Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 15

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Nature, Gender, and Ability are locked when the Daycare man is holding the egg. The IVs should be resetable if you save before taking the egg if I recall correctly.
What Sudo says is true, you should get a female egg with the desired nature and ability if applicable and SR for better IVs. Maybe it will take you a few tries but after you get it once you don't have to get more eggs.
A few questions, mostly concerning Double Battles. I'm completely new to this format, so please excuse my ignorance:

1) Abilities that absorb a type of move (Volt/Water Absorb, and Motor Drive, etc etc), are these affected by ALL moves of that type, such as status moves and attack moves? (Like Thunderwave on Motor Drive or Volt-A, or Surf on Water-A)?

2) Hail adds 1.5 to Ice-Type moves just like Rain/Sun does for Water/Fire, correct? More about Hail, does it have any other effects besides making Blizzard 100% Accurate?

3) Imprison. If I use Imprison and have Protect and Explode on my Pokemon and the opponent uses them on the same turn, exactly what would happen? Does Imprison pierce Protect (not breaks, like Feint) and not allow the use of Protect anymore, and what else?

4) Moves that hit all Pokemon or both opponents Pokes, how is the damage divided? Does that move do half of what it normally would to those Pokes targeted or something else?

5) Attack moves that I need clarification on, I need to know if they single, double, or field target:
Air Slash:
Rock Slide:
-Powder Moves:
Lava Plume:

I think that's all.. I appreciate the help!

EDIT: Hmm.. A lot of this is explained in the double battles metagame thread... But not everything.
Wait are you Vash from GameWinners?

A few questions, mostly concerning Double Battles. I'm completely new to this format, so please excuse my ignorance:

1) Abilities that absorb a type of move (Volt/Water Absorb, and Motor Drive, etc etc), are these affected by ALL moves of that type, such as status moves and attack moves? (Like Thunderwave on Motor Drive or Volt-A, or Surf on Water-A)?

Yes, as of Diamond and Pearl Thunder Wave triggers Motor Drive, Will-o-wisp for Flash Fire, etc.

2) Hail adds 1.5 to Ice-Type moves just like Rain/Sun does for Water/Fire, correct? More about Hail, does it have any other effects besides making Blizzard 100% Accurate?

No. All it does is build damage and make Blizzard accurate. There is no power boost.

3) Imprison. If I use Imprison and have Protect and Explode on my Pokemon and the opponent uses them on the same turn, exactly what would happen? Does Imprison pierce Protect (not breaks, like Feint) and not allow the use of Protect anymore, and what else?

Imprison has neutral priority, so Protect goes before Imprison, preventing it from affecting the Protector. If the Imprisioner is faster, the Pokémon using Explosion fails to attack. If they are locked into it somehow, next turn they will Struggle. If not, they can pick any move but Explosion.

4) Moves that hit all Pokemon or both opponents Pokes, how is the damage divided? Does that move do half of what it normally would to those Pokes targeted or something else?

Answered in the thread. There's a penalty to the Base Power but the moves attack them each individually.

5) Attack moves that I need clarification on, I need to know if they single, double, or field target:
Air Slash: Single?
Blizzard: Single?
Rock Slide: Double
-Powder Moves: Single
Lava Plume: ?
Eruption: ?

I think that's all.. I appreciate the help!

EDIT: Hmm.. A lot of this is explained in the double battles metagame thread... But not everything.

Helped where I can.
air slash and the powder moves (you mean sleep powder/stun spore right) single target
blizzard rock slide and eruption double target
and lava plume hits all pokemon on the field
also all multi-targeting moves (double and field) have 75% power in doubles
Think Synchronize or Trace would be better on a Scarfed Gardevoir?

Edit: Oh yeah, keep in mind that the Gardevoir will have Trick, so that might change it a bit.
Does Dig and Dive double the base Power of Earthquake and Surf in 2v2 against all targets?

Ie: If your Politoad used Dive, while your Suicune used Surf (2v2), does Surf deal double the normal damage against your foes because at least 1 target used Dive?

I recommend this strategy if it is the case because Pokemon with Levitate (Flygon), or Water Absorb (Politoad), could potentially double their teammate's base power while taking no damage, or even recovering 25% of their life, AND hide from their opponents as if they used Protect (if they are faster).

Can someone answer these?
What is a decent Pokemon that resist atleast a couple of the following types?

and on a far lesser note, Ground.
Is there a Platinum threat list or similar floating around that I can look at?

Edit: And who's the fastest Trick Scarf'r at the moment?
Edit 2; does Protect stop Trick?
Oddly, poliwrath resists everything but ground.

Yeah, but if I was gonna use another Water it would be Empoleon, I already have Vaporeon and Swampert (just had him replace Nidoking, helps Takes away an Ice and Ground weakness)

Im think Celebi will help with Water and its weaknesses would make it the only Pokemon I have that is weak to those types (except Ice)
Does anyone know if I can find the following redistributable pokemon in the same thread?
Dexterity's Togekiss
Forsworn's Nidoking
Stefywefy215's Drapion
Everstone's Smeargle

If not, I'll keep manually searching for them individually myself.
Thanks. :)
Does anyone know a stat boost calculator? (Im sure that wording is way off...)
What i mean is a calculator that I can use to find the stats of a pokemon after a swords dance or agility?
Thanks in advance.
What is a decent Pokemon that resist atleast a couple of the following types?

and on a far lesser note, Ground.

Nothing can resist them all because only Bronzong resist Ice/Ground combo. Some good choices are Bronzong, Breloom, Poliwrath, Empoleon. They are probably the best choices.
Chris is me already explained this, but this is also important:
2) Hail adds 1.5 to Ice-Type moves just like Rain/Sun does for Water/Fire, correct? More about Hail, does it have any other effects besides making Blizzard 100% Accurate?
It also gives Blizzard a chance (30%) to break through Protect and Detect.
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