Anyone here play World of Warcraft?

I have an alt draenei hunter named Akbar. I ahve set up macros to say its a trap when i lay a trap :P

Anyways, we were killing thaddius and lagg killed us. First time i have ever been in a raid and not been able to kill a boss even if we tried our hardest and did everythign perfectly.
A bunch of people in my guild started 39 twinks (alliance). Anyone interested in premades let me know ;)

We currently have:
Afflic Lock
Rogue or Ret Pally (both mine so they can't be played at the same time)

Why my friend chose an E-shaman, I will never know. I also may respec my pally back to a healbot. He's completely worthless 1 v 1 but if I follow the lock around healing him we can kill like 10 people at once, just the two of us.
how are they pointless lol

39 is a very interesting bracket, even moreso now that the BoA 2-hander almost compares to pendulum of doom, and the only way you could be competitive in that bracket before was to drop 5k gold or more one.

aff locks are pretty op at 39, but hunters with all their buffs are ridiculously hard to kill if they have a shadowforge bushmaster. not a bracket i've played too much in, but i liked it! not quite as much as 49s though.
I basically find the higher the bracket the better it is (until 59 which is just DK fest -_-)

Locks are brokesauce but not many people play them for whatever reason. Other then that there's a surprising balance unless you badly want to play a Shammy or something.
39 is the ideal twink bracket for someone who doesn't want to grind forever to get there but also doesn't want to be playing the same opponents every single game.
29s is where im headed. working on a hunter atm. already got the 9/9 monkey helm, petrolspills, all the necessary BoA gear. right about to ding 28 then its time to ghost-quest through a few chains and im good to go.

450 herb/450 skinning took long as hell, i kinda rushed when i heard there was a good chance its gonna get grandfathered next patch.
Yeah, I'm working on finishing up my professions myself. Not sure what to do about mining though, since I want to use the toughness glitch as long as possible, but if I won't be able to get mining up after the patch then I really should finish it now...

Skinning was easy :D and will be getting a major buff in the patch IIRC
yeah, the toughness bug is confirmed to be fixed next patch. hopefully thats tuesday, but you never know lol.

if you have some gold to spare you can just wait till monday night and powerlevel it through smelting. shouldnt take you more than a couple thousand gold, and you can sell the bars afterwards for probably close to the same price you paid anyway.

or you can abuse the node/skinning bug!
i just won my t7.5 DK hands

i rolled 98 behind 97, 95, and 93
and 12 other rolls

holy shit i feel on top of the world
lvl 39 twinks are pointless imo
lvl 29, now thats a differnt story

Sorry, but 39 is the first relevant twink bracket. Shame they had to move mounts down ten levels. :pirate: And shame I can't be arsed to level my Hunter on Malygos to 80 to actually get emblems for the heirloom axe.
here is my Death Knight's talents... the goal is unholy DPS... please let me know what you all think!

for the next ten levels, im thinking of finishing Subversion, then doing Blade Shield and Two Handed Weapon Specialization for the rest of the points. the spare point can go into... Unholy Blight??

points im unsure about are Necrosis and Desecration... 5 points each is a lot... i also recently invested in Night of the Dead so my ghoul no longer dies from AoE attacks

well anyway let me know what you think, im still a bit of a noob at this
odd that no-one has mentioned (to my knowledge) the rape of the last patch; probably the biggest pvp exploit in the history of WoW made possible (arena rating). apparently there are people in the late 3000s as a result

also not enjoying other people's speech above my head. this never ceases to confuse me.
excuse the ignorance but... bug?

if you remove auto-loot, move your skinning ability to your actionbar, and group up 5 or more skinnable corpses in close range, you can skin them but not loot the leather, then click on the first corpse you skinned (which should now have sparklies cause it needs to be looted) and press your skinning ability, you can reskin it. doing this repeatedly will continue to give skillups, assuming the mobs are at least green.

just go in the same order every time and youll skin up like crazy. additionally, if you throw and herb or mining node into the mix, you can level that up as well. gather the herb without autoloot, dont loot it, skin 5 or so mobs, regather herb. you should get a skill point. doesnt always work but it makes the grind ridiculously easy, it's the only way i could be bothered to level 450 herb/450 skinning on my 29 hunter.

oh yeah 3.0.8!!! as an elemental shaman here, i fucking love it. i went from chugging along on patchwerk with 4k dps, on tuesday i topped the meters with 5300. also i think im actually a viable pvp class now so i should probably l2p and start arenaing.

yeah ratings really better get rolled back cause that shit's broke. funny thing was the wg exploit, but i dont think every realm was affected by it. every time someone took control of wintergrasp, the northrend server would crash and wintergrasp would reset. got 18k honor and 27 wg marks in a little over an hour lol.
heh thanks, been putting off playing my DK because I'm OCD about professions and i cant be bothered to level them... this should help a lot
still playing my troll priest, probably in offspec gear since i'm trying out shadow. boo circle of healing nerf!

also planning on levelling my long abandoned undead warrior, as protection.

but THIS is my new favourite!

tanking and healing is where it's at.

i can't believe you played, steelicks :O
I have an account, but I don't think I have a character above level 10, haha. It's fun for a while, but I can't really see myself getting very far into it.
I figured I'd post in this again to revive long enough for us all to post something completely unrelated to each other before we let this sink again. Yay cyclical posting!

Uh, anyway, I finally hit 80 on my paladin a week ago. I have pretty volatile character ADD and Resto Druid is really not very much fun right now, so I figured I'd make the obligatory expansion switch earlier rather than later.

The first week wasn't exactly what I'd have preferred, but I am raiding with Canoftuna and Dragonmaster and such when I feel like showing up so it is all good, really. Something inside me is very pleased about being a Blood Elf.'jaeden&n=Nostrom