NU Discussion Thread (Mark II)

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Wigglytuff. I'm going to find a standard set or die trying.
It has plenty of potential but we've just got unlock it.

The NU Version of Clefable.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Counter Puff FTW. (I EV'd it to live a CC from Primeape)
but yeah this is utterly outclassed by the bulkier Lickiliky. Copycat was very fun to use however.
I like the look of NU and want to get started. Any advice for a newcomer? I don't know much about the tier(and it doesn't help there's no ladder) so any advice is welcome! :)

NU looks very diverse, so I look forward to not seeing the same Pokemon over and over :D

What moveset/EVs would I use for Espeon/Ninetales in NU? They're the two Pokemon I'm most looking forward to using in NU :D

I'd also love to try out sun, I'm thinking Exeggutor + Ninetales and other stuffs :)
Yeah, NU is fun. Lots of favorite pokemon are very usable down here, like Ursaring and Raichu.(not mine)
First, the Ladder is on Doug's Create a Pokemon Server. Its generally 3rd or 4th down the line.
Second, go to the site in my sig. Its our NU forum, where we discuss the tier. Start with the helpful articles, for some basic introduction to the tier, but keep in mind that most of them are fairly outdated, and that Leafeon, Cloyster, Miltank, and Slowking (among others) are now banned.
Another useful resource is our old smog articles. These give a very good description of the metagame as it was and, to a point is.
We have an Espeon analysis on Project NU, so I'll let you check that out, but Ninetails pretty much has to use a Nasty Plot set, and to my knowledge investment in bulk is pointless, so basic sweeper EVs (252/252/4) with NP, STAB Fire move, Energy Ball, and Hp rock/water or hypnosis.
Welcome to NU.
The predominant playstyles are balance and offense. Stall is non-existent, which is a big difference from other tiers. Generally, you'll see teams with a mixture of walls and sweepers, because it's difficult to switch offensive pokemon into some of NU's more powerful attacks. Pivots like Quagsire, Walrein and Sandslash are common. However, offense is still viable with bulky and aggressive pokes with good resistances like Ninetales and Exeggutor available.
Actually I wouldn't say stall is non-existant.
(Still very viable) just really difficult to use. (DA has made a great Stall team btw)

Either way it's a very fun tier. It's not too difficult to play in, and you can use a variety of pokemon.
I think NU is comparable to Little Cup in that defensive teams are very uncommon and offensive teams make up the vast majority of all teams.
Hailstall. Forgot about that.

Well, I went ahead and calculated the number of moves used for each type, for the month of March. I used every Pokemon with 3% usage and up. Its really skewed though, because of the incredible centralization with Skuntank, and the fact it carries two or three Dark moves. In percentage of total moves.

Normal: 12.03%
Dark: 11.31%
Ground: 8.69%
Fighting: 8.61%
Grass: 8.15%
Ice: 7.70%
Skuntank's Dark Attacks: 7.27% (Yeah)
Electric: 7.20%
Water: 6.78%
Bug: 6.66%
Fire: 6.40%
Psychic: 5.32%
Rock: 4.46%
Poison: 2.32%
Ghost: 2.24%
Steel: 1.11%
Flying: 0.91%
Dragon: 0.10%

In other news there were 5 Marowaks that had Outrage. Wtf?
Why on Earth would I tell you? I want to sweep your team with this guy, I'm not going to give you counters! XD It probably is a bad idea to tell you this, but...
Mostly stuff that resists dark with EQ. Primeape works wonders. (but you have to give up SE.) Gligar's not half bad because of his sizeable defense, but is a check at best. Quagsire is the ultimate skuntank counter, taking pitiful damage from all of his moves and possibly nullifying explosion with damp (one day, Ice Eyes, one day...)
Also, PK Gaming is probably the authority here on outplaying Skuntank mindgames.
Meh, it's just Skuntank seems to be the Kyogre/Scizor/Venusaur/Misdreavus of NU and I wanted to know how to take care of it :P

Not anymore. Its still a great trapper, best priority user, and best 'counter' to Espeon, but I don't think he will be #1 this months stats (Well, he might be but not with the ridiculous lead he had in March). He doesn't destroy the tiers best special wall/bulky water anymore.of course this is all speculative since Doug TAKES FOREVER TO POST STATS. :(

EDIT: As soon as I go to stark I notice he's posted them....
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