Tournament Other Metagame World Cup VII - Captain Signups


True Coffee Maniac
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OM Leader
Information & Administrative Decisions | Player Sign-ups | Pools Phase | Semifinals | Finals

(Fantastic Banner by IMakeNoSense)

Captain Sign-ups
How this works

Welcome one and all to the Other Metagame World Cup where players from around the globe group together into regions and face off against each other to determine who is the best of the best! For those who are interested in taking role as a captain for the World Cup of Other Metagames, use this thread to sign up.

The metagames included in this year's OMWC are:

  • SV Almost Any Ability
  • SV Balanced Hackmons
  • SV Godly Gift
  • SV Inheritance
  • SV Mix and Mega
  • SV Partners in Crime
  • SV STABmons
  • Best of 3 SV Almost Any Ability / SV Balanced Hackmons / SV STABmons

Format of the tour

This year the tournament will be weeks format, each week you will face another region until every region has faced each other within their grouping. Regions with the best scores will move onto semi-finals and finals.
Each team will need to pick up 8 starters and 4 subs for a total of 12 people.
Captains are eligible to draft themselves as one of the 12 players.

Below find the tentative list of regions competing in this tournament.

Asia Pacific
US Northeast
US South
US West


The above list is subject to change depending on player signups.

The eligibility requirements are the same as OMWC 2023 and can be found here. Replace any instances of WCOP 2023 with OMWC VI.

You are required to signup with a co-captain. As a captain, you will be expected to provide a lineup for each week and keep your team running. Alongside your signup, please pm Giagantic and KaenSoul a preliminary list of your team. You may change this lineup up until player signups close. Note that you also need to sign up as a player if you intend to play.

You may still signup as captain to a region if your region is not listed in the tentative list - if we receive more than the anticipated 8 teams, we will have qualifiers round to determine the 8 teams competing to get into playoffs.

Sign Up Format
  • Captain's Name: Your name
  • Co-Captain's Name: Put Co-Captain here
  • Region: The country or region you wish to Captain
  • Captain's Name: Giagantic
  • Co-Captain's Name: Isaiah
  • Region: Xanadu (don't write imaginary places, this is just an example)

Sign-ups will close in one week! Contact either KaenSoul or myself for help.
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