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Does anyone know of any upcoming events for people in the US? Will any of these events be giving out any Darkrai, Shaymin, Deoxys, or Mew? What would you say are the chances of events giving away those Pokemon occuring in the US?
I'm going to Trick a Scarf...and Pursuit+Scarf should not be used even in Ubers, with the Psychic mass?

It does take out Deoxys in one hit, so it could be useful. But even with Scarf Deoxys can outspeed you and Taunt, completely screwing you over as you are forced to Struggle or switch-out so it can set up some entry hazards. So it might be effective but maybe not as a lead.
I just bred an AWESOME Riolu

HP: 26
Attack: 31
Defense: 30
Sp.Atk: 25
Sp:Def: 26
Speed: 31

The problem is, it's Jolly, instead of Adamant. :(

Now Jolly works... but the question is, does it work well enough, or should I keep trying for an Adamant one?
I just bred an AWESOME Riolu

HP: 26
Attack: 31
Defense: 30
Sp.Atk: 25
Sp:Def: 26
Speed: 31

The problem is, it's Jolly, instead of Adamant. :(

Now Jolly works... but the question is, does it work well enough, or should I keep trying for an Adamant one?

Jolly let's Lucario outspeed most Gliscor so he can OHKO with Ice Punch, same goes with Zapdos. Both have just enough EV's to outspeed Adamant versions so packing Ice Punch on a Jolly one is a good option.
I just bred an AWESOME Riolu

HP: 26
Attack: 31
Defense: 30
Sp.Atk: 25
Sp:Def: 26
Speed: 31

The problem is, it's Jolly, instead of Adamant. :(

Now Jolly works... but the question is, does it work well enough, or should I keep trying for an Adamant one?

In most cases I've found Jolly to be better than Adamant anyways.
I'm going to assume you're breeding on HG/SS? 'Cause I'm loving these power items, bred a 27/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Starmie the other day in less than two hours of breeding. ^_^ It was awesome. :D
Jolly let's Lucario outspeed most Gliscor so he can OHKO with Ice Punch, same goes with Zapdos. Both have just enough EV's to outspeed Adamant versions so packing Ice Punch on a Jolly one is a good option.
Yeah cuz Zapdos is just so common outside of shoddy. :/

He doesn't have ice punch either. Perhaps I should give it to him.
Jolly let's Lucario outspeed most Gliscor so he can OHKO with Ice Punch, same goes with Zapdos. Both have just enough EV's to outspeed Adamant versions so packing Ice Punch on a Jolly one is a good option.
Not true, many Gliscor nowadays run Jolly + >216 Speed EVs, which means Lucario won't be able to outspeed.

If you bred Crunch onto Lucario, then you can use that to outspeed Rotom-A that outspeed Adamant Lucario (Aka 188 Spe EVs with Timid), otherwise use Stone Edge for Zapdos or Bullet Punch for Scarftar.
In SS, when are the legend IVs set? I've beaten the Elite 4 and have 13 badges. I've just seen steven who showed me an image of latios, but I am not sure whether the IVs have been set or not.
I bred Blaze Kick. Very useful for me. Bullet Punch can take out scarfed TTar in 1 hit? seriously? Is it worth sacrificing ExtremeSpeed for?

I expect to see a lot of Zapdos outside of shoddy?
sorry, but

In most cases I've found Jolly to be better than Adamant anyways.
I'm going to assume you're breeding on HG/SS? 'Cause I'm loving these power items, bred a 27/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Starmie the other day in less than two hours of breeding. ^_^ It was awesome. :D

which power items are you talking about? is there now a way of getting better ivs with breeding?
I bred Blaze Kick. Very useful for me. Bullet Punch can take out scarfed TTar in 1 hit? seriously? Is it worth sacrificing ExtremeSpeed for?

I expect to see a lot of Zapdos outside of shoddy?
No I'm saying use both ExtremeSpeed and Bullet Punch.

Yes it seems gimmicky but it's useful to take out Gengar and Scarftar. It deals 80% min with LO, which is enough to 100% KO after 2 SR recoils. Ice Punch doesn't hit Gliscor anyway unless you predict the switch-in, Stone Edge only really hits Zapdos, and Crunch won't hit Scarf Rotom-H (it's fine vs defensive versions).

Idk about seeing Zapdos outside of shoddy.
When finding my Player ID and/or Secret ID, what does it mean by "having 4-8" Chained Shinies. Can I trade them away so I can have this number? Also, can I use Shinies from another game in determining the Player and Secret ID ?
problem: I want a Skymin, but I only have Diamond and HG, neither of which give me access to a FE Shaymin

solution: RNG Shaymin as usual on Diamond, clone it, then make the best copy I can on pokésav, export to AR code and replace one clone with it. Except, within pokésav, I would make it Fateful Encounter.

To me, this seems like the only solution, as it seems completely unfair that Platinum owners can just get an FE shaymin with no extra work. Also bear in mind that due to losing my AR cable, I have to manually type in the ~33-line code, which is a shitload more work compared to just catching shaymin in a platinum flower paradise. However, I thought I'd check to see what everyone else thinks of this. So, would this generally be considered legit, given the circumstances?
in a DD set fire punch is always better then fire blast/flame, at least on nite, the reason is because he want to differ himself to mence who need less investiment in special atack to ohko skarmory, a adamant life orb +0 nite fire punch 2hko skarmory and you need a significant amount of special atack evs and a neutral nature(fuck up nite bulkness) to ohko skarmory with fire blast, if you want to use a worst mence then use fire blast, if you want to keep nite bulkness and differ him from mence then use fire punch, its reliable either way. (with flame you need even more investiment in special atack what is not really worth)

That's what I was starting to suspect. Thanks for confirming that!
problem: I want a Skymin, but I only have Diamond and HG, neither of which give me access to a FE Shaymin

solution: RNG Shaymin as usual on Diamond, clone it, then make the best copy I can on pokésav, export to AR code and replace one clone with it. Except, within pokésav, I would make it Fateful Encounter.

To me, this seems like the only solution, as it seems completely unfair that Platinum owners can just get an FE shaymin with no extra work. Also bear in mind that due to losing my AR cable, I have to manually type in the ~33-line code, which is a shitload more work compared to just catching shaymin in a platinum flower paradise. However, I thought I'd check to see what everyone else thinks of this. So, would this generally be considered legit, given the circumstances?
I actually think it wouldn't be legit. If I were you, I would just legal hack it, don't bother with editing

What made Medicham take such as steep drop from OU (in Advance) to NU?
I suspect that it's because Medicham is not fast and not tough defensively. Everybody knows that Speed plays a massive role in today's metagame, and Medicham can only get high Speed really by using Choice Scarf, which is easy to counter, especially considering Medicham's relatively limited movepool. With a Focus Sash to deal with being frail, you would still hardly get the chance to attack before you would be taken out. And a Choice Band is kind of out of the question.
In summary: Medicham has: low defenses, limited movepool, low Speed, easy counters; at least in my opinion
Edit: Just like Delko said too
What made Medicham take such as steep drop from OU (in Advance) to NU?

DPPt brought faster sweepers. Medicham has average speed and while it has a great attack stat (with Pure Power) it's defences aren't that great. It's lack of Close Combat is also a letdown.
No I'm saying use both ExtremeSpeed and Bullet Punch.

Yes it seems gimmicky but it's useful to take out Gengar and Scarftar. It deals 80% min with LO, which is enough to 100% KO after 2 SR recoils. Ice Punch doesn't hit Gliscor anyway unless you predict the switch-in, Stone Edge only really hits Zapdos, and Crunch won't hit Scarf Rotom-H (it's fine vs defensive versions).
This is definitely true. Ice punch is not worthwhile on Lucario as most Gliscor outrun all Lucario with 216EVs+Jolly and zapdos is simply not something Lucario should be messing with in the first place. Simply use Tyrantitar to remove rotom-h and Zapdos. If gliscor is that much of an issue, simply hit it with water and ice type moves from bulky waters or special sweepers and it will die.

On the other hand, Bullet punch royally screws all those scarf-tar/nonbabiritars that think they can "counter you." It also screws over stuff like gengar who is immune to extremespeed and CC. When it is hard to choose what to put in the last spot, you can't ever go wrong with dual priority.

Of course Crunch+CC is almost perfect coverage, but Crunch's main use is for destroying rotom-h, which if you play on PBR wi-fi, I believe is banned.
When finding my Player ID and/or Secret ID, what does it mean by "having 4-8" Chained Shinies. Can I trade them away so I can have this number? Also, can I use Shinies from another game in determining the Player and Secret ID ?
In order to find your PID and SID without using some cheat or hack device, you have to have 1 unchained shiny Pokémon that you caught, and I believe it has to be over level 50, probably wrong on that part though. Or I'm assuming you can use multiple chained shiny Pokémon to collectively piece together your PID and SID, but I suspect that the latter method might be less accurate.
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