Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Ah well. Thanks for answering.
If you don't mind me asking, why is this?
well unlike emerald, ruby isn't always starting on the same seed, which would be 0, it generates a new initial seed each time you start the game. Although, there has been mention that once the internal battery of the game dies the games time based events no longer occur so it remains fixed on that one seed. So if you find out what that seed is you can use it to generate spreads and RNg using the emerald methods. I haven't seen anyone do this yet but it has been mentioned.
well unlike emerald, ruby isn't always starting on the same seed, which would be 0, it generates a new initial seed each time you start the game. Although, there has been mention that once the internal battery of the game dies the games time based events no longer occur so it remains fixed on that one seed. So if you find out what that seed is you can use it to generate spreads and RNg using the emerald methods. I haven't seen anyone do this yet but it has been mentioned.

Ah, I see. I don't think I could manage that, but I guess it's okay. I was being sorta lazy, since I have Emerald but didn't want to restart to get legendaries.
Thankyou for answering anyway.
I'm having trouble hitting my delay, its set for anywhere between 602-612. Anyone have any tips or is there a generally pretty easy delay to hit?

All of my delays are in this range usually.
I am currently RNGing on my R4 but i am having difficulty hitting target times. There is a short loading time for pearl and i was wondering should i take that into account when i try and hit the time or not? Cheers
I am currently RNGing on my R4 but i am having difficulty hitting target times. There is a short loading time for pearl and i was wondering should i take that into account when i try and hit the time or not? Cheers

See how long it takes for you to get back to hitting continue from turning your DS on and off. Turn your DS on that many seconds before your target time, and go through like you normally do to hit your target time.

Yeah, I use an AR to check my IVs so when I hard reset, I have to start up 25 seconds before my target time instead of the 15 that it usually takes to start up the game.
Actually, someone pointed me out to PikaTimer, so I DLed it. Couple questions:
1) for the calibrated second box, you are supposed to input the time it takes for you to hit continue from turning your DS on. (No SR for me, I use Hard reset) But the time finder in the RNG reporter always gives me times that end in my calibrated second value. So what am I supposed to put in the "Wanted Section" box in the PikaTimer?

2) How are you supposed to syncronize the PikaTimer and your DS time?
How to use PikaTimer

Here it is, big, beautiful, and many input boxes.
Confusing huh?
Wait, it gets worse :P
They all serve a purpose! No way?

Ok as you might have noticed we have

Calibrated Delay
Wanted Delay
Calibrated Second"
Wanted Second"

Let's start with these.
All right if you ask me, Calibration process is something old and useless.(Really it is)

So don't even bother to calibrate.
For DPPt: Let the Calibrated Delay and Calibrated Second the way they are.
For HGSS: Calibrated Delay 480, Calibrated Second 14.
These are parameters we can work with.

All right, let's say we chose a seed.
My preferred example is Seed D2140289
All right you selected your seed.
You selected your Target Time.
To waste as less time as needen it is adviceable to use a Seconds Value which gives you at least 30 seconds for the first timer but not much more as we don't want waste time.
in our example 50 works pretty good.

There is a formula to explain how the two timers work (Credit to Pehu for that)
It works like this:

First Timer + Second Timer = (Minutes before target x 60) + Wanted Seconds

So, for your example: 33.35 + 16.65 = (0 x 60) + 50

50 = 50
In that example, if you'd hit your delay, it would've been on the correct seconds of 50.

The reason why I explain this is because when you adjust your Other Delay and update, pikatimer changes only the second timer, the one that controls your delay. But because of that, if the number in the second timer is changed significantly, it can make you hit your delay but miss your seconds. Always double check that sum, and make sure it's as close to your Desired Seconds as possible.

So for example on D2140289 you get: 2010 04 26 20:56:50 639
20:55:25 is the time we have to hit on the continue screen
639 is our delay.Now how this is supposed to work for PikaTimer yeah?
Easy fellas, we'll get to it.
Let's assume you wanna hit 639 in HGSS.This would have to look like this;

First timer gives you 33,35 second one 16,65.
Minutes before target is the time you have to setup in your DS Menu.
Actually you have to press start after you set the time in your DS Menu.

20:56:50 was our target time remember?
Meaning: Set your DS Clock to 20:56:00 and press start on PikaTimer simultaneously. This is pretty easy if you use spacebar for it
at the instant the first timer reaches 0 you have to enter the game (means start the game at the DS Menu)As soon as the second timer reaches seacher you have to hit in that instant A at the Continue Screen.

Now it is rather rare that you'd hit your Delay at the first time.
So you have another box at PikaTimer called "Other Delay" you can use this to adjust your results.
For example you hit instead of 639 just 600.
Put in 600 at Other Delay press update and it will adjust the time for you.
Do this as many times needen till you get to your desired delay.

For finding out which Delay/Seed you actually hit you can use the Adjacent Finder in RNG Reporter.

If you keep missing your second(!=delay) try adjusting the first timer by a bit.

After all this is a bit a process of try&error but PikaTimer makes it kinda fun.

Actually I started using PikaTimer two days ago and can hit delays betweeen 2000-3000, I don't wanna brag but show you beginners that even if you completely new to this PikaTimer will be a grand help.

As I hope my explanation was.
If not, well I had the spare time:P
Is abusing the ID/SID only necessary for legendaries?
I've never tried to RNG-breed, so I don't know if getting flawless shinies via breeding is possible without ID/SID abuse.
Is abusing the ID/SID only necessary for legendaries?
I've never tried to RNG-breed, so I don't know if getting flawless shinies via breeding is possible without ID/SID abuse.
ID abuse is just for captures and gift pokemon, you don't need to ID abuse for bred pokemon
Is there some kind of trick to finding your ideal spread in the Time Finder? Neither parent has a 30 Speed, so I just find myself going through the list looking for a bold number followed shortly by a "no..." because the rest of the IVs suck.

Edit: I found a spread that works for HP Ice 70 but is a day before I saved last and, for whatever reason, not giving me a journal to adjust my frame on. Is there any other way to adjust my frame reliably (by 8) or do I have to dig through more pages of spreads to find another good one?
Still the question I can't figure out. I can find good HP Ice spreads but never with really, really good IVs (Like 31/31/31/31/31/30 with any of the 31s as 31 or A, etc.)

ugh, delay was off by 4. That being my only problem, though, I'd consider I'm almost at my first RNG'd egg.
Okay so here is what I have been trying to do, unsuccessfully.

Objective: breed a perfect egg in SoulSilver

My procedure:

1. Before anything else, I have a locked egg with appropriate Nature and Ability.
2. I saved in front of the old guy.
3. Using the RNG reporter, I opened the program, selected Method: Breeding (HGSS) and inputed a 3 under Starting Frame.

4. I opened the Time Finder, inputted Year: 2010, Month: 5, Second: 14. Min/Max frame: 3. Min/Max Delays: 830-850.

5. Filled in desired spread (all 31 IVs).

6. Checked HGSS inheritance box.

7. Clicked Generate.

Is there something wrong I am doing up until Step 7 above? Any suggestions will be highly appreciated!
I'm trying to hit my seed, which is seconds 14 Delay 493, but I keep either hitting 17 seconds in the uper 530's delay, 12 seconds and 507 delay, and when I rarely hit 14 I miss by 4 delay. And 14 was my most common. When I calibrated I hit it 15+ times in a row. I even RNGed a shiny on it. Now I can't hit it again. I'm doing everything the same. Can someone help? Also, it rarely tells me what I hit. It will say nothing matches.
I multiplied 14 times 60 to get delay range. Is this a bad calculation? If so, what delay range would you recommend?
theres your problem, delay and seconds aren't directly related to each other, so you can have a delay of 10000 and a second of 1. Your delay range would be around 490-520 for SS, so what you have to do is do some calibratrion and see what your usual delay and times are and use those. The alternative is learn to use a timer to hit high delays
You find your delay range in calibration, I would say an average delay in HGSS would probably be 483-515 with a second of 13-15. The time when the screen is white doesn't count towards your delay.
Is a way to find out what SID hits a certain method J spread for Shiny?

Say I find a spread thats like
Frame 1337
quiet nature
and I want to find the SID for that frame to be shiny? Is it possible?
Goal delay is 627. I've hit 625 in 4 of my last 5 tries. Any suggestions? I can't be that far off, but damn.
first RNG'd pokemon.

HP Ice 70

Not perfect, but not bad for my first RNG.

Suggestions on where to hatch it? Name will be Nirvana and it'll be fully redis if anyone wants it.
first RNG'd pokemon.

HP Ice 70

Not perfect, but not bad for my first RNG.

Suggestions on where to hatch it? Name will be Nirvana and it'll be fully redis if anyone wants it.
Good job! Dark Cave, Cliff Cave, Sprout Tower?
Hi everybody. Im kind of new at this and i need some help finding my seed on SoulSilver. Im using DeSmuME 0.9.5 and i need the address of where the seed is stored at. I already asked someone and they told me it was stored at 021D0AE0 but when i try it, its just a bunch of zeros. Plz dont tell me that i have to do it on a DS like everyone else. I dont have one and i want to first try it this way. Plz someone help
Pearl, preferably. Although I could hatch it on my HG, I'm only at the 5th gym.

Edit: And ty :)

If you can clone, keep a clone in your box, and hatch the other to use in game. Or get someone to clone for you

As for locations in Pearl....sorry can't help you there