NOC Vote n' Veto NOC Mafia - Signups

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approved by Duskfall98

We all know our workspace. Cubicles, water cooler conversations, and choking red tape that prevents anything from getting done. Sometimes, that's because corporate and the regional managers don't know what they're doing, but here, it's because a handful of us are not here following their "make the company grow" five year plan. So, we vote. We vote and we veto and we discuss to endless depths before changing our opinions moment before the deadline. Standard fare stuff in the office, right? Just formalized.

Vote and Veto Mechanic:
During the day, every user will have the opportunity to Vote and to Veto. A vote for someone is to put one point in favor of removing them from the game at deadline. A veto for someone is to remove .5 points in favor of removing them. Both options are available to all players until the end of the day cycle, and can be changed at any point, either together or separately. Some roles may influence the votes and vetoes.
For example, a votecount may look like:

LightWolf (4): billymills, UncleSam, zorbees, Yeti
billymills (3): LightWolf, Earthworm, Bass
Earthworm (2): RBG, Mekkah
Lady Salamence (1): Lady Salamence

Lightwolf (2.5): RBG, LightWolf, Bass, Mekkah, Lady Salamence
billymills (2): billymills, UncleSam, zorbees, Yeti
Earthworm (.5): Earthworm

Lightwolf: 1.5
Earthworm: 1.5
billymills: 1
Lady Salamence: 1

In this scenario, just the votes alone are not indicative of the actual standing of the game. While LightWolf leads the votecount with four against him, five Vetoes placed on him reduces his total votecount to just 1.5. Earthworm, meanwhile, has two votes placed against him, and is alone in vetoing himself. This leaves Earthworm with 1.5 in the votecount, tying with LightWolf. If no votes or vetoes change, a random number generator will determine who is eliminated.

Additionally, some roles impact the voting. Certain roles will have visible representations, but other roles manipulate the counts invisibly. Each role that has an impact on voting will indicate whether it is a visible role or not.

Role Selection:
Welcome to a Smalltown game. Like the named game, in Smalltown all roles are public, and everyone knows what role everyone is. Additionally, all users will be able to pick their roles.

Using MafiaWiki's Lowest Unique Number system, all players will send Lady Salamence a PM with their two numbers. The link explains what to do in detail, but in short you send the host two numbers, and the lowest number that does not have duplicates will pick before higher numbers or numbers with duplicates. Players are welcome to send preferential lists of roles they would like along with their number to speed things along, but are not required. You will get randomized or subbed out if you delay the picking unnecesarily.

This game has a tiered role system. Depending on the number of signups, this game will either start with 9, 13, or 17 players. Certain roles will not be present until thresholds are met. Given recent games, I am inclined to have substitutes available, so I may not push for a threshold if we are close to it, but rather start at a lower threshold with others available to substitute in should someone become inactive.

Once all roles are selected, a random number generator will be used to determine the members of Mafia. In the 9 player game, there will be 2 mafia. In the 13 player game, the mafia will increase to 3. Finally, in the 17 player game, mafia will have 4 members. Roles do not impact who will become Mafia.

These roles are present in the game in a 9-player game, 13-player game, and 17-player game.
<USER>, you are Tyler McNamarah, Vote Mayor

You did it. This was your brainchild, your way to improve the dullness of the office space and the tires spinning in mud that doing anything here could be. Allowing everyone a say in what the group did will increase everyone's investment in their work, and so far, it seems to be working! Given that this was your project, your name is intrinsically connected to it, giving your stance extra weight in the system.

Your vote counts as double. You still have a veto that acts as normal, but when you cast your vote, it acts as two votes. This is visible in the official votecounts.

<USER>, you are Fillina Ellison, Vote Mayor.

Democracy in the office is a nice strategy, and may even influence positive change. But in order for this system to work, there needed to be a clear deliniation of who is in charge, and that's you. While policy decisions required you technically not have the final say, you ensured that your voice had an outsized impact on proceedings, and only then was it possible for all of this in the first place.

Your vote counts as double. You still have a veto that acts as normal, but when you cast your vote, it acts as two votes. This is visible in the official votecounts.

<USER>, you are David Beck, Veto Mayor.

Bollocks to that, we aren't doing it. Too much change to this company too quickly, to be honest. People need to slow down and realize that the status quo is just fine, the company will continue to operate without any changes. Frankly, it doesn't need to change. You've been here long enough to know that change is bad, and all these new policies and decisions are just risking ruining a great thing we've got going on.

Your veto counts as double. You still have a vote that acts as normal, but when you cast your veto, it acts as two vetoes. This is visible in the official votecounts.

<USER>, you are Uma Tamarah, Veto Mayor.

Some people vote with their hearts. They shouldn't, hearts don't think through things. It's important that each decision we make as a company is well thought through, and we can't do that if people just toss around their votes with impunity. It's important to have a person on the other side, giving proper attention to the cons for every pro.

Your veto counts as double. You still have a vote that acts as normal, but when you cast your veto, it acts as two vetoes. This is visible in the official votecounts.

<USER>, you are Jeannie Holcomb, Tracker.

You were so thrilled to have a window by your cubicle when you got placed in the office, but the hell that is modern urbanization means you're overlooking a parking lot for the company building, rather than a scenic mountain range or beautiful beach. But, hey, better than getting no windows at all. Plus, you can see the patterns of who's cars go where when people leave for the day.

Each night, you can PM the host Tracking <USER>. At the end of the night, you will be informed if the user you chose to track went to any place overnight. This will include mafia factional kills and night role usages, but will not include any use of the Neighbor's night conversations.

<USER>, you are Cynthia Kyuno, Self-Defense Voter.

You're not about to let some new system get in the way of your work here. You've done a good job at this company for long enough, and it's frankly silly that office politics could have you being shown the door, valid reason or not. You're not about to let that happen, and you've ensured that if you are ever at risk of the system turning on you, that you can turn the system on someone else.

If you are in the top two targets/wagons at any point of the day cycle, your Vote and Veto power doubles. This lasts until you are no longer one of the top two. If you would lose your spot in one of the top two wagons by nature of your vote and veto power doubling, but would be put back into the top two wagons if your doubling didn't activate, your doubling stays activated until the end of cycle or the situation resolves otherwise. This ability will not be reflected in official vote counts.

<USER>, you are Sarah Mannson, Neighbor 1.

While distant to <USER> in the cubicles, you happen to live next door to them outside of work. This gives the two of you a unique connection, based on backyard barbeques and the occasional baseball practice carpooling. After all, nobody really texts or even thinks about their coworkers when not clocked in, but when your coworker is your neighbor, it's pretty easy to.

A PM thread (or Discord server if requested) on Smogon will be set up for the two of you, usable during the night cycle of the game. You two can communicate using this PM thread during a period of time where nobody else is able to communicate normally. However, during the day cycle of the game, you will be unable to use this thread/server.

<USER>, you are Rodger Phillips, Neighbor 2.

While distant to <USER> in the cubicles, you happen to live next door to them outside of work. This gives the two of you a unique connection, based on occasional baseball practice carpooling and backyard barbeques. After all, nobody really texts or even thinks about their coworkers when not clocked in, but when your coworker is your neighbor, it's pretty easy to.

A PM thread (or Discord server if requested) on Smogon will be set up for the two of you, usable during the night cycle of the game. You two can communicate using this PM thread during a period of time where nobody else is able to communicate normally. However, during the day cycle of the game, you will be unable to use this thread/server.

<USER>, you are Tim Polensky, Backup.

You're the new hire here, and everyone else is pretty wild. But that can be to your advantage - if they're so eager to push people out of the company, that opens up promotional opportunities for you. After all, easier to promote from within to fill a vacancy, isn't it?

When a player dies, you have until that next cycle's conclusion to message the host Inherit <USER>. Once you do so, you will receive their role and abilities, and lose the Backup role. This will not be publicly announced, but may be visible if you select a role that has a visible impact on the votecount. If you inherit the role of a different faction's player, you will not inherit the faction allegiance. If you inherit a role that has a visible impact on official votecounts, the impact will remain visible.

These roles are present in the game in a 13-player game and 17-player game.
<USER>, you are Mandy Juarez, Roleblock.

Work is fine and all, but let's be real, we're all adults here and don't have any friends. Who here still talks to their college buddies, let alone high school friends? Not a single person, you know that. You want socialization? Gotta look at who you are around for eight hours a day. But don't just limit it to the time you're both stuck in the hellscape of capitalism. Invite a friend out for drinks every now and then!

Every night, you can message the host Roleblock <USER>. That night, your target will be unable to act on any of their submitted night actions, including the factional kill. This does not block passive abilities, but your target will not be informed if they were targeted. If their action would result in receiving a response from the host, they will instead receive no response.

<USER>, you are Marcus Morelles, SuperProtect.

This new system is interesting. It can maybe get out of hand, though. And what's with that talk about folks not committed to the betterment of the company? Too many knives out, and not everyone deserves knives. A bit of social politicking and some engineering of systems can help protect someone, at least once. And that's all you can ask for in a dog-eat-dog world.

Once a game, at night, you can message the host Protect <USER>. That night, your target will be protected from any attempt on their life. Additionally, the next day cycle your target will not be a valid target for voting out. People can still vote for them, but if they are the person who would get voted out, the result instead acts as if there was no vote during the cycle, and nobody is killed. You cannot use this ability on yourself.

<USER>, you are Hugh Davidson, Bulletproof Vest.

You just want to get your work done in the morning, pretend to work after you take lunch, and then leave the moment the clock hits 5. All these voting systems and whatever is going on doesn't interest you. You've insulated yourself to these systems, partially by setting them up in a way to get them off your back, partially by engineering yourself to be in a position of safety.

You are immune to the first attempt on your life by the night kill. The first time you are targeted by a night kill, that attempt will fail and your bulletproof vest will break. Until your BPV breaks, your vote cannot be manipulated by any other roles. If your BPV breaks, you will be informed that it has happened.

<USER>, you are Mary Lammb, Vote/Veto Mover.

Votes are nice, and the system in place is strong and secure. But security is only as good as its weakest point, and you are both the weakest point and the intended beneficiary of it. Votes have to be collected and tallied, and it's at that point where things can get a little bit... finicky. Nothing too terrible, but not even national elections guarantee perfect accuracy.

During the night, you may message the host Moving Vote of <USER> to <USER2> or Moving Veto of <USER> to <USER2>. The next day, if USER has the ability to vote or veto, their vote/veto will count as being placed on USER2. This is not a visible change to the vote count, and if USER places a vote or veto that is secretly manipulated, it will appear as placed on their stated target, rather than your choice. If USER does not have the ability to vote or veto, such as by being dead, there is no effect. You may only choose one option per night.

These roles are present in a 17-player game.
<USER>, you are Frank Greed, Vanilla Town.

You might not be town. This role does not confirm you are town. What this role does confirm is that you have just your vote and your veto to act on. Did you pick this life, or was it assigned to you? Perhaps this was all that was left. John came fifth and won a toaster, however that jokes go. Well done, maybe?

<USER>, you are Yosef Landsman, Role Watcher.

After-work interactions can be worrying. At work, there's proper protocols and expectations and understanding, but when folks have extracurricular connections, anything could happen. Things that the company can't reliably handle, he-said-she-said situations that nobody comes out happy. You've make a niche for yourself in the company by ensuring that, at the very least, the company can know what's coming.

At night, you can message the host Watch <USER>. At the end of the night, you will receive a message from the host with what roles visited that user. This does not include the factional kill if relevant. You may target yourself with this ability.

<USER>, you are Hannah McNarah, Results Investigator.

Everyone punches in their votes and vetoes and then goes home for the day, satisfied with their work. However, that's not the end of the process. Each vote much be noted and recorded, each veto carefully counted. That is your job, and it gives you an insight into the office that others do not get to see as they clock out minutes early, shrugging as 4:56 must be just the same as 5:00.

At the end of each day cycle, you will receive a message from the host with the true final vote count. This includes numbers and who placed what vote and veto. While normally publicly visible, this allows you to see the true results, disregarding the hidden aspect of certain roles.

<USER>, you are Mumford Currage, Vote Flipper.

So, vetoes are worth half of a vote. Votes push someone out, vetoes try to keep them there. Seems weighted towards kicking people out, huh? What if it weren't? That's where you come in. At your own choice, you can switch up your own participation in democracy a little bit, messing with the scales and weights that change peoples' lives on a whim.

At night, you can message the host Flipping Vote and/or Flipping Veto. The following day cycle, if you flipped one of them, that category acts as a negative for you. For example, if you messaged the host just Flipping Vote, and you then post Vote <USER> in the thread the next day cycle, that vote counts as -1. A flipped veto would count as +0.5, rather than its original. On Day 1, you may use this ability within the first 24 hours if you choose to, but all future cycles the message must be made at night. This ability is not visible in the vote counts.

Expect 48h day cycles, 24h night cycles, and a 6PM GMT-4 deadline: (example)

1. Celever
2. Ehmcee
3. skippergamez
4. Aura Guardian
5. Blazade
6. ZippyDoo200 [pending numbers]
7. pulsar512b
8. Psy
9. HH

sub: bluegummybear
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a fairy

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