Triple Battle Combo

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Jynx gets Dry Skin and the screens, but I think maybe she's too frail for your bulky team.

EDIT: Also, Jynx with Dry Skin hasn't technically been released, so if you planned to actually train this team once you perfected it, you'd have to wait.

I did overlook that quite badly actually, but good point. Mostly I ignored the Grass mons I presumed were in Dry Skin due to exacerbating my potentially large weakness to Tornadus, despite otherwise offering nice resists.

Jynx's access to Ice Beam and Lovely Kiss may prove quite nice, especially given her decent base Spe and Fake Out access. Her Def though... In any case I really don't like the DW game very much, so I'm sticking to released stuff atm. That and Triples would be a fun meta to play when I get access to Wifi in 6 months, so I may well end up training this team.

Suicune gets reflect actually, so when he's released I'll probably make use of him at least so my team can move EVs around a bit, what with his excellent bulk and all.
I did overlook that quite badly actually, but good point. Mostly I ignored the Grass mons I presumed were in Dry Skin due to exacerbating my potentially large weakness to Tornadus, despite otherwise offering nice resists.

Jynx's access to Ice Beam and Lovely Kiss may prove quite nice, especially given her decent base Spe and Fake Out access. Her Def though... In any case I really don't like the DW game very much, so I'm sticking to released stuff atm. That and Triples would be a fun meta to play when I get access to Wifi in 6 months, so I may well end up training this team.

Suicune gets reflect actually, so when he's released I'll probably make use of him at least so my team can move EVs around a bit, what with his excellent bulk and all.
Ugh, Suicune is like Vaporeon squared. Whose bright idea was it to give it Water Absorb? And it gets Reflect and Tailwind.
Ugh, Suicune is like Vaporeon squared. Whose bright idea was it to give it Water Absorb? And it gets Reflect and Tailwind.

I enjoy how Tailwind went from one of the crappiest stat-up moves, to one of the most useful this gen for doubles/triples.

Also, has anyone tried Rotations? They're technically Triples in my eyes, but was just wondering if any weather abuse works with them too.
hows my tripels team sound so far? I actually have only lost 2 or 3 battles due to hax...​

The Team

The Front Lines-


Hitmontop - Focus Sash - Intimidate
252 att/ 252 speed/ 4 hp..Adamant
-Fake Out
-Helping Hand

Pretty much my all out support pokemon.
'Top is able to stop eruption/waterspout
leads (not including jellicent) with fake out,
add 50% damage to snorlax's boom, and
stop wide guard users with feint.


Thick Fat - Normal Jewel
252 hp/ 252 att/ 4 def..Brave
-Brick Break-
The first kamikazee unit of the team. Snorlax
brings a lot of surprise to other triple teams, not really knowing
how to handle him. Selfdestruct is self explanatory, mauling
everything with normal jewel except for
ghosts and steels. I've never used crunch or brick break, but they're there in case I face an entire team of steels/ghosts.


Hypno - Insomnia - Mental Herb
252 hp/ 252 def/ 4 sp. def..Relaxed
Trick room-
Zen Headbutt-
Hypno is my next support pokemon, with it's main role
being to set up trick room, no matter what the cost. Mental herb
is to block taunts, while I usually trick room on turn 1. Protect is to
not get blown up by my own pokes, and zen headbutt is so if
I do get taunted, I'm not screwed. Snatch is an interesting move,
that let's me steal subs and other things in case the opponent tries
to block explosions or stall out trickroom. Insomnia allows my team to not be stopped by sleep inducers such as smeargle or amoongus.

The Reserves​


Jellicent - Water Absorb - Water Jewel
252 Hp/ 252 Sp. Att/ 4 def..Quiet
-Water Spout
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
Jellicent is a solid trick room sweeper that is able to take out most of the things that weren't killed by self destruct. He pairs well with Lickiliky, being immune to it's explosion and can also utilize it's helping hand to wreak havoc. Ice Beam covers dragons, while shadow ball is to take on apposing jellicents that are immune to both Waterspout and explosion. Thinking about replacing protect with hidden power electric to better take on gyarados.​


Lickiliky - Own Tempo - Normal Jewel
252 Hp/ 252 Att/ 4 def..Brave
-Aqua Tail
-Helping Hand

The next barrage of kamikazee comes in the form of lickiliky. Even pokemon that resist it's explosion sometimes can't handle him, when coming off stab and 375 BP. The other moves are mainly filler except fo rhelping hand, which allows usually jellicent to take on resistors. If there's only on or 2 pokemon left, I somtimes use helping hand on Conkledurr to snipe pokemon that he's super effective against.​


Conkledurr - Guts - Flame Orb
252 Hp/ 252 Att/ 4 def..Brave
-Mach Punch
-Rock slide

Conkledurr is the ultimate janitor, using priority and speed in trick room to clean up everything. Mach punch takes care of most mons once flame orb activates. Protect is to activate the orb, and also make sure I don't get killed by my own pokemon. Payback when boosted by orb and sometimes helping hand takes care of all ghosts, with Rock slide covering the flying types and hitting multiple pokes.​

Honestly the only problem witht his team is if I don't set up trick room, or the opponent knows my strategy. The first has only happened once, where hypno got critted, while the other i can usually play around by exploding at random times. This is usually how the game unfolds when I use this team.​

Turn 1 - Hitmontop protects or fake otus (If opponent looks like the might use beat up, eruption, waterspout, other things that might OHKO or stop hypno). Snorlax also protects, and hypno usually tanks a hit and uses trick room.
Turn 2 - Hitmontop uses helping hand on snorlax, snorlax self destructs, and hypno uses protect. Hitmontop either dies or survives with focus sash, and snorlax is dead.
Turn 3 - Jellicent Replaces Snorlax in the middle, with Lickiliky coming in for 'top if he died. Lickiliky uses helping hand, and jellicent waterspouts the opposition. Hypno uses snatch in case they try to sub anything.
If they're any poekmon left after that, it's usually a done game anyways.​

Any comments? I'm happy for criticism because i want this team to be the best triple team​
Uh, to the above, you probably have enough write-up there (just about) to paste that post into a new thread in the RMT forum and not get locked, so I'd do that if I were you! Naturally people tend to rate whole teams there as opposed to in threads here lol, it stretches the page too much if all 25 posts on this page were like yours. Post an RMT, then give me a PM and I'll be happy to give you quite an in depth rate.
sorry aboutt hat just did not know where triples teams went...and btw the team up there has now been unbeatable for a couple days now...but don't know if it's good because nto very many people play triples...
I really love this Triple Battle discussing thread.
I love to use Imprison + Trick Room to prevent my opponent's TR because it is easy to use. Sometimes I can set TR myself against speedy teams.
Cloud Nine is a nice ability agianst weather team especially in Triple Battles.
I found Wide Guard cannot prevent Dark Void so Safeguard is nice to prevent Dark Void from Smeargle.

EDIT: Imprison can also work with Protect. It helps my Explosion and makes my TR offense more effectively.
Ive been using a rather interesting team of Poliwrath, Typhlosion, Starmie, Magnezone, Mienshao, and a random fifth.

Only Ty, Starmie, and Mag are EV trained and Ive been wiping out quite a bit of teams with Helping Hand Fire Gem Eruption and Helping Hand Life Orb Surf.
Recent vid: 19-79577-73529

W/l is 13/7 should be like 25/9
(I'll admit I have dced some times out of pure rage :/)

I guess I could do better, maybe build around it and have another sweeper option.

Wish I had a Droughttails..... then I could scarf ty and Roll Quick guard for Priority users.
I've been using a double-weather Tailwind team, it does fairly well.

My team is Politoed, Starmie, Whimsicott, Darmanitan, Ninetales and Jumpluff. Neither Whimsicott nor Jumpluff have attacking moves, they're just the support Pokes for rain/sun respectively.
I've been trying to find a way to make Contrary Shuckle work. I have an Accelgor on the left throwing Acid Sprays at him for +2 S.Def, and a Ninjask on the right Screeching for the +2 Def. After 3 turns, split-defense/max HP Shuckle is sitting at over 2100 defenses (lol), and during the process he'll generally power trick the strongest physical stat on the other team (generally gets somewhere between 260-340ish) and then just rockslide away to chip everything down. Rest to remove status, and toxic to chip away at anything that can be hit by it.

It's fun when it can be pulled of, but so easily counterable but either phasing or other stat boosters that just boost up and match his +6.

Just to display how trollish Shuckle +6 can be...
Specs Modest Kyogre Water Spout cannot 2HKO if Shuckle has lefties.
Is Prankster Whimsicott with SWITCHEROO viable in Trips? Was thinking about Escape Button or a Red Card.

And is this one of the few priority swappers?
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