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How do I get Fire Fang onto my (will be) Garchomp? It says on that it learns FireFang as a level up in DP, but it then says that it learns it at level 0 I think.
How do I get Fire Fang onto my (will be) Garchomp? It says on that it learns FireFang as a level up in DP, but it then says that it learns it at level 0 I think.

Whenever it says that, all you have to do is bring it to the Move Relearner to obtain the move.

EDIT: Beaten to it. :P
Ok, I'm really confused here.... This doesn't make sense and this is the first time my calculations have been off.

I have a (will be) Jynx with a 29 IV in Speed with a Timid nature. I was checking out that nifty Speed guide to see what I'd be outrunning if I used it with max speed.

Ok, I've been using the IV calculator on because it was the first one I've used and I know how to work it well.

Ok, so I put in my nature, Pokemon, speed IV and calculate stats to see what my speed would be without EVs. It says 246.
Ok... I add 63 points to that (as if I maxed out speed EVs/252 Spe), so it equals 309.

But I see that Jynx can go 317 with a boosting nature, so why am I so much slower? I'm only 2 points off from flawless IV!
Is it because of that 10% boost that it can't be calculated the way I'm doing it?

I guess 309 Speed it is..
But it doesn't really make much sense and I really wanted to try and tie Infernape, too. :(

Can someone explain?

This is hypothetical right?, cause if it is, your calculations were off. you need to take off the Nature boost before, though you can just add in the 10% from the 63 seeing as how it adds up right... 246 + 69 = 315, two short from 317...
This is hypothetical right?, cause if it is, your calculations were off. you need to take off the Nature boost before, though you can just add in the 10% from the 63 seeing as how it adds up right... 246 + 69 = 315, two short from 317...
Thanks, now it makes sense. There must have been an error somewhere. I really need to start doing this myself lol.
Thank you. :)

edit: Actually, yeah, there was an error. I just tried inputting the info again and it gave me 315 instead of 317. Oh well.

moomoonerd said:
Does Safeguard provide protection against Toxic Spikes?

I would think so, but I haven't tried it to see.
Originally Posted by Fat superflanker
Ok so i found a glitch that could be big. now if im not mistaken shaymin and darkria are aloud because of the glitch to get them. now this glitch allows moves like belly drum and aqua jet to be on an azumarril with NO CHEATING DEVICE.

1.there is a glitch that allows ditto to keep the pokemon it transforms into moves. you simply transform and have the pokemon kill you.

2. once i discovered this i immediatly got my smeargle to learn belly drum and aqua jet. i did the procces described in the first step in a double battle.

3. now ditto has both moves i bred ditto with a female marril and sure enough the hatched marril had both moves.

the reason why this is important is because in theory it could change the whole illegal movesets issue.

should this be considored a legitimate set. and im sorry if this is in the wrong section but it didnt seem to go anywhere else

i was told to post this here because it shouldent go in the reasearch section. what to do about this?
Well, I posted this in the general Pokémon discussion, it got locked and I got a warning, since it's against the rules to post "what to do with this Pokémon threads". I dunno though, maybe we should add such a forum? 'Cause this isn't that much of a simple question, anyway, here we go:

Hey guys! I didn't post this in the Rate my Team forums, 'cause well, it's only one Pokémon and not really a team, anyway! I just bred forth a really nice Lickitung (well, I dunno if it's nice for you uber breeders out there, but for me, it's quite outstanding), and I was wondering what moves/EV spread you guys would recommend for it?
(I named it MikePatton BTW)

Lickitung - Adamant
HP: 31
Att: 24 - 29
Def: 30 - 31
SpA: 20 - 29
SpD: 0 - 9
Speed: 7 - 14

I also bred over some eggmoves from a Snorlax I've got, so it's got Body Slam and Earthquake. I dunno if I should use those, what I do know though is that I want explosion on little Mike. (stab, adamant, + high IV explosion is gonna slaughter pretty much anything)

So, it's got really nice HP, attack and defense, he's adamant, which boosts his attack even more. He's got good Special Attack aswell, but I probably won't be using that anyway, he's got really bad Special Defense and quite bad speed though.

I'm gonna evolve it to Lickilicki of course. (My team is far from finished, but I've also got a Gengar, a Tentacruel, a Typhlosion, an Infernape and some other Pokémon to pick from when I'm selecting my final 6)

So, thanks in advance guys!
Meh, it's okay.
Give it swords and Explosion and you've got a decent SD sweeper.
I would have aimed for more speed though.
When light screen or reflect is up and your pokemon scores a critical hit, does the attack ignore the boosted defense like other defense up moves like amnesia and barrier? On shoddy (smogon server), critical hits are still halved by light screen and reflect.
Meh, it's okay.
Give it swords and Explosion and you've got a decent SD sweeper.
I would have aimed for more speed though.
Why would you have aimed for speed when Lickilicky only has 50 base speed? It's not like it's gonna outrun anything anyway.
Modest Phione! This is my last breed for the next three weeks 'cause I'm going on vacation. It could be Rainrest or Choice Specs.


I can't clone this, what moveset should I give it, Rainrest or Choice Specs?
The spread is definitely 252 HP/ 252 Sp.atk/4 Sp.def or Atk for the second set

Rain Rest is: Surf/ Grass Knot/Rain Dance/ Rest
Choice Specs is: Surf/Ice Beam/ Grass Knot/ U-turn
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