How many countries can you name?

Man, reading internet forums really does nothing to boost my self esteem when it comes to academics. . I got a whopping 69 and I can't say there were more than 10 obvious ones I "should" have got! Why is everyone around here so damn knowledgeable?

Well for me, like I said, it's because I've done 'name the countries' quizzes many times before.

Missed pretty much all of western Africa and half the Caribbeans. Eastern Europe and Central Asia screwed me over as well...
179, missed a few of the caribbean ones and snippets from other regions... I'm surprised I remembered Singapore and Timor-Leste, that map is so damn tiny.
this thread is really starting to remind me of those old IQ test ones, wherein people respond with things like 'i only scored 130 but thats because im tired and i was also watching tv at the same time'


No cheating.

Well for me, like I said, it's because I've done 'name the countries' quizzes many times before.

I had a world map on my wall from the ages of 5 - 17. It helped me. Pretty hard not to remember lots of names.

Also, I must have tried to input

1000000 times but it kept refusing me. That stupid thing then accepted the Vatican.
I got 125 with a few of those coming from the two people sitting next to me in photography class. I am ashamed to say that I missed the Netherlands, sorry fine Dutch users!
I have perhaps an unfair advantage, insofar as I have done this a number of times before. Still managed to miss a couple (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark) but pleased that I didn't miss Italy for once.

Capitals of the world is a good challenge, for anybody wanting more.
157/195 I got all the European countries besides Vatican (seriously since when is it a country?) and South American countries and most of the African ones, but I lost most of the Asian ones because I couldn't spell them correctly...
i got like 98 of the countries. I was disappointed, I kind of wanted to get over that 100 mark.

Hows this for one: name all the pokemon

First Gen:

It's infuriating how your mind hits a blank. In gen 1, I managed to miss some of the major threats.


i spelled hipno at first, and then caught myself. and then I STILL spelled it hipmonlee
144/151 for the 1st gen mons... forgot Tentacool/cruel, Ditto, Lickitung, Horsea/Seadra and Farfetch'd ¬¬

I got 95 on the countries...missed loads of west africa and those shitty islands around australia.
109... fuck khakaskstan and st kittis or how the hell they are written xD
Alos missed some due to their names being different in english (Guine to Guinea, etc), it's tough if you studied geography when you were young

But i got nouru and tuvalu, 2nd and 3rd most missed. See the board HERE
141 / 195

pretty happy with that ._. sort of fucked up around africa and managed to miss japan somehow.