The MMA/Boxing/Fighting Sports Thread

Well Lawler seemed a lot bigger to me than Shields when they fought and I'd definitely say Henderson is bigger than Lawler.

Lawler is of a size with Murillo Rua, who seemed bigger than Henderson when they met in PRIDE.

I'm not saying Henderson isn't bigger, but it's not going to be like Rumble vs Yoshida in size difference. The strength difference is going to be ridiculous though.
Hey Commander Blowjob





Anyhow, happy late New Year's boys. :)

As for UFC 108:

The Evans/Silva fight went as I expected. The third round had me on my feet and I'll be honest, I was hoping Silva would finish. Oh well, this just means that Evans/Rampage is likely again and I think the winner will get the winner of Machida/Shogun.

EDIT: A couple of rematches are possible with this scenario: Machida/Evans 2 and Shogun/Rampage 2. At the same time though, Machida and Shogun would both win their rematches, though Evans can threaten Machida with his wrestling.

I'm predicting Page KOes Evans, Shogun KOes Machida for the belt, and Shogun KOes Page. Afterwards they'll probably give somebody like Griffin a shot, which would be fine with me since I want to see that rematch as well.

The other fights were all exciting, lots of finishes and the only thing I'm really dissapointed about is Hazelet getting koed. He deserved to get knocked out for not utilizing his BJJ.... I hate it when guys excell at something and they don't even fuck with it.
The other fights were all exciting, lots of finishes and the only thing I'm really dissapointed about is Hazelet getting koed. He deserved to get knocked out for not utilizing his BJJ.... I hate it when guys excell at something and they don't even fuck with it.

Dustin isn't an elite level wrestler and he basically made the mistake of getting into an exchange with Daley instead of angling off -- he was doing well before that.
I just re watched Nakamura vs Machida again, jesus christ the elbow Nak landed in the last minute was brutal.
If Vincent didn't have lilies in his avatar, I'm pretty sure I would. But it wouldn't be cool now ;s Go back to the avatar with the little kid you're holding hehehe. JK bro.

Anyhow, some latest/not so latest news:

-Brock Lesnar did not have to have surgery. He said himself if he did have it he would have retired. Source:

If you're interested in the details that link will tell you pretty much everything about the whole situation, and how the HW title picture is going to pan out.

-Anderson Silva's apparently finally healty and will be taking on Vitor sometime in April. I'm excited about this fight, but I also see the same result that we saw years ago in Liddell vs Belfort with Vitor getting handled. Sure guys evolve and get better, but their fighting style remains set in stone. Belfort fights like a pit bull and will run right into Silva's hands/elbows/feet/kness/whatever he wants to use and will be put to sleep.

-Frankie Edgar is the next guy in line to fight BJ Penn.

-I don't have a source because I'm lazy but I'm 99% sure Diego Sanchez said he's going back up to 170. He wants to avenge his losses to Fitch and Alves, apparently. Yeah, good luck with that Diego.

-Here's the link for Strikeforce's Feb. 26th card:

-I'm not too sure about this one but I think Don Frye might have a match set up with former boxer James Toney (72-6 record). It MIGHT happen in the UFC as well. Hopefully it does so they would at least consider putting Frye where he belongs, in the Hall of Fame.

-TUF 11 will feature 28 fighters, all middleweights. source:

-Strikeforce has an event coming up next weekend:



Not the most exciting card but I cannot wait to see Manhoef get in there. Not the biggest names either, but big names dont make a big fight, either.

-JDS is set to fight Gonzaga, it seems. As I fan I want to see this but as a fanboy I don't because a loss will hurt both of these guys and I must admit a big fan of both fighters, especially Gonzaga.

-The winner of Big Nog/Cain V. will fight Lesnar if either Mir or Carwin are unable to fight for the interim belt. If they're both healthy then the winner of Mir/Carwin gets the shot.

-Evans/Rampage is set in stone, I believe. Should happen sometime this summer.

-Griffin will be fighting Lil Nog. Whether you like Griffin or not, you have to realize the guy's been fed to the wolves ever since he joined the UFC. The guy fights with heart and even though he's not that technical, strong, athletic, fast, etc. the guy is a FIGHTER and he fights with 2 things: cardio and most importantly, heart. I don't see him beating Lil Nog but he's sure as hell not going to let Nog demolish him either. A loss would set him back even further but the fans love him too much for him to ever get cut.

-Nate Diaz is moving up to 170, and apparently Diego wants to welcome him there. I think this is actually a good move for Diaz since his twig arms produce zero power at 155. At 170 he could put some muscle on his heavy frame and actually threaten people with more than just his BJJ and reach. He could weight at least 190 in fighting shape which means he'd have some major power. People don't realize just how much weight a taller frame adds and being as tall as Diaz is, it can really hinder him at a lower weight class.

Anyhow, that's all I could think of. Discuss plz and let's keep this thread alive.;)
I hope Carwin knocks the fuck out of Mir, Lesnar/Mir 3 would be kinda lame, be nice to see a fresh face. Seriously, Mir gets TKOed by Lesnar, wins a match against a weak Cheick Congo, and now is in line for the interim once again? At least give Nog or Cain the interim title match against Carwin.
-Griffin will be fighting Lil Nog. Whether you like Griffin or not, you have to realize the guy's been fed to the wolves ever since he joined the UFC. The guy fights with heart and even though he's not that technical, strong, athletic, fast, etc. the guy is a FIGHTER and he fights with 2 things: cardio and most importantly, heart. I don't see him beating Lil Nog but he's sure as hell not going to let Nog demolish him either. A loss would set him back even further but the fans love him too much for him to ever get cut.

I've never understood all this talk about Forrests heart.

1. He gave up against Anderson.
2. He tapped to strikes from Rashad.

At any rate, Rogerio may be the best LHW in the UFC (at this point in time -- I still think Shogun may have lost a step from his PRIDE days). He's going to make Forrest look pretty bad on the feet -- this is my expectation.

-Nate Diaz is moving up to 170, and apparently Diego wants to welcome him there. I think this is actually a good move for Diaz since his twig arms produce zero power at 155. At 170 he could put some muscle on his heavy frame and actually threaten people with more than just his BJJ and reach. He could weight at least 190 in fighting shape which means he'd have some major power. People don't realize just how much weight a taller frame adds and being as tall as Diaz is, it can really hinder him at a lower weight class.

I don't think Nate will gain a lot of punching power, Nick has never really had KO power (he does however fight like E Honda on weed) and I wouldn't expect Nate to gain it from adding 10-15 pounds onto his physique. He may however gain some much needed strength.
Lol my bad I was thinking of Koshcheck.

Trax either way I think 170 is a better division for Diaz. He has zero power at 155 and no muscles+tall frame=slow striker.

If anything, he'd become more explosive with the added muscle boost.

As for Griffin, he did give up vs. Silva. I think he was disheartened when he realized just how much Silva outclassed him. People say he fights with heart, well, because he does just that. If he were fighting a smart gameplan he'd be taking most of his opponents to the ground and using his jitz. Instead he prefers to brawl and get beat up.

How do you think he wins any of his fights? He pretty much pressures the other guy with his cardio and stays in their face the entire fight. And then he just brawls.

I'm trying to think of a good opponent for Thiago Silva. It's kind of funny when Shogun KOes a great wrestler and gasses out that almost nobody calls out T. Silva for gassing so badly that he couldn't even finish a severely hurt man.

By the way, I've heard that the winner of Couture/Coleman could be in line for a title Couture gets way too many fucking title shots, I don't care how good he ever was/still is. He's the true definition of the UFC poster boy. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching Randy fight, but c'mon.

EDIT: everybody said Nick Diaz had no punching power either. Till he fought Lawler, that is. ;p
Anybody catch that Strikeforce event?

Caught some of it.

Cliff Notes
- Wes Sims is a fucking funny guy, too bad he's awful at fighting.

- Cyborg has improved her stamina greatly -- historically she has run out of juice late in the fight, she looked pretty darn fresh at the end. I am of course sad because I like Coenen and wanted her to win.

- If Melvin Manhoef had stuck to kicking the legs he would've won -- as it was he dropped his hands to throw a combination and got knocked into next week by what I believe was literally the only punch Robbie landed in the entire fight.

- Marius/Diaz was like something out of street fighter.
Yeah agreed and I NEVER expected Nate to get beat like that. wow

Why so surprised that Sonnen could do that? dude is an amazing wrestler and Nate isn't exactly good off his back.

Incidentally I found it funny how Joe Rogan kept saying you need to be good off your back like Maia to beat Sonnen (for those who don't know, Maia threw him, locked up a triangle on top then rolled to his back to finish the choke).
We're looking at it from hindsight now though, so it's easier to say Sonnen would win. I didn't think he'd be able to take Marquardt down at will and Marquardt seemed lazy with his striking. I thought Nate would be able to keep the fight standing at least for a little bit or bully his way off the ground, but damn. Definitely not underestimating Sonnen again haha

Guess that puts Sonnen next in line vs Silva/Belfort and Marquardt is again pushed back down the ladder. I wouldn't mind seeing Marquardt/Okami or Marquardt/winner of W. Silva/Bisping
Casting punches aren't used in point was that Arlovski is a much more sound boxer than Fedor. The fact that he was KOed on his feet only shows that you don't have to be more technical with your hands to still win a stand-up battle.

I missed this post btw, but anyway: yes, Arlovski is a much more sound boxer -- this isn't boxing, thus why Andrei had the option to perform a suicidal flying knee and get knocked out. If Andrei had stuck to his boxing/kicks technique, he would've won the stand up elements of the fight, imo. Andrei had a mental lapse and threw his technique out the window.

Also, I don't know if you've watched Fedor vs Cro Cop, but Fedor is definitely more technical than usual in that fight.

We're looking at it from hindsight now though, so it's easier to say Sonnen would win. I didn't think he'd be able to take Marquardt down at will and Marquardt seemed lazy with his striking. I thought Nate would be able to keep the fight standing at least for a little bit or bully his way off the ground, but damn. Definitely not underestimating Sonnen again haha

I'll admit, I though Nate would be win (by sub) but I saw the possibility of Sonnen top controlling to a victory. I think Sonnen will have his work cut out for him with Anderson though -- Anderson is better off his back than Nate and he's also more dangerous on the feet.
I missed this post btw, but anyway: yes, Arlovski is a much more sound boxer -- this isn't boxing, thus why Andrei had the option to perform a suicidal flying knee and get knocked out. If Andrei had stuck to his boxing/kicks technique, he would've won the stand up elements of the fight, imo. Andrei had a mental lapse and threw his technique out the window.

Also, I don't know if you've watched Fedor vs Cro Cop, but Fedor is definitely more technical than usual in that fight.

I'll admit, I though Nate would be win (by sub) but I saw the possibility of Sonnen top controlling to a victory. I think Sonnen will have his work cut out for him with Anderson though -- Anderson is better off his back than Nate and he's also more dangerous on the feet.

Agreeing with everything you said. And yes I've seen the Fedor/Crocop fight probably 5 times now. I think the reason he was actually outstriking Crocop was because Crocop was being very cautious of Fedor's takedowns. In a kickboxing match I'd take prime Crocop>Fedor but this is why MMA is the best combat sport.

I wish Arlovksi didn't go for that retarded knee because it was shaping up to be a very interesting fight. Fedor seemed content to strike with him and he wasn't really wearing Arlovksi down until the KO.
So, anyone looking forward to UFC 110? Looks like some quality fights coming up.

Yeah 110 looks very exciting.

-Big Nog. vs Cain V.-This is a very interesting match-up and for me what's going to clinch my prediction is how Big Nog looks like in the weigh ins. If he looks in good shape and is healty, I have him with a sub win in the first round. Otherwise Cain by UD. I'll let you know soon ;)

-W Silva vs Bisping-IF Bisping fights a thinking man's game he should be able to jab Silva to death. However I can't see him getting away from a Silva flurry so I'll pick Silva by TKO early in the fight.

-Joe Stevenson vs George Souhotehalsnakgfnalsnfioepolis-Hard to tell if the Aussie is ready for Stevenson. As much as I want George to pull off a sub it's hard for me to picture it. Stevenson by UD

-Keith Jardine vs Ryan Bader-this fight could be do or die for Jardine. I don't see Bader outstriking Jardine but if he plays smart he should be able to GnP for 3 rounds. This is a huge test for Bader, but Big Nog picked him to be a champ one day, and Jardine's not champ material. Bader by UD

-Cro Cop vs Rothwell-I hate the fact that I'm probably going to be wrong here, but I'm going with my heart ;) Cro Cop by left high kick KO

-Why is Elvis Sinosic in the UFC still............

-Bonnar vs Sosz-this is do or die for Bonnar as he hasnt won a fight since.....I don't even know. I think it'll stay a striking match so I'll go with Bonnar UD

-Chris Lytle-tko win in the second

-CB Dollaway vs Goran Reljic-if anyone's going to coin the term Lil Cro Cop it's going to be me. ;) This guy's a beast and he showed it when he finished Wilson Gouveia. I have really high hopes for this guy and I'm picking him by TKO first round

-James Te Huna vs Igor Pokrajac-damn, 3 Croatians on one card. Anyone that trains with Cro Cop and fights a guy you're unsure of, the general rule is to go with first round head kick KO.

Plus he's Eastern European. c'mon