Team Hardball [UU RMT, peaked 1520]

Team Hardball



Hi everyone! Due to Froslass being ejected from UU this past round, I decided to get back into it. 1520 is the highest rating I've ever achieved in UU, but recently this team has been giving me some trouble. I've also been a more offensive player, so I decided to make an offensive team with some under appreciated Pokemon. The original goal of this team was to lead up to a Sceptile sweep, but recently, Sceptile has been feeling like a very replacable member of the team.

What I find about this team is that when it's on, it's on, but when it's off, it's off. I'd definitely like it to be on all the time. Also, it feels like most offensive Pokemon threaten my team- not so good. In order to kill something, I often have to sacrifice something of mine. However, given the right conditions, each team member is able to clean up. I'm hoping you guys can help me, so here's my team!

By the way, if you're wondering about the team name, most of the team can take a hit, the hard, and Qwilfish and Electrode are really just the balls. Haha.

. . .


Qwilfish @ Focus Sash
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
-Thunder Wave
-Destiny Bond

Qwilfish leads off the team quite nicely. While constructing the team, I know I wanted Spikes on the field in order to pave the way for a Sceptile sweep later on. I usually get as many layers of Spikes up as I can and then try and Destiny Bond to bring down whatever lead I'm facing. I chose Destiny Bond over Explosion to prevent ghosts from switching in for free on a predicted Explosion. Also, if they switch-in is faster than Qwilfish, he has no choice to either attack and die, or switch out, racking up Spikes damage. If he survives the first couple of turns, Qwilfish can serve as a revenge killer later on in the game. I chose to run Thunder Wave on him as a way to scout Mesprit and Uxie.


Sceptile @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
-Swords Dance
-Leaf Blade
-Rock Slide

While I was thinking which Pokemon would eventually clean up for my team, I thought of Sceptile. His main selling points were first, his speed, and second, most people expect Sceptile to be running a special SubSeed set. If Sceptile has set up a Swords Dance, there is little that can switch into him safely. Also, with the attacks he has, he attains perfect coverage.


Electrode @ Life Orb
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature (+Spe, -Def)
-Hidden Power Ice

You're probably thinking, what the hell is Electrode doing not setting up rain? I'll tell you. Electrode is one of the best revenge killers I have ever used. Electrode is able to take out certain speedy threats such as Swellow, Alakazam, Dugtrio, Moltres, and even some Rock Polish Torterra if they have been weakened in the slightest. Electrode has a big surprise factor and can usually manage to KO at least 1 Pokemon from my opponent's team. Hidden Power Ice was chosen over Water to be able to dispose of weakened grass types and the afforementioned Torterra while still being able to taken on foes such as Dugtrio and Donphan.


Rhyperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 136 HP / 244 Atk / 128 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
-Stone Edge

I have completely fallen in love with this set. Once Rhyperior has set up a Subtitute, which is rather simple to do, something is going to be taking a lot of damage. With flying and fire types giving Scpetile some minor trouble, Rhyperior was a natural choice for this team. his HP EVs allow him to set up 101 HP Substitutes and his speed EVs allow him to outspeed minimum speed base 55's and everything below. There is little that can switch safely into Rhyperior, and within those who can, very few can threaten him. He is also to switch into Registeel, who often gets in the way of Sceptile.


Milotic @ Life Orb
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power Grass

Milotic is an obstacle to almost all teams. I think this offensive version fits my team best. At a unique base 81 speed, Milotic is able to easily dispose of foes such as Arcanine, and can also revenge kill Venusaur if he is weakened enough. Her bulk combined with Recover makes her an offensive threat who is difficult to take down. Surf was chosen over Hydro Pump because I was often let down by the 85% accuracy of the move. Hidden Power Grass is to take on opposing water types, especially Quagsire. Milotic helps to take on fire types that would otherwise give Scpetile trouble.


Hitmontop @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
-Close Combat
-Mach Punch
-Bullet Punch

Hitmontop was orginially a Rapid Spinner for my team, but I rarely had to spin away Spikes and whatnot. So, I replaced Rapid Spin with Pursuit and just stuck with it. It often surprise ghost types like Mismagius who think they can set up a Nasty Plot right in my face. If it does not KO the first time, Bullet Punch is able to finish the job. hitmontop is usually my first switch-in to Houndoom, who is a threat to my team. Hitmontop and Electrode are able to revenge kill most enemies, being able to hit both defenses hard.


As I have used this team for a while, I have learned that what the team seems to do is chip away little by little at the opponents HP and then other team members are sent in to finish the job. However, the team is not doing as well as it had in the past. I hope you can help me!
Threat list (taken from LR)


Absol - switch to hitmontop

Aggron - Miltoic or Hitmontop

Alakazam - nothing can switch in, can only be revenged by Electrode once something is down

Altaria - Milotic, or Electrode outspeeds Adamant after a DD

Ambipom - switch to Hitmontop

Arcanine - Milotic can pretty much take on all versions

Azumarill - Milotic or Sceptile

Blaziken - difficult to switch in to, but Milotic is the safest; Sceptile can revenge it

Drapion - I think Rhyperior can handle it

Dugtrio - Hitmontop or Sceptile

Feraligatr - Milotic can take a hit, even after a DD

Hariyama - somewhat a threat, best switch would be Hitmontop

Hitmonlee - can only be revenged by Electrode, Sceptile, Top

Hitmontop - same^

Houndoom - Hitmontop switches in on the NP

Kabutops - Milotic can handle it

Leafeon - Grass types in general are difficult for me, so probably revenge it with Electrode

Ludicolo - not seen often, but a threat in the rain

Magmortar - need to predict with Rhyperior or Milotic

Mesprit - usually seen as a lead, I can often T-Wave and take it down with Destiny Bond, often getting up some Spikes

Milotic - Sceptile threatens it

Mismagius - switch in Hitmontop and pray for no Will-o-Wisp

Moltres - Milotic, Sceptile can't come in, but can revenge it, same with Electrode

Nidoking - Milotic, Sceptile can revenge

Omastar - Sceptile switches in easily

Poliwrath - usually Sceptile

Rhyperior - difficult to switch into, but Miltic can take it

Rotom - Scarf Rotom is a big threat to my team if Top is down

Sceptile - Only Electrode and Top can revenge

Scyther - Rhyperior can switch in and take a Brick Break then KO

Swellow - Rhyperior switches in

Torterra - difficult to switch into, but Electrode can revenge it

Toxicroak - difficult to take on if it gets in a SD, best bet is Sceptile or Rhyperior

Venusaur - a big threat not much can switch in and it is difficult to revenge


Altaria - Electrode or Milotic

Blastoise - Sceptile can set up

Chansey - Hitmontop

Claydol - Milotic or Sceptile

Clefable - Hitmontop, Rhyperior can set up a Sub if it does not carry Encore

Cloyster - Milotic, Sceptile if no Ice Shard

Donphan - Milotic

Lanturn - Sceptile sets up

Milotic - same

Miltank - Hitmontop

Omastar - Sceptile sets up

Regirock - Milotic or Sceptile

Registeel - Rhyperior switches into T-Wave and sets up a Sub

Rotom - difficult for my team to take on

Slowbro - can be annoying, generally Sceptile or Electrode can take it on

Slowking - same

Spiritomb - sort of hard to take on, but can't do much to my team

Steelix - Milotic

Tangrowth - Electrode or Milotic switches carefully

Torterra - Milotic or Electrode

Uxie - fast lead offensive Uxie are difficult for this team, it usually takes something out

Venusaur - I haven't encountered a defensive Venusaur yet, but I imagine it would be difficult

Weezing - can't do much to Milotic

Team Styles

Rain - What team isn't threatened by rain? Qwilfish can kill something with Destiny Bond if it is still alive, iirc, Electrode can outspeed certain Pokemon, but something would need to die first

Sun - have to play around it with Milotic, Rhyperior and Sceptile

Sandstorm - Toxic Spikes + Cradily makes it difficult for this team

Hail - Hitmontop

Trick Room - Rhyperior and Hitmontop can sometimes take advantage of it, but it is not difficult to play around
This is a great team, and I also like your Lead Qwilfish a lot too! Very few know that Qwilfish can learn Thunder Wave, leading to lots of surprises for your opponents, and Destiny Bond helps to take care of threats. Additionally, not many people consider a Revenge Kill Electrode, and I gladly admit that I also use one on some of my teams. However, I do have one small suggestion which you might want to consider. If you want to get more power out of Electrode's attacks, you could think about changing the nature to Mild. This switches the boost in stats from Speed to Special Attack. Even though Electrode is slower than before, it is extremely fast and still outspeeds the majority of the metagame. The only unboosted Pokemon faster than a Max Speed Mild Electrode is a Swellow with max Speed EVs and a Jolly Nature. Let's face it, though: Who in their sane mind would willingly switch a Swellow into an Electrode? Anyway, I hope my idea helped, and great team!
This is a great team, and I also like your Lead Qwilfish a lot too! Very few know that Qwilfish can learn Thunder Wave, leading to lots of surprises for your opponents, and Destiny Bond helps to take care of threats. Additionally, not many people consider a Revenge Kill Electrode, and I gladly admit that I also use one on some of my teams. However, I do have one small suggestion which you might want to consider. If you want to get more power out of Electrode's attacks, you could think about changing the nature to Mild. This switches the boost in stats from Speed to Special Attack. Even though Electrode is slower than before, it is extremely fast and still outspeeds the majority of the metagame. The only unboosted Pokemon faster than a Max Speed Mild Electrode is a Swellow with max Speed EVs and a Jolly Nature. Let's face it, though: Who in their sane mind would willingly switch a Swellow into an Electrode? Anyway, I hope my idea helped, and great team!

If Rhyperior is down - and let's face it, if they're promoting a Swellow sweep, why wouldn't it be? - Electrode is the chief Swellow revenge killer by the looks of it, and since most of the things Electrode is revenge-killing should be similarly fast - and similarly frail - the Special Attack boost is minimal; it's very likely Electrode is only firing off 2~3 shots before forced to Explode, as well, so Hasty is a perfectly viable nature.

I'd really recommend adding Stealth Rock support to your team. It's crucial to the success of any offensive team, especially since Moltres, Swellow and the like are such big threats. You also have a massive weakness to Venusaur and Alakazam, who easily run through your team. So, I'd suggest replacing your Rhyperior with a Registeel. Registeel is a nice check to most Venusaur sets, and can come in on any of Alakazam's moves barring Focus Blast and proceed to KO it or provide team support:

252 HP, 100 Atk, 156 Sp Def
- Seismic Toss
- Ice Punch/Shadow Claw
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave

Ice Punch hits Torterra who try and set up on you, while Shadow Claw easily KOs Zam, Rotom and Mismagius. Your team lacks a proper Ground or Fighting resist. Your only Ground resist is Sceptile, who has pathetic defense and no recovery. A strong Earthquake user or a Fighting type can bring your team down easily. To remedy this, I'd suggest repkscibg Electrode with a Scarf Rotom, which has similar revenge killing capabilities, higher Special Attack, and much better typing. It gives you an important immunity to Fighting and Ground, and can revenge RP Torterra who is a pretty big threat:

Rotom@Choice Scarf
252 Sp Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- HP Ice
- Trick

Rotom also provides you with a Spin Blocker, which prevents your hazards from being spun away. I'd use Explosion over Destiny Bond on Qwilfish, which nearly guarantees you a kill if it hits, and is IMO more reliable. You could try out Taunt over Thunder Wave to prevent opposing leads from setting up, and it works great in combination with Destiny Bond if you decide to keep it.

Gl with the team.
thanks for the replies, guys.


I'd really recommend adding Stealth Rock support to your team. It's crucial to the success of any offensive team, especially since Moltres, Swellow and the like are such big threats. You also have a massive weakness to Venusaur and Alakazam, who easily run through your team. So, I'd suggest replacing your Rhyperior with a Registeel. Registeel is a nice check to most Venusaur sets, and can come in on any of Alakazam's moves barring Focus Blast and proceed to KO it or provide team support:

252 HP, 100 Atk, 156 Sp Def
- Seismic Toss
- Ice Punch/Shadow Claw
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave

Ice Punch hits Torterra who try and set up on you, while Shadow Claw easily KOs Zam, Rotom and Mismagius. Your team lacks a proper Ground or Fighting resist. Your only Ground resist is Sceptile, who has pathetic defense and no recovery. A strong Earthquake user or a Fighting type can bring your team down easily. To remedy this, I'd suggest repkscibg Electrode with a Scarf Rotom, which has similar revenge killing capabilities, higher Special Attack, and much better typing. It gives you an important immunity to Fighting and Ground, and can revenge RP Torterra who is a pretty big threat:

Rotom@Choice Scarf
252 Sp Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- HP Ice
- Trick

Rotom also provides you with a Spin Blocker, which prevents your hazards from being spun away. I'd use Explosion over Destiny Bond on Qwilfish, which nearly guarantees you a kill if it hits, and is IMO more reliable. You could try out Taunt over Thunder Wave to prevent opposing leads from setting up, and it works great in combination with Destiny Bond if you decide to keep it.

Gl with the team.

thank you for the recommendations. I have been using the changes you have suggested and my team is doing better. however, I chose to keep Destiny Bond on Qwilfish over Explosion. not only does it work well with Taunt, but if something faster (than Qwilfish) switches in on a Destiny Bond, it will either die or help me to rack up Spikes damage on another member of their team. thanks!