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What happens when you use follow me and the opponent's Kyogre uses
water spout? does my non-follow-me attacker get hit?
new page. and yes, the pokerus should spread unless it has a frowney face in the bottom right. if you mean if it will affect the actual game in a harmful way, then no, it wont.

The partner that didn't use Follow Me will be affected by Water Spout as normal, as Water Spout has a target of "all opposing Pokemon", not "single non-user" or "single opposing Pokemon". My description for Follow Me reads: "Whenever an opposing Pokémon uses an attack with a target of "single non-user" or "single opposing Pokémon" this round, it is directed to the Pokemon at the position of this attack's user instead of to any other non-user of that attack."
I'm quite new to the idea of playing Pokemon seriously (although I've been playing a while). Is there anywhere I could go to become familiarized with the lingo? I find that to be what's confusing me the most out of anything on this forum.

Personally I would just use the Life Orb Milotic set to surprise opponents and it would be an interesting change from other bulky water types in OU although I haven't played Shoddy in so long so I don't know how much has changed since I last played Shoddy. I would use it to test its effectiveness and then base your decision on your results on whether to use it over Suicune plus from all of the reasons you've listed it sounds like Milotic is a better overall choice over Suicune besides bulkiness.
Is the search broke or am I doing it wrong?

Anyway I was searching for a Battle Factory thread, I know there's a Battle Frontier thread but without the search button I can't find specific information on Battle Factory. I got my gold in Battle Tower today and would like to get rid of Battle Frontier for good. Anyone have a link to a good post about it?
I plan on using the mimic glitch in the battle tower (i know thats cheap but its better than AR). So just wondering whats the best set for a pokemon to get 100 wins with the least trouble? Thanks~

I was thinking something like
Machamp @ Choice Scarf (No Guard)
~Sheer Cold
~Dynamic Punch

Sheer cold faints anything that Machamp outspeed and Dynamic Punch faints all the pokemon with sturdy except maybe for 4 because they arent weak to fighting. Is there something better than this set?
Blissey can always just use Toxic on you again so you can't Psycho Shift it away. Psychic is a terrible move to use on Latios (We've been over this). Dragon Pulse is much better.
I asked about the Psychic-type, not the move Psychic.

And the idea to to absorb Toxic or T-Wave, switch, and kater suprise another Pokemon with Psycho Shift while cleaning Latios.
If you clone a legit pokemon over a hacked pokemon will the end result pokemon be hacked?

I havent done this yet i am just wondering if i could. Also i am not sure if i can ask this here. If not sorry!

Yes, and you can ask it here, you just can't ask for people to hack stuff for you or clone stuff for you, (that goes here: and you aren't allowed to ask questions about things specified in the rules (here:

Machamp @ Choice Scarf (No Guard)

The other two are mainly fillers, that pretty much covers it there. You could always include something like Spore just for security

Question! I was wondering if a Belly Drum + priority set would work well in the Battle Frontier, perhaps with Azumarill (which is seemingly the best candidate, I removed Hariyama because all it has is 44 base HP over Azumarill)? Like:

Azumarill @ Leftovers
Adamant - Huge Power
Belly Drum
Aqua Jet

Maybe using Protect or Substitute for Filler, or a coverage move like Ice Punch, Brick Break, or the likes?
Outclassed by who? There aren't many Ice-type in the Pokedex at all...not to mention Mamoswine and Weavile beeing physical...
Hmm, I did some damage calculations and it seems Glaceon does get some nice damage with Ice Beam, but Glaceon is slow and predictable which makes it easy to counter and perhaps set up on. Go ahead and use it in Ubers if you want, but I think that it's gimmicky. The things that Glaceon could take out that other Ubers couldn't take out will definitely switch out before Glaceon can do anything, or take Glaceon out altogether thanks to Glaceon's low Speed and bad defensive typing
Should either Jynx, Glaceon or Gyarados be used in Ubers?
No, No, and maybe, probably not. Jynx is outclassed by basically any special attacker in ubers. In the sleep department Darkrai in particular kicks its ass.

Glaceon is probably outclassed by stuff like kyogre who just hits much much harder than it ever could.

Gyarados just is not as strong as Rayquaza and basically gets raped because everything and their mothers run thunder.
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