Project What's Their Last?

Congrats to ggggd and his win with Pumpkaboo-Super! (voting was closed by the time madoka voted for abra, sorry!) There was no actual last for the team, as I had not finished building it. I personally would have used mixed Fletchling, but I like some of the ideas posted here, which is why I love this project! :D

Week 6

Mienfoo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off
- High Jump Kick
- U-turn

Ponyta @ Eviolite
Ability: Flame Body
Level: 5
EVs: 76 Atk / 156 Def / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
Impish Nature
- Flame Charge
- Flare Blitz
- Morning Sun
- Will-O-Wisp

Staryu @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
Level: 5
EVs: 200 SpA / 236 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Rapid Spin

Diglett @ Focus Sash
Ability: Arena Trap
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch
- Memento
- Stealth Rock

Magnemite @ Berry Juice
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 5
EVs: 36 Def / 236 SpA / 236 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Flash Cannon
- Recycle
- Endure
This is an HO team that has several breakers in Mienfoo and Staryu, and glue in Ponyta and Magnemite. Sash Diglett is used to be able to better trap threats like scarf chinchou and Gothita. Overall, the team aims to preserve offensive momentum by always pressuring the opponent. Due to the team's nature, there is no specific wincon. Rather, it varies from game to game, and the varying wincons are also designed to be easily able to come into play, with a bit of voltturn and Memento support as well.

But... What's Their Last?
thanks to mad0ka for this week's team and summary!
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Vullaby @ Eviolite
Ability: Overcoat
Level: 5
EVs: 116 HP / 236 Def / 76 SpD / 36 Spe
Impish Nature
- Brave Bird
- Knock Off
- Roost
- U-turn

Vullaby provides the team with a ground inmunity which is really helpful against threats such as scarf drilbur. It's a semi-fighting check too, and it hits sexy slow u-turns for diglett to take souls. Its knock off spam is really appreciated by mons like foo, staryu or diglett, and it provides a decent foongus switch in.
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reserving drifloon bc madoka

Drifloon @ Berry Juice
Level: 5
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 36 HP / 36 Atk / 84 Def / 84 SpD / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Recycle
- Will-O-Wisp
- Acrobatics
- Substitute

The team has all the tools that a Drifloon needs to function, with some sufficient checks to things like Magnemite. Currently it has issues with some Fighting-types, as the only check is Ponyta. Drifloon provides a good check to fighting-types while stalling out certain mons to help Magnemite and Mienfoo break through teams.
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This team has two big weaknesses with the current five mons: Timburr and Water spam. The only Pokemon that can solidly check both are Foongus and Croagunk. However, since this team only has a single check to Timburr, we have to consider its trapper teammates. Timburr is usually used alongside Pursuit - which neither Foongus nor Croagunk is weak to - or Gothita, which both are very weak to. Croagunk is better able to get around this with access to Bulk Up Sucker Punch so I'll go with that:
Croagunk @ Eviolite
Ability: Dry Skin
Level: 5
EVs: 52 HP / 188 Atk / 116 Def / 116 SpD / 36 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Sucker Punch
- Gunk Shot / Knock Off
- Drain Punch / Knock Off
reserve cottonee

Cottonee @ Eviolite
Level: 5
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 116 HP / 196 Def / 196 SpD
Bold Nature
- Encore
- Knock Off
- Giga Drain
- Stun Spore

As levi already stated, this team is pretty weak to water spam and timburr. Cotton walls both pretty hard and also provides a lot of knock off support and another fighting check. it can also encore to prevent things from setting up on it which is pretty damn useful. All in all a pretty good mon that does a lot for this team.

Edit: woops thats not supposed to have taunt. copy paste error
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hey this team is weak to water
hey porygon is annoying
hey smashers are obnoxious
hey im a god

Chinchou @ Berry Juice
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 132 Def / 152 SpA / 152 SpD / 60 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 1 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD
- Discharge
- Scald
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ground]

- beats waters
- slowish voltturn for synergy with diglett
- beats other chous
- lures pory
- spreads para
- shiny
- fish with feet
- hits hard
This team already looked a little Sage-y so here's another orange sprite mon:


Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 5
EVs: 76 HP / 200 Atk / 12 Def / 120 SpA / 100 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Acrobatics
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- U-turn
- Swords Dance

What looks like an incredibly unorthodox set helps alleviate several issues already present in the team. This Fletchling set helps lure out and remove several key components of Waterspam cores such as Tirtouga and Omanyte and already performs well against Pokemon such as Carvanha. The set has a guaranteed OHKO on Sturdy Tirt and the guaranteed 2HKO on Solid Rock Tirt, both after SR. The only issue remaining is Corphish, whose SD set does not outspeed Timid Magnemite and can therefore not knock it off, and Shellder, who is also checked well by Magnemite.

Another weakness of the team is to Timburr, which, needless to say, is largely covered by Swords Dance Fletchling.

This team also has a weakness to the combination of Overheat Fletchling and Diglett, as Overheat lures Magnemite and Diglett traps Ponyta. Adding a 14 Speed Fletchling, which creeps on standard Fletchling and also Fletchling designed to speed creep standard Fletchling, helps alleviate this weakness, as this Fletchling threatens the opposing Fletchling with a greater certainty than a slower Fletchling would. Some EVs in HP and Defense also help Fletchling take Diglett's Sucker Punch.

Fletching also helps stop Scarf Drilbur from sweeping the team, which it is currently very capable of doing

Fletchling fits the Hyper Offense style of the team, and can alleviate major weaknesses of the team with proper play and a little bit of prediction. Adding Fletchling also creates the feared FletchDig core, heightening its value to the team.
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This team has a hard time with Timbur and Corphish, Foongus checks both nicely and is a more reliable fighting check but keeping in mind this is a offensive team i prefer Snivy over Foongus because it doesnt kills momentum, provides an additional wallbreaking option, resist ground types mainly LO Diglett and forms FWG core which is fun to use.

Snivy @ Eviolite
Ability: Contrary
Level: 5
EVs: 240 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 30 HP / 0 Atk / 30 Def / 30 SpA / 30 SpD
- Leaf Storm
- Synthesis
- Glare
- Hidden Power [Flying]
No matter what the team is barely okay imo. I somewhat like Drifloon/Vullaby on it but i still wouldn't ever use it. I also think BU Gunk is kinda ass.
Vullaby I guess.
Congrats to Sken with his Vullaby set winning this week! The actual last, as stated by Star, was in fact Croagunk.

Week 7

Carvanha @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 36 Def / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 HP
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Zen Headbutt
- Aqua Jet

Torchic @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
Level: 5
EVs: 36 Def / 200 SpA / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Baton Pass
- Protect

Mienfoo @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Def / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Acrobatics

Drilbur @ Eviolite
Ability: Mold Breaker
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 Def / 212 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Rapid Spin

Gastly @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
EVs: 200 SpA / 80 SpD / 200 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power [Fighting]

This week's team focuses around the Speed Boost core of Carvanha and Torchic. Both have the capability to wallbreak and sweep, and will often weaken each others' checks in order to do so. Mienfoo provides a Pawniard answer, whose natural bulk and strong Sucker Punch spell trouble for the duo. Drilbur provides Stealth Rock and spin support to keep hazards off the field, while Gastly is another powerful, naturally fast wallbreaker that can deal with Drifloon provided it has not set up, as well as destroy Fairy-types.

But... What's Their Last?
why no protect on the carvh :/

Chinchou @ Berry Juice
Level: 5
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 76 HP / 212 Def / 152 SpA / 60 Spe
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Volt Switch
- Ice Beam
- Heal Bell

This team is ridiculously flying and water spam weak, and chinchou is like the one mon that deals with both well. It has a lot of pretty frail, hard hitting mons that usually need a lot of support, and Chinchou does this job pretty well. It provides a slow Volt Switch that lets its allies come in safely and it can also act as a cleric and get rid of annoying status like paras and burns.It can soak up a lot of hits and fish for burns which is a nice plus. Overall a pretty nice addition to the team that deals with a lot of problems that the other mons face.
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Skrelp @ Eviolite
Ability: Adaptability
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 116 Def / 196 SpA / 116 SpD / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Scald
- Sludge Wave
- Toxic Spikes

I don't know how I feel about this because it makes the team more ground weak, but Skrelp gives it a good fighting resist, as well as a reliable fire and fairy check. It can help scald burning the opponent's water check to bring it down or just demolishing it with hydro pump so that carvanha can sweep later. Toxic Spikes are massively helpful for this team because it allows both speed boost sweepers to just protect and make the opponent take a free poison turn to get some roll. The other mons can also get benefit from tspikes if they get their sets changed: mienfoo can run fake out for the opponent to take some cheap damage plus one poison turn (this would also help to hit abra which is a huge threat), and gastly can run hex for massive damage (maybe venoshock as well but it's not that reliable).

Ledyba @ Eviolite
Ability: Rattled
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 196 Def / 196 SpD / 80 Spe
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass
- Substitute

While I don't think any team really becomes weaker with probably one of the best pokemon ever created, Ledyba does a phenomenal job in creating opportunities for it's teammates to succeed. The general strategy is to switch in Ledyba into a fighting type, because this team has no fighting switch ins at all, allow it to tank a fighting move or a knock off. If it tanks the knock off, the rattled boost allows Ledyba to hit 19 speed, which naturally outspeeds all the fighting types in LC. After that, you have a few options. If they have a dedicated Ledyba counter that you believe that they are going to switch in, such as Choice Band Roggenrola, you can Baton Pass to one of the other pokemon on the team. If they are a slow U-Turner, such as Mienfoo, you are able to Encore them, allowing you to get a free Substitute or Swords Dance. In addition to that, you are able to get free substitutes on other things that give this team trouble, such as Foongus, Thunder Wave Magnemite, Snore Deerling, and Thunder Wave Nosepass. Swords Dance can be allocated for Agility, but the two speed boosters that already inhabit the team might get jealous of Ledyba's undeniable skill. The EVs are maxed out in defenses with a Careful Nature, because Ledyba needs to be able to tank hits from the many attacks that will be thrown at our overgrown ladybug.
It's good that these teams have more than a weakness or two for a variety of responses, but I do feel a line should be drawn somewhere.

This team has zero countermeasures to all sorts of birdspam and fishspam strategies; in particular, if you mispredict against a Fletchling, Drifloon, Corphish, or Tirtouga, the game just ends. It cannot switch into Porygon, Gastly, or either variant of Abra, and if Gastly / Abra gets up a Substitute against a predicted Protect, the game just ends. Its Carvanha + Gothita check is its own Carvanha; its Ground check is also Carvanha; its Fight check is LO Gastly; and its Timburr + Pursuit check is clicking X.

I think the best choice here would be the X button.

@ below: If Fletchling or Tirtouga or whatever is paired with Memento, that's an autolose, but even outside of that, it becomes incredibly risky to send your win condition in before Fletchling, Tirtouga etc. has been taken out because if they're sent in to revenge-kill, say, Torchic, you either lose your win condition (and probably lose the game) or you switch out and potentially have them set up (and lose the game).

I understand that Hyper Offense teams don't need to carry a switch-in to everything. They do need half-decent countermeasures against the top threats in the metagame.

I'd be willing to submit teams but my point is that it's harder to keep out joke nominations if the team is bad to begin with
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It's good that these teams have more than a weakness or two for a variety of responses, but I do feel a line should be drawn somewhere.

This team has zero countermeasures to all sorts of birdspam and fishspam strategies; in particular, if you mispredict against a Fletchling, Drifloon, Corphish, or Tirtouga, the game just ends. It cannot switch into Porygon, Gastly, or either variant of Abra, and if Gastly / Abra gets up a Substitute against a predicted Protect, the game just ends. Its Carvanha + Gothita check is its own Carvanha; its Ground check is also Carvanha; its Fight check is LO Gastly; and its Timburr + Pursuit check is clicking X.

I think the best choice here would be the X button.

is that a Jolly or Naive nature on the X button?

I mean, HO teams don't always need to carry a switch-in to something, as most of the Pokemon you listed are hit hard enough by one of the three LO attackers that they can't just freely set up. I'm with you on the team being frail overall, but there are pokemon in the 6th slot that can take on Pokemon that you've listed above so I don't really see that much of an issue.

Of course, if the teams aren't up to standard you can always submit some! :)