On top of Smogon's Global rules, Wi-Fi also has a few forum-specific rules. Follow these rules to stay out of trouble. If you're confused about any of them, feel free to PM a Wi-Fi moderator for clarification.
General Rules & Resources
To keep the forum cleaner, there are several stickied threads for you to use for specific needs. Read the first post of all these threads and follow the rules and guidelines they contain. The rules set there carry the same weight as those listed here. Do not make individual threads for what can be posted in any of these threads. Your topic will be locked and deleted.
These threads are:
Trade Thread Rules
Hacking & Cloning
-Cloning is allowed on these forums. We do not care about your moral stance regarding cloning. If you do not want to trade for cloned Pokemon you are free to say so but DO NOT tell others cloning is hacking or whatever you consider it, keep all that to yourself.
General Rules & Resources
To keep the forum cleaner, there are several stickied threads for you to use for specific needs. Read the first post of all these threads and follow the rules and guidelines they contain. The rules set there carry the same weight as those listed here. Do not make individual threads for what can be posted in any of these threads. Your topic will be locked and deleted.
These threads are:
- Simple Questions/Requests- Use this thread for simple questions and simple requests. Simple requests include requests such as "can someone trade me this Pokémon / item", "can someone help evolve my Haunter", etc.
- 5th Gen PRNG Help / Info- Use this thread to request help manipulating the RNG of 5th Gen games.
- Most Generation PRNG Help / Information- Use this thread to request help manipulating the RNG for all other generations
- Battle Requests Forum - Use the threads in this forum to request battles in the format of your choosing.
- Giveaways - Use the threads in this forum to participate in or host Wi-Fi giveaways.
- Wi-Fi Tournaments - Use the threads in this forum to participate in or host (subject to the rules of Wi-Fi Tournaments) Wi-Fi tournaments.
- TSV Checking / List - Use this thread if you want a TSV/ESV check done for you, or want your TSV(s) added to Smogon's official TSV list.
- The sale of Pokémon for currency is strictly prohibited. No money is allowed to be exchanged for any Wi-Fi trades on these forums.
- Offering free Pokémon in exchange for likes on your thread is not permitted.
- Trade privately at your own risk. While we understand the need for private requests, the transparency of public posts will help you if you get into trouble.
- Don't post in threads that state "Don't post here"; threads doing this are reserving posts for a trade thread. Wait until the owner says you can post.
- Do not complain about RNG manipulation. It's here to stay; get over it.
- If you are banned from trading on Pokemon Showdown, you're banned from trading on the forums.
Trade Thread Rules
- List all of your IVs. Traders here at Smogon are only interested in Pokémon with competitive value. We want to know your Pokémon's IVs. Please state these IVs explicitly a good format for them would be HP/ATK/DEF/SPATK/SPDEF/SPEED such as 31/31/31/31/31/30, especially if your Pokemon has a specific Hidden Power type it was bred/caught for. DO NOT generalize by posting "5 IV, 4 IV, etc". Use an IV calculator such as this one http://www.metalkid.info/Pokemon/Calculators/IV.aspx to help you if you're unsure.
- With that said, if you're trading Pokemon that are "spitbacks" (Pokemon with decent IVs bred in the process of getting a competitive Pokemon) terminology like 4 IV or x/31/x/x/31/31 is fine.
- Do not bump your own trade threads unless you have added something new.
- Do not start a new trade thread if you already have an active trade thread. If your old thread is inactive and you wish to make a new one, contact a Wi-Fi moderator to close the old one for you.
- Please do not use obnoxiously large pictures in your trade thread. Pokecheck is a great resource for small, good looking sprites. Banners are allowed, but make sure they're not too bulky.
- If you are trading Pokémon that you did not breed or catch yourself, you must include the name of the original user or OT/ID of that user in the trade details. If you have limited distribution rights, then you must link to the original post or thread which confirms this. For Pokémon that have come from another site, or the GTS, the Pokémon's OT/ID must be posted in the trade details. For Pokemon you did catch/breed yourself, it's fine to just add your OT/ID at the top of the thread and say that any Pokemon without a listed OT/ID were obtained by you and have the OT/ID at the top of the thread.
- Personal blacklists are not allowed in trade threads. If a user is trading suspiciously, report them to the forum-wide Wi-Fi blacklist.
Hacking & Cloning
-Cloning is allowed on these forums. We do not care about your moral stance regarding cloning. If you do not want to trade for cloned Pokemon you are free to say so but DO NOT tell others cloning is hacking or whatever you consider it, keep all that to yourself.
- Note in the Pokémon’s description...
- If and how it was cloned.
- If an emulator was used.
- If it was obtained via a hacked or injected Wonder Card.
- Note in your thread...
- If and how you use third party tools including:
- Any Action Replay (or similar device) codes you use.
- Any Pokesav/Pokegen functions you use.
- Any fake GTS such as Pokecheck or Pokegts.
- Any Action Replay (or similar device) codes you use.
- If and how you use third party tools including:
- Do NOT...
- Trade Pokémon that have been created or altered by a third party tool (Action Replay, Pokegen, Pokesav, etc.).
- This includes anything bred using created/altered Pokémon.
- Use RAM editing.
- Distribute Pokémon via .pkm files.
- Ask for advice about AR, Pokegen, PokeSav, etc.
- This should be common sense, but if you suspect a Pokemon is hacked, don't offer it in your trade thread. Seriously, a little common sense goes a long way.
- Use a Power Saves device to force shininess onto a Pokemon. Doing so, then attempting to trade it will result in blacklisting.
- Trade Pokémon that have been created or altered by a third party tool (Action Replay, Pokegen, Pokesav, etc.).
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