RMT - need some suggestion/improvements or replacements

OU Team

Here it is at a glance


Hi this is my first RMT but im looking for suggestion/improvements or replacements. It's had mixed success with forcing switching and dealing damage but then also failed terribly with Heatran causing major problems.
My idea behind this team is durability and to set up stealth rock with toxic spikes at the first opportunity and to wear down the other team. Hence alot of recovery moves. So yeah just looking for any advice to improve it.




focus sash
64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe

~ Fake out
~ Stealth rock
~ Fire blast
~ Close combat

Infernape job is to take out other leads and set up stealth rock,
switching him out and saving him for later if the lead is too problematic after activating the sash.


252 hp/ 252 def/ 4 spD

~ T-Wave
~ Leech Leed
~ Psychic
~ Recover

Defensive tank that I usually send it next as it can take a beating, but there to cause status problems and counter gyrados who usually comes in on the switch to Ape.


chesto berry
252 hp/ 252 def/ 4 spD

~ DD
~ Waterfall
~ Rest
~ Sleep Talk

Gyra is to cover the fire weaknesses that is a huge threat, I put DD on this set in the chance I can also sweep and set up however I am learning towards Stonge edge as saves me from walled to much.


lum berry
252 hp/ 252 def/ 4 spD

~ Toxic spikes
~ Earthquake
~ Rapid spin
~ Gyro ball

this team really need a spinner with Ape, Salamence and Gyra prone to massive stealth rock damage. the Fort main job is to set up toxic spikes and take the hits.


Life Orb
80 Atk / 252 SpA / 176 Spe

~ Draco Meteor
~ Roost
~ Fire Blast
~ Brick Break

Classic Mimence I usually keep till mid/ late game and its also paired with Jirachias they cover each others weakness quite well. But to draco Meteor on the switch and put a dent in at least something.


240 HP / 160 Def / 76 SpD / 32 Spe

~ Wish
~ Protect
~ Psychic
~ Thunderbolt

the reason im using a bold Jirachi is thats the only one I have from Pokemon Channel so kind of limits me to using special attacks. But he is there for support and if I can bring some pokes back into the game with some health.

So thats it, I'd love to hear any suggestions. I was thinking I need more speed so something like Gengar perhaps??


If Heatran is putting a number on your team, try this Porygon2 set:

Porygon2 @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 Hp / 216 Def / 40 SpA
Bold nature (+Defense, -Attack)
~ Thunderbolt / Discharge
~ Ice Beam
~ Recover
~ Toxic / Thunder Wave / Magic Coat

With monstrous offensive threats such as Gyarados, Salamence, and Heatran looming in every corner there is almost no single Pokemon that can reliably counter them all at the same time. However, one brave Pokemon still stands strong as being a reliable option to combatting all three of them, that Pokemon is Porygon2. Using its near exclusive ability, Trace, Porygon2 copies Intimidate and cuts Gyarados' and Salamence's Attack on the switch in, allowing it to easily take the beatings. Discharge does a minimum of 75% to Gyarados, OHKOing after Stealth Rock, and Thunderbolt does a minimum of 90%, OHKOing if it launches an attack, thanks to the Life Orb recoil. Porygon2 is also the game's best Dragon Dance Salamence counter, being able to survive a +1 Life Orb Outrage, after it Traces Intimidate, and OHKO back with Ice Beam.

Porygon2's usefulness doesn't stop there. It can switch into Heatran, Vaporeon, and Jolteon, with impunity, thanks to Trace. It is immune to Fire when it switches into Heatran and forces it out, threatening paralysis. As long as Heatran isn't holding Choice Specs Porygon2 can easily take an Earth Power and recover off the damage. Jolteon and Vaporeon's STAB attacks heal Porygon2, allowing him to wall them to no end unless they are carrying Toxic. These examples are just scratching the surface of Porygon2's vast potential. Even Pokemon you can't really take advantage of have a hard time beating Porygon2; outside of STAB Fighting moves and powerful Choice Banded attacks, he can usually tank the hits and deal back damage in return with his special attack or Toxic or simply cripple them with paralysis.

As far as moveslot 4 goes, Thunder Wave is standard allowing Porygon2 to cripple sweepers. Toxic is another good option when coupled with Recover, you can get out of many tough situations with stalling alone. Magic Coat bounces status attacks back at the user, which can be fun, especially when Bronzong or Yanmega put themselves to sleep. This is a lot of fun and really annoys the opponent. Porygon2 can easily cripple many sweepers with paralysis. Recycle can be interesting, used with a Sitrus Berry, Leppa Berry or Lum Berry. Sitrus is a free 25% health boost, turning many 2HKOs into 3HKOs. Leppa allows you to stall forever, because Porygon2 will never run out of PP. Lum Berry serves as a temporary status shield that can be replenished at any time.
Porygon2's above average defenses and stellar ability allow it to be the "glue" that holds an offensive team together and protects it from being utterly swept by offensive threats such as Salamence, Gyarados, and Heatran. Pokemon that can lure in counters that Porygon2 can take care of easily make excellent partners. Heatran and Scizor come to mind as being excellent lures to Salamence, Gyarados, and opposing Heatran, all of which Porygon2 deftly handles.

Beware of surprise status, however, especially from the likes of Heatran who often carries Toxic. If badly poisoned or burned, Porygon2's walling capabilities are severely crippled. As such, carrying a cleric on your team would be beneficial. Celebi gets special mention for its fighting resistance, to which Porygon2 happens to be weak.

Once in play, Porygon2 will almost assuredly lure in Fighting types. On an offensive team, having a solid switch-in to the vast majority of Fighting types is nigh required. Pokemon such as Gyarados, Gengar, and other Fighting resistant / immune Pokemon make great partners to absorb the Fighting attacks likely to be aimed at Porygon2 (Salamence would be yours).

Good luck! :)
You seem to have a big infernape weakness. It can 2hko all the members of your team. Changing Forretress to starmie can help with this and allows you to spin still.
On Celebi, why are you using a Sassy nature ( + Special Defense, - Speed ) when your Celebi's EV's are tailored towards Physical Defense. It would make sense to use a Bold Nature to gain the most out of your Celebi's Defense. In addition, there is no need to lower Celebi's Speed stat with a Sassy Nature when you can lower it's Attack stat instead, which Celebi is not using at all. Also, I suggest running a spread of 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spe over your spread. The 36 Speed EVs allow celebi to Grass Knot most Tyranitar before they attempt to Crunch you for high damage.

An option you have over Celebi if you want too add more Speed to the team is a Choice Scarf Rotom-W. Since your team is based around setting up SR and Toxic Spikes like ou mentioned, Rotom-W will be able to block any attempts Rapid Spinners have of Spinning your entry hazards away. Rotom-W can also revenge kill Infernape with Hydro Pump and still does well against Gyarados, who you outspeed after a Dragon Dance and KO with Thunderbolt. Just a silly little idea I had.

In addition to the above, use Grass Knot over Psychic. Psychic. does not provide much coverage in OU and Grass Knot will give Celebi a better way to dish out damage and a better weapon against Water-types such as Gyarados. You also get to hit Ground-types such as Hippowdon and Rock-types such as the aforementioned Tyranitar. You might also want to consider HP Fire over Leech Seed. This will allow you to hit those Scizor that love switching-in on Celebi. You also get the ability to hit Pokemon such as Metagross and Skarmory for decent damage.

On Gyarados, use Leftovers over Chesto Berry. You have Sleep Talk so you can do something while you are sleeping, so there is not much use for Chesto Berry. Leftovers will enable Gyarados to take hits better thanks to the extra health gained each turn from Leftovers.

With Magnezone running HP Fire quite often nowadays, it might be an idea to go for Shed Shell over Lum Berry on Forretress if you are keeping it. You really don't need Lum Berry as status can be taken by your Gyarados who has Rest and Sleep Talk and Celebi who has Natural Cure. Since Forry is your Toxic Spike user, you'll have a hard time coming back from an opponent that quickly traps and takes it out with you not getting up a single layer of TS. Opponent's entry hazards will wear you down too once you can't Rapid Spin so having Shed Shell is something to consider.

On Celebi, why are you using a Sassy nature ( + Special Defense, - Speed ) when your Celebi's EV's are tailored towards Physical Defense. It would make sense to use a Bold Nature to gain the most out of your Celebi's Defense. In addition, there is no need to lower Celebi's Speed stat with a Sassy Nature when you can lower it's Attack stat instead, which Celebi is not using at all. Also, I suggest running a spread of 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 Spe over your spread. The 36 Speed EVs allow celebi to Grass Knot most Tyranitar before they attempt to Crunch you for high damage.

An option you have over Celebi if you want too add more Speed to the team is a Choice Scarf Rotom-W. Since your team is based around setting up SR and Toxic Spikes like ou mentioned, Rotom-W will be able to block any attempts Rapid Spinners have of Spinning your entry hazards away. Rotom-W can also revenge kill Infernape with Hydro Pump and still does well against Gyarados, who you outspeed after a Dragon Dance and KO with Thunderbolt. Just a silly little idea I had.

In addition to the above, use Grass Knot over Psychic. Psychic. does not provide much coverage in OU and Grass Knot will give Celebi a better way to dish out damage and a better weapon against Water-types such as Gyarados. You also get to hit Ground-types such as Hippowdon and Rock-types such as the aforementioned Tyranitar. You might also want to consider HP Fire over Leech Seed. This will allow you to hit those Scizor that love switching-in on Celebi. You also get the ability to hit Pokemon such as Metagross and Skarmory for decent damage.

On Gyarados, use Leftovers over Chesto Berry. You have Sleep Talk so you can do something while you are sleeping, so there is not much use for Chesto Berry. Leftovers will enable Gyarados to take hits better thanks to the extra health gained each turn from Leftovers.

With Magnezone running HP Fire quite often nowadays, it might be an idea to go for Shed Shell over Lum Berry on Forretress if you are keeping it. You really don't need Lum Berry as status can be taken by your Gyarados who has Rest and Sleep Talk and Celebi who has Natural Cure. Since Forry is your Toxic Spike user, you'll have a hard time coming back from an opponent that quickly traps and takes it out with you not getting up a single layer of TS. Opponent's entry hazards will wear you down too once you can't Rapid Spin so having Shed Shell is something to consider.

Good Luck

It's the only Celebi i have at the moment , but your right about the little green dude - Scizor switching in and TTar is going to be deadly. Thanks Macle about suggesting Starmie I must give him a shot, as your right i have a big Ape weakness - I take it you mean the bulky Starmie.

snorlaxxz cheers for suggesting Porygon, I may not have been as descriptive as pointed out but all you guys helped loads...gave me something to think about and also to work with to help me develop this team.