CAP 5 CAP 5 - Concept Submissions

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Name: OU-viable Critical Hits abuser
Description: A Pokemon that has relatively low Attack stats, but gets most of its power through landing Critical Hits.

Explanation: Yeah, this exists in the form of Absol and Drapion, but I hate how neither of those are use able in OU. And imo them only having three or four high-critical-hit-ratio moves each, isn't really enough. Ideally this Pokemon should get STAB on at least one move, and maybe Swords Dance. Sorta kinda like a safety net if a not-so-good battler like me lets Revenankh get 5 Bulk Ups in or something. I was thinking that it would have high speed and moderate defenses, but stats that are like the Nido's might work too, so I don't really know about that.

Just posting a list of abilities from earlier pages I support. Shortening it to names and creators because everyone can go to the page to look at it. It's not bumping, these are what I would like to see make it to the next round.

Name: Revenge Killer
This is really cool and useful since Chomp and Deoxys left. I wouldn't want something quite as powerful as those two, but more varied than Weavile.

Name: Anti-CaP
This is just a good idea in general, especially since its so easy to do.

Concept: Anti Lead Pokemon
I would have suggested this, but I was beat to it.

Name: Priority Pokemon
I discussed this on the server with Mag. It's a good idea besides the fact that every priority move that exists is already capitalized on by an existing Pokemon. It also limits us to Water, Normal, Ghost, Ice, Steel, and Fighting unless we make up a new move (unSTABed priority is pretty bad, except for on Lucario).

Concept: Atomic Bomb
This can incorporate all other ideas I have quoted, so its pretty cool.
LonelyNess suggested physical Blissey before I could, oh well. So far I like his concept as well as the Infatuation/Confusion-emphasis Status-User by omgthatkid.

Although I also somewhat like the idea of a CAP Pokémon to balance the others made so far, it's very type-specific ( the concept is essentially "Part or pure Flying-type" ). It would be best to add it on to another concept as a sort of afterthought, when applicable. There's not a lot there for an entire Pokémon otherwise IMO. There are other Pokémon out there that can balance things on their own ( Togekiss, Zapdos, etc. ), anyways.

EDIT: Just noticed the priority move suggestion, I think that's pretty cool too.
Lol, I used the wrong "role/roll"
I'm glad my idea is getting support. =]
On the main point, I only like a couple concepts.
My main ones are the one I suggested and that "Physical Blissey."
I really don't want to sort through the entire thread again to find any more I might like, so I guess I'll wait until the legitimate concepts are posted in the polling thread.
Name: Entry Hazard Stop
Description: A Pokemon that can put a stop to, or even end, the effects of entry hazards to help bring out other Pokemon and help remove their threat to a team. This doesn't have to be through Rapid Spin, but could be done in another way.

Explanation: I have noticed that Stealth Rock and the other entry hazards have been increasing in importance with the addition of Fidgit and the discovery of suicide leads, but Rapid Spin has effectively died out as a viable strategy. Because of the amount of Pokemon that are crippled by entry hazards, I think it would be helpful to have a Pokemon that can stop these effect.

A flying type with mountaineer and rapid spin COULD work, but Revenankh is everywhere so rapid spin can easily be stopped.

The main problem with rapid spinners is they can either not take a hit, or have to switch out after spinning, often allowing the opponent to set up another SR, so what we'd want is something that can switch in, spin the entry hazards away, and then at least
take a decent chunk out of the opponent before dying =/
Ok, here goes...

Name: Controller of Hax

Description: A Pokemon that is able to either counter (stop or ignore) secondary attack effects, or use them to its advantage. It should be able to make use of moves with desirable (or undesirable for the ignoring version) secondary effects.

WTF Hax!!!! This is a common phrase and annoyance in pokemon battles. I believe this pokemon could essentially fill two roles in the metagame: a "hax counter," as well as "hax abuser." Some may want a pokemon to be able to more effectively counter pokemon who frequently rely on hax (like Togekiss who has become ever so popular on the server). Others may just want an efficient user of moves with secondary effects. This pokemon could be either (making prediction harder too).

Obviously, the two abilities Serene Grace and Shield Dust come to mind, BUT there are actually other abilities that could work as well. The effect could also be achieved via a move (in order to prevent hax) or moves that have effects to be exploited, opening up the possibilities of other abilities.

I believe luck is a crucial part of the metagame and this pokemon would be able to sufficiently explore the possibilities and intricacies of this particular aspect. What kind of effect would removing this factor have on battles? Alternatively, how would an increase in probability effect how powerful certain moves are? This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding the valuable information this concept could shed light on. I would love to see this implemented.
Concept: Brand-name foam football, otherwise known as Nerf
Descritption: A Pokemon with uber or near uber stats that is hindered so much by its typing, movepool, and/or ability that it is OU

Explanation: I've noticed in the last CaP that many of the Base Stat Totals were 555, and even though they don't matter that much, it is still high, so I thought "If they're going to be high anyway, let's make it uber." The challenge of this CaP would be to hinder this enought to stay in OU, but not be almost completely useless. *Stares at Regigigas*

I dunno, its all I could come up with.

That actually sounds like a lot of fun to make, and would definitely be very helpful in understanding the metagame and allowing us to work out what specific qualities it is that make or break a pokemon, and would help us better understand just what it is that makes a pokemon Uber or even UU. Stats can only go so far, and when you look at the huge difference between Entei and Dugtrio, you can really see that very often, ability, movepool, and typing can have an even more important effect than stats themselves. If I get you correctly, this is sort of proposing making an alternate version of Slaking, as in something clearly Uber, but nerfed hard enough that it is still usable. If so, that sounds like it would be a lot of fun to do.
I love the priority idea. Maybe instead of technician (you're all thinking it) it could have an ability that simply helps priority moves in a certain way, ti make it more interesting.
Name: OU-viable Critical Hits abuser
Description: A Pokemon that has relatively low Attack stats, but gets most of its power through landing Critical Hits.

Explanation: Yeah, this exists in the form of Absol and Drapion, but I hate how neither of those are use able in OU. And imo them only having three or four high-critical-hit-ratio moves each, isn't really enough. Ideally this Pokemon should get STAB on at least one move, and maybe Swords Dance. Sorta kinda like a safety net if a not-so-good battler like me lets Revenankh get 5 Bulk Ups in or something. I was thinking that it would have high speed and moderate defenses, but stats that are like the Nido's might work too, so I don't really know about that.


I'd support this in the Create an Evolution thread whenever it starts coming along, Farfetch'd is a perfect candidate to get a crit abusing evolution, as it gets a custom item to increase critical hits already.
Life Orb Compoundeyes Syclant destroys Togekiss. Furthermore Fidgit can switch in on a TWave to encore and force a switch. Togekiss can't counter all of them, but it can for about 2 (rev and pyroak)
A flying type with mountaineer and rapid spin COULD work, but Revenankh is everywhere so rapid spin can easily be stopped.

Flying Type. Rev comes in to stop the Rapid Spin then has to get owned by a Brave Bird or Drill Peck.

Ok, here goes...

Name: Controller of Hax

Description: A Pokemon that is able to either completely stop (or ignore) secondary attack effects, or use them to its advantage. It should be able to make use of moves with desirable (or undesirable for the ignoring version) secondary effects.

WTF Hax!!!! This is a common phrase and annoyance in pokemon battles. I believe this pokemon could essentially fill two roles in the metagame: a "hax counter," as well as "hax abuser." Some may want a pokemon to be able to more effectively counter pokemon who frequently rely on hax (like Togekiss who has become ever so popular on the server). Others may just want an efficient user of moves with secondary effects. This pokemon could be either (making prediction harder too).

Obviously, the two abilities Serene Grace and Shield Dust come to mind, BUT there are actually other abilities that could work as well. The effect could also be achieved via a move (in order to prevent hax) or moves that have effects to be exploited, opening up the possibilities of other abilities.

I believe luck is a crucial part of the metagame and this pokemon would be able to sufficiently explore the possibilities and intricacies of this particular aspect. What kind of effect would removing this factor have on battles? Alternatively, how would an increase in probability effect how powerful certain moves are? This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding the valuable information this concept could shed light on. I would love to see this implemented.

I actually like this idea. The ability to abuse hax would be great.
So far, I only like latino's idea and Mag's idea. I would just like to edit mine though. Is it allowed to delete your first concept then submit a new one? Just asking. =\
Concept: Ultimate switcher
Description:Force switches anyway possible! It should be hard to counter with some pokes and easy to counter with others forcing switches.

This would work well on team that love their entry hazards. Some ways of doing this would be confuse ray and attract and possibly typing that has many immunities but many weakness. It should also be able to utilize pursuit as well and be relatively bulky, but not enough to wall possibly bias to physical or special to help create switches even more.
I'm pretty sure someone posted this set.
Edit:Yes on the first page.
Name: Status spreader/abuser
Concept: Paralysis, Sleep, Freeze, Burn, and Poison are all game changing effects. A Pokemon that can do all of these with a good amount of unpredictability is something that would help to counter the aggressive metagame that currently exists. I would assume that in order to effectively use these, it would have to be reasonably bulky, as well as somewhat fast.
Name: Mailman
Description: Rain, Hail, Sun or Sandstorm, this Pokemon will still deliver in a timely manner.

This Pokemon would get acess to Thunder, Solarbeam and Blizzard (and maybe a singature move that works for sandstorm?) and be immune to damage from Hail and Sandstorm (either by typing or ability). Giving the ability to come in on any weather affect and abuse it would be great in any tier. It would need to be reasonably fast with high special defense, and useable special attack.

Edit: Thanks to Light Wolf. I need to read the rules more carefully.
Concept: Brand-name foam football, otherwise known as Nerf
Descritption: A Pokemon with uber or near uber stats that is hindered so much by its typing, movepool, and/or ability that it is OU

Explanation: I've noticed in the last CaP that many of the Base Stat Totals were 555, and even though they don't matter that much, it is still high, so I thought "If they're going to be high anyway, let's make it uber." The challenge of this CaP would be to hinder this enought to stay in OU, but not be almost completely useless. *Stares at Regigigas*

I dunno, its all I could come up with.

This is an amazing sounding idea that could be super fun to do. It would be challenging to do right, but more than likely enjoyable to make.
Houndoomdude... these are two differnt ideas.
No they are not. Both of them focus on status, considering Confusion and Attract are secondary status, and OMGthatkid posted that concept before you:
Name: Efficient Status
A Pokemon that relies on much status in order to fill a unique role in the metagame. I would also like to see a more viable user of infatuation and confusion. Confuse Ray and Attract are two status moves that can hit through substitutes, and would be incredibly useful if approached correctly. In fact, I feel they've been neglected in the metagame and deserve some much needed attention. Furthermore, this Pokemon could potentially be a substitute counter as well, being able to effectively use the status-inducing moves that hit through them.
Name: Mailman
Description: Rain, Hail, Sun or Sandstorm, this Pokemon will still deliver in a timely manner.

This Pokemon would get acess to Thunder, Solarbeam and Blizzard (and maybe a singature move that works for sandstorm?) and be immune to damage from Hail and Sandstorm (either by typing or ability). Giving the ability to come in on any weather affect and abuse it would be great in any tier. It would need to be reasonably fast with high special defense, and useable special attack.

Giving it an ability, that makes him ignore the negative effects of the Weather, and get the bonuses to?(SpDef bonus in Sandstorm, Snow Cloak in hail, Chlorophyll in Sun, Swift Swim in rain?) Weather ball would be a good attack for it, but that would make him like an Evo for Castform, whit a better ability.

You should edit your post like I did in the Quote, as that part does not go to the Description.
Giving it an ability, that makes him ignore the negative effects of the Weather, and get the bonuses to?(SpDef bonus in Sandstorm, Snow Cloak in hail, Chlorophyll in Sun, Swift Swim in rain?)
Psh, why don't you just give him all four abilities in one. ._.

Magic Guard would probably be the best bet. Or an Ice/Rock. That would be sexy.
Psh, why don't you just give him all four abilities in one. ._.

Magic Guard would probably be the best bet. Or an Ice/Rock. That would be sexy.
I did say: give it AN ability, that does all those depending on the weather. Normal would be the best type for it, as weather ball has 100BP in any weather, so no need for a stab(Whit stab it would be to good)
Max Sp. Def/HP Togekiss will survive a Life Orb blizzard like, 93% of the time, and can T-Wave syclant after, or Air Slash...

I've honestly never seen a max sp def/hp togekiss with a +Sp.Def nature. It's either I haven't been playing a lot of pokemon lately, or it's just a minor exception of people who play this sort of thing. Heck, not even everybody uses Togekiss at CaP. I've only seen about 3 people use it when I laddered. >_>
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