CAP 4 CAP 4 - Pokedex Entry Discussion

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God Bless Nintys Incompetence :*)
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Alright guys, this ones a pretty simple one. Any Pokedex Entrys you would like to submit should adhere to the "spirit" of the Pokemon, aswell as the conventions of Pokedex Entries. Explaining any oddities in it's movepool is also a bonus. Like the name thread, I don't want people spamming as many as they can think of, so keep it to two each. Whenever I can I'll post the top candidates in this post so we can scruitunize them without searching through the thread.

For now just use <CAP 4> in place of a name until we have one.
1-2 sentences ?_?

I don't know off the top of my head but Pidgeys is 98 characters inc. spaces, so no more than around 200 characters max I guess. Feel free to prove me wrong.
"<CAP 4> are known to go out of their way to help pokemon in need and will even use special techniques to help them get to safety. It can dig into the ground far enough to conceal everything but it's eyes and it's gigantic hands."

How did i do?
"Usually concealed underground, <CAP 4>, use their hands to help most Pokemon with little or no recognition in return. They are known to be very persistent, and may not even sleep, while helping Pokemon in need."
"Acrobatic and expressive <CAP 4> have been known to use their hands in many unusual ways. They can dig into the ground and spin rapidly using their hands to whip up strong whirlwinds."

I did put thought into this. I'll see if it gets any support or not.

edit: Cut out the second one. I didn't like it much.
Personally, I don't believe Mr. Hands is the super helpful type. I see him as more of a jittery, carefree kind of guy. Those kinds of people/Pokemon aren't so helpful at times. Also...not all utility/supporter/tank-ish like Pokemon are here to help their teammates.
Beef and Poop productions presents you-

1.In the desert, it entertains itself by crashing things that fly above it with it's mystical powers.

2. When threated, it protects itself with its many hands, keeping its elbows out and spinning on its drill to frighten its opponent.
Ok, well here's what Beef and I thought of.

1) Overtime, the jewels on <CaP 4>'s hands shed and drop to the ground. The fallen jewels can be sold at a very high price.

What'ya think guys?
Personally, I don't believe Mr. Hands is the super helpful type. I see him as more of a jittery, carefree kind of guy. Those kinds of people/Pokemon aren't so helpful at times. Also...not all utility/supporter/tank-ish like Pokemon are here to help their teammates.

That's really true. Hippodowns don't look so friendly... But <CaP 4> looks like a cheerful Blissey type of pokemon imo. To me, it looks like he wants to help people as much as his hands can hold.
"<Cap 4> is known to use its many hands to help its companions in battle, and has been seen manipulating nature to do the best it can to help its friends."

If any changes need be, just tell me.

"<Cap 4> absolutely loves to assist. It has even been known to get hired as a babysitter!"

Not sure if I like it, may change it...
1) To communicate over long distances, <CAP 4> rely almost completely on their large hands. Signals appear to differ slightly depending on the region.

2) The attitude of a <CAP 4> can be seen by the way it walks and uses its large hands. However, some human gestures differ from <CAP 4>'s, occasionally resulting in attacks.
"<Cap 4> is known to use its many hands to help its companions in battle, and has been seen manipulating nature to do the best it can to help its friends."

If any changes need be, just tell me.

"<Cap 4> absolutely loves to assist. It has been known to even babysit the children while its trainer is away."

Not sure if I like it, may change it...

What if the trainer doesn't have children? How 'bout something along the lines of being hired as a babysitter? Lol.
"Nearly incapable of standing still, <CaP 4> will stop at nothing to help its friends while simultaneously hindering its foes."

I tried to make both Persistent and Vital Spirit to fit with its utility concept.
"<CAP4> is extremely curious and stubborn. Whenever <CAP4> sees a human doing any kind of manual work, he will immediately imitate it until he has bested the human"

Hmmm, to me it seemed like it goes with its ability/ies :P
"Having many hands, <CAP(hoping Fidgit) 4> is often found fidgeting due to a lack of stimulating activity. However, when a suitable action is found, <CAP 4> engages in it with extreme vigor."

I don't usually do this.
ill just call the CAP polypalms.

POLYPALMS is known to help pokemon and humans in every situation. unluckly in the past some humans made POLYPALMS to there slaves.

If a pokemon or a humans gets stuck in sinksand or a marsh POLYPALMS will always help them. For some reason they dont help delibird though.
Here's one:
Usually found digging, FIDGIT always take the time to form symbiotic relationships with the Pokémon around it.
<CAP4>s are immensely social creatures. They live in elaborate underground lairs.

While normally friendly <CAP4>s are intense rivals of ARIADOS. The two pokemon fight constantly.
"PALMIRE is known to protect it's allies in battle with the limp body of a freshly slapped Delibird."

"PALMIRE uses its 8 powerful palms to ward off a helpless pokemon thta has been ambushed."
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