Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

Salamence (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 248 HP / 224 Def / 36 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
- Flamethrower
- Roost

Woger counter (kinda)
-1 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Play Rough vs. 248 HP / 224+ Def Salamence: 128-152 (32.5 - 38.6%) -- 98.6% chance to 3HKO
this set looks like it completely folds to Gliscor, and even if it didn't, being forced to tera to barely survive Kyu doesn't make it any kind of a relevant check in the current state of OU.

My takeaway when including the follow-up tweet is that the OU Council is moving towards increasing the GXE requirement. There is definitely a movement building to make reqs harder as seen during the Kyurem retest, and it's the only thing that makes sense with the provided context.
yeah, too many bad players like myself and CTC muddying the waters.
Encouraging us to speculate on the tweet which isn't a suspect but the only possible meta changes you're allowed to discuss are potential suspects.

I at this point actually do agree that uber drop discussion does get out of hand and people do reasonable discussion a disservice by discussing solgaleo lugia etc

But never discussing something once it does get banned once? LITERALLY 1984 lol I'm kidding seriously but it does seem biased? Respectfully

At this point that would mean we can't even discuss a potential tera blast ban as everyone knows redacted might happen as a result of that

Really not sure the goal of asking us to speculate on that tweet. Someone clarify if there's any obvious suggestion by it that doesn't break the above rules bc I'm not seeing it and can only assume the thread will go to hell with speculation


I think people should just be patient. In a week or so, there will be a cool option that may help community build and could impact the metagame. For now, business as usual.
Thanks that helps. Alt ladder?
Thanks that helps. Alt ladder?
Nah, and I am not really going to play games about what it is or isn’t as I cannot leak. Just think it will be hype and a few content creators seem to agree.

I find it silly to try and egg people on or anything like that. Srn’s inclusion of it was mostly in jest.

I think it’s cool for people to discuss Tera Blast or the actual things going on in the metagame itself. We see a ton of new Pokemon and ripples to existing archetypes going around right now.

Just think it’s lame we see people spending all day trying to tear others down or spread misinformation like the Kingambit thing when my vote/posts are public lol
I also think there will be a time when retests are more open to discussion. I just don’t think now is the time seeing as it ends up in pages of clutter, people bickering with each other, hostility, and no productive outcome in the current time. We have tried a dozen times over now. So letting it take a backseat and actually moderating the topics at hand is just the job of moderators.

Believe it or not, SS and SM metagame discussion threads were really just about team compositions and cool sets. Tiering discussion altogether was barred from non-suspect threads for the vast majority of Smogon’s history. I didn’t like this and we have been way more open this generation, which imo has been a big success as we see and hear from so many passionate posters. But all good things only stay good if regulated properly.
Really not sure the goal of asking us to speculate on that tweet. Someone clarify if there's any obvious suggestion by it that doesn't break the above rules bc I'm not seeing it and can only assume the thread will go to hell with speculation

Well, after Finchinator's post about helping the community build/grow with content creators thinking it'll be hype, I suspect the OU Council is increasing the role of PokeTubers within the wider community, which may or may not result in the community growing with increased ladder activity. Perhaps there may even be direct links to PokeTuber's channels on Smogon. I guess Finch's gamble would be that the growth of the community would outweigh the increase in uninformed posts.
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Well, after Finchinator's post about helping the community build/grow with content creators thinking it'll be hype, I suspect the OU Council is increasing the role of PokeTubers within the wider community, which may or may not result in the community growing with increased ladder activity. Perhaps there may even be direct links to PokeTuber's channels on Smogon. I guess Finch's gamble would be that the growth of the community would outweigh the increase in uninformed posts.
It’s not this
missed this brilliant piece of literature

what does the playerbase do to deserve blame for the horrible meta we find ourselves in? If OU council randomly decided to drop Koraidon under the justification "you can check it with Dachsbun LOL" what could the playerbase actually do to stop council? Stop playing? Cause that's what this is implying.
the onus was on the playerbase and not the council because it was a public suspect test? what were you expecting them to do, hold a quickban vote? my point is that a lot of y'all complaining about the state of the tier haven't even bothered going for reqs yet still feel like blaming the council for everything. it's one thing to be upset about the current state of the tier but it's another thing to blame finch for something he had no direct control over when you yourself hadn't voted when you were well within your right to do so. it's not like kyurem or gliscor were broken enough to be banned unanimously like GF was. so i am once again asking what exactly was stopping you from going for reqs and voting ban on kyurem and gliscor?
Just think it’s lame we see people spending all day trying to tear others down
This you?

Because apparently ladder games isn't a metric of "SV OU bad" (it is), when is the next survey coming up? I don't understand the hold up.

the onus was on the playerbase and not the council because it was a public suspect test? what were you expecting them to do, hold a quickban vote? my point is that a lot of y'all complaining about the state of the tier haven't even bothered going for reqs yet still feel like blaming the council for everything. it's one thing to be upset about the current state of the tier but it's another thing to blame finch for something he had no direct control over when you yourself hadn't voted when you were well within your right to do so. i am once again asking what exactly is stopping you from going for reqs and voting ban on kyurem and gliscor?

I don't understand why it's strange to grasp the revolutionary concept that people don't want to grind games that they don't find enjoyable especially when the directive is to gate-keep more people with harder requirements. I care about this game but i'm not going to grind away for hours at something I don't enjoy for no material return. I also don't like how you seemingly equate getting reqs as a way to qualify giving people a say on tiering. People who play the game more, aren't inherently more wise in tiering decisions. People who don't gain suspects aren't all inherently no knowing numbskulls. I gained reqs for the first GF suspect (with a better record than most I might add) solely because I wanted to be able to qualify as a "qualified" voter on the next survey. Stop painting things as so black and white - people have other things to do than grind at a game they might not even enjoy for hours/days at a time.
Thread re-opened and immediately caught on fire, GG

Anyways, an interesting trend last month was the rise of Corviknight usage, especially in the 1825+ range, seeing higher usage than staples like Iron Valiant, Gliscor, and Samurott-Hisui. What do you think of Corviknight? Still a Gholdengo victim? Secretly the best Pokemon in OU?
I don't understand why it's strange to grasp the revolutionary concept that people don't want to grind games that they don't find enjoyable especially when the directive is to gate-keep more people with harder requirements. I care about this game but i'm not going to grind away for hours at something I don't enjoy for no material return. I also don't like how you seemingly equate getting reqs as a way to qualify giving people a say on tiering. People who play the game more, aren't inherently more wise in tiering decision. People who don't gain suspects aren't all inherently no knowing numbskulls. I gained reqs for the first GF suspect (with a better record than most I might add) solely because I wanted to be able to qualify as a "qualified" voter on the next survey. Stop painting things as so black and white - people have other things to do than grind at a game they might not even enjoy for hours/days at a time.
and your solution here is to do nothing and whine about it when things don't go your way? like i have previously stated, there is no shame in not being able to get reqs, regardless of what the reasoning is. i'm not exactly sure why you're trying to spin me as some sort of gatekeeper when i have already made it clear that i do not think less of people who don't get reqs. it only becomes a problem when you decide to throw a tantrum about not getting what you wanted instead of accepting the result like a normal person.
Thread re-opened and immediately caught on fire, GG

Anyways, an interesting trend last month was the rise of Corviknight usage, especially in the 1825+ range, seeing higher usage than staples like Iron Valiant, Gliscor, and Samurott-Hisui. What do you think of Corviknight? Still a Gholdengo victim? Secretly the best Pokemon in OU?
I think Corviknight is cool. U-Turn ftw. Never running a non U-Turn set. More usage than Valiant and Hamu is insane though, what the heck is happening in Shibuya high ladder?
Thread re-opened and immediately caught on fire, GG

Anyways, an interesting trend last month was the rise of Corviknight usage, especially in the 1825+ range, seeing higher usage than staples like Iron Valiant, Gliscor, and Samurott-Hisui. What do you think of Corviknight? Still a Gholdengo victim? Secretly the best Pokemon in OU?
turns out that being quite possibly the best check to SD gliscor in the game (though obviously not by itself) does get you quite far. corviknight can also check kingambit and non-taunt RM with iron defense sets, in addition to walling other physical attackers like great tusk and dragonite. it has quite a few flaws obviously but i'd say it's a very good pokemon in the current meta, but it is surprising that it's seeing more high-ladder usage than gliscor itself
and your solution here is to do nothing and whine about it when things don't go your way? like i have previously stated, there is no shame in not being able to get reqs, regardless of what the reasoning is. i'm not exactly sure why you're trying to spin me as some sort of gatekeeper when i have already made it clear that i do not think less of people who do not get reqs. it only becomes a problem when you decide to throw a tantrum about it instead of accepting the result like a normal person, even if you don't agree with it.
There are plenty of avenues to take, but the narrative is to be patient. Off the top of my head there are move suspects, mon suspects, uber drops, survey - need I go on? It's not my responsibility to come up with recommendations, but even't If can't, me voicing my dissatisfaction of the tier is whining? Do you guys only choose to look at the positives and come down on those who oppose your thoughts? Yes i'm throwing a tantrum and picking fights because I 1) am going against the grain of authority 2) I'm using statistics (if ladder and survey doesn't count than what on earth does??) to back my points 3) you misperceive my dissatisfaction of the tier with me not accepting results. When did I say that? I simply stated 55%+ voted for something that didn't happen. I was the first person to defend losetoru even though the result went against what I wanted - not you, not any of the mods, me. I want tera banned but am I calling for it now? No, I said it was too late. I don't recall spearheading a rebellion to re-suspect Kyureum?
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I think people should just be patient. In a week or so, there will be a cool option that may help community build and could impact the metagame. For now, business as usual.
Personally I think there are 3 possibilities.

1. New survey. Probably not until next year.

2. Tournament. Maybe but I don't know how that helps the entire community.

3. Some new qol change (probably for teambuilder). I hope this. Though pokemon showdown is intuitive and has plenty of options to make playing the game easier I am sure there are ways that it can be improved. Any change that makes the game easier/better is appreciated.
There are plenty of avenues to take, but the narrative is to be patient. Off the top of my head there are move suspects, mon suspects, uber drops, survey - need I go on? It's not my responsibility to come up with recommendations, but even't If can't, me voicing my dissatisfaction of the tier is whining? Do you guys only choose to look at the positives and come down on those who oppose your thoughts? Yes i'm throwing a tantrum and picking fights because I 1) am going against the grain of authority 2) I'm using statistics (if ladder and survey doesn't count than what on earth does??) to back my points 3) you misperceive my dissatisfaction of the tier with me not accepting results. When did I say that? I simply stated 55%+ voted for something that didn't happen. I was the first person to defend losetoru even though the result went against what I wanted - not you, not any of the mods, me. I want tera banned but am I calling for it now? No, I said it was too late. I don't recall spearheading a rebellion to re-suspect Kyureum?
Move suspects are another policy shift that likely won't happen mid gen but I'm hopeful it can be addressed for next gen, maybe. Uber drops and mon suspects need community support that aren't present rn.

As much as I hate it, if you don't have any established results in SV OU and you voice your dissatisfaction of it, most people are gonna think you're whining/don't know the tier/skill issue/etc. That's just the social reality of the community. For better or worse, we value skill first. You're totally free to voice your dissatisfaction of SV OU, but it will be perceived as whining. Actively playing the tier+voicing dissatisfaction is quite acceptable tho! E.g. LOOR's post

1) I'm a mod here that hates tera and loves/hates sv ou. I assure you mods are not silencing dissent or w/e lol I am dissent
2) Ladder stats are multifactorial for reasons that have already been pointed out. You can't pin down "sv ou bad bc ladder dead" when there's other factors at play. Our latest surveys are wildly outdated and aren't really relevant rn either, which is why another one is on the way.
3) Cool

You can either be an sv ou hater and not play sv ou --> you aren't taken seriously or be an sv ou hater and play sv ou-->be taken seriously (or just don't play, don't post here, live a happier life).
Move suspects are another policy shift that likely won't happen mid gen but I'm hopeful it can be addressed for next gen, maybe. Uber drops and mon suspects need community support that aren't present rn.

As much as I hate it, if you don't have any established results in SV OU and you voice your dissatisfaction of it, most people are gonna think you're whining/don't know the tier/skill issue/etc. That's just the social reality of the community. For better or worse, we value skill first. You're totally free to voice your dissatisfaction of SV OU, but it will be perceived as whining. Actively playing the tier+voicing dissatisfaction is quite acceptable tho! E.g. LOOR's post

1) I'm a mod here that hates tera and loves/hates sv ou. I assure you mods are not silencing dissent or w/e lol I am dissent
2) Ladder stats are multifactorial for reasons that have already been pointed out. You can't pin down "sv ou bad bc ladder dead" when there's other factors at play. Our latest surveys are wildly outdated and aren't really relevant rn either, which is why another one is on the way.
3) Cool

You can either be an sv ou hater and not play sv ou --> you aren't taken seriously or be an sv ou hater and play sv ou-->be taken seriously (or just don't play, don't post here, live a happier life).
Thank you for responding to my thoughts in a tactful manner.

This "us vs. them" mentality is not only perplexing, but beyond uncalled for. Aside from the fact that this is the most transparent and inclusive that the tiering process for OU has ever been, there is absolutely nothing to gain from villainizing Finchinator, the mod team, and the council. You are more than welcome to express distaste toward the status quo; never once this generation has anybody's voice been censored. But claiming as such is not just blatantly untrue, but does literally nothing but foster division and vitriol across the userbase. It leads to the exact state the thread is currently in: chaotic, angry, and completely unfocused.

If you want to create a dialogue about our process, I deeply implore you to reach out to me or anybody else in the council. Never once have we turned our head to someone who has a good-faith thought or complaint. We may disagree with you, but your voice will still be heard. It always will be; if you extend us courtesy, you will receive it in turn.

This is where the discussion will end. Further comments and one-liners relating to it will be deleted. If you have any more thoughts regarding our process or about how we manage the forum, please PM them to the council or the mod team respectively.
I only lurk in this thread and only play casually now, but wanted to talk about Scizor (mostly to change the topic).

Scizor @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Fairy / Water / Fire / Steel
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe (or a fatter spread if you need to survive some KO benchmarks)
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Close Combat / Knock Off
- U-turn

I personally like playing with Scizor because it's such a unique Pokemon and (mostly) reliable in every generation. Currently, the CB and the LO + SD sets are the only ones listed for OU, but the pivot set seems (on paper) like one that compresses multiple roles well. Scizor's main selling point is a STAB Technician BP, so IMO the other three moves are highly customizable. Its typing gels well with other popular VoltTurn pivots and has multiple opportunities to spam Knock early on when positioned correctly.

I'm probably gonna play around with this set and see what does and doesn't work on it, but I wanted to see what other people's takes are on this set.
I only lurk in this thread and only play casually now, but wanted to talk about Scizor (mostly to change the topic).

Scizor @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Fairy / Water / Fire / Steel
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe (or a fatter spread if you need to survive some KO benchmarks)
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Close Combat / Knock Off
- U-turn

I personally like playing with Scizor because it's such a unique Pokemon and (mostly) reliable in every generation. Currently, the CB and the LO + SD sets are the only ones listed for OU, but the pivot set seems (on paper) like one that compresses multiple roles well. Scizor's main selling point is a STAB Technician BP, so IMO the other three moves are highly customizable. Its typing gels well with other popular VoltTurn pivots and has multiple opportunities to spam Knock early on when positioned correctly.

I'm probably gonna play around with this set and see what does and doesn't work on it, but I wanted to see what other people's takes are on this set.
I like the idea! Scizor's Bullet Punch has a very concrete niche in the tier right now, and this is a pretty solid way to lean into that utility as well as Scizor's ability to force switches reliably. Personally, I would go for Knock Off instead of Close Combat since I can foresee this set struggling with Rocky Helmet and Pokemon like Zapdos that would otherwise capitalize on its gameplan. Having that as a option can let it operate more fluidly in the early/mid-game on hazard stacking structures and pick off bulkier Bullet Punch checks in the lategame. To that effect, I think Tera Steel is the most tantalizing choice for your Tera, and also because I don't see many situations where you would really want to defensively Tera Scizor when part of its niche is its defensive profile. I could see Electric or Fire if you want to avoid Static or Flame Body and cinch an SD though.
I deadass have no idea what will be tested next based on the tweet lol. What shit has a "movement" behind it? Quick Claw? Tera Blast? Palafin?

If it's Gholdengo because of the stall monarchy's complaints against it, I will be extremely disappointed. This pokemon is the number 1 most honest Pokémon in the metagame, holding the tier together against key threats like Zamazenta, Iron Valiant, and Slowking-Galar, while having an honest stat distribution, and clear flaws, such as a vulnerability to Ting-Lu and Samurott-H, as well as many other Pokémon such as Kingambit, Great Tusk, Dragapult, Cinderace, and even lower tier Pokémon like Garchomp.

As for the meta, anyone else find the DDers to be increasingly annoying? Now that Dragonite and Roaring moon are running more Tera types like Ground and digging deeper into their movepools it's noticably harder to pin them down.

Based on Finch's tweet, "gamble" the future of OU and "movement" probably just means that OU's suspecting Kingambit.
As for the meta, anyone else find the DDers to be increasingly annoying? Now that Dragonite and Roaring moon are running more Tera types like Ground and digging deeper into their movepools it's noticably harder to pin them down.
Yes, but not increasingly. I have been beating this dead horse for awhile now. Gen 9 accelerated setup sweepers, especially those with QD/DD. They are inherently closer to the line just because of the gen 9 mechanics like Tera, BE, etc. Further development is only a matter of course when the movepools some of these mons get are more than good enough with the power boosts they can get.

My other dead horse is Roaring Moon in particular, which I keep trying to tell people isn't just a Tera Flying Acro mon. Ground, Fairy, Steel, Fire, Dragon, Electric, and Ghost are all viable. It's the glass cannon version Gouging Fire's DD + BE. Moon is faster, stronger, and frailer. But it is actually bulkier than people think, especially on the special side.
I think people should just be patient. In a week or so, there will be a cool option that may help community build and could impact the metagame. For now, business as usual.
was kinda hoping it would be a teraless ladder but seems like that's been shot down. oh well.

All I can think of now is some change to PS like showdex being integrated or something like tera preview being tested for a little bit. Also a change to suspect reqs is pretty likely but I don't think it'd be worth a whole mystery tweet+1 week of "guess what we're gonna do" just for that ngl.
Based on Finch's tweet, "gamble" the future of OU and "movement" probably just means that OU's suspecting Kingambit.
finch already shut down the idea that it would be a suspect. Even if it was it would 100% not be gambit ngl