Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Wow, no.

Reread and follow the directions. You are really not doing it anywhere close to correctly. If there is a specific step that has you confused post that step and ask for clarification.

I just watched a video on youtube and looked at your guide and to me it looks like I did it correctly. What am I doing wrong?
Since the IVs are generated when the battle starts, I doubt any in-battle effects could affect the IVs and nature of your Pokemon. Are you saving RIGHT next to Darkrai? If you take any steps that could advance the 128-step-counter thing and advance your frames by the number in your party.
Other than that, you may have just missed a journal flip. 1484 is a big number, so it's not hard to lose track. Also make sure you count the journal opening if there's a captured/defeated message on the first page.
OK I'm having a problem. I am *attempting* my first capture RNG with Darkrai. The seed I need is 11060267, and I am going for the Timid 31 / 23 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 31 HP Electric Spread. The frame I need to hit I believe is 775. Minusing the frame of Darkrai, tht leaves me with 774. Divided by 2, tht gives me 387 journal flips. Now, I have hit my delay many time and gottten the correct seed. I then open my journal, flip the correct amount of times, close it, and then battle Darkrai. However, this is the problem- twice I have gotten a Gentle Darkrai, not the timid one. If anyone knows what I may be doing wrong, please tell me. It would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I have no wanderers, so I didnt take tht into consideration.
OK I'm having a problem. I am *attempting* my first capture RNG with Darkrai. The seed I need is 11060267, and I am going for the Timid 31 / 23 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 31 HP Electric Spread. The frame I need to hit I believe is 775. Minusing the frame of Darkrai, tht leaves me with 774. Divided by 2, tht gives me 387 journal flips. Now, I have hit my delay many time and gottten the correct seed. I then open my journal, flip the correct amount of times, close it, and then battle Darkrai. However, this is the problem- twice I have gotten a Gentle Darkrai, not the timid one. If anyone knows what I may be doing wrong, please tell me. It would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I have no wanderers, so I didnt take tht into consideration.

Eep Edit: Disregard the next paragraph.

774 is the Method 1 number. For Darkrai and other stationary legends, you need to use Method J to find the correct frame number. Frame 774 in Method J for your seed indeed produces a (terrible) Gentle IV spread.

Given that Darkrai already learns Thunderbolt, you might want to go for a straight Timid spread (like seed D2140289, which has a Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31 frame).
774 is the Method 1 number. For Darkrai and other stationary legends, you need to use Method J to find the correct frame number. Frame 774 in Method J for your seed indeed produces a (terrible) Gentle IV spread.

Given that Darkrai already learns Thunderbolt, you might want to go for a straight Timid spread (like seed D2140289, which has a Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31 frame).

He said 775 is the frame he is targeting, which is the method J frame for the seed. The method 1 frame is 786.

You are doing something to advance it by 1 frame or you are 1 frame short.
Double check if you have any wanderers. Try walking 128 steps for party advancement and do less coin flips to make it equal 1 higher or lower. Based on the information, you should have hit it, except if you have a wanderer. Try testing different stuffs with walking to get it.
He said 775 is the frame he is targeting, which is the method J frame for the seed. The method 1 frame is 786.

You are doing something to advance it by 1 frame or you are 1 frame short.
Double check if you have any wanderers. Try walking 128 steps for party advancement and do less coin flips to make it equal 1 higher or lower. Based on the information, you should have hit it, except if you have a wanderer. Try testing different stuffs with walking to get it.

Oops - somehow completely screwed up - forget what I said.
He said 775 is the frame he is targeting, which is the method J frame for the seed. The method 1 frame is 786.

You are doing something to advance it by 1 frame or you are 1 frame short.
Double check if you have any wanderers. Try walking 128 steps for party advancement and do less coin flips to make it equal 1 higher or lower. Based on the information, you should have hit it, except if you have a wanderer. Try testing different stuffs with walking to get it.

Hmm...Il double check if I have any wanderers. I dont think I do though. Anyway, thanks for the help and I guess ill just keep trying. Maybe Ill try a diffeent spread like Eep said. In fact I think I will and see if that turns out any better. Once again, thanks for the help.
Okay, I've completed a few D/P/Pt RNG projects, but I'm having great trouble hitting my delay... it's quite frustrating. I calibrated an insane number of times and ended up with a delay of 609 and a consistent 15 seconds. Using that, twice the coin flips have matched within about 3 tries, twice they've matched in about 5 tries, and twice they've matched in about 20 tries. Last night, I recalibrated, this time coming up with my most common delay being 611. Using it, I'm resetting now, and it's been about 10 times that the coins have not matched. I'm sure my date and time are correct. I'm not mashing the A button as fast as I can; I'm going at a fast (but not as fast as possible) rhythmic pace.

Any suggestions for me? Most people usually hit it in about 3 tries, correct? Thanks!
Alright, I guess my question is pretty similar to the previous one. I'm going for a 31/7/31/31/31/31 Darkrai. That yields HP Dark 70, I don't care much for the Hidden Power type for him. So, every-time I check to see if I got the delay right (coin flip trick), I get the exact results listed. But then I do the exact journal flips required, (frame is 231, so 231-1 / 2 = 115). I always get a sassy one with terrible ivs. When i'm doing the journal flip, the two consecutive pages of caught pokemon, also have other stuff on them, Such as Received Rakiou from "such and such". Would that cause any problem?
@Misdreavus: The same thing tends to happen to me. I had no idea the average was 3 tries, but now that I do I feel like I've been wasting a lot of time. D:

If there's any way to hit target delays more consistently, help would be appreciated.
@Misdreavus: The same thing tends to happen to me. I had no idea the average was 3 tries, but now that I do I feel like I've been wasting a lot of time. D:

If there's any way to hit target delays more consistently, help would be appreciated.

There is no way to hit it more consistently other than being consistent.

Also, 3 is no where near the average. It takes everyone a longer time than others based on experience and luck.

Salar- instead of just saying your pokemon is the wrong one, try giving us some helpful information. Find out what frame the one you got was on and see how many frames off it was. Maybe you messed up on the journal flips.
alright. So, how would I figure out the sassy ones Frame? I think I would type its info into the RNG reporter, but i'm not sure.
Does anyone have any surefire techniques for hitting their delay? I'm beyond frustrated with this. I never get outside of 6 away from my delay, yet I hit it takes me hours to hit it even once. So I'm looking for some sort of method someone can give me to hit it more regularly, or at least shave a couple points off of my range. This could be something you do with your thumb, some sort of counting technique or rhythm you do in your head or out loud. Anything helps. My delay is 624 if it matters...

Edit: Oops I was on the wrong last page and didn't see the posts above me. I'm going to leave this up here, though, just in case someone has advice.
I recall from my Ditto months back that using Sweet Scent in grass to trigger an encounter advances the frame by 2, but according to the OP, it's only 1... is it 1 for the SS itself plus 1 for the actual encounter (for a total of 2)?
Are pokemon encountered through honey trees considered method J or method 1? What's the monster frame in this case? How do encounter slots work in this case?
salar: I'm actually doing the exact same spread as you for my Darkrai. Anyways, the frame you're currently trying to get is the Method 1 frame for the spread, while Darkrai is a Method J Pokémon, so switch to Method J instead. There are like 20 frames for a Timid 31/7/31/31/31/31 in that seed, all of which are in the 150-250 range.

yngstr: I'm not sure, but I believe the Pokémon you will encounter is set the moment you put the Honey in the tree, most likely making it Method 1.
Misdreavus - Sweet scent is 1, and the monster frame is 1, for a total of 2.

yngstr - You can do tests yourself to find out. I think no one really has done it because there is only 1 pokemon you can get exclusive there or something like that. It should be method J and the encounter slots should be the same as sweet scent. Monster frame will be 1, and the honey is probably 1 also, so treat it just like sweet scent.

Sele - Thank you for answering his question.
alright. So, how would I figure out the sassy ones Frame? I think I would type its info into the RNG reporter, but i'm not sure.

Generate. If you were going for frame 100, look at 89-99 and 101-111 or similar. Or search on the IVs and nature of what you got. However you want.

Does anyone have any surefire techniques for hitting their delay? I'm beyond frustrated with this. I never get outside of 6 away from my delay, yet I hit it takes me hours to hit it even once. So I'm looking for some sort of method someone can give me to hit it more regularly, or at least shave a couple points off of my range. This could be something you do with your thumb, some sort of counting technique or rhythm you do in your head or out loud. Anything helps. My delay is 624 if it matters...

Edit: Oops I was on the wrong last page and didn't see the posts above me. I'm going to leave this up here, though, just in case someone has advice.

Maybe try some music :)

Are pokemon encountered through honey trees considered method J or method 1? What's the monster frame in this case? How do encounter slots work in this case?

Not really sure yet, go investigate and report back!
Hey! I actually hatched a shiny dratini using the guide (and another companion video). That was really easy.

Hatching or catching a 'perfect pokemon' is a lot harder though isn't it?
OK I'm having a problem. I am *attempting* my first capture RNG with Darkrai. The seed I need is 11060267, and I am going for the Timid 31 / 23 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 31 HP Electric Spread. The frame I need to hit I believe is 775. Minusing the frame of Darkrai, tht leaves me with 774. Divided by 2, tht gives me 387 journal flips. Now, I have hit my delay many time and gottten the correct seed. I then open my journal, flip the correct amount of times, close it, and then battle Darkrai. However, this is the problem- twice I have gotten a Gentle Darkrai, not the timid one. If anyone knows what I may be doing wrong, please tell me. It would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I have no wanderers, so I didnt take tht into consideration.

Just felt I should post that I resolved this problem. It turns out I did have wnderers (2 in fact). I was looking at the wrong app>.
>. Thanks LF and eep for your help though.
Hey guys, I need help in finding my frame for my egg iv abusing, it's worked several times before for me, and I've succeeded, but this time, I enter in the data, and the frames come to be completely different every time. Here's the pattern, if it helps
9, 10, 11, 8, 10
should I go with 10? Since it poped out twice?
It seems like at the moment you saved, some NPCs were in the process of moving, or moving...I'd wait a couple of seconds and resave, then check again.