Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

You know, with an Ogerpon-W suspect in the cards, it's a good thing that Palafin didn't end up staying in OU. I just know that if that suspect happened with Palafin still here, there would be a subset of players who would argue, "But we can't ban Ogerpon! We need it to check Palafin!"
Instead, we now have people claiming we need to keep Waterpon around for Alomomola :)

But anyways, Entei is a cool mon, but its always going to be a niche pick. It wants CB to do insane damage to things, but that makes it rocks weak. But if it decides to go boots, then pokemon such as clefable will wall it. But either way, its a cool mon.
You know, with an Ogerpon-W suspect in the cards, it's a good thing that Palafin didn't end up staying in OU. I just know that if that suspect happened with Palafin still here, there would be a subset of players who would argue, "But we can't ban Ogerpon! We need it to check Palafin!"
90% of the players who argued to ban Palafin don't want Ogerpon-W gone either way so it is likely it won't be banned still.
Much like the Doomsday Clock moving to 89 seconds before midnight, I think this metagame will eventually fall apart in terms of on ladder as we move closer to the end of the generation. While it may mature like SS, in the sense that tournaments are strong in player pool and the metagame is regarded as skill-expressive, I have low hopes for anything but the tournaments scene (and even a reduced one, seeing as there are tourney players dissatisfied with the metagame) surviving until Generation 10. I know this is doomerism, but it is just what I see occurring in the future.
Much like the Doomsday Clock moving to 89 seconds before midnight, I think this metagame will eventually fall apart in terms of on ladder as we move closer to the end of the generation. While it may mature like SS, in the sense that tournaments are strong in player pool and the metagame is regarded as skill-expressive, I have low hopes for anything but the tournaments scene (and even a reduced one, seeing as there are tourney players dissatisfied with the metagame) surviving until Generation 10. I know this is doomerism, but it is just what I see occurring in the future.
I'd put so much more faith in that than I do in the doomsday clock itself: absolutely none. At least your prediction is based on trends and what other qualified people are saying, instead of the whims of 4-6 angry old men.
Personally, I think that, barring any big changes, what we have is what we'll get, and while discontent will brew in the background, eventually people will come to (begrudgingly) accept the SV meta for what it is: a faster-paced meta where team composition and their order of use matters more than previous generations. That doesn't mean that stall or other slower styles won't see usage, but it does mean they likely won't ever be as popular as they were in, say, SS OU (can you tell i'm still hung up on the guy who requested a look at SS Toxapex of all things?).
Maybe Kyurem will finally get the ban people clearly want it to get. Maybe the entire upper crust gets shaved off after one or two pressure valves open up and force a chain reaction of bans. Who knows? Not me, that's for sure, but I do know that, barring any real change, things will tend towards medicority, towards a passive, reluctant acceptance.
Has any Entei teams been posted yet? I played around with a CB set some months back and felt like it had serious potential but never got to build around the thing
If I recall JackRG is planning on making an RMT with a team he had a lot of success with. I’ve tried it myself on high ladder and it’s actually quite good. I’ll leave sharing it sooner than he plans to his discretion.
If I recall JackRG is planning on making an RMT with a team he had a lot of success with. I’ve tried it myself on high ladder and it’s actually quite good. I’ll leave sharing it sooner than he plans to his discretion.
should be getting to it this weekend, I have an important college exam on friday so I need to focus on that first. Get ready tho its gonna be heat.
Suspects should not take any external factors into account - anything that gets a high score in a survey should automatically be approved for a suspect regardless of how many times it has been voted down in the past.
i actually think they should take external factors into account. not in the "this got voted down twice so let's not suspect it" way, but in the "we should probably lower the bar for a ban if something's been controversial enough to suspect three separate times" way. weighting things towards the status quo is nice and all, but when people have been consistently dissatisfied with the status quo, we might need to reevaluate what we're doing here
i actually think they should take external factors into account. not in the "this got voted down twice so let's not suspect it" way, but in the "we should probably lower the bar for a ban if something's been controversial enough to suspect three separate times" way. weighting things towards the status quo is nice and all, but when people have been consistently dissatisfied with the status quo, we might need to reevaluate what we're doing here
I feel like in this metagame (more than most others) an individual player's idea of what's "broken" varies a LOT more based on things like how they play and teambuild. If you primarily play HO or build your defensive backbones in a way that you can reliably deal with most kyurem sets, you won't find kyurem to be an overbearing force in the metagame. If you're really careful and stringent on keeping your team alive and only save tera for when absolutely necessary, you'll have a far easier time dealing with something like zama than someone who will sacrifice huge game pieces for a seemingly lower tradeoff that adds up in the end.

I feel like i've said the exact same thing a hundred times in this thread (and I definitely have at least 5 times) but there is an issue with the metagame. Lots of things are threatening but no one is able to agree on what that thing is. In my personal opinion, that "thing" is gliscor but I do know how to beat it, it just pisses me off to no end and it genuinely makes the metagame like 10x less enjoyable for me, even less so than gliscor was in previous gens.

also literally every issue in the current metagame could be solved by the existence of ferrothorn but yaint hear it from me...
should be getting to it this weekend, I have an important college exam on friday so I need to focus on that first. Get ready tho its gonna be heat.
Good luck on the test

I feel like in this metagame (more than most others) an individual player's idea of what's "broken" varies a LOT more based on things like how they play and teambuild.

I'm not entirely sure how much it applies, but it's a thought i'm gonna ponder, that's for sure.

"Also literally every issue in the current metagame could be solved by the existence of ferrothorn but yaint hear it from me..."

Tangrowth as well tbh
volcarona is balanced without tera blast and gives good tools to every playstyle while generally being a fun pokemon
I would like to see a TB-less meta but I just wanna talk about this point bc Volc has been contentious in literally every generation. It was doing the same thing as with Tera Blast but with the (albeit weaker but still QD boosted) Hidden Power - flipping the script on what could be a positive matchup for the opponent on paper to getting hit with a random Hidden Power that you couldn't even know which type you got hit by. Obviously, it's more than likely Volcarona would be unbanned without TB, but I don't think balanced would be an accurate statement - just less overwhelming.
Much like the Doomsday Clock moving to 89 seconds before midnight, I think this metagame will eventually fall apart in terms of on ladder as we move closer to the end of the generation. While it may mature like SS, in the sense that tournaments are strong in player pool and the metagame is regarded as skill-expressive, I have low hopes for anything but the tournaments scene (and even a reduced one, seeing as there are tourney players dissatisfied with the metagame) surviving until Generation 10. I know this is doomerism, but it is just what I see occurring in the future.
I think once people get bored we might see something like a tera suspect happen, as I don't see it as something that is impossible especially going into the later half of the gen when people will start to get burnt out and realizing removing tera could genuinely fix a ton of problems and bring a ton of mons back down to being reasonable

For now we need to focus on getting kyurem out
idc what the "qualified" "players" say banning tera blast instantly fixes every issue with the metagame. volcarona is balanced without tera blast and gives good tools to every playstyle while generally being a fun pokemon, regieleki without tera blast is a cool building tool that has great potential but is difficult to fit, etc.
Yeah banning Tera blast really stops the problems of sweepers randomly turning Tera ghost on your cc or whatever and instantly winning the game
I would like to see a TB-less meta but I just wanna talk about this point bc Volc has been contentious in literally every generation. It was doing the same thing as with Tera Blast but with the (albeit weaker but still QD boosted) Hidden Power - flipping the script on what could be a positive matchup for the opponent on paper to getting hit with a random Hidden Power that you couldn't even know which type you got hit by. Obviously, it's more than likely Volcarona would be unbanned without TB, but I don't think balanced would be an accurate statement - just less overwhelming.
so? hidden power doesn't exist in gen 9. if getting random coverage to blast past its checks is what breaks it, then it'd be balanced without tb in this gen.
Yeah banning Tera blast really stops the problems of sweepers randomly turning Tera ghost on your cc or whatever and instantly winning the game
ngl that's just a skill issue. if your only out to a sweeper is hoping they don't tera defensively, then either you misplayed or your team just has a horrible matchup into said sweeper. if the sweeper does that without either of those factors, the sweeper itself is the problem. I think tera itself is a net neutral to the metagame, as you can usually answer a tera with your own, but tera blast is unhealthy in that mons can just get whatever coverage they want. your defensive check that can take any move from a mon shouldn't be able to just be blown up, because a defensive check being your only check to a sweeper is much more reliable than an offensive check being your only check. idk maybe I'm just yapping.
ngl that's just a skill issue. if your only out to a sweeper is hoping they don't tera defensively, then either you misplayed or your team just has a horrible matchup into said sweeper. if the sweeper does that without either of those factors, the sweeper itself is the problem. I think tera itself is a net neutral to the metagame, as you can usually answer a tera with your own, but tera blast is unhealthy in that mons can just get whatever coverage they want. your defensive check that can take any move from a mon shouldn't be able to just be blown up, because a defensive check being your only check to a sweeper is much more reliable than an offensive check being your only check. idk maybe I'm just yapping.
Yeah I get that but it doesn’t make it any less fun to play against. Maybe I’m just old school but I miss when checks and counters were actually checks and counters. And if you found a way to get around a counter, you had to sacrifice something to do it. Remember when people were running natural gift grass on talonflame? Much more satisfying than just clicking the big glowing button and now you counter your counter.

I’m not qualified to speak on whether it’s actually a good competitive mechanic because I’m a mid ladder player at best. But it feels so not fun to play against to me.
Yeah I get that but it doesn’t make it any less fun to play against. Maybe I’m just old school but I miss when checks and counters were actually checks and counters. And if you found a way to get around a counter, you had to sacrifice something to do it. Remember when people were running natural gift grass on talonflame? Much more satisfying than just clicking the big glowing button and now you counter your counter.

I’m not qualified to speak on whether it’s actually a good competitive mechanic because I’m a mid ladder player at best. But it feels so not fun to play against to me.
yeah, that's why I want tera blast ban. with just tera, mons have a much harder time countering their counters.
Yeah I get that but it doesn’t make it any less fun to play against. Maybe I’m just old school but I miss when checks and counters were actually checks and counters. And if you found a way to get around a counter, you had to sacrifice something to do it. Remember when people were running natural gift grass on talonflame? Much more satisfying than just clicking the big glowing button and now you counter your counter.

I’m not qualified to speak on whether it’s actually a good competitive mechanic because I’m a mid ladder player at best. But it feels so not fun to play against to me.
idk if this helps but a helpful mindset for looking at Tera is that it's a one time opportunity to break through (or wall) a check. Late game Kingambit with Tera is allowed to ignore a single check of yours, so you should be playing with this in mind. Under this mindset, clicking Close Combat into an unrevealed Tera Gambit is an awful play. Ghost, Fairy, and Flying are all common Tera types that resist Fighting and clearly the Gambit is not going to let you CC it if it has Tera still. If for example you have a Valiant up against it, you could Moonblast instead for the sure chip since only Tera Fire Gambit punishes this play. If you're in the situation where you have only a Fighting typr vs Tera Gambit, it feels like you got cheesed if it Tera Ghosts but actually they had more resources than you. You also had a Tera. They simply put the game into a position where their Tera wins them the game, or in other words, into an endgame where they have more resources than you, which is a skill.

Of course your opinion is valid if this isn't the kinda gameplay you enjoy, that's totally fair.
If I recall JackRG is planning on making an RMT with a team he had a lot of success with. I’ve tried it myself on high ladder and it’s actually quite good. I’ll leave sharing it sooner than he plans to his discretion.

Has any Entei teams been posted yet? I played around with a CB set some months back and felt like it had serious potential but never got to build around the thing
Jack’s team (or at least an earlier version of it) is the first team Pokeaimmd battles against in their specs iron moth video. You can get the mons and a lot of the sets there.

Edit: I take that back. Jack said it isn't actually the latest version Rekka's Backend
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