CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 6.5 (BST Spillover)

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Well, I suggest 536-545.

My spread is:


100 HP, allows you to take 4 seismic tosses, and you can reap recovery benefits as well.


60 isn't much, but it could be used for a Focus Punch.

90 Defense is nothing to laugh at, it can take on Lucario Extremespeeds and it 3HKO's. By then it kills it. It can take some non stabbed Rock Slides too.

Special Attack:

125 puts it up there with a fellow Grass type, Exeggutor. STABed Solar Beams and Fire Blasts in the Sun will hurt really badly. With this, Blissey won't like being hit by STABed attacks.

Special Defense:

100 Special Defense can switch on a hit, and set up Sunny Day, and proceed to sweep.


Now, this isn't very high, because I think it doesn't need it. With defenses, and S.Attack this high, Speed doesn't really matter. If it had high Speed, it would pretty much be broken.
When designing a spread I noticed I was going pretty similar to aldaron (in fact, I was only 5 off at most parts).

I now have 95/94/100/106/85/60 lying around. I increased its Atk in favor of its HP so it can pull a surprise, and also so that a raw Special Attacker has less power overall. It should still be surprisingly bulky, but I've yet to run real calcs.
Problem with that Mekkah is he was voted on being a Special Attacker, which means his attack needs to be at least 25%~ish lower than special attack. That's only 11% lower, making it balanced.
When designing a spread I noticed I was going pretty similar to aldaron (in fact, I was only 5 off at most parts).

I now have 95/94/100/106/85/60 lying around. I increased its Atk in favor of its HP so it can pull a surprise, and also so that a raw Special Attacker has less power overall. It should still be surprisingly bulky, but I've yet to run real calcs.

I would definitely vouch for that base stat spread. Whatever it ends up being, grass and fire both have great physical and special move varieties, so for attack to be in the 60s-70s I think would do it a disservice.


This one looks good to me!
Problem with that Mekkah is he was voted on being a Special Attacker, which means his attack needs to be at least 25%~ish lower than special attack

You're right, I wasn't paying close attention to the requirements just yet, just trying to see what I would do with total freedom about its stats.

Does anyone else feel that X-Act's method should be used next time, or maybe even this time, instead of BST?
I like my spread the best and i'm being non bias as well. I also like A-Ron's spread. They are both really balanced and reliant on tanking. The reason why i like mine the best because it has has dual everything. It can wall/tank on both sides on the spectrum, and even physically attack the foe decently as well. It's Special Attack is just enough to dent pokes with little to no EV investment. It reminds me of a Milotic with better offensive typing, while tanking. It seems as if Fishin spread is probably used as a Bulky Sweeper. The likes of Heatran and Togekiss etc. All of them aren't over powering. Although i think Fishin Special Attack is a tad to high, i didn't even want to surpass 100 for my Special Attack, but i needed the extra totals. I think A-Ron's HP is a bit high, but then again, the Elagune's Rock Headed Fire/Grass seems a bit heavy. I enjoy all the spreads, but my top 3 list goes to
1. Lil Ant
2. A-Ron
3. Fishin

No offense to others
any word on swords dance if this is getting nerfed as a physical attacker? itd end up being a bulky version of mixape...with a physical booster instead of a special one.
Guys give it 62 base speed instead. Being able to outspeed Tyranitar is a pretty big advantage and 2 off of base atk won't be much.

This thing has the potential to be great, but also the potential to become a mini-Heatran/Celebi. Needs the extra power.

Not a chlorophyll supporter, though. It doesn't need that to be good, and I don't think that the ability to take down a Blissey with double-STAB special moves should be a priority at all anyway. There's a reason why Kingdra doesn't have 125 SA.
Does anyone else feel that X-Act's method should be used next time, or maybe even this time, instead of BST?
Not sure about this time, though I wouldn't be opposed to it. Though would we have free reign on BST (as long as it were within the CR) so we wouldn't have to alter random stats just to get slight adjustments?

By the way, I've nicknamed X-Act's "stat" as CR, for Calculated Rating.

Next time though, defininately.
Why is Chlorophyll even being mentioned as an ability. Even though i'm basing most of my Movesets and Abilities from Elagune's Wooden Pokemon image none of the Pokemon images i have witnessed even look close to getting chlorophyll. Maybe the first picture of Elagune's 4 picture post, but that is about it. That little guy reminds me something off Ben10, lol.

G_T I know you have my spread, so if you decide to use it, go ahead and just add the extra 5 BST points into one of the defenses please.

EDIT: I would like to toss out Drought as an ability option. Then being slower than TTar or Hippo would be advantageous...And we need an auto sun in OU.
Does anyone else feel that X-Act's method should be used next time, or maybe even this time, instead of BST?
Not sure about now but the next one, I think they're a huge chance for it being used.

any word on swords dance if this is getting nerfed as a physical attacker? It'd end up being a bulky version of mixape...with a physical booster instead of a special one.
Well...Sword Dance sorta depend on a Pokemon's appearance and even if it does get Sword Dance, what physical move not named STABB'd is it going to be using it with?
I don't see Swords Dance being given to this. Unless his attack stat is like, a third or fourth of his special attack then why would you even use his special attack? His defenses would let him live through a hit or two, and get a couple Swords Dances in. Then he just obliterates.

IF he gets any stat up moves, it should be things that only give +1 to a single stat. I can't think of any at the moment, but that's all that could really be usable without being too overpowered.

G_T I know you have my spread, so if you decide to use it, go ahead and just add the extra 5 BST points into one of the defenses please.

EDIT: I would like to toss out Drought as an ability option. Then being slower than TTar or Hippo would be advantageous...And we need an auto sun in OU.

I thought Drought would be effective as well. It would help get rid of SS teams, and lets not forget about helping out the fellow Grass Types that rarely get put on teams. Rain Dance is common enough, the Sun needs some help. But in all honestly, i through a lot of useful idea's into the open in this single post right here
I don't see Swords Dance being given to this. Unless his attack stat is like, a third or fourth of his special attack then why would you even use his special attack? His defenses would let him live through a hit or two, and get a couple Swords Dances in. Then he just obliterates.

IF he gets any stat up moves, it should be things that only give +1 to a single stat. I can't think of any at the moment, but that's all that could really be usable without being too overpowered.

I think Growth should probably be the only Stat Upping move, and maybe Withdraw? lol i'm serious though, the wooden appearance seems to fit the Withdraw idea.
Take a look at my BST Ryo, tell me how it fairs. Mine has Feraligatr type speed.

Looks fine, you could just go up to 540 and put some extra points in defense.

I think Growth should probably be the only Stat Upping move, and maybe Withdraw? lol i'm serious though, the wooden appearance seems to fit the Withdraw idea.

Maybe Calm Mind.
IF he gets any stat up moves, it should be things that only give +1 to a single stat. I can't think of any at the moment, but that's all that could really be usable without being too overpowered.
To be honest, I think even that is pushing it a little too much. Fire/Grass is a unique typing, and at this rate there aren't many Pokemon that could risk switching in without taking too much damage. Being able to boost its stats with such bulky defenses, a powerful attacking combo, and few counters would mean we would probably create another "Revenankh" of some sort.

Also, to the person suggesting that this Pokemon should be able to outspeed Tyranitar, one of the running things we have been seeing in this topic is directly limiting this Pokemon's effectiveness against other specific Pokemon, something the previous two CAP's failed to do well.

It has been discussed that this Pokemon should be forced to compete with Tyranitar (hence Aldaron's spread), along with Gyarados and Togekiss, to keep its balance in the DP metagame. After all, we are listening to Lord Gloom's cry, are we not?
I'm thinking to probably agree with Karrot. Most bulky sweepers don't have any Stat Up moves. Ryo wasn't helping by giving a Fire/Grass Pokemon Calm Mind. It isn't even mythical or anything of that sort. If anything i think Growth is probably the only option of a stat upping move.

I'm hoping it'll have a defensive ability like Flash Fire. Giving it a stat up like calm mind is probably overdoing it considering all the spreads I can remember have at least 95 special attack, which isn't bad if it's more on the bulky side. If it must have a stat up, Bulk Up would be far from too good due to it's low attack.
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