Media Your favourite albums?


This is always so hard...

Sooo I kinda like prog. Also I didn't include EPs, because I initially thought they weren't an option and by the time I realised they were I couldn't be bothered to go back and change the order of everything, otherwise Meshuggah's I, Ne Obliviscaris' Hiraeth and Trepalium's Voodoo Moonshine would all be in there. Rpboably inconsistent seeing as I included Kubark's Ulysses, which they call a full album despite being closer in length to an EP imo. Also the tier cutoffs were annoying, I would have Fables and Portal of I in a separate tier, everything from Aenigma above separate from those below and everything from The Time Traveller up separate from those below.

No specific order went with Collage because it's hard to really rank favorite albums and not something I generally like to do regarding my own personal tastes. Mentionable nods to the entire Hexual Sealings by Knxwledge catalog which is like +10 bodies of works, Mndsgn discography, and the Ohliv discography. Probably missing tons of stuff cause I sort of value songs more than albums a lot of times, just me though. Shoutouts MajesticM for putting me on to H.E.R. which is one of my favorite EPs in a long time.
IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER BECAUSE IM INDECISIVE AND BECAUSE I HAVE A BAD MEMORY AND FORGOT A LOT OF ALBUMS. Top 4 isn't even my top 4 i just put a bunch of my favorite albums there since on any given day it could be different.


dude holy shit i was pretty sure i was the only one who had listened to that Children of Nova album
dude holy shit i was pretty sure i was the only one who had listened to that Children of Nova album

i just recently listened to it. Complexity of Light was a sort of dlc in rock band, thats where i remember hearing it. A few months ago I was trying to remember what it was and eventually got it. After a while of just listening to the song itself i listened to the album and it was dope.

this was pretty hard. i'd say top 20 + like half of the "other favorites" is decently accurate. my music tastes have changed quite a bit over the past year or so, and before that, they were pretty much the same for a good... 3 years or so with a little bit of "exploration" here and there. because of that things seem really weighted towards certain genres and/or artists. i pretty much just put 10-15 albums that i would CONSTANTLY listen to in the other favorites section to fill it out, so those albums are ones i either don't regard as highly today or don't listen to nearly as often.

top 20 is PRETTY MUCH in order. i really wanna do this in a few months or something to see how it changes since there are some albums and artists i've only recently started looking at that i didn't want to put in here yet.

This shit was difficult to put together. My top 20 are what I religiously listen to on a daily/weekly basis. After the top 20, it's like trying to pick a favorite child ;_;. But yeah, as you can tell, some artists are way more favored than others, but my Top 4 are basically the albums where i cannot go a day without listening to at least one song off of any of those four albums (Animals such an amazing Floyd album oml). Love seeing everyone else's choices too, gives me a ton of albums to go listen to.
I seriously wish I could do those kinds of Posts Right now. But I cannot because of time constraints via College Projects. Especially nearing graduation. However, thanks to Spotify, I get to have the following music albums to play a lot:

Battlecry (Thomas Bregensen)
Skyworld (Thomas Bregensen)
Carpenters 35th Anniversary
Sun (Thomas Bregensen)

sometimes i hate being on mobile. like now, when it wont let me copy in an image.
anyway, no particular order here. and ive likely forgotten something.