jolt since you need 3-4 wishes just to get off an attack and there's a decent chance it will para/fp or crit you within the turns you need to wish enough times to get enough psychics to kill it. if you run icy wind instead you cannot beat specs jolteon at all since it 3hkoes and it is faster after icy wind.

wish protect makes it massive setup bait for, well, everything, but specifically ddnite which is the main perk of running icy wind. basically i'm getting the feeling that this set is just a punching bag that just delays the inevitable for a few turns.
Wish + Calm Mind Jirachi takes physical hits better and can Calm Mind on Gengar + co. Specially Defensive Zapdos / Celebi are generally better options for taking on Starmie etc.

That EV spread is disgustingly inefficient defensively.

Wish CM can take physical hits better, but not special ones. What do you mean it can set up on Gengar and Starmie and Jolteon? LO 252 Starmie Hydro Pump does 52.2% - 61.9%, a 2HKO if it hits twice. Therefore, it can't switch in. After a CM, it does 35.6% - 41.8%. Not always a 2HKO, but the next turn, even if Jirachi Wished, it won't recieve it until the next turn, so can be finished off by another move. CM Wish Jira in no way can set up on LOStarmie or switch in and KO it.

Against Gengar, LO HP Fire does 49.5% - 58.4% to CMWish (so again it can't switch in), and the follow up hit does 33.2% - 39.1% to +1 Jirachi. This won't 2HKO, but on Jirachi's second turn, it can do only KO Gengar, or else it will be KO'ed by another HP Fire. Assuming min damage both hits (very unlikely) of HP Fire, Jirachi will be left at 24.55% (assuming 2 turns of Lefties and switching into SR). Almost anything can finish off a Jirachi at ~25% HP. So while it can set up a CM and KO the next turn, this leaves Jirachi at so little health so that anything that switch in next with a half decent attack will be able to kill it.

Against Jolteon, Specs Thunderbolt does 51.2% - 60.4%, so again, it can't switch in. After 1 CM, it does 34.2% - 40.3%, a chance to 2HKO. If it doesn't, the next turn it kill it, and Jirachi can't OHKO with +1 Psychic, so it looses to Jolteon as well.

Clearly, Jirachi can't just Cm against these pokemon, but my Jirachi can switch in and take them out.

SpD Zapdos does not take on LO Starmie, as Ice Beam does 46.5% - 54.8%, so it can't switch in and will be killed with SR and a little bit of prior damage. While it can kill Starmie if it gets in for free, it is left at 34.75% after Leftovers, SR, and assuming min damage, so it is likely to be even more damaged than that. Whatever switches in next will KO it it such low health.

Defensive Celebi is dealt 55.9% - 65.8% from LO Ice Beam, and therefore can''t switch in. And Defensive Celebi also can't OHKO with Grass knot, dealing 75.9% - 89.7%, so Celebi can't OHKO with 1 LO recoil alone, or it needs to roll at least decent damge with SR+ 1 LO recoil. Either way, not a sure-fire OHKO, and if it doesn't OHKO, it can be 2HKO'ed. And it it does kill the Strarmie and live to tell the tale, it will be at 45.1%, again assuming SR+leftovers and min damage. Once more, easy pickings for whatever switch in next.

What now is obvious is that none of these walls can switch in and not be 2HKO'ed. If Jirachi gets in for free, it still is has a high chance to be 2/3HKO'ed anyways, and if it does kill the opposition, it will be left at so little health that it will be killed by whatever switches in next. Celebi isn't always going to get the OHKO and will subsequently get 2HKO'ed. If it does OHKO, it will again be left with little health so that it can be revenge-killed. Same applies to Zapdos, who is left in even worse shape due to the SR weakness. Therefore, my Jirachi handles these special attackers better than the rest of them.

The EV's are not inefficient. Jirachi nees 252 Hp / 136 SpD and a Calm Nature to beat Strarmie and co. My spread of Calm 80 HP / 252 SpD achieves the same special walling ability while saving 56 EVs. After this, the 136 special attack EVs are required to KO Starmie+Gengar, and cannot be moved elsewhere. This leaves me with 40 EVs. 20 Spe let it get the jump and Adamant Breloom and 252+ Starmie/Azelf after Icy wind drop, and last 20 go in defense. If I were to max HP first and achieve more physical bulk, Jirachi would not be able to invest in Def or Spe at ALL, and lose out on the sure-fire KO on Starmie after 2LO recoils and SR because it would have to sacrifice 16 SpA EVs. Therefore, my EVs are not inefficient in the least. In fact, they are more efficient than Maxing HP first.

Mesprit can do this soo much better with its much larger movepool and immunity to Earthquake and its overall bulk.

About that Mesperit comment, it does not do this particular job better. It's Base 80 hp means it has to invest more in it's defenses. While it has to run slightly less Special Attack to get the KOs, this is not offset by the extra EVs needed to go into HP. Also, while Mesperit does have Levitate, it packs weaknesses to U-Turn (!), Pursuit (!!) and Shadow Ball, leaving it unable to counter Gengar and very vulnerable to Pursuit. Also, the extra resists provided by Jirachi's Steel typing are fantastic, and these benefits heavily outweigh the those that Mesprit bring to the table.

Remember that you have to switch-in into one of Dragonite´s move before taking the Earthquake.

This is true, but again, Jirachi is not supposed to be the primary switch-in on your team to Dragonite. This is more of a testament to Jirachi's bulk than it is to it's ability to counter DDers (which it can only do in a pinch and under certain situations).

without protect, this set doesn't really reliably counter the special threats you say it does. it gets to switch into starmie and jolteon exactly once. if you thunderbolt on the switch to heatran or whoever, you have to switch out and the next time you try to switch back in starmie and jolteon will 2hko (if i was using starmie and your best switch was a jirachi id probably not sacrifice it and instead exploit your teams weakness to water attacks). if you wish its the same situation except you lose if they stay in.

even with protect you're shakily countering specs jolt since you need 3-4 wishes just to get off an attack and there's a decent chance it will para/fp or crit you within the turns you need to wish enough times to get enough psychics to kill it. if you run icy wind instead you cannot beat specs jolteon at all since it 3hkoes and it is faster after icy wind.

wish protect makes it massive setup bait for, well, everything, but specifically ddnite which is the main perk of running icy wind. basically i'm getting the feeling that this set is just a punching bag that just delays the inevitable for a few turns.

This is true in that it gets to switch into Specs Jolt and LO Strarmie once, but that is usually all you will need. Most people don't switch out, especially Starmie. What can most Jirachi do to Starmie? Thunderbolt off of little to no SpA investment won't kill, so Starmie will have little reason to switch out. Most people also assume that on the first hit when Hydro pump did about 48% damage, it was just was a low damage roll, and try again because it is likely to get a 2HKO as they don't know Jirachi is guaranteed to survive two LO Hydro Pumps.

About Specs Jolt, I am exaggerating a little that Jirachi can "counter" Specs Jolt. However, it can still switch in and not be 2HKO'ed by Thunderbolt, which is better than almost anything offensive teams are likely to run (excluding Ground types). Plus, Jirachi does 42.4% - 50.2% with Psychic, which will leave Jolteon at less than half health with SR. This is enough for Extreemespeed Lucario, Bullet punch Scizor and other priority moves to finish it off. Also, if Jirachi gets in after a kill, it will be able to 2HKO or come very close to doing so with Psychic, and will at least do enough damage so that Jolteon can't switch in again due to SR or will die to the common Sandstorm.

This Jirachi can still counter Gengar and Starmie, check Gyarados, Jolteon, Dragonite, Machamp, Heracross, Vaporeon, Skarmory and others, all of which are threats to offense ans stall teams alike. It is set up bait for some, but certainly not as bad as using Blissey or Scarfed Pokemon locked into weak moves. And Jirachi will countinue to be useful throughout the match, be it by scouting with protect, slowing stuff down with Icy Wind, passing Wishes, and just generally being a pain in the ass to kill.
I don't quite understand what you mean by "it doesn't accomplish much very." It counters Starmie (LO Hydro Pump deals 49% max), Gengar (LO Gengar deals ~47% max with HP Fire, and Shadow Ball doesn't even have a sure 3HKO), Specs Jolt is dealing 49% Max with Thunderbolt, LO Zapdos/Defensive Rotom-h don't 2HKO with their respective fire moves, and the list goes on and on. Not to mention Jirachi can either KO or out-stall all of these examples. Plus, Jirachi can check quite a few physical threats and hurt most of them. To top it off, it can pass Wishes and just overall be a team player. This seems like a hell of a lot to me.
All of those attacks that you mentioned 2HKO if you switch in, which means that you need protect in the fourth slot. However, you lose Icy Wind, which means Jirachi is set up bait for pretty much any fast sweeper, like Blissey (who sometimes uses Thunder Wave). Blissey is able to counter special attackers so much better than Jirachi, and it can even use Thunderbolt to counter Gyarados (and it is not OHKO'd by a +1 move, unlike Jirachi).

P.S. Standard 252/252 Bold Blissey has ~7% more Physical Bulk and and ~184% more special bulk than your current EV spread.
All of those attacks that you mentioned 2HKO if you switch in, which means that you need protect in the fourth slot. However, you lose Icy Wind, which means Jirachi is set up bait for pretty much any fast sweeper, like Blissey (who sometimes uses Thunder Wave). Blissey is able to counter special attackers so much better than Jirachi, and it can even use Thunderbolt to counter Gyarados (and it is not OHKO'd by a +1 move, unlike Jirachi).

P.S. Standard 252/252 Bold Blissey has ~7% more Physical Bulk and and ~184% more special bulk than your current EV spread.

These attacks don't 2HKO. 49%+49%=98%, not 100%. And remember that SR is canceled by leftovers. So you don't need Protect to deal with Gengar and Starmie. And blissey is able to counter special attackers better than Jirachi. There is no disputing that fact. However, there is also no disputing the fact that Blissey kills the momentum of offensive teams, and is set up bait for almost any sweeper in the game, where as Jirachi can still break the subs of things like Agility Empoleon and SubSplit Gengar, and can damage others such as SDLuke and DDNite quite a lot (52.7% - 62.3% to Lucario with Psychic and 46.6% - 56% to Dragonite).
These attacks don't 2HKO. 49%+49%=98%, not 100%. And remember that SR is canceled by leftovers. So you don't need Protect to deal with Gengar and Starmie. And blissey is able to counter special attackers better than Jirachi. There is no disputing that fact. However, there is also no disputing the fact that Blissey kills the momentum of offensive teams, and is set up bait for almost any sweeper in the game, where as Jirachi can still break the subs of things like Agility Empoleon and SubSplit Gengar, and can damage others such as SDLuke and DDNite quite a lot (52.7% - 62.3% to Lucario with Psychic and 46.6% - 56% to Dragonite).

Remeber that you will likely be switching into Thunderbolt/Hydro Pump/Shadow Ball, so it would go like this:

Jirachi switches in
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (51% ish health left)
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (8% ish health left)
Jirachi used Wish
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (dead)

So yes, you need protect if you want to avoid the 3HKO.

Also, Blissey is not set-up bait for anything (without Taunt) assuming it has Thunder Wave.
This set is really bad IMO. It does not have enough durability to do what it intends to do plus it doesn't even boast resistances to any of the moves it is countering. Psychic/Steel only boasts resistances to physical moves such as Rock, Flying, etc. The only real Special move it has the advantage on is ice and the only Pokemon with an ice type move that this Jirachi is countering is Starmie. If I could reject this I could but I can't so all I can say is that Icy Wind is my least favorite move of all time.
Remeber that you will likely be switching into Thunderbolt/Hydro Pump/Shadow Ball, so it would go like this:

Jirachi switches in
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (51% ish health left)
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (8% ish health left)
Jirachi used Wish
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (dead)

So yes, you need protect if you want to avoid the 3HKO.

Also, Blissey is not set-up bait for anything (without Taunt) assuming it has Thunder Wave.

Actually, would go more like this:

Jirachi switches in
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (51% ish health left)- At this point, Jirachi can switch to a Ground type teammate to absorb the thunderbolt.
If the team doesn't have a ground type/it is dead, Jolteon uses Thunderbolt (at least 8% health left)
Jirachi uses PSYCHIC (you would only use wish if you do have protect, in which case it is a non-issue), leaving Jolteon at less than 50%
Jirachi dies to the next Thunderbolt
Scizor/Lucario/Infernape/Scarfer come in next and finishes off weakened Jolteon with Fast attack/Priority move

So yes, you do need Protect to avoid the 3HKO, but if you don't you can damage Jolteon enough so that a priority move or fast attack can finish it off.

You are right. Blissey isn't set up bait for anything
SubCharge Rotom-A can't set up a sub to block status
Agility Empoleon can't set up a sub to block status
Blissey will of course not switch out of Infernape to avoid being decimated by Close Combat [/sarcasm]

Face it, Blissey is set-up fodder or OHKO'ed by almost every sweeper in the game, and the ones that can't set up on it have teammates that can take it out.

This set is really bad IMO. It does not have enough durability to do what it intends to do plus it doesn't even boast resistances to any of the moves it is countering. Psychic/Steel only boasts resistances to physical moves such as Rock, Flying, etc. The only real Special move it has the advantage on is ice and the only Pokemon with an ice type move that this Jirachi is countering is Starmie. If I could reject this I could but I can't so all I can say is that Icy Wind is my least favorite move of all time.

It has the durability to counter Stramie. It has the durability to counter Gengar. It has the durability to not be 2HKO'ed by almost every special attack in the game (excluding STAB Fire Blasts and powerful Specs attacks). How much more special durability do you want? And Steel/Psychic has a number of special resists, and many of them are important. Resisting Ice Beams, HP Ice, HP Grass, Grass Knots, Seed Flares, Leaf Storms, Dragon Pulses, and Draco Meteors. I call all of these "real" special moves, and it is important to have these resistances. Also, I don't care if Icy Wind is your least favorite move in the game, as it does its job quite nicely on this set.
It has the durability to counter Stramie. It has the durability to counter Gengar. It has the durability to not be 2HKO'ed by almost every special attack in the game (excluding STAB Fire Blasts and powerful Specs attacks). How much more special durability do you want? And Steel/Psychic has a number of special resists, and many of them are important. Resisting Ice Beams, HP Ice, HP Grass, Grass Knots, Seed Flares, Leaf Storms, Dragon Pulses, and Draco Meteors. I call all of these "real" special moves, and it is important to ave these resistances. Also, I don't care if Icy Wind is your least favorite move in the game, as it does its job quite nicely on this set.

Taking pretty much half from the move you're countering and not OHKOing is not exactly "countering". Did you forget the concept of "switching out". Ice is become less common now that Salamence is out of the metagame, the only pokemon that carry STAB grass moves are Celebi and Shaymin who can be countered by sturdy flying types like Zapdos and Togekiss anyway, and Draco Meteor doesn't do much from Dragonite even on the standard spread. Most Ice moves don't do too much to Jirachi anyway because they are generally not STAB. It sounds to me that the people you've been testing this set on aren't very good at general competitive battling.

Icy wind=55 Base Power. Horrible
Actually, would go more like this:

Jirachi switches in
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (51% ish health left)- At this point, Jirachi can switch to a Ground type teammate to absorb the thunderbolt.
If the team doesn't have a ground type/it is dead, Jolteon uses Thunderbolt (at least 8% health left)

Uh oh, this means that if you are relying on Jirachi to counter things like SubPetaya Empoleon or Gengar later in the game, it will be too weak. Wouldn't it be nice if you had a 100% counter to Specs Jolteon/Starmie, like Roserade or Shaymin? Or a sturdy pHazer like Vaporeon to deal with Gengar?

You are right. Blissey isn't set up bait for anything
SubCharge Rotom-A can't set up a sub to block status
Agility Empoleon can't set up a sub to block status
Blissey will of course not switch out of Infernape to avoid being decimated by Close Combat [/sarcasm]
The only one on that list of Pokemon that Jirachi beats and Blissey doesn't is Rotom. Blissey beats Agility SubPetaya Empoleon more reliably than Jirachi, and both Blissey and Jirachi lose to Infernape. Anyway, Blissey can potentially beat SubCharge Rotom with enough special attack EVs.

The issue with this set in my opinion, is that while it may very well be viable, it does not 100% counter much at all. Blissey is a 99% counter to all special attackers (except for things like SubCharge Rotom and SubPainSplit Gengar).
Taking pretty much half from the move you're countering and not OHKOing is not exactly "countering". Did you forget the concept of "switching out". Ice is become less common now that Salamence is out of the metagame, the only pokemon that carry STAB grass moves are Celebi and Shaymin who can be countered by sturdy flying types like Zapdos and Togekiss anyway, and Draco Meteor doesn't do much from Dragonite even on the standard spread. Most Ice moves don't do too much to Jirachi anyway because they are generally not STAB. It sounds to me that the people you've been testing this set on aren't very good at general competitive battling.

Icy wind=55 Base Power. Horrible

Please read the OP. Jirachi takes less than half damage (3HKO), and it OHKOes Starmie and Gengar. About switching out, I'll quote something I previously said in this thread. Most people don't switch out, especially Starmie. What can most Jirachi do to Starmie? Thunderbolt off of little to no SpA investment won't kill (the norm), so Starmie will have little reason to switch out. Most people also assume that on the first hit when Hydro pump did about 48% damage, it was just was a low damage roll, and try again because it is likely to get a 2HKO as they don't know Jirachi is guaranteed to survive two LO Hydro Pumps. Starmie has no reason to switch out. Gengar is also usually only threatened by Scarf Iron Head (the Gengar user will figure out that Jira is not scarf because of leftovers), and psychic was used on 21% of the time on Jirachi, so again, Gengar has little reason to switch out.

Ice has not become less common. In fact, the inverse is true. With the rise of Gliscor, Dragonite, Flygon, Celebi, Shaymin, Breloom and Zapdos, the need for an Ice Type move has only risen. Celebi and Shaymin becoming more common have increased the amount of Grass moves around. Draco meteor coming from Dragoniter does exactly the same amount of damage as Salamence, and Salamence's Meteors sure did a hell of a lot. Besides, this doesn't matter or effect the effectiveness of Jirachi.

Bullet Punch has 40 BP. Is that a bad move?
Charge Beam has 50 BP. Is that a bad move?
Icy Wind has 55 BP. Is that a bad move?

No, no, and no. These moves might be weak, but they have useful secondary effects. Icy Wind's secondary effect is useful, and that's the reason it can be used on this set. And besides, if I was after a powerful Ice move, why would I be using Icy Wind when I have access to Hp Ice? The coverage Icy Wind provides against Flygon and Dragonite happens to be useful, but is not the main reason it is used.

Uh oh, this means that if you are relying on Jirachi to counter things like SubPetaya Empoleon or Gengar later in the game, it will be too weak. Wouldn't it be nice if you had a 100% counter to Specs Jolteon/Starmie, like Roserade or Shaymin? Or a sturdy pHazer like Vaporeon to deal with Gengar?

The only one on that list of Pokemon that Jirachi beats and Blissey doesn't is Rotom. Blissey beats Agility SubPetaya Empoleon more reliably than Jirachi, and both Blissey and Jirachi lose to Infernape. Anyway, Blissey can potentially beat SubCharge Rotom with enough special attack EVs.

The issue with this set in my opinion, is that while it may very well be viable, it does not 100% counter much at all. Blissey is a 99% counter to all special attackers (except for things like SubCharge Rotom and SubPainSplit Gengar).

No, you should not be using this Jirachi to counter SubAgility Empoleon. After you counter Gengar/Starmie, what do you need to be healthy for later in the game? Jirachi is not a counter to everything in the game, only Starmie and Gengar. It would be nice if you had a 100% counter to Starmie, but unfourtunatly, short of Blissey, there is none. 252/136 Calm Roserade is 2HKO'ed by Ice Beam 100% of the time, while Jirachi is never 2HKO'ed. Same case for Shaymin, as the support Shaymin from its analysis is dealt 55.9% - 65.8% from LO Ice Beam. Also, Specs Jolt HP Ice is a 100% 2HKO to Shaymin and deals 48.8% - 57.4% to Roserade, so very high chance to 2HKO with out rocks, 100% chance to 2HKo with them. Roserade/Shaymin are in no way, shape or form better counters to Starmie and Specs Jolteon.

SubAgility Empoleon and Infernape were bad examples, sorry. Better examples would be SubSplit Gengar and SDLuke. Blissey auto loses to both of those, and Jirachi wins against Gengar and can do 52.7% - 62.3% to Lucario. And if Blissey runs enough SpA to beat Rotom, it loses out on a lot of bulk.

It 100% counters Gengar and Starmie, huge threats to almost every team. Blissey can do this, but again, poses almost no offensive threat and grinds the precious momentum of offensive team to a screeching halt. Jirachi does not do this, and is therefore the superior choice on offensive teams and many Semi-Stall teams that require momentum to be in their favor to set up entry hazards and control the tempo of the match.
Actually, would go more like this:

Jirachi switches in
Jolteon used Thunderbolt (51% ish health left)- At this point, Jirachi can switch to a Ground type teammate to absorb the thunderbolt.
If the team doesn't have a ground type/it is dead, Jolteon uses Thunderbolt (at least 8% health left)
Jirachi uses PSYCHIC (you would only use wish if you do have protect, in which case it is a non-issue), leaving Jolteon at less than 50%
Jirachi dies to the next Thunderbolt
Scizor/Lucario/Infernape/Scarfer come in next and finishes off weakened Jolteon with Fast attack/Priority move

That is not a good scenario, at all. It's almost like you're shooting down your own set.
Please read the OP. Jirachi takes less than half damage (3HKO), and it OHKOes Starmie and Gengar.

yeah... you said it takes 49% or sumthin like that... that's half.

Bullet Punch has 40 BP. Is that a bad move?
Charge Beam has 50 BP. Is that a bad move?
Icy Wind has 55 BP. Is that a bad move?

No, no, and no. These moves might be weak, but they have useful secondary effects. Icy Wind's secondary effect is useful, and that's the reason it can be used on this set. And besides, if I was after a powerful Ice move, why would I be using Icy Wind when I have access to Hp Ice? The coverage Icy Wind provides against Flygon and Dragonite happens to be useful, but is not the main reason it is used.

Bullet punch is 90 Base Power on Scizor btw and off of Metagross's high attack stat it does tons of damage. Charge Beam gets more powerful due to the SpAtk raises and it also raises the power of the other moves. Icy wind only lowers their speed by one stage which they can obviously remedy by switching out. One stage isn't even enough. Again, Mesprit is BETTEr. Use MESPRIT.

Gengar doesn't even need a utility counter. Just use scarf Scizor/Tyranitar.
That is not a good scenario, at all. It's almost like you're shooting down your own set.

It fares better than the rest of offensive teams can do, and heck, better than a lot of defensive pokemon can. And if it does better than almost anything else, that sounds pretty good to me.

yeah... you said it takes 49% or sumthin like that... that's half.

Think about this for a minute. If a move does less than half, it does not 2HKO, as it 3HKoes instead. If it 3HKOes, Jirachi can switch in, take the hit, take the second hit, kill the Starmie/Gengar, and still live. So it wins, as Hydro Pump does less than half.

Bullet punch is 90 Base Power on Scizor btw and off of Metagross's high attack stat it does tons of damage. Charge Beam gets more powerful due to the SpAtk raises and it also raises the power of the other moves. Icy wind only lowers their speed by one stage which they can obviously remedy by switching out. One stage isn't even enough. Again, Mesprit is BETTEr. Use MESPRIT.

Gengar doesn't even need a utility counter. Just use scarf Scizor/Tyranitar.

Moves are not good only because of the sheer power, but also from the utility they bring to the table. Icy wind has just as much utility as moves like Charge Beam and Bullet Punch. Lets say you catch an infernape on the switch with an Icy Wind. It then has to switch out or die to psychic. And if you force your opponent to switch out, then you just made them reveal more of their team, got another attack/Wish off, and forced them to take more entry hazard damage. Again, a good situation for you. And the only things that aren't slower than you in OU after an Icy Wind drop are Jolteon (irreverent, as you can take it on fairly well being slower), Aerodactyal (who you could just smash with Thunderbolt), and Wevile (very rare), so 1 speed drop is enough.

If you have to limit your battle options and team by using a Scarf pokemon, it warrants the use of a different counter who can also take on other threats with out being locked into one move and becoming set-up fodder.
No. This set doesn't make sence just pump more special def into wish cm jirachi if you want more bulk.The ev's are ???? as well. Icy wind is very weak and i don't think your pumping out ko's like you think you will.Based off your ?? ev's your not outspeeding anything that wish cm would. Wish cm has enough special and physical bulk which is important for top physicall threats.Along with the ability to set up on specials, its a thumbs down from me.but im not staff
No. This set doesn't make sence just pump more special def into wish cm jirachi if you want more bulk.The ev's are ???? as well. Icy wind is very weak and i don't think your pumping out ko's like you think you will.Based off your ?? ev's your not outspeeding anything that wish cm would. Wish cm has enough special and physical bulk which is important for top physicall threats.Along with the ability to set up on specials, its a thumbs down from me.but im not staff

Damage Calcs to prove Worth of Special Attack EVs (when I refer to Jirachi, I mean my Jirachi spread):

Jirachi Thunderbolt vs. LOStarmie: 69% - 81.2%- 100% chance to OHKO after SR + 2LO recoils
Jirachi Psychic vs. LOGengar: 108% - 127.2%- 100% chance to OHKO
Jirachi Psychic vs. LO/Specs Jolteon: 42.4% - 50.2%- Good chance to 2HKO after SR
Jirachi Thunderbolt vs. 252/252 Careful SpDSkarm: 46.7% - 55.1%- 100% chance to 2HKO after Rocks, good chance to 2HKO if Skarm packs Leftovers
Jirachi Icy Wind vs. MixNite: 63.2% - 74.3%- Very good chance to OHKO after SR + 1LO recoil

These offensive calcs prove that Jirachi does enough damage to these threats.

Defensive Calcs (Some of these are just to show off Jirachi's tremendous bulk):

LO Starmie Hydro Pump vs. Jirachi: 42.4% - 49.9%- Never a 2HKO
LO Gengar HP Fire vs. Jirachi: 39.9% - 47.1%- Never a 2HKO
Specs Jolteon vs. Jirachi: 41.6% - 49%- Never a 2HKO
Choice Scarf Rotom-H Overheat vs. Jirachi: 52.6% - 62%, (at -2) 26.6% - 31.6%- Never a 2HKO
Physically Defensive Zapdos Heatwave vs. Jirachi: 34.9% - 41.6%- Never a 2HKO
LOShaymin Earth Power vs. Jirachi: 42.7% - 49.3%- Never a 2HKO
Choice Scarf Heatran Fire Blast vs. Jirachi: 78.7% - 93.1%- Never an OHKO
Physically Based Infernape Overheat vs. Jirachi: 86.4% - 101.9%- Rarely a OHKO
LOOffensive Gyarados (Adamant) EQ vs. Jirachi: 82% - 97%- Never and OHKO
Anti-Lead Dragonite EQ vs. Jirachi: 78.1% - 92.5%- Never an OHKO

I also out speed everything 36 Spe Jirachi does, except Jolly Tyranitar. However, this is enough to outspeed 252 Adamant Breloom and everything else below it.

Now tell me that the EVs are questionable and that I don't get the KOes that I claim to.

About CM Wish, if you were to invest enough in SpD to keep the same special bulk as my Jirachi, you would have to be close to 252 HP/252 SpD. If you were to use a Calm nature, your spread would be 252 HP/ 120 Def/ 136 SpD, losing almost 20% of your physical bulk, and you wouldn't have any speed.

Also, please read this that shows what would happen if you tried to set up on Starmie and co. with out sufficent enough EVs (a.k.a. standard CMWish EVs):

LO 252 Starmie Hydro Pump does 52.2% - 61.9%, a 2HKO if it hits twice. Therefore, it can't switch in. After a CM, it does 35.6% - 41.8%. Not always a 2HKO, but the next turn, even if Jirachi Wished, it won't recieve it until the next turn, so can be finished off by another move. CM Wish Jira in no way can set up on LOStarmie or switch in and KO it.

Against Gengar, LO HP Fire does 49.5% - 58.4% to CMWish (so again it can't switch in), and the follow up hit does 33.2% - 39.1% to +1 Jirachi. This won't 2HKO, but on Jirachi's second turn, it can do only KO Gengar, or else it will be KO'ed by another HP Fire. Assuming min damage both hits (very unlikely) of HP Fire, Jirachi will be left at 24.55% (assuming 2 turns of Lefties and switching into SR). Almost anything can finish off a Jirachi at ~25% HP. So while it can set up a CM and KO the next turn, this leaves Jirachi at so little health so that anything that switch in next with a half decent attack will be able to kill it.

Against Jolteon, Specs Thunderbolt does 51.2% - 60.4%, so again, it can't switch in. After 1 CM, it does 34.2% - 40.3%, a chance to 2HKO. If it doesn't, the next turn it kill it, and Jirachi can't OHKO with +1 Psychic, so it looses to Jolteon as well.

If Jirachi gets in for free, it still is has a high chance to be 2/3HKO'ed anyways, and if it does kill the opposition, it will be left at so little health that it will be killed by whatever switches in next
Scofield goes on about specially defensive Jirachi all the time. I'll test this particular one out and get back to you with my decision.