Best in show! <3

Please CMT for...

Shiny TorterraLinda- 54802
Adamant - Overgrowth
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31


KecleonLinda- 30172
Careful - Color Change
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 25 / 31 / 30
Available with 252 HP / 80 Atk / 176 spDef or UT

- Recover, Fake out, Dizzy punch, Disable

I'd like 'em both UT if possible.

I like the adamant Quick feet Mightyena. I'm also interested in the naive Jirachi under Givaway, is is up for trade?
hi again i asked for the honchkrow and wailord and you said you liked my forretress

It is nicknameable just let me know the name you want on it before i migrate it from my emerald
cmt 4

Shiny TorterraLinda- 54802
Adamant - Overgrowth
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Available with Ev-spread 4hp / 252 Atk / 252 speed (Shiny!) or UT

- Rock polish, Wood hammer, Earthquake, Stone edge
hi again i asked for the honchkrow and wailord and you said you liked my forretress

It is nicknameable just let me know the name you want on it before i migrate it from my emerald

"BaggyWorm" :D Also do you rather have Wailord or Honchcrow?

cmt 4

Shiny TorterraLinda- 54802
Adamant - Overgrowth
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Available with Ev-spread 4hp / 252 Atk / 252 speed (Shiny!) or UT

- Rock polish, Wood hammer, Earthquake, Stone edge

sorry didn't find anything I need.
cmt for this

Shiny Kyogre Kazo- 02016
Modest - Drizzle
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Available with 4 Hp / 252 spAtk / 252 speed or UT
Hammy, do CMT for this beauty <3


KecleonLinda- 30172
Careful - Color Change
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 25 / 31 / 30
Available with 252 HP / 80 Atk / 176 spDef or UT

- Recover, Fake out, Dizzy punch, Disable

Kecleon gained recover in HG SS which is a good move for a pokémon that can take a few hits (at least on the special side). Color change is an ability that only Kecleon gets, and its a pretty interesting one too since a lot of types resist themselves. It has some cons to as well, like possibly loosing its STAB. Still Kecleon is a funnylooking and unique pokémon and this one is basically flawless consider its speed is pityful anyway (base 40) :D This one has japanese name!
cmt for this

Shiny Kyogre Kazo- 02016
Modest - Drizzle
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Available with 4 Hp / 252 spAtk / 252 speed or UT

Sorry nothing

Hammy, do CMT for this beauty <3


KecleonLinda- 30172
Careful - Color Change
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 25 / 31 / 30
Available with 252 HP / 80 Atk / 176 spDef or UT

- Recover, Fake out, Dizzy punch, Disable

Kecleon gained recover in HG SS which is a good move for a pokémon that can take a few hits (at least on the special side). Color change is an ability that only Kecleon gets, and its a pretty interesting one too since a lot of types resist themselves. It has some cons to as well, like possibly loosing its STAB. Still Kecleon is a funnylooking and unique pokémon and this one is basically flawless consider its speed is pityful anyway (base 40) :D This one has japanese name!

I like that new Hitmondude :D Uh... can you nickname it Hitmondude? :D

Shiny QwilfishLinda- 30172
Adamant - Swift swim
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 17 / 31 / 31
Available with Ev-spread 4 hp / 252 Atk / 252 speed(Shiny!) or UT

- Aqua jet, Waterfall, Poison jab, Exlosion

Here is another funny HGSS breed. Doesn't shiny Qwilfish looks lovely? :D Qwilfish is a real monster in rain. Unfortenely is doesn't have sword dance + aqua jet as Kabutops, but Qwuilfish has some funny niches over that like being able to absorb toxic spikes, STAB poison jab and Exlosion. You can also use it outside rain and set up some spikes. Yeah, Qwilfish sure is awsome :heart: This one has japanese name! (at least the shiny version)

Vileplume and BellossomLinda- 54802
Calm - Chlorophyll
Iv's: 31 / 1 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Available with Ev-spread 244 hp / 136 def / 128 spDef (Shiny!) or UT

- Teeter dance, Ingrain, Stun spore, Energy ball

Another awsome HGSS breed :D With Teeter dance Vileplume/Bellosom can use an annoying parafusion strategy with stun spore. It can also be used in double to confuse both the opponents pokémon (just make sure you own pokémon has own tempo, holding a lum berry or using protect/substitute). I made it so it will hatch shiny on my platinum game, so you can have this one nicknamed with 10 letters :)
CMT for


WailordJ.Frost- 09162
Naive - Water veil
Iv's: 31 / 30 / 27 / 30 / 31 / 31
Hidden power: Grass 70
Available with Ev-spread 28 Atk / 252 spAtk / 228 speed or UT

- Water spout, Hydro pump, Ice beam, Selfdestruct
EVd version please

Shiny QwilfishLinda- 30172
Adamant - Swift swim
Iv's: 31 / 31 / 31 / 17 / 31 / 31
Available with Ev-spread 4 hp / 252 Atk / 252 speed(Shiny!) or UT

- Aqua jet, Waterfall, Poison jab, Exlosion

Here is another funny HGSS breed. Doesn't shiny Qwilfish looks lovely? :D Qwilfish is a real monster in rain. Unfortenely is doesn't have sword dance + aqua jet as Kabutops, but Qwuilfish has some funny niches over that like being able to absorb toxic spikes, STAB poison jab and Exlosion. You can also use it outside rain and set up some spikes. Yeah, Qwilfish sure is awsome :heart: This one has japanese name! (at least the shiny version)

Vileplume and BellossomLinda- 54802
Calm - Chlorophyll
Iv's: 31 / 1 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Available with Ev-spread 244 hp / 136 def / 128 spDef (Shiny!) or UT

- Teeter dance, Ingrain, Stun spore, Energy ball

Another awsome HGSS breed :D With Teeter dance Vileplume/Bellosom can use an annoying parafusion strategy with stun spore. It can also be used in double to confuse both the opponents pokémon (just make sure you own pokémon has own tempo, holding a lum berry or using protect/substitute). I made it so it will hatch shiny on my platinum game, so you can have this one nicknamed with 10 letters :)

I like the careful Poliwrath and Adamant Floatzel :D

CMT for


WailordJ.Frost- 09162
Naive - Water veil
Iv's: 31 / 30 / 27 / 30 / 31 / 31
Hidden power: Grass 70
Available with Ev-spread 28 Atk / 252 spAtk / 228 speed or UT

- Water spout, Hydro pump, Ice beam, Selfdestruct
EVd version please

Sorry didn't find anything I need.
I'd like the careful armaldo for my kangaskhan ^^
Also can I spend 1 of my 2 credits (iirc i traded you 2 houndooms - mild and naughty - for 2 credits a while ago) for brave boomlax?
I'd like the careful armaldo for my kangaskhan ^^
Also can I spend 1 of my 2 credits (iirc i traded you 2 houndooms - mild and naughty - for 2 credits a while ago) for brave boomlax?

Okay ^^ According to my thread you only have one credit, but I trust you more than I trust myself in this case xD :D
hitmondude is on my HG cart so add that code, I suspect I have to add the trade code eh ;)