Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Well, I understood that (even though Pokemon really isn't nature), but I didn't understand the logic behind making one male and one female. Note that I don't watch the movies or the anime, so I really wouldn't know about the mother-son thing. Assuming Zoroark is not able to breed (which is highly unlikely), is it safe to say that a female Zorua will not exist?

Oh, and is it Zoroark or Zoruark?
Well Pokemon was initially (from what I've heard) about capturing animal-like creatures because the creator used to go out and capture insects.

It is Zoroark, I think I just went with the U because I had previously typed ZorUa, lol.
I'm predicting that she's gonna be like manaphy or darkrai T-major ... So yea, I'm just hoping that she'll be psuedo-legendary at least.
she not though, that's the problem. you can't predict or hope for something that is already wrong. (or at least wrong when we look at the current traditions) Manaphy and Darkrai have traits that relate them to legendary Pokemon. (both are genderless, and can't evolve; Manaphy is the only one that can breed, and the Pokemon it spawns can't even evolve into it.) Zoroark and Zorua have traits that relate them to normal Pokemon (can evolve (which is confirmed, since you seem to be confused on that fact), have genders, and can most likely breed (though not confirmed they can)). more specifically Lucario, since they both play large roles in movies.

same goes from Psudo-Legendary status. Psudo-Legendries have 3 stage evolutions, which Zoroark does not. Psudo's have 600 BST, which we don't know if Zoroark does or not, but based on they fact that it's in the same boat as Lucario, we can assume it won't. Psudos up until now have all had duel types, which, as far as we know, Zoroark does not.

nothing adds up. based on all this, there is no reason, at all, to assume that Zoroark will be (psudo)legendary. the only way it could be would be if they decided to make Zoroark the first (psudo)legendary to have these qualities. we also can't assume they are going to do that, since we have no proof that supports that break from tradition, outside of making Zoroark and Zorua event only.
And I'm hoping Gear is mono-Steel with his final evolution having Levitate. Because Plus and Minus are horrid abilities. D:
Optional Levitate, yes. And Plus and Minus are actually really good abilities for doubles. I know of at least some people that use Pluse and Minun (I believe one set up Rain, the other uses thunder while the Rain Dancer used Helping Hand.). Just requires decent strategy and Doubles is all.

Now, if they did have a Levitate option, by all means.
Psudos have duel types, which, as far as we know, Zoroark does not.
I apologize for removing the bulk of your post, but I only wanted to comment on this.

While I hate using this logic, it easily could have been a coincidence that all the psuedos had dual typings. A lot of Pokemon have dual typings, moreso than those that have mono typings. As such, it would be more probably for any given Pokemon to have a dual typing. For four generations in a row, this held true. But that could just be the probability. I do agree that Zorua/Zoroark aren't three-stage evolutions, but they still could be the psuedos of Gen V.

Although I hope they aren't.
I don't see how they could have 3 possible Abilities
Maybe males have the abilities of Plus or Levitate, while females have Minus or Levitate. Probably not though, since they've revealed their abilities already. I'd love to see ability differences like this, though, within the same species.
Maybe males have the abilities of Plus or Levitate, while females have Minus or Levitate. Probably not though, since they've revealed their abilities already. I'd love to see ability differences like this, though, within the same species.
Thats a great idea , I wanna see this too.
Mawile with better stats and access to Intimidate? Sign me up as long as it doesnt evolve into a Steel/Rock Pokemon.
I actually want it to grow tendrils and evolve into a Steel/Grass Pokemon with some form of exclusive or near exclusive (shared with Carnivine and its potential evos and prevos) with the word "Snare" that involved that either traps Pokemon acts like Gravity or some combination that lasts as long as it's still in play.
the problem is that mawile evolving into a steel/grass pokemon make exactly zero sense, it dont resemble a plant in any way, in fact it resemble anything but a plant.
Zorua evolves into Zoroark which means that they are not legendaries and, thus, will have Egg types (and not just giving them Egg types so they can breed like Manaphy and Phione). This means, that you will be able to breed any male Pokemon with the event Zoroark (most likely anything in the Field and Human-Like Egg groups) and get a baby Zorua. You could breed Zorua and Zoroark together but that's not really a problem since there's incest in Pokemon anyway. (Of course, considering Zorua seems to be the next Riolu, it will probably not have an Egg type.)

Zoroark being its English name seems odd to me. I figured it would be similar to its Japanese name since it's getting its own movie but Zoroark is hard to pronounce and isn't intuitive in the least bit.

I'll work on Base Stats for a Mawhile evo when I get home. I already have one written down but I want to see what it can counter.

Edit: @ Lucalibur:
Bulbapedia said:
The fact that it can learn Sweet Scent may indicate a relation to a carnivorous plant, similar to Carnivine.
one could also argue its head resemble a giant mouth ready to eat you right? true that resemble the plant, but dont mean it was gamefreak intention since they might just wanted a pokemon with a giant mouth on the back of its head(also besides the back mouth looking like the plant mawile got nothing to do with the grass type).

edit:how about this for mawile evo?

90 hp/ 105 atack / 100 defense / 60 special atack / 90 special defense/ 70 speed=515 BST. (yes, i took blasphemy1 stats and changed a little bit to fit the bulky tank style mawile got)
I actually want it to grow tendrils and evolve into a Steel/Grass Pokemon with some form of exclusive or near exclusive (shared with Carnivine and its potential evos and prevos) with the word "Snare" that involved that either traps Pokemon acts like Gravity or some combination that lasts as long as it's still in play.
Mawile looks like those fighting girls from animes, I think she could be steel/fighting...
Well actually dude, as for related to legendaries. I've seen the trailer for the movie, and Zoroark has a lot to deal with the three dogs and aparently celebi in the actual video game, (Jhoto legends). Not mention that pokemon never holds big download game events for non-psudo legends(they could of for lucario but they didn't now did they). So I have many based reasons for my predictions here, Cressilia has gender and so does heatran, so making 600bst one of a kind pokemon not have genders is out of the window since diamond and pearl came in. so what if Zoroark evolves( and whatever other hidden reasons behind that), the fact that stands is that the unique dark type pokemon has dealings with a lot legends, and their making a lot of hype over the pokemon in the company. So yes, I think pokemon company is gonna do a change this time with there legendaries, but like everyone else, we'll have to wait and see.
I'm pretty sure it's just going to be like Riolu to Lucario. We don't really have any reason to think otherwise. I think the reason for being event only is simply to gain hype for the movie and the games. And they will most likely be able to breed with ditto, I don't see any reason they wouldn't be able to, so after the event happens there will be tons of Zorua floating around.

Mario With Lasers

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I know a lot of children think it is simply disgusting, but in nature things happen. This is not you and your mom we are talking about. If baby Zorua can't find a mate, and neither can mother Zoroark, this has to happen for the species to survive (even if the long term effects include DNA mutation).
Yes, I know incest is sometimes needed in nature (and Pokémon) to perpertuate the species, but we are human and it is morally/socially/etc disgusting so it's still an "eww" concept in my eyes, even though it's perfectly understandanble when taking nature into account.
While I hate using this logic, it easily could have been a coincidence that all the psuedos had dual typings. A lot of Pokemon have dual typings, moreso than those that have mono typings. As such, it would be more probably for any given Pokemon to have a dual typing. For four generations in a row, this held true. But that could just be the probability.
you do have a point about that. I edited my above post to make it sound less like duel typing is a requirement.

I do agree that Zorua/Zoroark aren't three-stage evolutions, but they still could be the psuedos of Gen V.

Although I hope they aren't.
Zoroark can't be a psudo because it meets no requirements that it needs to to be a psudo. it doesn't have 3 stages, and the chances of it having 600 BST is very low (since it's comparable to Lucario more than anything else). being Mono type I can let slide since it could easily be coincidence, but those other qualities are all but required for psudos, and Zoroark does not meet said requirements. they arn't going to change the tradition, since psudos are set apart from other Pokemon by there powerful stats and time needed to fully evolve them.

Maybe males have the abilities of Plus or Levitate, while females have Minus or Levitate.
I just checked the pictures on serebii; Gear is genderless. I do like this idea, however.
Well what do you think is with all the celebi connections then? And why do all the video gameplay pictures show Zoroark verses Zorua in a battle fighting. There has to be some reason for this evolution rivalry.
Zoroark and celebi are probably just like Lucario and Mew or some shit like that, zoroark and Zorua are together in battle because its mother and son, so it make sense to show gameplay pictures/videos using those 2(movie references, not willing to show other pokemons yet).

think for a sec, Lucario is gen 4 and mew is gen 1, zoroark is gen 5 and celebi is gen 2. do you get where this is going?
Well what do you think is with all the celebi connections then? And why do all the video gameplay pictures show Zoroark verses Zorua in a battle fighting. There has to be some reason for this evolution rivalry.
I believe when the first videos were released those 2 were the only Gen. V pokes released. So they showcased them to show off the new battle screen without revealing any extra information.
By the way everyone. the new 5th generation animations are AWESOME! looks like no more stiff pokemon pictirues battling anymore, but a little more movement. anyways I gotta go, so until next time see ya trainers later!
Zoroark and celebi are probably just like Lucario and Mew or some shit like that, zoroark and Zorua are together in battle because its mother and son, so it make sense to show gameplay pictures/videos using those 2(movie references, not willing to show other pokemons yet).

think for a sec, Lucario is gen 4 and mew is gen 1, zoroark is gen 5 and celebi is gen 2. do you get where this is going?
Does that mean Jirachi will get some love in a movie in Gen VI? Or am I thinking too far ahead? And to go really far ahead, who will be the 100 Base Stat legend of Gen IV? I'm thinking Shaymin, but surely we have another. Or at least, I hope we do.

Everyone says that GameFreak won't break tradition for Gen V. Everyone said that before, too (I was alive and knowledgable during the Gen IV and Gen III releases, so I should know), and changes obviously happened. I don't think anyone guessed that the advent of DP would bring about a physical/special split, which pretty much changed the whole metagame. So don't rule anything out when it comes to Gen V. Even if that means breaking tradition, GameFreak will happily do it, as they have before.
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