New and "creative" moveset/EV spread thread "Mark 2"

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This is a set created by me and one of my friends named Faraway Soul. Give him all the credit, not me ^_^

Warning: This will not work nearly as well or not at all without Toxic Spikes support. This set works best with, but does not require, Spikes or Stealth Rock.

Ever hate it when you're using Kyogre and you're out of Water Spouts? And then, you're forced to Struggle and you finally realize that your spent? Well, this will make a nightmare out of that situation...


Mewtwo @ Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 212 Spe/ 240 /HP,/58 SpA
-Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Taunt (Based on your team)
-Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Protect (Protect is recommended)

words and math

Any reason not to use Deoxys-S or A? Both can run the exact same set unless you opt for flamethrower and have more speed. Also, it seems like Substitute/Protect/Recover/Taunt would be best, because you can abuse your speed to stall as mentioned, and also to taunt any taunters/ResTalkers/setup pokes.

Aerodactyl can run this set in OU with Roost and has an interesting option in Agility, allowing it to obtain 788 speed after one use. Weavile has Pressure, Substitute, Protect, and Taunt, but lacks a recovery move. However, it also gets agility and has the option of torment so you can keep them from spamming, say, Tackle indefinitely.

EDIT: Forsaken copied my quote editing! :D

EDIT AGAIN: It doesn't make much sense to me to only have Protect as an option instead of making it required when it makes up half of your stalling in your explanation...
I've run Pressuredactyl before. You really do need the TS support.

See if you can pull this off on a SpecsOgre Water Spout though:

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
(insert good Uber Nature/EVs here)
~ Aqua Ring
~ Baton Pass
~ Ice Beam
~ Surf/Yawn/Wish

I used this with Sandstorm and Pressuredactyl. Leftovers + Aqua Ring = unlimited uses of Sub/Protect.

You NEED an attacking move, however. Otherwise you're Taunt bait, or your opponent figures out your strategy and simply keeps switching pokemon in and out. I ran Rock Slide, since nothing is immune, STAB + flinch chance is good, and it finishes off weakened opponents. The full set was Sub/Protect/Taunt/Rock Slide.

Lugia probably does this set better though. It's reasonably fast, much, much bulkier, and its immune to Toxic Spikes.
I'm pretty sure this isn't creative, but the EV spread is new and so is the explanation.

Calm Mind Lucario

Special Wall Breaker
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 80 HP / 192 SpA / 236 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse / Dragon Pulse
- Substitute

Lucario's only way to boost his great Special Attack is Calm Mind, which unlike Sword Dance only boosts his attack by +1. However, it also raises Lucario's Special Defense which can help you defeat the usual special walls.

The EVs give you 301 HP, which means you survive 3 Seismic tosses (assuming you choose Leftovers) and a bit more bulk. With a Timid nature and 236 EVs in Speed, you reach 301, enough to beat out Adamant Salamence, Flygon, and those that aim to outspeed it by a point.

This can actually prove useful in setting up, when used with Dragon Pulse. The general idea is to reveal the fact that you are using special attacks early on, this may be by finishing off a Pokemon with Vacuum Wave or killing off a Salamence or Flygon.

Calm Mind as Blissey or Cressalia or Zapdos comes in. Now you can Calm Mind again in their face. Zapdos can never 2HKO you with Heat Wave after those Calm Minds, Blissey will find it hard to survive, and Cressalia can't do enough damage. Substitute guards you against status and after a few Calm Minds many Pokemon won't be able to break them. This makes them set up fodder. After you've killed them, you can use your speed to sweep or bring in another special sweeper such as Porygon-Z.

Priority Special Sweeper
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Modest
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 136 HP / 252 SpA / 120 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Shadow Ball
- Vacuum Wave

This set attempts to sweep using mainly Vacuum Wave. Get as many Calm Minds as you can, and use Vacuum Wave to sweep the foe's team late game. Since you are using priority, you only need 120 Speed to outspeed Jolly Tyranitar. This set may seem inferior to Choice Specs since you need to set up, but that is not so:

With a Choice Specs, Modest max Lucario reaches 542 SpA and you are locked into one move. After a Calm Mind with LO, Modest max Lucario reaches 704 SpA (that is if Life Orb boosts your SpA factoring in the +1 boost, which I think it does). The difference is enormous.

Both can work decently.
I'm pretty sure this isn't creative, but the EV spread is new and so is the explanation.

Calm Mind Lucario

Special Wall Breaker
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 80 HP / 192 SpA / 236 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse / Dragon Pulse
- Substitute

Lucario's only way to boost his great Special Attack is Calm Mind, which unlike Sword Dance only boosts his attack by +1. However, it also raises Lucario's Special Defense which can help you defeat the usual special walls.

The EVs give you 301 HP, which means you survive 3 Seismic tosses (assuming you choose Leftovers) and a bit more bulk. With a Timid nature and 236 EVs in Speed, you reach 301, enough to beat out Adamant Salamence, Flygon, and those that aim to outspeed it by a point.

This can actually prove useful in setting up, when used with Dragon Pulse. The general idea is to reveal the fact that you are using special attacks early on, this may be by finishing off a Pokemon with Vacuum Wave or killing off a Salamence or Flygon.

Calm Mind as Blissey or Cressalia or Zapdos comes in. Now you can Calm Mind again in their face. Zapdos can never 2HKO you with Heat Wave after those Calm Minds, Blissey will find it hard to survive, and Cressalia can't do enough damage. Substitute guards you against status and after a few Calm Minds many Pokemon won't be able to break them. This makes them set up fodder. After you've killed them, you can use your speed to sweep or bring in another special sweeper such as Porygon-Z.
This set seems an OK option, especially that you can actually lure Blissey/Cress. Even with the dragons, I'd prefer to use Dark Pulse as it allows Lucario to defeat Cress with CM if Cress doesn't pack a CM of its own.
Priority Special Sweeper
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Modest
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 136 HP / 252 SpA / 120 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Shadow Ball
- Vacuum Wave

This set attempts to sweep using mainly Vacuum Wave. Get as many Calm Minds as you can, and use Vacuum Wave to sweep the foe's team late game. Since you are using priority, you only need 120 Speed to outspeed Jolly Tyranitar. This set may seem inferior to Choice Specs since you need to set up, but that is not so:

With a Choice Specs, Modest max Lucario reaches 542 SpA and you are locked into one move. After a Calm Mind with LO, Modest max Lucario reaches 704 SpA (that is if Life Orb boosts your SpA factoring in the +1 boost, which I think it does). The difference is enormous.

Both can work decently.
Unlike ES, BP and Ice Shard, Vacuum Wave is a meh option especially if you're focusing on it as many faster threats are either Ghost that are immune(Gengar, sweeping Rotom-A), Psychics that resist(Alakazam, Azelf, Espeon..etc) or they set up Dragon Dance/Agility/Swift Swim, but resist/don't take much (Salamence, Metagross and Kingdra). T-tar is already outsped and KOed with Aura Sphere.
This probably isn't very creative, but I digress.

Many recall the ever-old "DruidCruel" with Swords Dance, STAB Poison, and Water-type attacks. It was sort of tossed out after, but Life Orb does give this set a slight chance. I know you'll bash me because I haven't playtested this much, but might as well show this around.


The shiny sprite is better, but I dunno how to go around with that. >_>

name: DruidCruel
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Poison Jab
move 3: Hydro Pump
move 4: Giga Drain / (Uh...halp?)
item: Life Orb
ability: Clear Body
nature: Hasty / Lonely
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

First off, unoriginal EVs and such. Sorry, they don't really have "much" of a purpose.

Okay I guess... I'm lost. Granted, this thing won't do so hot against Tyranitar, but the theory is DruidCruel. It can be an okay SkarmBliss killer... it 2HKOes Skarmory with Hydro Pump and 2HKOes Blissey with Swords Dance Poison Jab. Hippowdon takes about 99% damage minimum, so that's out of the question as far as bulky Ground-types go. Zapdos seems to be a problem perhaps. Ice Beam, even with Life Orb, isn't scratching SpD-oriented Zapdos too well, and Poison Jab can only 2HKO if it nabs a Swords Dance and Stealth Rock is out on the field.

I guess Giga Drain was the best 4th option I can think of. Waterfall works too... it hits Tyranitar better than Hydro Pump. Unfortunately, 70 Atk and 80 SpA doesn't cut much. Not even Rotom-A fears Hydro Pump, and Poison Jab is NVE on it. Good news is a Swords Dance Waterfall 2HKOes bulky Rotom-A. So that could be a consideration.

Eh I'm lost. HALP!
Not much to say, but at first glance I'd say some of the Speed EVs could get tossed into Special Attack or maybe HP. Your set is primarily meant as a top-tier wallbreaker, and for that reason it doesn't need quite the speed that you've got listed.
Well no it doesn't. I mean, the problem with more SpA is simply... why? It's not improving damage from what I can see I guess. I'll fiddle around with the EVs a little more and see what I can scrounge.
I'm pretty sure this isn't creative, but the EV spread is new and so is the explanation.

Calm Mind Lucario

Special Wall Breaker
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 80 HP / 192 SpA / 236 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse / Dragon Pulse
- Substitute

Lucario's only way to boost his great Special Attack is Calm Mind, which unlike Sword Dance only boosts his attack by +1. However, it also raises Lucario's Special Defense which can help you defeat the usual special walls.

The EVs give you 301 HP, which means you survive 3 Seismic tosses (assuming you choose Leftovers) and a bit more bulk. With a Timid nature and 236 EVs in Speed, you reach 301, enough to beat out Adamant Salamence, Flygon, and those that aim to outspeed it by a point.

This can actually prove useful in setting up, when used with Dragon Pulse. The general idea is to reveal the fact that you are using special attacks early on, this may be by finishing off a Pokemon with Vacuum Wave or killing off a Salamence or Flygon.

Calm Mind as Blissey or Cressalia or Zapdos comes in. Now you can Calm Mind again in their face. Zapdos can never 2HKO you with Heat Wave after those Calm Minds, Blissey will find it hard to survive, and Cressalia can't do enough damage. Substitute guards you against status and after a few Calm Minds many Pokemon won't be able to break them. This makes them set up fodder. After you've killed them, you can use your speed to sweep or bring in another special sweeper such as Porygon-Z.

Calm Mind Lucario isn't a novel idea, and in the form you've put, it isn't used for good reason. He simply lacks the power necessary to hit its regular counters hard enough. Blissey still survives two Aura Spheres, as it would from Specs Lucario. Rotom does a good amount with Overheat, but not nearly enough to OHKO. Still, with 2 CM's, Lucario's Subsitute still can be broken by Rotom's Thunderbolt. This, and the fact that Salamence and Gyarados still murder it.

As for your Ev's, they don't seem to be overly specialized to one thing or another. 80 Hp falls a little short of a perfect leftovers number, and Lucario doesn't nearly need that much Hp to survive 3 Seismic Tosses, I think the right number with Leftovers and stealth rock is 261 HP, of which Lucario has more than enough. Hitting 288 Hp for a max lefties point would be optimal, but no investment past that is necessary. Thus, your spread should be 28 Hp / 248 Sp. Atk / 232 Spe so that you can OHKO Rotom-H with Dark Pulse after two CM's unless it hits for absolute minimum damage.

I've used a similar set with CM but with Life Orb and Hidden Power Rock over Substitute to hit all of Lucario's flying-type counters for an OHKO.

And why would you switch out Lucario, a Pokemon with useful resists and 2 CM's, for something as frail as Porygon-Z :/
Calm Mind Lucario isn't a novel idea, and in the form you've put, it isn't used for good reason. He simply lacks the power necessary to hit its regular counters hard enough. Blissey still survives two Aura Spheres, as it would from Specs Lucario. Rotom does a good amount with Overheat, but not nearly enough to OHKO. Still, with 2 CM's, Lucario's Subsitute still can be broken by Rotom's Thunderbolt. This, and the fact that Salamence and Gyarados still murder it.

As for your Ev's, they don't seem to be overly specialized to one thing or another. 80 Hp falls a little short of a perfect leftovers number, and Lucario doesn't nearly need that much Hp to survive 3 Seismic Tosses, I think the right number with Leftovers and stealth rock is 261 HP, of which Lucario has more than enough. Hitting 288 Hp for a max lefties point would be optimal, but no investment past that is necessary. Thus, your spread should be 28 Hp / 248 Sp. Atk / 232 Spe so that you can OHKO Rotom-H with Dark Pulse after two CM's unless it hits for absolute minimum damage.

I've used a similar set with CM but with Life Orb and Hidden Power Rock over Substitute to hit all of Lucario's flying-type counters for an OHKO.

And why would you switch out Lucario, a Pokemon with useful resists and 2 CM's, for something as frail as Porygon-Z :/

I'd have to agree, Jumpman used it on his BT team where things hit a great deal less hard, don't see this becoming viable in standard play, with Lucario's less the desirable defenses though I'd like to attest to it's effectivity on PBR and BT.

PBR-Pokemon Battle Revolution
BT-Battle Tower
Colonel. I was swept with something similar to that

Poison jab
Substitute(the reason I lost :/)
swords dance
This probably isn't very creative, but I digress.

Many recall the ever-old "DruidCruel" with Swords Dance, STAB Poison, and Water-type attacks. It was sort of tossed out after, but Life Orb does give this set a slight chance. I know you'll bash me because I haven't playtested this much, but might as well show this around.


The shiny sprite is better, but I dunno how to go around with that. >_>

name: DruidCruel
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Poison Jab
move 3: Hydro Pump
move 4: Giga Drain / (Uh...halp?)
item: Life Orb
ability: Clear Body
nature: Hasty / Lonely
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

First off, unoriginal EVs and such. Sorry, they don't really have "much" of a purpose.

Okay I guess... I'm lost. Granted, this thing won't do so hot against Tyranitar, but the theory is DruidCruel. It can be an okay SkarmBliss killer... it 2HKOes Skarmory with Hydro Pump and 2HKOes Blissey with Swords Dance Poison Jab. Hippowdon takes about 99% damage minimum, so that's out of the question as far as bulky Ground-types go. Zapdos seems to be a problem perhaps. Ice Beam, even with Life Orb, isn't scratching SpD-oriented Zapdos too well, and Poison Jab can only 2HKO if it nabs a Swords Dance and Stealth Rock is out on the field.

I guess Giga Drain was the best 4th option I can think of. Waterfall works too... it hits Tyranitar better than Hydro Pump. Unfortunately, 70 Atk and 80 SpA doesn't cut much. Not even Rotom-A fears Hydro Pump, and Poison Jab is NVE on it. Good news is a Swords Dance Waterfall 2HKOes bulky Rotom-A. So that could be a consideration.

Eh I'm lost. HALP!
Finally, a well-respected badgeholder posts here! (That was not meant as an insult or anything like that.)

Seems good, but as some already said, the speed EVs could go to SpA. Return would make a decent filler move.

Moveset Name: CURSES!!
Move 1: Substitute
Move 2: Curse
Move 3: Sand Tomb
Move 4: Wood Hammer/Earthquake
Item: Grip Claw/Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
Nature(s): Impish/Relaxed
EVs: 252HP/80DEF/176SPDEF

Just something I thought of, I haven't tested it, and it looked good in my mind, But I don't know how viable it really is.

I originally wanted to make a set where you'd trap with sand tomb and tickle the opponent, but that's an illegal moveset. Then I realized that Curse was so much more useful anyway, because you'd keep the stat changes even after the opponent fainted, and you could potentially start a sweep.

So, you switch into something that you know can't do crap to Torterra, and you trap it, and set up a sub. Then you can start Cursing up, and each turn, your subs will be harder and harder to break. It looks almost like a standard curse set, but since your opponent won't be able to switch, and they can barely hurt you to begin with, setting up is super easy, I'm torn on the item. Grip Claw will trap for 5 turns and let you set up better while doing a small amount of damage, but leftovers will let you recover recoil and help make more subs.

The last move is up to you. Earthquake hits more things for neutral or SE damage, but then you'll be walled by fliers. Nothing is immune to Wood Hammer, but you might not like the recoil, and more things resist it. Seed Bomb would be nice, but it's illegal with Sand Tomb.

So after you kill what you've been setting up on, hopefully you still have a strong Sub up for whatever they switch to, and can start knocking other things out.
Not that I think this will work very well, as most of the time you'll just end up trapping whatever your opponent switches in that can kill you, but Seed Bomb is a tutor move in Platinum, so it's perfectly legal with everything else.
Tentacruel (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 64 HP/96 Atk/252 Spd/96 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Swords Dance
- Poison Jab
- Hydro Pump
- Knock Off / Giga Drain

I used that Tentacruel a while back, with slightly different EVs as a sort of wallbreaker for things that weren't expecting it, like SkarmBliss as you mentioned. I settled on Knock Off in the last slot, because getting rid of Ttar's Choice Band or Lum Berry on DD sets is just lovely jubbly, but Giga Drain lets you nail Swampert and gives you more turns to hit with Life Orb. I even gave Mirror Coat a go with all the HP Electric waters running around but got screwed over more often that not.

I'm not sure about what the optimum HP for Life Orb should be, I just threw the remaining EVs there after maxing speed and setting the attack stats to 200 and 220 respectively.
Here's a set that I haven't tested yet, but was just tossing around in my head. It may have been done before, but not to my knowledge.


Pokemon Name: Mewtwo
Moveset Name: CBTrick
Move 1: Trick
Move 2: Ice Punch
Move 3: Focus Punch/Brick Break
Move 4: Self Destruct/???
Item: Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
Nature(s): Jolly
EVs: 20 HP / 252 Attack / 236 Speed
236 Speed EVs allows Mewtwo to hit 390 Allowing it to outspeed up Max Speed Shaymin, Darkrai, and all Mewtwos that are EV’d just to outrun them. Ice Punch for all those pesky dragons running around Ubers, and Shaymin. Focus Punch/Brick Break for Darkrai/Blissey. Or you can just Selfdestruct, when you feel like. You can use the Band to strengthen any of these when you are attacking or you can Trick it on to one of the many special sweeper lurking around in Ubers.
Here's a set that I haven't tested yet, but was just tossing around in my head. It may have been done before, but not to my knowledge.


Pokemon Name: Mewtwo
Moveset Name: CBTrick
Move 1: Trick
Move 2: Ice Punch
Move 3: Focus Punch/Brick Break
Move 4: Self Destruct/???
Item: Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
Nature(s): Jolly
EVs: 20 HP / 252 Attack / 236 Speed
220 Speed EVs allows Mewtwo to hit 385 Allowing it to outspeed up Max Speed Shaymin, Darkrai, and all Mewtwos that are EV’d just to outrun them. Ice Punch for all those pesky dragons running around Ubers, and Shaymin. Focus Punch/Brick Break for Darkrai/Blissey. Or you can just Selfdestruct, when you feel like. You can use the Band to strengthen any of these when you are attacking or you can Trick it on to one of the many special sweeper lurking around in Ubers.

So, is it 236 Speed EVs or 220 ?___?

Brick Break will 2HKO Blissey / Darkrai whereas Focus Punch will OHKO and Focus Punch will OHKO 404 HP / 276 Def Dialga 53% of the time and 87% of the time with Stealth Rock + Leftovers whereas Brick Break will only 2HKO 60% of the time with Stealth Rock + Leftovers. That's just for curious ;)

Shame it doesn't have physical Shadow Ball to work with like it did in Advance.

Selfdestruct is easily the best option, I guess Stone Edge could sorta work for Lugia and as a coverage option if you aren't sure about a situation like Kyogre vs Rayquaza switching in or something.

A bit gimmicky but not bad.
So, is it 236 Speed EVs or 220 ?___?
236 just so you can trick Band onto other Mewtwos if you want. 220 was left over from when I first started the set.

Brick Break will 2HKO Blissey / Darkrai whereas Focus Punch will OHKO and Focus Punch will OHKO 404 HP / 276 Def Dialga 53% of the time and 87% of the time with Stealth Rock + Leftovers whereas Brick Break will only 2HKO 60% of the time with Stealth Rock + Leftovers. That's just for curious ;)
That is why I put Focus first, some people may want to use BB because of lack of prediction skills.

Selfdestruct is easily the best option, I guess Stone Edge could sorta work for Lugia and as a coverage option if you aren't sure about a situation like Kyogre vs Rayquaza switching in or something.
I thought so too, but I just wanted to know what other people might say.

A bit gimmicky but not bad.
I'm okay with that ^_^
I've added a little more to this, but bear with me. First off re-hashing the set:


name: DruidCruel
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Poison Jab
move 3: Hydro Pump
move 4: Waterfall
item: Life Orb
ability: Clear Body
nature: Lonely
EVs: 252 Atk / 80 SpA / 176 Spe

This gives Tentacruel the advantage over Timid Heatran. This includes Adamant Lucario on down as well. This gives you the following stats:

301 HP / 262 Atk / 149 Def / 216 SpA (215 w/HP Elec) / 276 SpD / 280 Spe

"Speed Tiers EVs" would probably include 136 Spe (Adamant Heracross), 104 Spe (Adamant Gyarados), 96 Spe (Adamant Mamoswine), 72 Spe (Modest Heatran), and would stop at 36 Spe minimum (Jolly Tyranitar). The remaining EVs can go into HP or for more SpA.

I'll provide some damage caluclations in here for this in particular. After a Swords Dance, Poison Jab / Waterfall will do this to the following Pokemon (i.e. assume you are using Poison Jab against Celebi, Waterfall against Rotom-A, or either for Pokemon neutral to the combo).
Against max HP / max Def Bold Blissey: 63.03% - 74.09%.
Against min HP / max Def Calm Blissey: 75.58% - 88.94%.
Against max HP / max Def Bold Celebi: 88.12% - 104.46%. 100% OHKO w/Stealth Rock.
Against max HP / max Def Bold Zapdos: 51.82% - 61.20%.
Against max HP / max Def Bold / Impish Spiritomb: 55.59% - 65.46%.
Against max HP / max Def Bold Rotom-A: 56.25% - 66.45%.
Against max HP / max Def Impish Dusknoir: 48.98% - 58.16%. This has a fair chance to 2HKO though, around 97% normally.
Against max HP / max Def Bold / Impish Tangrowth: 75.74% - 89.11%.
Against max HP / max Def Bold Suicune: 40.10% - 47.52%. It CAN 2HKO with Stealth Rock (about a 43% chance) but Leftovers kills it.
Against max HP / max Def Bold / Impish Jirachi: 44.06% - 52.23%. 2HKO w/Leftovers.
Against max HP / min Def neutral Jirachi: 61.63% - 72.77%.
Against max HP / max Def Bold Vaporeon: 52.59% - 62.07%.  2HKO w/Stealth Rock.
Not bad eh?

With the given SpA EVs:
Hidden Power Electric versus 4 HP / 0SpD Gyarados (this has 215 SpA by the way): 72.29% - 85.54%. A 74% chance of an OHKO w/Stealth Rock.
Giga Drain against 252 HP / 0 SpD Impish / Relaxed Swampert: 55.45% - 66.34%. Not really impressive is it?
The rest are with Hydro Pump.
Against Max HP / Min SpD Skarmory: 61.38% - 72.75%
Against max HP / 191 SpD (this is the stat) Hippowdon: 90.00% - 106.19%. Goodie.
Those are the most important Pokemon.

If you stop at a different Speed tier, I'd stop at 216 SpA and pour the remaining EVs into HP. This can help bolster Tentacruel's bulk. The two moves (HP Elec and Giga Drain) are merely OO.

I'd stay away from Hasty, because it actually hampers some of those 2HKOes. Comments on the better EV spread?

Other Options for attacks: I've listed Giga Drain and Hidden Power Electric. Only others that come to mind are Return and Ice Beam. Ice Beam's only utility is killing Salamence and Dragonite w/Stealth Rock. Return just gives Tentacruel an attack to hurt enemy Tentacruel.
Mismagius @ Leftovers
200 HP / 252 Def / 56 Spd; Timid
30 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD / 30 Spe (you need 30 def to ensure Gallade's SD Shadow Sneak isn't a OHKO)
- Shadow Ball
- HP Fighting
- Perish Song
- Rest

I'd be MUCH more inclined to run more HP and Special Defense, but Gallade is too much of a complete fucktard to do that. 56 Speed outruns Jolly Gallade and Mismagius will always survive an Adamant Gallade Shadow Sneak. It does about 50% or so wiht Shadow Ball, making it work as a check if you have a stall team and can't run Spiritomb. Anyhow, you're supposed to use its Special Defense and Ground immunity to Perish Song away SubCMers and Cursers and the like. Rest is nice, and it comboes well with Heal Bell Miltank that takes the physical hits aimed at Mismagius well.
I really generally hate this thread, but I'm going to have to give it a shot anyway.


Calm Mind BurnTomb
Spiritomb (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SAtk
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Dark Pulse
- Will-o-wisp
- Rest

Mono attacking Spiritomb is commonly beaten by hitting it hard with physical attacks and forcing it out or forcing it to Rest. This Spiritomb deals with the common foes that beat it by burning switchins like Gallade or Staraptor, the latter of which commonly 2KOs with Brave Bird. This set will either sweep the hell out of your opponent's team or permanently cripple their physical hitter (before potentially sweeping the hell out of your opponent's team).
I really generally hate this thread, but I'm going to have to give it a shot anyway.


Calm Mind BurnTomb
Spiritomb (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SAtk
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Dark Pulse
- Will-o-wisp
- Rest

Mono attacking Spiritomb is commonly beaten by hitting it hard with physical attacks and forcing it out or forcing it to Rest. This Spiritomb deals with the common foes that beat it by burning switchins like Gallade or Staraptor, the latter of which commonly 2KOs with Brave Bird. This set will either sweep the hell out of your opponent's team or permanently cripple their physical hitter (before potentially sweeping the hell out of your opponent's team).

The set seems fine, only two things:
1) I don't really think that gallade will switch into spiritomb (considering its immunities to his stab).
2)Without sleep-talk, you're forced to switch out when using rest.
The set seems fine, only two things:
1) I don't really think that gallade will switch into spiritomb (considering its immunities to his stab).
2)Without sleep-talk, you're forced to switch out when using rest.

How exactly does the game force you out when using Rest? You're free to stay in there for two turns and not do anything.
Toxic Stall Infernape


Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 HP / 56 SpA / 4 SpD / 196 Spe
- Substitute
- Toxic
- Slack Off
- Flamethrower

Infernape has a few things going for it to Toxic stall. First of all it has STAB Flamethrower, meaning you can put the hurt on all the Steel-types who are immune to Toxic, bar Heatran who you can't do anything to. Secondly, Infernape has instant recovery in Slack Off. This is something Pokemon like Heatran wish they had when using a similiar set. Additionally, Infernape has Blaze to utilize when its HP gets low, and Infernape has great speed. Unlike Moltres, you don't take 50% of your health when switching in, but your defenses are rather poor in return.

Toxic stall Infernape has the capability to finish off Pokemon such as Gyarados, and is able to completely murder Blissey. Ice Beam coming from Cressalia or Blissey fails to 2HKO your Substitute, which means you have plenty of time to spare. The EVs let you do just that, with 196 in Speed allowing you to outpace +natured base 100s. The rest were put in Special Attack.
I agree with Erodent. Infernape shouldn't be touching a defensive set with a ten foot pole.
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