uhh what do i do then
Get a free win!uhh what do i do then
Extension grantedopponent and i cant find a time to play before deadline, requesting extension of like an hour, we can play tues 1am est lol
You do know you have to actually contact people, right?Calling act ,opponent did not show up on decided time . Proof is on my wall .
Forgot to mention, but deadline stays Monday, which is now the 17th at 5PM GMT.Bad 'n Boosted is now playable on the main server. If you want, you may play your games there.
Granting an activity win to pkp01#.
Granting an activity win to Datdoiboi.
Granting an activity win to Crazycatseye.
Granting an activity win to vaderaven.
Granting an extension to knightfall and Commander Awesome
Week 2 Matchups
Week 3 Winners Bracket
- The Hisui Region vs. woo
- LikoFan vs. anaconja
- giove97 vs. vaderaven
- Datdoiboi vs. Shivdeit
- Spiderz vs. Fragmented
- Soda_Eesti vs. wisteriapurple
- memedose46 vs. LBN
- BananaBro_Chaos vs. Alexander489
- Concept vs. pkp01#
- knightfall vs. Commander Awesome
- Crazycatseye vs. Lightniong
- quziel vs. zxgzxg
- rachh vs. shreyashhy
- Schiavetto vs. Edjeanerations
- Jumpheart vs. ClaireC
- Awesome me 1233 vs. DragonPhoenix333
Week 3 Losers Bracket
- The Hisui Region vs. anaconja
- vaderaven vs. Datdoiboi
- Spiderz vs. wisteriapurple
- memedose46 vs. Alexander489
- (Winner of knightfall vs. Commander Awesome) vs. pkp01#
- Crazycatseye vs. zxgzxg
- shreyashhy vs. Edjeanerations
- Jumpheart vs. DragonPhoenix333
Good luck everyone!
- Awesome me 1233 vs. Wigglytryhard
- ClaireC vs. uses stall teams
- Schiavetto vs. silveste
- rachh vs. Myanmar
- quziel vs. bidoofguy64
- Lightniong vs. Coolrom122
- Concept vs. ihbst
- (Loser of knightfall vs. Commander Awesome) vs. nebi
- BananaBro_Chaos vs. Silver Oakenheel
- LBN vs. emikatana
- Soda_Eesti vs. happysh (Soda left the tour, happysh wins)
- Fragmented vs. pecha nerd
- Shivdeit vs. crow crumbs
- giove97 vs. twistablecrayon
- LikoFan vs. logarde
- woo vs. GhostlyPlanets