Your weird and wacky dreams

I have from time to time these weird ass dreams where my bird clones itself and either the clones or my bird end up dead.
The last time this happened was easily the worst, where I dreamt I got my bird to fly. The original flapped to his cage, the clone fell to the ground with a splat.
I had a dream my friend worked at this festival thing and one of the games actually had saws that caused an injury to a president and after that a bunch of school students were shoplifting in a store. After this I had another dream where half alive was picking me up from school and we stole some of their supplies from the car they were in. After that we went to this park thing that had a bridge with chicken strips. We made it across the first time but the second time we fell into the water.
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Trial by fury
is a Top Team Rater
I had a dream where I was in an old west ghost town, it was just me, and an entire army of bunnies, and for some reason I knew something was comming, and I had to train the buns to defend the town even tho there was no people, at the end of the dream, I was with all the buns, looking at the horizon, something bad was coming, I woke up before knowing what it was

I also had a dream where I was against false in the OU seasonals, and by the end my head was rolling down hill
I had a dream where I dragged a mattress up the staircase to my parents appartment, but I just laid down the mattress in the middle and fell asleep on it. When I woke up, a camel was on top of me, I could've seen in the eyes of the camel that they were very sleepy. I asked them if they wanted to watch TV and they nodded


card-carrying wife-guy
is a Smogon Discord Contributor
not exactly a dream but when i went to the family reunion this year, my wife and i shared a room with my mother-in-law. we were knocked tf out, but she was having trouble sleeping. then she heard me clearly say (while still sleeping)

"She's already dead. Just let her rest."

and then she didnt sleep for the rest of that night
I had this totally weird dream where i was in Dante’s inferno florida and I was at this store where there was an intense amount of shoplifting being done and there was a massive art piece that was called something like “the cult of the magnets”
Last night I had THE weirdest dream I have ever had in my whole life. I figured I'd put it in here before I forget everything about it except for the fact that it was strange.

Basically, my old elementary school for whatever reason had been chosen to become a Nintendo hq, but they only remodeled the inside and only painted the outside with different paint. In it there was a tv, a small nintendo switch and a small selection of games that you could put in the switch and play. Me and my friends decided to play some mario party when another of my friends came in telling me he wanted to show me something. He said it'd be quick, so I decided to go with him. We went outside to another, smaller entrance of the building's days as my school, which had apparently been nailed with some wood planks. It seemed to be completely sealed, except for a small opening on the corner. My friend went in there, so I followed him. After a bit of crawling I eventually found a door, which apparently led to a restroom. The strange part was that it looked like a regular public restroom, there were even people in it who acted completely normal, like if the entrance wasn't behind a bunch of wood planks. And at the bottom corner of it was my friend, who was apparently in front of a hallway with a bunch of those punching bags that you hang from the ceiling.

(Kinda like this but without the letters). He told me that if you passed through them correctly you'd get good luck and prosperity. However, he said that if you passed through them incorrectly "Bad things will happen" in a surprisingly ominous tone. He then passed through them making a few circles within them in different directions before coming out on the other side. He cheerfully gestured me to follow him as he ran around a corner in the hallway behind. I actually didn't completely memorise the way he walked around the punching bags, and I was too scared to find out what those "bad things" were, so naturally I decided to get out of there. The strangers were still acting completely normal like if it was a regular public restroom though. As I made my way out of there, I decided to "clear my mind" by going to the back part of the building. There, I found my present teachers and classmates preparing themselves to act out a live reenactment of The Greatest Showman. I started walking up to them and in that moment I woke up.

I have no idea what could've possibly led to this dream materialising, nor what the "bad things" were, or what the deal with the bathroom with the people that acted like if it wasn't behind some wood planks or that there was a hallway in the corner with punching bags that gave you good fortune, but at least it's good conversation material, so that's something!
i had a dream the other night my basset hound made friends with a crow (my favorite animal) that visits my backyard (many do cus i live around farms so crows all over, love them) and the crow kept showing him where the squirrels are so he'd bark at them to keep the away from the crows nest (and annoy me in the dream, imagine dreaming a hound barking - good luck staying asleep lol)
i stumbled upon a dream i had 3 years ago via the notes app on my phone. To spare a lengthy post i'll say it involved

flying superman style over the nevada desert to california
me clearing the pokemon gym challenge
joe flacco, a member of the kansas city chiefs
moistcritikal driving a pickup truck
a murderous cat (similar to the rabbit in monty python & the holy grail)
an elderly woman killing it with a blunderbuss
kent from fire emblem 7
a chicken farm owner screaming passionately about his father's chicken growing legacy
a john madden obsessed man in a gamestop being dragged out by security
and at the end i got set on fire and burned to death and woke up

i sincerely wish my conscious mind had any of this creativity
Had a dream fairly recently about waiting in a doctors office (that actually looked like a orthodontic clinic i used to go to), and sitting across from me was a vtuber. For whatever reason, I told her she was shit at her job, and even though she was smiling, I'm pretty sure she could have killed me right then and there

i don't remember anything else from the dream, but yeah, don't tell a quite successful vtuber she's shit at her job to her face i guess is the takeaway

Oh yeah, there was another one that i think vaguely involved a different vtuber, but the actual thing I can remember from it is like, crawling on the floor on my back, but I also had a backpack on? I think it was like, I had to get the backpack somewhere, but the only way I could move was crawling on my back?

And the last one I can at least vaguely remember is a dream where I was back at my first job, but the building was like, 5 times taller and looked more like an office building. It was also like I was in like... a Hitman game in terms of how i was interacting with everything? I know I was having to sneak around and ende dup getting caught once on a floor that very heavily resembled one of the floors i worked on
i had a dream once me and booker t of wwf/e fame had a match then after cut a promo in ring pitching for pokemon yellow like it was brand year obv many years later then hit spinaroonies while playing it on game boy.

i remember in my dream my Wartortle (cue sig, im a stan) beat his Venusaur with Ice Beam lmaooo.
Yesterday I had this dream where I was working in a clothing shop abroad but I'm talking like ASIA abroad (for reference I live in Europe, I'm turkish tho) and there I met like a girl and we fell in love, went out for the entirety I was there then when I came back to my Uni and introduced her to my friends they were like "huh she looks like another person from our friend group" and put them side by side and I mixed them up, she got offended, broke up and then I woke up and was severely confused as to wtf I just dreamt

Also a while ago I had a dream where my teeth rotted and fell out that was funny idk why that happened
Recently, I had a dream where two people were abducted by aliens and progressively degraded into small slime creatures, one red and the other a murky brown. They would keep their eyes right until the very end, whereupon they would become toads. Their eyes were sad, yet brimming with platonic love for one another. At some point I came to understand that they had agreed that, when the transformation was complete, the red one would eat the brown one. I suppose they knew they couldn't both survive, and the brown one was ready for it to all end. But when the time came, the brown one was larger, and it ate the red. There was a struggle. I don't know for sure why they did it, though I have theories. The first is that the brown saw it as an act of mercy. The second is that their will to continue living inexplicably returned and took hold of them. The last is that the brown had lost all recollection of their friend and their agreement, and simply ate them for sustenance.

Fusion Flare

i have hired this cat to stare at you
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
I was fighting Omega Flowey in Undertale, and things were going as usual, up until after the third soul. There were suddenly these “flowey blasters”. They looked like flowey, but they shot a vertical beam not unlike sans’ blasters. and their faces were red.

Next, sometime in between that and the sixth soul, Omega Flowey started firing blue stars, something that sounds like the third soul would do in its segment.

Finally, at the last soul's segment, something strange happens. I see the TV with the yellow soul, but no gun like usual. Where did it go?

It's pointed at the TV.

And then I wake up.

Definitely a weird one, im not gonna lie.
I dreamed PSL actually raised money for Gaza instead of pocketing themselves off the backs of Palestinian artists and Israel's illegal occupation of Gaza
you've underestimated how mad that shit makes me. the telltale heart was a metaphor for my burning anger towards new york leftists not named bill

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