Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

ugh... I've done the calibration thingy fifteen times now. Which takes forever! Because I don't have an action replay... Anyway I have the below results,
14s 592d, 14s 606d, 14s 618d, 14s 610d, 14s 602d, 14s 620d, 13s 602d, 14s 614d, 13s 600d, 15s 618d, 14s 598d, 15s 606d and finally 15s 604d...
Am I messing up here? :-/ If so does anybody know how this could be?
14s 592d, 14s 606d, 14s 618d, 14s 610d, 14s 602d, 14s 620d, 13s 602d, 14s 614d, 13s 600d, 15s 618d, 14s 598d, 15s 606d and finally 15s 604d...

Okay can I just say this is so confusing...
It seems you're hitting 14 secs alot so put 14 secs in. I'm assuming you're on plat because I can only hit 619delay on diamond/pearl.
I see you have 3 618 delay? I think thats most common so you should set 14 seconds and 618 delay as your target time/delay.

You're not messing it up, it's not very consistant for most people. It takes me about 10 tries (each 2-3 mins) to hit my second AND delay. Just pick your most consistant/frequent time/delay and hope you hit it quickly ^^
Yeah it is platinum. Okay so what you are saying is that I should just go with the 14s and 618d? Sorry for all the questions its just I am finding it quite hard to understand rng. :S
I'm trying to generate a spread for an HP Ice TRU Shaymin. But each time I "generate" it doesn't find anything.

My settings are...
  • 2009
  • 600
  • 620-630
  • method 1
  • Any
  • 31/30/30/31/31/31
What variable/s (aside from the IVs) could I change to increase it's range so it gives me a selectable spread?


Like as it's been said, you can try increasing your delay range. Or you could read a bit more through the first post and find that it's been conveniently found for you:

2A0C029F, Frame 513: 31/30/30/31/31/31 (Mixed HP Ice 70)

If you don't like the high frame and don't really care for its Attack IV, here's an alternative:

3B090283, Frame 5: 31/11/31/31/31/30 (Ice 70)

Just plug the seed number into the "Seed to Time" function of RNG Reporter to find out what time you need to hit to obtain your target. Remember that natures are random for Wondercard Shaymin, and that the people in the Pokemarts can mess your frame up.
Okay like you said destiny100 my target time is 14 and my delay is 618. So I have gone to dppt capture in rng reporter. Put in all of the details 31 iv's in every stat, synch nature impish, nature impish, min/max delays 618/618, method j, max frame 1000 and year 2009. I hit generate and it didn't find anything! OMG I feel like giving up and going back to iv breeding and soft reseting...! :/ Does anyone know why it isn't working?
I'm not 100% familiar with capturing but getting 6 flawless Ivs is kinda ambitious. You need to set the Ivs, then go set the number of frames you want to advance. Hopefully you'll find something that suits you =/, changing the years gives you different spreads, some years have good spreads others have bad. Thats why you see people with 2099 yeah pokemon =P
Thats wierd I thought thats why people did RNG, to get pkmn with 6 floorless iv's. Maybe I'll just give up... After all, I have defeated loads of people who do RNG so I guess I probably don't need it...
Okay like you said destiny100 my target time is 14 and my delay is 618. So I have gone to dppt capture in rng reporter. Put in all of the details 31 iv's in every stat, synch nature impish, nature impish, min/max delays 618/618, method j, max frame 1000 and year 2009. I hit generate and it didn't find anything! OMG I feel like giving up and going back to iv breeding and soft reseting...! :/ Does anyone know why it isn't working?

Quite simply the odds of a completely flawless Pokemon of a particular nature are 1:26,843,545,600.

And you are searching 6,144,000 frames.

So yeah, you are not going to find anything, generally.

Your choices are to search for something with lesser IVs or to increase the delay range/frames. Additionally, you can use one of the spreadsheets where someone has already searched for a good spread or use Wichu's PokeRNG, which searches very wide.
I just checked it up and the Frames for Uxie , Mesprit and the Thrid one
is 4 so if you for example wnat to land on frame 59 than you have to substarct 4and 1for the encounter.
so that you end up with 54 Frames on the Journal.

Just for everyone that wondered why he couldnt reset his little
Elfevn Friend :D
I just checked it up and the Frames for Uxie , Mesprit and the Thrid one
is 4 so if you for example wnat to land on frame 59 than you have to substarct 4and 1for the encounter.
so that you end up with 54 Frames on the Journal.

Just for everyone that wondered why he couldnt reset his little
Elfevn Friend :D


And they are all on frame one, unless runners (that is the Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos) are out.
As long as you can hit your seconds and delay consistently, it doesn't matter how you press the buttons. Mashing A is the simplest method.
Do you really have to mash A specifically? I usually mash SELECT, then quickly switch to A on the continue screen.

If select works the same as A and starts the game up or whatever, I guess it works, but hitting A is more consistent over time.

Redpebbles- For catching wild pokemon, there are only four flawless method 1/J natures, Modest twice, timid, and calm. So when you search, only search for 5 flawless and x in another stat. Download the spreadsheets though, since they have all the finding done for you and are very nice.
I have one question guys, I want to catch some pokes in the Trophy garden area so I guess i have to select a spread and then go move the calendar day for day until i get the poke that i want, am i correct?

And finally i read in the OP that

Slot 6: 80-84 5% (Trophy Garden, Current)
Slot 7: 85-89 5% (Trophy Garden, Previous)

So i guess that the daily pokemon in the trophy garden will appear in the slot 6, am i correct? but i don't understand why does it mean "current" and "previous" so what slot should i use?
Thats wierd I thought thats why people did RNG, to get pkmn with 6 floorless iv's. Maybe I'll just give up... After all, I have defeated loads of people who do RNG so I guess I probably don't need it...

I did a quick search for you and found this spread:

seed: 3c160272
frame: 950
delay: 618
IVs: 31/30/31/23/31/28
Date: 1st September 2009
Time: 22:37:14

not max speed, but I don't think Uxie runs Speed EVs anyway...

So i guess that the daily pokemon in the trophy garden will appear in the slot 6, am i correct? but i don't understand why does it mean "current" and "previous" so what slot should i use?

This refers to the "daily" pokemon that appear when you speak to Backlot in the Mansion.
I did a quick search for you and found this spread:

seed: 3c160272
frame: 950
delay: 618
IVs: 31/30/31/23/31/28
Date: 1st September 2009
Time: 22:37:14

not max speed, but I don't think Uxie runs Speed EVs anyway...

This refers to the "daily" pokemon that appear when you speak to Backlot in the Mansion.
So i should use the "current" slot?
Well that depends if the pokemon you're after is the "current" Trophy Garden pokemon, or the one released into it the day before :P
OK, so I'm going to reset for a Darkrai. Normally, I can catch a wild Pokemon without advancing the RNG, where the target frame is three. Now, if I went for Darkai, would this be the same case, or would I have to advance the RNG?

EDIT: Nevermind, I know I need a target frame of two :3
Okay so I finally got a shiny flawless Gible - neat : P My next quest: six shiny Pickup pokemon. So, using RNG Reporter, under the ability column, how do we know which ability is "0" and which is "1?" Just curious - would hate to hit my delay only to find out it's not the Pickup ability...
Okay so I finally got a shiny flawless Gible - neat : P My next quest: six shiny Pickup pokemon. So, using RNG Reporter, under the ability column, how do we know which ability is "0" and which is "1?" Just curious - would hate to hit my delay only to find out it's not the Pickup ability...

Use the Dex / IV check button of rng reporter. You just choose the pokemon and it will say 0 = ...., 1 = .....