You've talked about good and bad moments, but what about your weirdest?


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So a few years ago I was just Wonder Trading stuff after breeding on my Pokemon Sun cartridge, I'm watching the whole trading animation and I see I got a Bulbasaur. Cool. I look away and I hear Wormadam's cry, so a bit confused I look back down and see the Bulbasaur again. I know almost immediately what had happened after it had registered in my brain that this Bulbasaur had Wormadam's cry.

Someone with Pokemon USUM used cheats to bypass the filter that blocks certain Pokemon from being put on Wonder Trade just for the sake of sending out a mythical, but what they ended up doing was sending a USUM-exclusive Pokemon back to a game where it doesn't exist. So this Pokemon I got had an invalid ID number in SM's code. Pretty sure all of its base stats are 0, this thing was just EV trained in Attack and Speed with 4 Sp. Def EVs. The first move in the image below was probably Plasma Fists.

I released it immediately after getting it because I didn't want there to be any long-term effects or for the game to detect me for cheating or something like that. I regret not looking into it first, still don't know whether or not it would've done any harm and it would be a cool little keepsake.

Don't ask me why a Magearna was in this box for Wonder Trading, I don't have a great answer. I have one a friend gave me as a gift and I think it may have been from that. I know they wanted like a living dex of competitive-bred mons so maybe I just wanted to be nice and give them a head start with a 4IV breedject or something.


formerly green_typhlosion
I got Pokerus SUPER early in my first Brilliant Diamond playthrough. As in, the download to my Switch finished around 8 or 9 A.M. on Sunday, November 21st and I started the game right after that, and I have a photo on my phone of my Switch with the "Little is known about the Pokerus..." line from the nurse that has a timestamp at around 1 PM that same day. I think it's the most unlikely thing that has ever happened to me in a video game.
Oh my GOD you've just reminded me of how my sister, on her first time playing any Pokemon game, original Diamond, caught Pokerus...

...from the Starly that attacks you at Lake Verity.

Boy howdy, was I mad that day.


Self-proclaimed Guardian Signs super-fan
is a Pre-Contributor
A quick disclaimer before I write this post: no, you're not seeing things. I went and changed this thread title after four and a half years for the sole purpose of not wanting the word "weirdest" to be written in caps lock. Such a monumental and revolutionary change, I know.

Looking back, 2019 me was a lot different than the me of today. At the time I still had a different style of posting on the forums reminiscent of the rest of my teenage years. I don't quite know how to explain this off the top of my head, but something about my posts from that first year or two on the Forums feels a bit... off. I mention this because I found one of my own posts and wanted to look back at what's happened and changed since then:
(My notifications weren't working right so I missed half of these until now, sorry)

Well I might as well share mine now. This is an example of that weird sequence of events I can't really explain. These, in my eyes, are much more interesting that weird individual moments. Let me take you the world of spinoff games. Trust me, you'll understand once I tell you what's going on here. This is kinda freaky.

So my first spinoff I had ever played growing up was the third game in the Pokémon Ranger series, being Guardian Signs. Not many people talk about it because they mostly prefer the first two games. Anyway, as crazy as this sounds, I've been able to trace multiple things in that game back to...myself? In other words, I'm convinced that somehow, I'm related to this game somehow.

"But bdt2002, how the heck does that make any sense? It's a freaking DS game." Questions like those are excellent questions. But just read this list of strange coincidences. At this point, there's so many it's honestly kinda creepy.

1. The male protagonist has the same name as me (I'm a guy)
2. The female protagonist just happens to have the same name as the season I was born within
3. In the anime special for the game he uses a Feraligatr as his go-to partner with the Ranger sign (Feraligatr is my all time favorite Pokémon)
4. The region the game takes place in (Oblivia) uses a resort style theme, a theme many friends of mine know I'm always a fan of
5. For some reason, a Pokémon I always hated growing up (Kingdra) is placed in very specific locations throughout the game
6. I probably missed something-
The main thing that's changed since then has been the onset of the Switch era of the core series lineup, excluding Let's Go's 2018 release of course. This on its own doesn't mean anything, but like many other fans, I found myself appreciating the older games more at this time as a result of the Nintendo Switch's shortcomings in spite of its massive financial success. For the sake of this post, it wasn't until the core series' perceived decline on the Switch that I really started getting nostalgic for a special list games that started it all for me from 2010 to 2014, the Pokémon Ranger trilogy chief among them. In my original post I said Guardian Signs was my first spin-off game, and while that's technically still true, it was also my first Pokémon game outright, and with the game's 10th anniversary landing in 2020, I decided I would dedicate that year to honoring how it brought me into the franchise and possibly the greater fanbase as a whole.

Fast forward one year to 2021, and things immediately take a suspicious turn. I honestly didn't hate 2020 as much as most people I know, but 2021 was significantly worse on almost all fronts. I'd like to think I've been very fortunate to have a great life, and to my family's credit, my worst year was still better than some people's best. Something else worth noting too was that, thanks to Guardian Signs' international release happening seven months after its initial release in Japan (I live in North America), my 10th anniversary celebrations carried over into the new year as a result of this. During 2021 I was also playing through Alpha Sapphire at the time as a replacement for what was originally supposed to be a Pokémon Emerald nuzlocke attempt. The re-adjusted playthrough helped me get through an otherwise miserable year, but I wouldn't be making this post if something didn't come up during it. ORAS fans may remember the BuzzNav, more specifically that dude on the news who talks about things you've done in the game up to that point.

At one point, a news headlines mentioned "Summer, age 12" (if anyone's curious, I chose to play as the female protagonist in this run, naming her as such because of the Guardian Signs celebrations), something that caught my attention with the understanding knowing that ORAS Hoenn doesn't seem to take place at the same time (in year, that is) as the original games. If you somehow haven't figured this out yet between my username and my post details, some basic math can tell you that, assuming ORAS Hoenn takes place in 2014 instead of 1996- remember, Gen 3 and Gen 1 are contemporaneous- the ORAS version of Brendan and May were born in 2002 just like me. Okay, cool, but that doesn't mean anything... until you remember the Soaring feature being a direct reference... and you remember Brendan having a Latios and May having a Latias... and you remember that ORAS were still the newest games at the time of the Wii U Ranger ports- Sun & Moon wouldn't release for another five months, but oh? What's that? Sun & Moon just happens to also be in an island-based region with Legendaries guarding each island, has an emphasis on riding on Pokémon instead of HMs, and it has a regional PokéDex size of exactly 301? What's next, you're going to put Pichu on the first Route of the first island? Hey look, they did that too.

I'll end of my post here since this is getting extremely long (I don't blame you if you didn't want to read this whole thing), but I couldn't believe I missed all of these little details. The fact that both ORAS and SM were directed by the same person and the fact that there's already another spin-off reference in Alola, that being Gladion's battle theme, only increases the assumption probability that Shigeru Ohmori knew exactly what he was doing, and by the grace of whatever you might believe in, the stars aligned perfectly in what was otherwise the hardest year of my life so far to help me learn to appreciate these 3DS games after they were on their way out. All of this because someone in the heavens above with a crazy sense of humor decided to make me the target of a bunch of coincidental references back-to-back-to-back.
I (:skorupi: :bronzor: :Lopunny: :drifblim: :kricketune: :infernape:) recently defeated Byron (:Bronzor: :Steelix: :Bastiodon:) in Pokémon Diamond Version. I had Kricketune use Sing in the hopes Bastiodon would hesitate to knock out Kricketune with Ancient Power. It worked better than I intended. Sing hit, so Bastiodon consumed its Chesto Berry, but it then used Rest twice, even though it had taken no damage yet. After Bastiodon was knocked out, I switched in Skorupi, which used Pin Missile to nullify Steelix's Sturdy Ability. Infernape then easily defeated it with Close Combat.
I had Kricketune use Sing in the hopes Bastiodon would hesitate to knock out Kricketune with Ancient Power. It worked better than I intended. Sing hit, so Bastiodon consumed its Chesto Berry, but it then used Rest twice, even though it had taken no damage yet.
Diamond and Pearl are rather infamous for being the only games in the series where all trainers, even important ones like Gym Leaders and the Elite Four, have functionally random AI, leading to lots of situations like the one you describe
I switched in Skorupi, which used Pin Missile to nullify Steelix's Sturdy Ability. Infernape then easily defeated it with Close Combat.
Sturdy doesn't have its Focus Sash effect in Gen 4. It only protects against OHKO moves like Sheer Cold and Horn Drill
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So when I played Inclement Emerald( I beat it of course), I was causually on the Island were Brawly(the gym leader) was and was walking around the extra flower area for a female Combee. I encountered a Shiny Cutiefly.

The thing is it also had Pokerus. But I'm not done.

2 years later, I was playing on my firends Pokemon Sun cartridge on a 3ds. I was walking through Melemele Meadow and guess what I find?

(don't have screen shot on 3ds)

And then I found a shiny fearow later on :)
So when I played Inclement Emerald( I beat it of course), I was causually on the Island were Brawly(the gym leader) was and was walking around the extra flower area for a female Combee. I encountered a Shiny Cutiefly.
View attachment 603882
The thing is it also had Pokerus. But I'm not done.

2 years later, I was playing on my firends Pokemon Sun cartridge on a 3ds. I was walking through Melemele Meadow and guess what I find?

(don't have screen shot on 3ds)

And then I found a shiny fearow later on :)
Is it just me or does that Cutiefly look like it's POGing? Is it the graphic smoothing?

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
Last night I had a dream that they suddenly revealed a deluge of remakes and ports all at once including:
-NSO Gen 1
-FRLG Remake. Yes, another Switch Kanto remake based on that game instead of Yellow. The big selling point was the return of Shadow Mewtwo from Pokken Tournament, who was teased on the game's website as a silhouette with glowing red eyes
-Faithful BW. It was being made by a company besides ILCA but I dont remember what it was called
-Pokemon Z. No, I don't mean Z-A news, I mean that they were also going to make an XY remake under that title, presumably with additions and changes to replicate what Z would've been if it released on the 3DS in 2015
-I remember seeing a post on Smogon where some guy said something to the effect of "Hell yeah starter Togepi". Whether this was part of one of the above games or signified a Johto remake being added to the pile I did not have the time to figure out


Self-proclaimed Guardian Signs super-fan
is a Pre-Contributor
Last night I had a dream that they suddenly revealed a deluge of remakes and ports all at once including:
-NSO Gen 1
-FRLG Remake. Yes, another Switch Kanto remake based on that game instead of Yellow. The big selling point was the return of Shadow Mewtwo from Pokken Tournament, who was teased on the game's website as a silhouette with glowing red eyes
-Faithful BW. It was being made by a company besides ILCA but I dont remember what it was called
-Pokemon Z. No, I don't mean Z-A news, I mean that they were also going to make an XY remake under that title, presumably with additions and changes to replicate what Z would've been if it released on the 3DS in 2015
-I remember seeing a post on Smogon where some guy said something to the effect of "Hell yeah starter Togepi". Whether this was part of one of the above games or signified a Johto remake being added to the pile I did not have the time to figure out
Prior to Legends Z-A being announced, every "new" Pokémon game ("New" referring to games that are not third versions or DLC expansions) had a pattern that was being followed as for what region it was being created for. It's a bit complicated to explain, but the basic idea is that every existing region's order number (Kanto would be 1, Johto would be 2, et cetera) was revisited in some capacity before any specific region would itself be revisited. These continue to line up with the split version release model Pokémon's been using since the very beginning. I mention this because I remember telling people we would get a Kanto remake in Gen 7 before we ever got Sinnoh remakes, and this... kind of happened with Let's Go even if I would preferred FRLG "re-remakes" personally. In any case, the number pattern for a FRLG remake would have looked something like this:

1 (FRLG), 4 (DP), 2 (HGSS), 5 (BW), 5 again (B2W2), 6 (XY), 3 (ORAS), 7 (SM), 1 (remake)

In this pattern, we see that every number that existed prior to 7 had been covered when Hoenn's Gen 6 remakes came out, meaning that a FRLG remake in Gen 7 fits well into what would essentially be FRLG's role as "Gen 3.5". For continuity's sake, HGSS being Gen 4's second paired versions after Diamond & Pearl, thus making HGSS "Gen 4.5" in this case, is why i was expecting for a return to Johto in Gen 9. Instead, we got a Legends game for a region that, theoretically speaking, was not "supposed" to see a new game until, like, Gen 12 or something. It's possible that Legends games aren't going to be a part of this number pattern and instead be their own thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of this stuff ended up happening anyways. Pokémon loves breaking their own patterns, after all.
Recently nabbed a copy of SoulSilver for barely more than retail price (yay) after lending my original copy to a friend in high school a decade ago and never getting it back (boo). To celebrate, I immediately started up a mono-Grass run with all my usual challenge run restrictions (no items in battle, levels can't exceed the next Gym Leader's ace, must match each Gym Leader's party size, Set mode). Probably the most brutal monotype challenge you can do, at least out of the ones that actually give you a decent number of Pokemon to work with.

Falkner went fine despite a bit of bad luck, but I was extremely worried about Bugsy. I had all these complicated plans about how I needed to bait the U-turn on Scyther so I could try to face it last and stall it out with Sleep Powder -> Flash -> PoisonPowder, with positioning being crucial so that Bayleef could set up Reflect just before it came out again.

Anyway I just swept him with a Level 17 Oddish lol. Scyther used Focus Energy before being put to sleep for four turns, which I spent spamming Flash. The only attack it landed from then on was a single non-crit Quick Attack. With PoisonPowder and Acid spam (including a timely crit) Scyther went down and more Acid spam took care of the cocoons.

The hardest battles are yet to come (no idea what I'm doing for Lance), but it was kinda surreal to have a fight that's so bad on paper end up going so smoothly.
Recently nabbed a copy of SoulSilver for barely more than retail price (yay) after lending my original copy to a friend in high school a decade ago and never getting it back (boo). To celebrate, I immediately started up a mono-Grass run with all my usual challenge run restrictions (no items in battle, levels can't exceed the next Gym Leader's ace, must match each Gym Leader's party size, Set mode). Probably the most brutal monotype challenge you can do, at least out of the ones that actually give you a decent number of Pokemon to work with.

Falkner went fine despite a bit of bad luck, but I was extremely worried about Bugsy. I had all these complicated plans about how I needed to bait the U-turn on Scyther so I could try to face it last and stall it out with Sleep Powder -> Flash -> PoisonPowder, with positioning being crucial so that Bayleef could set up Reflect just before it came out again.

Anyway I just swept him with a Level 17 Oddish lol. Scyther used Focus Energy before being put to sleep for four turns, which I spent spamming Flash. The only attack it landed from then on was a single non-crit Quick Attack. With PoisonPowder and Acid spam (including a timely crit) Scyther went down and more Acid spam took care of the cocoons.

The hardest battles are yet to come (no idea what I'm doing for Lance), but it was kinda surreal to have a fight that's so bad on paper end up going so smoothly.
I feel like Cradily and Abomasnow could work out for Lance.

So last year I was at my friends house for a sleepover and he had a completed copy of Violet (beaten the champion and all that, before DLC). I decided to go over his team and maybe shiny hunt (without snadwiches or shiny charm).

SO After teaching him that Flower Trick was better on Meowscarada than Leaf Storm, trading to get a Protean Frokie that becamje part of his team, I decided to shiny hunt a little.

What happened was that I did an all-nighter (with my friends if course) and caught only 1 shiny, which was a Gastly. And I almost missed that one to.
Triggering Acid Rain which I did very recently. This time being the second time I have ever triggered it and it’s weird, jarring, and funny all at the
Back when Plat was current, I inadvertently built a mono-ice team that was tailored for this glitch.
  • Abomasnow sets up weather; Weavile activates the glitch via Pursuit.
  • Activating the glitch off of Snow Warning causes more simultaneous weather conditions to happen than it does when it's activated off of other weather abilities. So, my opponents were being pelted 4 separate times by passive damaging weather effects every single turn.
  • Walrein's Ice Body heals him for each of the 4 active weather conditions instead of damaging him.
I'd literally just sit there alternating between Protect and Substitute, recovering 25% HP per turn while my opponent loses 25%.
Back when Plat was current, I inadvertently built a mono-ice team that was tailored for this glitch.
  • Abomasnow sets up weather; Weavile activates the glitch via Pursuit.
  • Activating the glitch off of Snow Warning causes more simultaneous weather conditions to happen than it does when it's activated off of other weather abilities. So, my opponents were being pelted 4 separate times by passive damaging weather effects every single turn.
  • Walrein's Ice Body heals him for each of the 4 active weather conditions instead of damaging him.
I'd literally just sit there alternating between Protect and Substitute, recovering 25% HP per turn while my opponent loses 25%.
Gravity I think also can cause the glitch. I didn’t realize Abomasnow’s ability could actually be a trigger.
I have autism and synesthesia. When I play Pokémon I can feel all the attacks and numbers and textures and colors - it feels amazing :D I want to be a streamer so I could describe it to everyone and show you how it makes an S tier Pokémon master! It would creep you out - it makes me look like I’m a Hispanic Sabrina lol
So, I'm playing FRLG and have come across a really tiny thing that stands out to me.

When you beat Bruno and after he says "go face your next challenge," his sprite turns to the side to look away from you. Talk to him again, from any side, and he'll turn 90 degrees away from you after talking, without fail.

Dude just straight-up refuses to look you in the eye. I don't recall any other NPC exhibiting this behavior.
So, I'm playing FRLG and have come across a really tiny thing that stands out to me.

When you beat Bruno and after he says "go face your next challenge," his sprite turns to the side to look away from you. Talk to him again, from any side, and he'll turn 90 degrees away from you after talking, without fail.

Dude just straight-up refuses to look you in the eye. I don't recall any other NPC exhibiting this behavior.
To be fair, the guy just lost to 2 ten year olds in a row. This guy is supposed to be the best Fighting Type Master (we don’t question the Onix in the initial fight. Rematch he replaces them I believe) and prides himself on the fact. His pride took such a massive blow.
Here's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me while I was playing a Pokémon game. It's going to sound wildly implausible, but I'm not lying.

Back when I was replaying SoulSilver as a kid, I got to the Lake of Rage and tried to catch the Red Gyarados. It was a tough fight, and most of my team was knocked out, but I caught it with a few balls to spare and started surfing back to the mainland.

What do I encounter when I'm surfing back? Another red Gyarados — this time, a natural shiny.

I was in total shock, wondering if I'd be able to actually catch it, since my team was down to just a low-HP Quilava and a few other Pokémon. Somehow, though, I managed to lower it down to the red and catch it with the very last ball I had. Naturally, I ended up using that red Gyarados instead of the plot-mandated one — it felt much more satisfying to use.


Self-proclaimed Guardian Signs super-fan
is a Pre-Contributor
Here's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me while I was playing a Pokémon game. It's going to sound wildly implausible, but I'm not lying.

Back when I was replaying SoulSilver as a kid, I got to the Lake of Rage and tried to catch the Red Gyarados. It was a tough fight, and most of my team was knocked out, but I caught it with a few balls to spare and started surfing back to the mainland.

What do I encounter when I'm surfing back? Another red Gyarados — this time, a natural shiny.

I was in total shock, wondering if I'd be able to actually catch it, since my team was down to just a low-HP Quilava and a few other Pokémon. Somehow, though, I managed to lower it down to the red and catch it with the very last ball I had. Naturally, I ended up using that red Gyarados instead of the plot-mandated one — it felt much more satisfying to use.
Fan theory: this might be one of the reasons we never got a Let’s Go Johto game; with overworld Shinies being a thing, the game probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a “regular” Shiny Gyarados and the guaranteed one. Even if the player had a unevolved Shiny Magikarp instead, should that Magikarp evolve in the Lake of Rage on account of, say, the Exp. Share, there could still be some unintended side effects regarding the story.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Fan theory: this might be one of the reasons we never got a Let’s Go Johto game; with overworld Shinies being a thing, the game probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a “regular” Shiny Gyarados and the guaranteed one. Even if the player had a unevolved Shiny Magikarp instead, should that Magikarp evolve in the Lake of Rage on account of, say, the Exp. Share, there could still be some unintended side effects regarding the story.
Um, I don't see how.

First, if they're worried about the player possibly running into a random natural Shiny Gyarados, all they need to do is program it so that, until you finish the Lake of Rage quest, no Shiny Gyarados will spawn; they'll all be normal.

Second, whatever the player does has no bearing on the story. If the player caught a Shiny Magikarp and evolved it to a Red Gyarados, it'll be very clear which is the Lake of Rage's Gyarados and which is the player's.

Honestly the old "explanation" of the Red Gyarados can easily be explained away. The original implication was that, because Team Rocket's signal was forcing the Magikarp to evolve, one had a mutation which kept the Magikarp's red scale color. However, that could just be wild speculation because Shiny Pokemon are rare. It could just be there was a Shiny Magikarp effected by the signal and it evolved, that's it. As I recall the only reason we need to defeat/catch the Red Gyarados is to impress Lance to let us help him raid Team Rocket's base; the Red Scale you get from it is only used to get an extra Exp. Share from Mr. Pokemon.
Being they are opening up to dong more "special" Pokemon like Bloodmoon Ursaluna, maybe they'll be open to the idea of doing a Magikarp-colored Gyarados now (and to make it mechanically special, maybe give it the Ability Moody).

Granted its more Reddish-Orange than Red now, but they can write that off as people not able to get a closer look at it. And yes, I know its a rough image, it's just a proof-of-concept.

So yeah, no way this is a reason we don't have Let's Go Johto
Um, I don't see how.

First, if they're worried about the player possibly running into a random natural Shiny Gyarados, all they need to do is program it so that, until you finish the Lake of Rage quest, no Shiny Gyarados will spawn; they'll all be normal.

Second, whatever the player does has no bearing on the story. If the player caught a Shiny Magikarp and evolved it to a Red Gyarados, it'll be very clear which is the Lake of Rage's Gyarados and which is the player's.

Honestly the old "explanation" of the Red Gyarados can easily be explained away. The original implication was that, because Team Rocket's signal was forcing the Magikarp to evolve, one had a mutation which kept the Magikarp's red scale color. However, that could just be wild speculation because Shiny Pokemon are rare. It could just be there was a Shiny Magikarp effected by the signal and it evolved, that's it. As I recall the only reason we need to defeat/catch the Red Gyarados is to impress Lance to let us help him raid Team Rocket's base; the Red Scale you get from it is only used to get an extra Exp. Share from Mr. Pokemon.
Being they are opening up to dong more "special" Pokemon like Bloodmoon Ursaluna, maybe they'll be open to the idea of doing a Magikarp-colored Gyarados now (and to make it mechanically special, maybe give it the Ability Moody).
View attachment 641719
Granted its more Reddish-Orange than Red now, but they can write that off as people not able to get a closer look at it. And yes, I know its a rough image, it's just a proof-of-concept.

So yeah, no way this is a reason we don't have Let's Go Johto
Or alternatively, give it a move that Magikarp / Gyarados can't normally learn that the game can check for. Such as Fishous Rend. Or some other conditional flag connected to the special Shiny Gyarados.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Or alternatively, give it a move that Magikarp / Gyarados can't normally learn that the game can check for. Such as Fishous Rend. Or some other conditional flag connected to the special Shiny Gyarados.
While that would be cool, I think since Sword & Shield they've gone away from giving Event Pokemon (both in-game and from Mystery Gift) special Moves they can't get otherwise.


Self-proclaimed Guardian Signs super-fan
is a Pre-Contributor
While that would be cool, I think since Sword & Shield they've gone away from giving Event Pokemon (both in-game and from Mystery Gift) special Moves they can't get otherwise.
As a Guardian Signs fan I can confirm this is true, although for the Pokémon had in mind (Eruption Heatran), the move was still not made available to it even in The Crown Tundra where I could have sworn Eruption was a TR. Scarlet & Violet took this one step further and completely axed several iconic “legacy moves”, to borrow what Pokémon Go calls them.

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