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Heres a Suicine set i've been using that surprises the enemy a lot.

Suicune@ Leftovers
EV's: 252HP/252DEF/4SpA
-Calm Mind/Rest
-Magic Coat
-Surf/Ice Beam/HP Electric

You must mean Mirror Coat, correct?
Milotic@ Choice Band
EV's: 252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Sp.atk
=/Waterfall/Aqua Tail
=/Double Edge
=/Surf or Mud Slap if you have the courage to force a switch by lowering their accuracy.

Water, Ice, and Normal offer nice coverage for a ridiculously pathetic novelty moveset that is sure to KO your opponents through sheer WTF?!
I'm sure this has been done before, but I just thought I'd post it.


Garchomp @ Life Orb
Naughty Nature
Evs: 16 Atk / 252 SpA / 240 Spe
~ Surf
~ Earthquake
~ Draco Meteor
~ Fire Blast

Alright. This is chain chomp but instead of Swords Dance, its replaced with Surf. Chain chomp in itself is used to destroy some of its bulky physical counters with the super powerful Draco Meteor. However, I found it tough to get that Swords Dance in when using Chain Chomp. So I replaced it with Surf. Surf will OHKO bulky grounds like Hippowdon and Gliscor in a heartbeat and this set has type coverage like no other. I just thought surf was a neat option when you didn't wanna drop your Special Attack when using Draco Meteor. Now, you can take out those bulky grounds then Draco Meteor when you're finished. Eh, basically chain chomp except its a Shark.

I put surf mainly cause I wanted Garchomp to utilize a Nasty Plot boost from Togekiss. His immunity to Electric makes him a great target for this.

Earthquake is pretty standard. Should still be able to 2HKO Blissey with Sand Stream going.

Thats all I have to say about the Shark.
Gardevoir (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 HP/136 Def/80 SAtk/42 SDef
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Dream Eater
- Hypnosis
- Mean Look
- Thunderbolt
Dream Eater! Not much to explain here, just trap, sleep and eat. Gengar and Bronzong can also use this method.
Togekiss is also weak to Ice, and passing Nasty Plot kinda ruins the surprise and gives the opponent a turn of set up.

Might be a fun set on its own though.
From what I can tell Surf on Garchomp is great. While I don't use that set, I can say that it gives a slightly different type coverage, allowing Garchomp to eliminate random threats that might come in unexpectedly.

I also like running on my DD Dragonite to deal with Mamoswines and the like after they realize they can't OHKO
Hey I saw this set on Serebii and as my first post thought it might be usefully for other people to know (since I know most of you don't care about Serebii, but the movesets on there are still good)

- Knock Off
- Thunder Wave / Toxic
- Return
- Earthquake
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 180 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

Knock Off is a very useful move, depriving its opposition of their items. At the best of times, Knock Off will hamper your opponent's strategy. Choice Pokémon deprived of their Choice items are the most obvious examples. In most situations, you'll simply cause a nuisance by depriving a Pokémon of their Leftovers recovery, lowering their bulk and possibly exposing them to damaging weather effects.
Regigigas has two status attacks to pick from. Thunder Wave brings its opposition to a screeching halt, compensating for Slow Start quite nicely and crippling most sweepers. The additional 25% chance of 'full paralysis' has some stalling value as well, since it's another valuable turn that'll go by freely. Alternatively, it has Toxic, which'll ruin most defensive walls.
Regigigas is rather weak offensively, but it has little else to fill its final two move-slots, and no Pokémon wants to be without a direct means to cause damage. Return offers it STAB, whilst Earthquake covers Normal-resistant Rock and Steel types. These two aren't its only offensive options, and it's worth noting that special attacks are equally as viable as physical attacks, since Regigigas's Slow Start Attack stat is equal to its Special Attack.
Hey I saw this set on Serebii and as my first post thought it might be usefully for other people to know (since I know most of you don't care about Serebii, but the movesets on there are still good)

- Knock Off
- Thunder Wave / Toxic
- Return
- Earthquake
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Slow Start
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 180 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

Knock Off is a very useful move, depriving its opposition of their items. At the best of times, Knock Off will hamper your opponent's strategy. Choice Pokémon deprived of their Choice items are the most obvious examples. In most situations, you'll simply cause a nuisance by depriving a Pokémon of their Leftovers recovery, lowering their bulk and possibly exposing them to damaging weather effects.
Regigigas has two status attacks to pick from. Thunder Wave brings its opposition to a screeching halt, compensating for Slow Start quite nicely and crippling most sweepers. The additional 25% chance of 'full paralysis' has some stalling value as well, since it's another valuable turn that'll go by freely. Alternatively, it has Toxic, which'll ruin most defensive walls.
Regigigas is rather weak offensively, but it has little else to fill its final two move-slots, and no Pokémon wants to be without a direct means to cause damage. Return offers it STAB, whilst Earthquake covers Normal-resistant Rock and Steel types. These two aren't its only offensive options, and it's worth noting that special attacks are equally as viable as physical attacks, since Regigigas's Slow Start Attack stat is equal to its Special Attack.

Nice try. However, next time check the analysis before you post sets to make sure they're not already there...especially since this is the EXACT same set as the "Wall" set in there. It even has the exact same EV spread.
ev spread:252 speed/sp atk 4 def
item:Soul Dew
ivs 31/10/31/30/31/30

ice beam
dragon pulse
energy ball

The reason i choose this ev spread is because my latios has 31 hp 31 def and 31 sp. def ivs so its pretty good on that and with the evs in defence it can survive any non stab boosted super effective moves. now on to the move set i choose energy ball over grass knot is because not all water type pokemon are heavy and most of the one that arent heavy will be able to take a super effective non stab grass knot but an energy ball will do loads of damage not to mention it might drop the opponents sp. def opening it up for a stab psychic. Ice beam covers the flying types and flying dragon and ground dragon types like salamence, flygon, Garchomp, or even its fellow uber Rayquaza and Lugia will bow down to it. I have dragon pulse for kingdra a nice stab dragon pulse should take care of them. Last psychic is mainly for the choice banded and guts boosted pokes like Machamp and Heracross not to mention those annoying Gengar they fear the stab psychic.

252 attack 252 sp atk 4hp

ice fang

overheat for steel physical walls and bug type sweepers. crunch for ghost and psychics who typically have focus blast. howl to up the attacks power due to the fact that none of them are stab boosted moves. Last ice fang for the ever popular dragon, ground and flying types in competeive battling.
Heracross @ choice specs
252 spatk 252 speed
- focus blast
- Hidden Power (bug)
- Hyper Beam
- Close combat

this is something I thought up. makes a great revenge killer, or luring in physical walls and hit them with focus blast. this works pretty good with choice specs and heracorss's okay special attack
No, just no. The ONLY reason to use special attacks on Heracross is to use HP Ice with a Life Orb and 68 SpA EVs to 2HKO Gliscor, nothing else.

ev spread:252 speed/sp atk 4 def
item:Soul Dew
ivs 31/10/31/30/31/30

ice beam
dragon pulse
energy ball

The reason i choose this ev spread is because my latios has 31 hp 31 def and 31 sp. def ivs so its pretty good on that and with the evs in defence it can survive any non stab boosted super effective moves. now on to the move set i choose energy ball over grass knot is because not all water type pokemon are heavy and most of the one that arent heavy will be able to take a super effective non stab grass knot but an energy ball will do loads of damage not to mention it might drop the opponents sp. def opening it up for a stab psychic. Ice beam covers the flying types and flying dragon and ground dragon types like salamence, flygon, Garchomp, or even its fellow uber Rayquaza and Lugia will bow down to it. I have dragon pulse for kingdra a nice stab dragon pulse should take care of them. Last psychic is mainly for the choice banded and guts boosted pokes like Machamp and Heracross not to mention those annoying Gengar they fear the stab psychic.

It will be surviving every non-STAB super-effective attack with minimum HP and only 4 Def EVs? Energy Ball is worthless as the only reason you'd want a Grass Attack is for Kyogre, Groudon, or Tyranitar, and Grass Knot won't 2HKO standard Uber Tyranitar, or OHKO Groudon.
Crobat (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- U-turn
- Brave Bird
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Roost

U-Turn to scout, Brave Bird to put the hurt on anything that doesnt resist it, Hp Ice for them pesky Gliscors, Salamences, Garchomp, and other stuff, and Roost so your opponent knows Crobat is here to stay.
Heracross @ choice specs
252 spatk 252 speed
- focus blast
- Hidden Power (bug)
- Hyper Beam
- Close combat

this is something I thought up. makes a great revenge killer, or luring in physical walls and hit them with focus blast. this works pretty good with choice specs and heracorss's okay special attack
That set looks so much fun i want to breed it.
Swagjask - couldn't think of anything better

Swords Dance
Aerial Ace/Night Slash

Focus Sash
Speed Boost
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

Now I know what you're thinking: Ninjask without BP?

Ninjask has always been a lead, and that doesn't stop with this set. Swagger has a tendency to force switches, and you can SD on the switch. Sweep away with a decent base 90 attack stat, which hits 306 with the nature and EVs listed. With one SD, X-S OHKOs Tyranitar (with no Def EVs) and Azelf, then 2HKOs Bronzong (with no EVs in Def). Aerial Ace 2HKOs Gengar and OHKOs Yanmega after one SD.

This set has problems with Tyranitar if you can't finish it in one hit, and Gayrados. (intentional misspelling) That's the point of Swagger though. Swagger on Gayrados once and live on with your Focus Sash, then run to a suitible counter. Comments, the likes.
Crobat (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- U-turn
- Brave Bird
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Roost

U-Turn to scout, Brave Bird to put the hurt on anything that doesnt resist it, Hp Ice for them pesky Gliscors, Salamences, Garchomp, and other stuff, and Roost so your opponent knows Crobat is here to stay.

the set looks good and could work; the EVs need to be fooled around a bit. I'd take off most of the Speed EVs (since cro is outrunning most things unless they are scarfed) and either throw them into HP or SpA so that HP Ice is guaranteed an OHKO on anything thats 4x weak to it (without including yache). Along with this, some of the Attack EVs could be shaved off (maybe like 100ish) and thrown onto HP or SpA since a couple more points in attack isn't much of a difference, but a couple points in SpA would be.
You won't need much speed though, it already outspeeds most pokemon. You can go 252 Atk / 40 SpAtk / 216 Spd, 216 reaching 385 (130), you still outspeed jolly weavile, and you can invest 40 in SpAtk, not much but might help.

Purugly@Life Orb
Thick Hat
6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

- Hypnosis
- Body Slam
- Fake Out
- U-turn/Sucker Punch

Double Status Purugly works pretty cool. First you do Fake Out (look out for the with Inner Focus) and after that Hypnosis and the oponent probably gonna switch then make BS that's have 30% to Paralyze.
U-turn is there for scouting, but Sucker Punch hits Gengar and all other ghost hard. Comment please.
Don't forget that he is a good switch in to a Fire and Ice attacks thanks for Thick Hat.
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