Super Smash Brothers Brawl Discussion #3

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I'm actually thinking of using my Classic Controller just to see how it is. Might take a little while to get used to.
I'm actually thinking of using my Classic Controller just to see how it is. Might take a little while to get used to.

I use a classic controller and i think is pretty cool, after you get used to it, is as good as a game cube controller (my opinion). The second stick is closer and easier to use for these quick smash attacks. I enjoy it.
Pikchu sounds like he'll be my fun main, quite improved from SSBM. I'l likeing his power currently.
protip: don't try and beat boss battles without any heart containers, i just spent two hours doing so and didn't get jack squat :(
protip: don't try and beat boss battles without any heart containers, i just spent two hours doing so and didn't get jack squat :(

My protip is not to try and beat boss battles ever. Even on normal mode. Seriously, whoever thought it would be a good idea to make you fight Tabuu with one life needs to get fired. There's a reason you were given six characters in Subspace.

xc_hawk: I gave up Lucario because I couldn't find a definite niche with him. Toon Link has his air game, and my lesser-known Ike has his land game. For Lucario, I could never get his Uair to hit right, his nair had little knowckback, and I'm still not very good at hitting tilts yet, so he was too slow and too weak for me. Maybe I'll try him again when I get better though.
Boss Mode is pretty easy on Normal. Tabuu's death wave thing isn't a OHKO so it's okay. Beat it on my first try. Hard is a bit harder, I used Charizard and spammed Rock Smash to get to Tabuu then died. Found you switching Pokemon during the death ray keeps you safe so I'll try that next time.

You can't use a hammer for any of the Boss Rush challenges.
I'm just a little curious as to where everyone gets the artwork like in Wolt's avatar. I would love it if someone could give me a link.
So I signed up on SmashBoards yesterday, and the information they have there is pretty good. However, I was wondering if people could define some terms for me. What is DIing and RARing (I think that's the term. It definitely involves Rs and As)?

I feel like such a noob....

EDIT: Nevermind, I now know what RARing is (Reverse Aerial Rush).
So I signed up on SmashBoards yesterday, and the information they have there is pretty good. However, I was wondering if people could define some terms for me. What is DIing and RARing (I think that's the term. It definitely involves Rs and As)?

I feel like such a noob....

EDIT: Nevermind, I now know what RARing is (Reverse Aerial Rush).
DI is directional influence. You can influence how you're launched after an attack by inputting a direction. DI is extremely important for avoiding counters.

Everything you have ever wanted to know about DI and surviving big hits in one thread, and then some. Note: crouch canceling seems to be less effective in brawl, and ASDI is still unconfirmed to be in the game.

thanks. can you tell me as to why falcon is so nerfed (stupid nintendo) and who are the best people
His knee is harder to kill with now, he lost some of his speed (which got ruined even further by the lack of effective dash dancing in brawl), and most importantly, the new physics basically killed his ability to combo.
yea, we're gonna have plenty of time cooper, I'm sure you'll find a way to play lucario eventually.

Luigitamer: That question is entirely up for debate right now, and will be for quite some time. Contenders for top tier seem to be marth, toon link, wolf, and maybe ike and olimar. But like I said, its mostly shots in the dark right now, the game's been out for what, 2 weeks?
feel free to correct me if I missed anyone people, I know I did
yea, we're gonna have plenty of time cooper, I'm sure you'll find a way to play lucario eventually.

Luigitamer: That question is entirely up for debate right now, and will be for quite some time. Contenders for top tier seem to be marth, toon link, wolf, and maybe ike and olimar. But like I said, its mostly shots in the dark right now, the game's been out for what, 2 weeks?
feel free to correct me if I missed anyone people, I know I did
Oh, forgot to answer the second part... Bah I may as well just say "half the cast," considering it pretty much is half the cast that's competing for top tier.

Olimar, diddy, and TL are looking to be some of the absolute best atm. Lucas is also very good, and Pit, Metaknight, Marth, Ike, space animals, Pikachu, ZSS, Sonic, Snake, and PT all look to have high amounts of potential, too. PT might make it into top tier solely for the existence of squirtle, who is pure rape, and charizard is pretty good, as well. So yeah, there's like 15 different characters here all capable of making top tier, depending on how far their games evolve, and what new techs are discovered, and then there are others beyond these that could also have unforeseen potential (see: ICs in melee). I'm also probably forgetting one or two, as well.
ah crap I forgot pit and diddy, but yea leafgreen's right, it is basically half the cast. I think luigi's somewhere in there too
Is it just me or is the RAR technique nearly impossible to pull off on wi-fi? I get it off maybe 2 or 3 times during a match, but I lose the forward momentum that usually carries me into the guy. I've hit with it a few times out of my shield, but to no avail on dashes.
Is it just me or is the RAR technique nearly impossible to pull off on wi-fi? I get it off maybe 2 or 3 times during a match, but I lose the forward momentum that usually carries me into the guy. I've hit with it a few times out of my shield, but to no avail on dashes.
Are you timing it the same way you would irl? Or are you timing it to fit what's going on the screen? I would think the former should work every time, even in lag.
For those of you trying for the Boss Battle trophies, just wanted to say that you DO get the trophy if you beat it with two people. Same with the difficulty related All-Star trophies. Also, Lucas is pretty good for Boss Battle since his PK Thunder has multiple hits. It's really nasty on the easier difficulties (normal it was easy to kill Tabuu without getting hit). It's also possible to dodge his wave attack by sidestepping with good timing (I'm not very good at this personally :( but I've managed to do it a couple times).
got my copy when it came out. small store i guess because no tourny and no line. walked right up to the counter bought it and left in like 5 min.
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