sv ou don't bring up politics in the meta discussion thread challenge (impossible)This is simply ignorant and not true even in modern times, though it sways away from mons conversation. I could cite examples of far right parties in Europe gaining political power as a result of protest votes to the two party system to highlight controversial topics such as immigration policy (UKIP,REFORM etc). This as an example, also happened in the 2016 US election where third party protest votes helped Trump win swing states such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin even though there was obviously no chance that a third party was going to win. There are many many examples protest votes have been used in history to incite change.
please reread the post. i specified that protest votes don't accomplish anything for the people casting them. the only thing protest voting accomplishes in a system with only two possible outcomes (such as suspect tests) is swaying the vote towards one of the two primary options, usually the one the protest voters like the least. it never actually benefits the people who are doing the protest voting