CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 3 - Secondary Type Poll 2

What should our Secondary Type be?

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Both ideas are awesome and viable. Either way he has killer dual STAB Dragon/Electric gets neutral coverage on everything but Steelix, while Bug/Electric just gets lots of useful SE hits anyway (water, flying, grass, psychic, and dark). I went with bug, but it was a really close choice.

Damn, this poll is so CLOSE. 33 to 32. Hm... Now that the 1st thread is over, can someone who is not-lazy enough tally to see which got more, Bug or Dragon, before? Just out of curiosity...
While I have no ill towards Elec/Dragon (it's a pretty sweet combo IMO), I'm still pulling for the Electric/Bug.

SR weakness doesn't concern me as much as others. I'll admit, it's annoying to have one, but not a huge deal-breaker for me (unless it strips off 50%, then I might have a problem).
In the previous count thread Bug had 70 votes while Dragon had 65
Ooh... If things go nicely, Bug will win.
But all the voters that voted neither bug nor dragon get to vote for one of these two. Dragon can wind by a landslide potentially...
Or it could get beaten or by 20 votes.
Who knows...

...Anyway, I'll sit back and wait for the votes...
Seems to be 42-40 now. Still neck and neck.
both are fine, but I'm going durrhurragon.

It really doesn't have to be mega bulky, I was thinking more of a flygon type dragon with equally good resists.
I went with Dragon for reasons already mention, but mostly because I believe we're ready to do a Dragon type. Seriously, Dragon has been given a bad rep just for being themselves and in turn people hate them. I feel that Dragon should be given a chance for once. We have proven that we can make balanced creatures, even one of fanboyish material (Ghost/Steel). If you only give the typing a chance you can see it's not so bad.
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