who cares about the title, just RMT

I havn't played in a long time and I decided to go back to Shoddy battle and give it another go. I am trying to adapt to the changes and could use some help

Team at a glance
(note this is Rotom H)

and Life Orb

Flash Fire

well, this guy can work wonders at many times. Crunch takes opposing Azelfs(the most common lead) down to around 10% give or take some. and then ES can finnish them off. I realy don't know which HP I should have, but this one has done well. I'm also not so sure on the ability, Flach Fire gives my team a much appreciated fire immunity, but intimidate is nomally better for leads. This is my anser to alot of common leads and has worked well.

and Life Orb
Bullet Punch
U turn
Brick Break
Swords Dance

well, who doesn't run this beast. With the Bullet punch blessing that platinum gave it, this beast became a huge hit. Jolly so I can outrun other Scizors, I'm not sure about U turn, but it does help prediction. I might try running more speed evs to outrun some other stuff

(note this is Rotom H, I couldn't find a Rotom H pic) and Choice Scarf
Toxic/shadow ball

Most teams now seem to run trick. so I decided to get one myself. I used to have a more bulky set but it wasn't working very well, so I changed it to a more sweeper like version. I probably need to change toxic, but it has worked realy nicly for me in the past. This is my main switch for Scizors.

and Leftovers
Charge Beam/Thunderbolt
Ice Beam
Sleep Talk

My special wall. I know Blissey is technicaly better, but I hate that thing and this can take hits almost as well anyway. I currently use charge beam for the SPATK boost, but the accuracy has costed me a couple of times. Should I switch? also absorbs statuses for the team.

and Leftovers
Sand Veil
Earth Quake
Ice Fang
Swords Dance/Stealth Rock

With enough speed Evs to outrun Jolly max speed luke and the rest distibuted among the more important stats, this set works alot of the time. I use SD but SR is something this team lacks, and it can change the battle severely. should I switch?

with Choice Band
Aqua Tail
Stone Edge

wow. I never dreamed of a TTar without EQ. oh well, here's one :) CB TTar can threaten alot of things and can take some hits as well. I wanted to use a DD version, but with all of the trickers I decided to not have to many pokes that needed to set up before the sweep.

and that's my team
SWAMPERT the biggest problem of them all. I can wear down versions without rest, but not with it. he's the main reason I'm having trouble deciding between Shadow Ball and Toxic on rotom.


Thank you for reading, please rate :)​
without making changes, the best thing you could do with swampert is switch the choice scarf on him. I think you might be able to fit HP grass on Rotom, maybe... im not sure where though.

EDIT: or you could change to cut rotom : )
I instantly recognize that you take quite a bit of damage from Heatran, any variation.

Honestly, I would prefer a Scarved Houndoom over a lead Arcanine, but your call there.

Why dont you just run a Zapdos over your Rotom? Zapdos gets Heat Wave, Hp Grass (for Swampert), and A STAB Tbolt also. Besides, he doesn't get ripped by Gengar's shadow ball
First, I would change your lead. If you would like to keep the pokemon you have now, I would switch it over to either Tyranitar or your Rotom so that he could trick a scarf onto those common leads- plus, since your Arcanine wouldn't have been revealed so early in the game, you could switch him in for a flash fire boost much easier if the opponent tries to attack your Scizor or Regice. That being said, I would change Arcanine's moveset up just a bit. First, I would replace Flamethrower with Overheat as it will severely hurt physical walls while OHKO'ing Gliscor with a flash fire boost. Next, I would replace HP Ice with HP Ground as your team has a problem with opposing Heatrans. It also appears that an Infernape with HP Ice could cause major problems for you- you should consider switching Regice or Gliscor for a Starmie as it could handle Infernape and Gyarados, two problems this team seems to face, and could also rid you of any stealth rock placed by suicide leads.
The primary reason I can see for running U-turn on Swords Dance Scizor is to trick your opponent into thinking it is Choice Band Scizor. Early on you can U-turn on their counter and switch to a counter-counter, opening yourself up to a sweep later, especially since your opponent might think it is CB Scizor instead of SD Scizor, and switch in accordingly, which could end badly for them. However, in order to pull this off, your opponent cannot see Life Orb's recoil. Meaning you probably want to change to an item that won't give away your strategy. Might I suggest Occa Berry, which could further screw your opponent up by saving you from a fire Attack, allowing you to get an additional SD in before you need to attack, which can make up for the life orb boost.
However, if your opponent is well-versed in how much Scizor can do, this will not work, as the damage of the U-turn will reveal that you are not Bandded. So this could be a decent argument for keeping orb on him. If this is the case, you're probably better off with X-Scissor in that slot, to be honest.
without making changes, the best thing you could do with swampert is switch the choice scarf on him. I think you might be able to fit HP grass on Rotom, maybe... im not sure where though.

EDIT: or you could change to cut rotom : )

cut Rotom doesn't take X scizzor from Scizzor that well. however...

I instantly recognize that you take quite a bit of damage from Heatran, any variation.

Honestly, I would prefer a Scarved Houndoom over a lead Arcanine, but your call there.

Why dont you just run a Zapdos over your Rotom? Zapdos gets Heat Wave, Hp Grass (for Swampert), and A STAB Tbolt also. Besides, he doesn't get ripped by Gengar's shadow ball

That guy does, so I'll change to him. Should I make him the Bulky version or a sweeper?. after I look at the team, Heatran is a nuisance(sp) so I'll probably change the hidden power. I might change arcanine to Houndoom, I'll have to test that some.

First, I would change your lead. If you would like to keep the pokemon you have now, I would switch it over to either Tyranitar or your Rotom so that he could trick a scarf onto those common leads- plus, since your Arcanine wouldn't have been revealed so early in the game, you could switch him in for a flash fire boost much easier if the opponent tries to attack your Scizor or Regice. That being said, I would change Arcanine's moveset up just a bit. First, I would replace Flamethrower with Overheat as it will severely hurt physical walls while OHKO'ing Gliscor with a flash fire boost. Next, I would replace HP Ice with HP Ground as your team has a problem with opposing Heatrans. It also appears that an Infernape with HP Ice could cause major problems for you- you should consider switching Regice or Gliscor for a Starmie as it could handle Infernape and Gyarados, two problems this team seems to face, and could also rid you of any stealth rock placed by suicide leads.

I'm not sure if I'm keeping rotom, but I might switch to lead TTar up front, or maybe scarf TTar to outrun more things. any comments on that?

The primary reason I can see for running U-turn on Swords Dance Scizor is to trick your opponent into thinking it is Choice Band Scizor. Early on you can U-turn on their counter and switch to a counter-counter, opening yourself up to a sweep later, especially since your opponent might think it is CB Scizor instead of SD Scizor, and switch in accordingly, which could end badly for them. However, in order to pull this off, your opponent cannot see Life Orb's recoil. Meaning you probably want to change to an item that won't give away your strategy. Might I suggest Occa Berry, which could further screw your opponent up by saving you from a fire Attack, allowing you to get an additional SD in before you need to attack, which can make up for the life orb boost.
However, if your opponent is well-versed in how much Scizor can do, this will not work, as the damage of the U-turn will reveal that you are not Bandded. So this could be a decent argument for keeping orb on him. If this is the case, you're probably better off with X-Scissor in that slot, to be honest.

I'll take the advice and switch the U turn to X scizzor.

Thanks guys for all the help. I hope I can get some more
I am unable to edit the team. so here it is again with the new changes. Changes are in bold

I havn't played in a long time and I decided to go back to Shoddy battle and give it another go. I am trying to adapt to the changes and could use some help

Team at a glance

with Choice Scarf
Fire Blast
Ice Beam
Stone Edge
Earth Quake/Crunch

I switched my old CB TTar for a CS version. I'm currently using EQ but will switch if given a reason. the biggest reason for this switch was I got 5-0ed by a Mamo :( I hope this will help
and Life Orb

Flash Fire

well, this guy can work wonders at many times. I took him over scarfdoom becuase I like to switch between these attacks. now I use him more as a finnisher then a lead. HP[ground] over ice for the obvios heatran switchins

and Life Orb
Bullet Punch
X scizzor
Brick Break
Swords Dance

well, who doesn't run this beast. With the Bullet punch blessing that platinum gave it, this beast became a huge hit. Jolly so I can outrun other Scizors. I might try running more speed evs to outrun some other stuff

and leftovers

Heat Wave

replacing my rotom is this. He also takes care of my swampert dificulty. I only lose the ability to trick stuff when I get this. I like the option for instant recovery, but would roar be worth switching?
and Leftovers
Charge Beam/Thunderbolt
Ice Beam
Sleep Talk​

My special wall. I know Blissey is technicaly better, but I hate that thing and this can take hits almost as well anyway. I currently use charge beam for the SPATK boost, but the accuracy has costed me a couple of times. Should I switch? also absorbs statuses for the team.​

and Leftovers
Sand Veil
Earth Quake
Ice Fang
Swords Dance/Stealth Rock​

With enough speed Evs to outrun Jolly max speed luke and the rest distibuted among the more important stats, this set works alot of the time. I use SD but SR is something this team lacks, and it can change the battle severely. should I switch?​

and that's my team
SWAMPERT Zapdos should be able to take care of him now. are there any other threats?


Thank you for reading, please rate :)​
I'm noticing a fairly large Rock Weakness on this team. Zapdos, Regice, and Arcanine all take super effective damage from it, and the other three are netural to it at best. Something like Gyarados can come in on Gliscor, take negligble damage from Ice Fang (and nothing from EQ) and Dragon Dance Up as you inneffectively attack him or switch to something else. Offensive Gyara then outspeeds every single member of your team, and does the following (252 Attack EVs, Adamant, Life Orb, 1 Dragon Dance):

OHKO Ttar with Waterfall (Min 131%)
OHKO Zapdos with Stone Edge most of the time, all of the time with Stealth Rocks or any damage on it already (min 95%)
OHKO Arcanine with either move (Min 204% from Waterfall)
OHKO Regice with Stone Edge (min 109%)
OHKO Gliscor with Waterfall (min 128%)

The only pokemon he cannot OHKO is Scizor, who he only deals 80-95% to, which is very likely a OHKO with Rocks up.

So the only thing you can potentially touch him with is residual damage and your two priority moves.
Your only stealth rock user is Gliscor, and that's only a maybe. And if you send out Gliscor, Gyarados is switching in to it, so that doesn't work.
Sandstorm + Life Orb will eventually take its toll on him, but you're trading a Pokemon for 16.25% damage each turn.
Arcanine's ExtremeSpeed does 28-34%
Scizor's Bullet Punch does 15-18%
So that means if you send them out one after the other and use their attacks and deal average damage, that's 47.5%. Meaning, Gyarados still gets 4 attacks on your team, and each attack is a dead Pokemon. If both hits manage Maximum Damage, Gyarados can only get 3 hits in total before he dies to residual damage.
Bottom Line: Even in the absolute best case, Offensive Gyarados kills half your team every time.