Kickin' it old school. a old UU warstory take two

I must say this before you read. if this thing has a ton of php tags like my last attempt, then I'm sorry. They are not showing up when I put up the thread, and I will work extremely hard to edit them off. So, if there are tags, then please give me a bit of time to get them off. Now, onto the good stuff

I’ve been looking for a good battle to warstory, ever since I started lurking here at Smogon (that’s a long time ago). I thought I had a good one at one point, but then I, along with tirsus, decided it wasn’t good enough. I continued playing and never really ran into a good battle. Last Friday I went on shoddy to do a bit of Suspect laddering, and met my good friend Starstorm98 on. We were chatting about different things, and eventually he asked me if I wanted to battle old UU. I accepted what I thought would be a decent battle, but I never expected this!

Lightsabre’s team

Starstorm’s team will be revealed as I find it. At the end I’ll show the whole thing

My comments will be in BOLD
Battle log will be in code
Scores will be shown at the end of every turn
In battle talking will be in italic
Leftovers will be removed
Rules: Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause


Lightsabre sent out Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass?).
Starstorm98 sent out Rotom (lvl 100 Rotom).
Lightsabre: gl
Starstorm98: gl

The match starts with good sportsmanship. Ok, I haven’t played old UU in a while, but I expect trickscarf or some other tricking. Froslass doesn’t particularly care about getting a scarf, but my team cares if I get spikes up immediately, so I’ll go for spikes

Froslass used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
Rotom used Trick.
Rotom obtained Focus Sash!
Froslass obtained Flame Orb
Froslass was burned!

Froslass-100% burned +1spikes

Wow, I didn’t see that coming. I don’t expect froslass to last to long, but I want those spikes. I keep setting up, expecting to be knocked out this turn.

Froslass used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
Rotom used Shadow Ball
It's super effective!
Froslass lost 114% of its health.
Lightsabre’s Froslass fainted

Froslass-X_X +2spikes

Ok, I saw that coming. I decide to bring in Ninetales, since none of my team completely takes on Rotom. I want to knock this guy out before he does to much damage to me.

Lightsabre switched in Ninetales (lvl 100 Ninetales?).
Starstorm98: this is by far my favorite team to use
Ninetales used Flamethrower
Rotom lost 87% of its health.
Ninetales lost 10% of its health.
Rotom used Light Screen.
A barrier was formed!

Ninetales-90% +2spikes
Rotom-13% +Light screen

Light screen… ouch. A whole lot of my team is specially oriented, which means trouble. I knew that a switch was coming, but I didn’t know who he was going to switch to, and I click flamethrower...

Starstorm98 switched in Lanturn (lvl 100 Lanturn?).
Lanturn was hurt by Spikes!
Lanturn lost 19% of its health.
Ninetales used Flamethrower
It's not very effective...
Lanturn lost 9% of its health.
Lanturn was burned!
Ninetales lost 10% of its health.
Lanturn's Leftovers restored his health a little
Lanturn restored 6%(Lanturn's Leftovers will now be removed)
Lanturn was hurt by its burn!
Lanturn lost 12% of its health.

Ninetales-80% +2spikes
Rotom-13% switched out
Lanturn-68% burned + light screen

Well, that went well. A nice bit of hax saves me big time. I could be stupid and go for energy ball, but at this point I’m sure he’ll surf to knock me out. I decide to switch to my favorite UU special wall, who happens to take surf with ease

Lightsabre switched in Articuno (lvl 100 Articuno).
Articuno is exerting its pressure!
Lanturn used Discharge.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Articuno lost 67% of its health.
Articuno's leftovers restored its health a little!
Articuno restored 6% of its health.
Lanturn's leftovers restored its health a little!
Lanturn restored 6% of its health.
Lanturn was hurt by its burn!
Lanturn lost 12% of its health.

Articuno-39% +2 spikes
Lanturn-62% burned + light screen

This, people, is why we use stealth rock. Boy am I glad he didn’t, but then I get smacked with a crit. Hax for hax I guess. Well, at least I wasn’t paralyzed. I’ll go for a roost to become neutral to discharge and recover that boatload of HP I just lost.

Articuno used Roost.
Articuno restored 50% of its health.
Lanturn used Discharge.
Articuno lost 17% of its health.
Articuno is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Lanturn's leftovers restored its health a little!
Lanturn restored 6% of its health.
Lanturn was hurt by its burn!
Lanturn lost 12% of its health.
Articuno's leftovers restored its health a little!
Articuno restored 6% of its health.(will be removed)

Articuno-78% paralyzed +2spikes
Lanturn-58% burned +light screen

Now I get paralyzed :(. Burn is beginning to take its toll, and I know I’ll survive anything he throws at me. So I decide to take the time to put up a reflect, which helps my team out a lot.[/FONT]

Lanturn used Confuse Ray
Articuno became confused!
Articuno is confused!
Articuno used Reflect.
A barrier was formed!
Lanturn's light screen wore off!
Lanturn was hurt by its burn!
Lanturn lost 12% of its health

Articuno-84% confused, paralyzed + reflect + 2spikes
Lanturn-52% burned

Confuse Ray? Well, at least I didn’t hurt myself, and I got reflect up! Ok, now he has three options
1) Discharge for damage
2) surf predicting a switch. Or
3) switch
I’m guessing number 1, and want to get SR up, so I intend to switch to Claydol. I just hope he doesn’t surf

Lightsabre switched in Claydol (lvl 100 Claydol).
Starstorm98 switched in Rotom (lvl 100 Rotom).

That leaves me in a bad spot, but I don’t have anything else to take on this little critter. I decide to shadow ball on the off chance that I survive his attack

Rotom used Trick.
Rotom obtained Leftovers!
Claydol obtained Focus Sash!
Claydol used Shadow Ball.
It's super effective!
Rotom lost 58% of its health.
Starstorm98's Rotom fainted.

Rotom- X_X
Claydol-100% sashed +reflect+2spikes

o.O I’m not sure why he did that, but I’m glad he did. I now have a guaranteed life, and can set up SR pretty much without fear

Starstorm98 switched in Vileplume (lvl 100 Vileplume?)
Oh no. I see sleep Powder coming, but nothing wants to take sleep more then this thing, so I leave him in to set up SR

Vileplume was hurt by spikes
Vileplume lost 19% of its health.
Claydol used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Vileplume used Sleep Powder.
Claydol fell asleep!
Vileplume's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vileplume restored 6% of its health.(will remove vileplume's leftovers now)

Claydol-100% asleep+reflect+2spikes+stealth rock

That was totally predictable in every way shape and form. I want to get my sweeping started. I have two sweepers that can do the job better then practically anyone. I decide to bring in Scyther to start knocking off stuff.

Lightsabre switched in Scyther (lvl 100 Scyther?).
Vileplume used Leech Seed.
Scyther was seeded!
Scyther's reflect wore off!
Scyther's health was sapped by leech seed!
Scyther lost 12% of its health.
Vileplume regained health!
Vileplume restored 10% of its health.

Claydol-asleep anbd switched out
Scyther-78% leech seed+2spikes+stealth rock

Scyther doesn’t mind leech seed to much. He’s not designed to take hits, and not much can take hits from him. Reflect wearing off is of no concern to me, and I don’t see much outside of HP[fire] that could come from this flower, so I stat up

Scyther used Swords Dance.
Scyther's attack was sharply raised.
Vileplume used Sludge Bomb.
Scyther lost 62% of its health.
Scyther's health was sapped by leech seed!
Scyther lost 12% of its health.
Vileplume regained health!
Vileplume restored 10% of its health.

Scyther-13%+2attack+2spikes+stealth rock

Ouch, at least I wasn't poisoned. Not much to say here, time to start ripping things to shreds

Scyther used Aerial Ace.
It's super effective!
]Vileplume lost 210% of its health
Starstorm98's Vileplume fainted.


Starstorm98 switched in Rapidash (lvl 100 Rapidash?).
Rapidash was hurt by Spikes!
Rapidash lost 19% of its health.
Pointed stones dug into Rapidash.
Rapidash lost 25% of its health.
Rapidash used Quick Attack.
A critical hit!
Scyther lost 53% of its health.
Lightsabre’s Scyther fainted.


Scyther-X_X+2spikes+stealth rock

Or not. I didn’t know Rapidash used quick attack :( I don’t have a better switch in then Claydol. I think I can see a Hitmonlee sweep coming, but I need to see the rest of his pokemon

Lightsabre switched in Claydol (lvl 100 Claydol).
Starstorm98 switched in Clefable (lvl 100 Clefable?).
Clefable was hurt by Spikes!
Pointed stones dug into Clefable
Claydol is fast asleep!

Claydol-100%+2spikes+stealth rock
Rapidash-56% switched out

Ok, I admit, I forgot about the sleep. Clefable can be extremely unpredictable. Usually they’re CM variants, which are handled well by Articuno, so he’s my natural switch

[COLOR=black]Lightsabre switched in Articuno (lvl 100 Articuno).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Articuno is exerting its pressure![/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Clefable used Seismic Toss.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Articuno lost 26% of its health.[/COLOR]

Articuno-64%+2spiikes+stealth rock

That’s a relief. I think this is the “Blissey with weight loss” set, so I think he’ll continue to ST. I still have plenty of HP so I go for a reflect.

Clefable used Seismic Toss.
Articuno lost 26% of its health.
Articuno used Reflect.
A barrier was formed!

Articuno-44%+2spikes+stealth rock+reflect

That goes according to plan. I’m getting low on HP, so I decide to roost up a bit. Not much else to say

Clefable used Seismic Toss.
Articuno lost 26% of its health.
Articuno is paralyzed! It can't move!

Articuno-24%+2spikes+stealth rock+reflect

Crap. I can’t take another ST, so I decide it’s time for that Hitmonlee sweep I was talking about.

Lightsabre switched in Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee?).
Clefable used Seismic Toss.
Hitmonlee lost 41% of its health.
Hitmonlee used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Clefable lost 155% of its health.
Starstorm98's Clefable fainted.
Hitmonlee's defense was lowered.
Hitmonlee's special defense was lowered

Hitmonlee-59%+2spikes+stealth rock+reflect-1 deffenses
Clefable X_X

So now what does he bring in? Rapidash has Quick attack, but I don’t know if that’s an OKOH or not. I also don’t know the final Pokémon that he has

Starstorm98 switched in Rapidash (lvl 100 Rapidash?).
Rapidash was hurt by Spikes!
Rapidash lost 19% of its health.
Pointed stones dug into Rapidash.
Rapidash lost 25% of its health.
Hitmonlee used Close Combat.
A critical hit!
Rapidash lost 231% of its health.
Starstorm98's Rapidash fainted.
Hitmonlee's defense was lowered.
Hitmonlee's special defense was lowered.
Hitmonlee's reflect wore off!

Hitmonlee-59%+2spikes+stealth rock-2 defenses

OK, the switch I could understand, but why no quick attack? I guess he didn’t know that this was a scarflee and thought he would out-speed. Now what does he switch to?

Starstorm98 switched in Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee?).
Hitmonlee was hurt by Spikes!
Hitmonlee lost 19% of its health.
Pointed stones dug into Hitmonlee.
Hitmonlee lost 6% of its health.

Come on :( there goes the Hitmonlee sweep. There’s no way I’m going to switch anything into this guy for fear that I’m wrong, but I see Mach Punch coming

(his)Hitmonlee used Mach Punch.
Hitmonlee lost 124% of its health.
Lightsabre’s Hitmonlee fainted.
Hitmonlee lost 10% of its health.

(my)Hitmonlee-X_X+2spikes+stealth rock

I only have one sweeper left, a paralyzed wall, and a sleeping wall. Things aren’t looking very good for me at this point. I need him out of the way, so I switch to Ninetales and hope for the best

Lightsabre switched in Ninetales (lvl 100 Ninetales?).
Ninetales used Flamethrower.
Hitmonlee lost 57% of its health.
Ninetales lost 10% of its health.
Hitmonlee used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Ninetales lost 120% of its health.
Lightsabre’s Ninetales fainted.
Hitmonlee lost 10% of its health.
Starstorm98's Hitmonlee fainted.

Ninetales-X_X+2spikes+stealth rock

Not exactly the best outcome, but it leaves me in a better position then it could’ve been. I switch in Articuno, knowing that Lanturn and only Lanturn stand between me and victory, which isn’t a very good thing for me

Lightsabre switched in Articuno (lvl 100 Articuno).
Starstorm98 switched in Lanturn (lvl 100 Lanturn?).
Lanturn was hurt by Spikes!
Lanturn lost 19% of its health.
Pointed stones dug into Lanturn.
Lanturn lost 12% of its health.
Articuno is exerting its pressure!
Lanturn used Discharge.
It's super effective!
Articuno lost 30% of its health.
Lightsabre’s Articuno fainted.
[COLOR=black]Lanturn was hurt by its burn![/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Lanturn lost 12% of its health.[/COLOR]

Articuno-X_X+2spikes+stealth rock
Lanturn-13%(I think) burned

Yeah. It all comes down to this turn. From previous experiences I know that Claydol will survive one surf, but not two. So, will I wake up? Or will I fall away in slumber.(next section not in code)

Lightsabre switched in Claydol (lvl 100 Claydol).
Lanturn used Surf.

It's super effective!

Claydol lost 52% of its health.

Claydol woke up!
Claydol used Earth Power.
It's super effective!
Lanturn lost 41% of its health.
Starstorm98's Lanturn fainted.
Lightsabre wins!
Starstorm98: gg
Lightsabre: gg
Starstorm98: wow epic match
Lightsabre: I want to warstory this
Lightsabre: that ok with you?
Starstorm98: sure
Starstorm98: just tell me when it’s up

The comments there sum up it all. Great game Starstorm!

Starstorm98 for a great game
Claydol, for waking up in the end
Hitmonlee for taking out two of the opponent’s Pokémon
Not to much hax



Pokémon of the Match:

Most Worthless Pokémon: idk. what do you think?
Best support Pokémon:

Good battle, (will be better once you remove font tags though;)). Good luck removing them all

EDIT: Looks a lot better :).
It was a good batte, but I wouldn't call it warstory material. Bad plays all over the place with no real "good" plays. Pretty generic really.

Still a good read because of your commentary and, as mentioned, the battle was decent. I enjoyed it.

Word of advice: use the preview button :P
There was a lot of unnecessary sacrifices in the match (or maybe just uneducated switches), so it was kind of hard to keep track of exactly what was going on mid game. However, just because this is old UU and because I miss it now that I read this, I enjoyed it.
Overall A for effort on both the *fixed* formatting and comments
Going to agree with Veedrok however-- there definitely quite a few turns that made me go *doh!!*, mostly almost all the turns regarding rotom, and being extremely confused about Lanturn and Clefable pretty much letting Articuno do whatever it wanted. Rapidash got sacked for no reason. :(

To be honest, this warstory also reminded me why I'm so glad old UU is gone-- all the set-up circle jerk made me want to hurl. If new UU bans all its half-day-decent sweepers too, I'm going to throw my hands up.
Good battle, (will be better once you remove font tags though;)). Good luck removing them all

EDIT: Looks a lot better :).
yeah, sorry about those. they didn't show up until I posted the thread. I don't know how to take them out before I post.

This was a good match, I miss old UU a lot.

I was never big on UU, but I liked it more then nUU. maybe that's just because I never really got into nUU

It was a good batte, but I wouldn't call it warstory material. Bad plays all over the place with no real "good" plays. Pretty generic really.

Still a good read because of your commentary and, as mentioned, the battle was decent. I enjoyed it.

Word of advice: use the preview button :P

It probably seemed cooler to me then to anyone else, plus I've been looking for a good warstory and jumped at the possibility

There was a lot of unnecessary sacrifices in the match (or maybe just uneducated switches), so it was kind of hard to keep track of exactly what was going on mid game. However, just because this is old UU and because I miss it now that I read this, I enjoyed it.

I made a few mistakes, and if you're talking about the loss of Rapidash then I don't know what he was doing. But the battle was fun

Old UU was just awesome, i remember myself playing it =')

Nice warstory =)

thanks for that.
Overall A for effort on both the *fixed* formatting and comments
Going to agree with Veedrok however-- there definitely quite a few turns that made me go *doh!!*, mostly almost all the turns regarding rotom, and being extremely confused about Lanturn and Clefable pretty much letting Articuno do whatever it wanted. Rapidash got sacked for no reason. :(

To be honest, this warstory also reminded me why I'm so glad old UU is gone-- all the set-up circle jerk made me want to hurl. If new UU bans all its half-day-decent sweepers too, I'm going to throw my hands up.

I don't think Clefable could've done much more then it did, but Lanturn wasted a bit of time confusing me instead of discharging. I wasn't able to set up that well against you though, I'm talking about the cannon cup
The point is there's NO reason to leave a pokemon who can at best seismic toss against a poke that has a 50% recovery move. That's just stupid. He should have switched out immediately if that was the best he could do.
aww. I was hoping to have at least one star. and chou, like I said, I don't know why he made some of those moves. I'm sort of waiting for him to post himself
I made a bad move tricking the Focus Sash on Claydol. I really didn't know what I was thinking there, but anyways good game Lightsabre

btw I'm Starstorm