Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

PSDuckie Okay, I can work with that but can you clarify your restrictions. In Mosdeep gym am I able to use only psychic moves or are they prohibited? And this may sound idiotic but > means greater than, right?

As for your scramble I will think of a Pokemon. Although it may take me a while to think of conditions etc.

Phione I've got my Phione. So tomorrow I will begin to wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting Hoenn population.
No Psychic moves until after Tate and Liza are down. And > does indeed mean greater than.
DahliaNoir You seem to be getting a lot of signature mons, so here's one that'll break the trend because I don't have a signature Challenge.

The Pokemon in question is a Sandshrew named Achiever. It's a simple challenge, really. All you have to do is solo a Gym Leader, along with another few things. To find out which few, flip a coin after catching it.

This Sandshrew is an overachiever. As a result of its desire to succeed,
it has to solo an entire Gym rather than just a Gym Leader.
it must know four moves of different types ASAP.
it must be the highest leveled member of your party by at least 3 levels ASAP.
it must weaken every Pokemon you intend to capture from the moment it's caught.
it needs to win a master-rank contest.
This Sandshrew is an underachiever. As a result of its lack of effort,
the Gym Leader it has to solo must have a favorable type match-up (that is, either be resistant/immune to Achiever's STAB or hit it super-effectively).
it can't learn any TM or HM moves with more than 60 base power.
it must be the lowest-leveled member of your party by at least 3 levels whenever possible.
it can't be used in Trainer battles if the opponent has a Ground-type.
it must always be in your team's rear slot, except for the required Gym Leader solo
Good luck! If this is too difficult/confusing, feel free to ask me to change it.

...Oh, and also I'll reserve PSDuckie's last Pokemon, while I'm here.
I've got one!
Something interesting about horde battles is how, in some instances, four Pokemon of one species and one of another can occur. One of these is an arrangement of 4 Zangoose and 1 Seviper in Route 8.

Now, you're probably wondering, "Why did this person just tell me that?" to which the answer is simple: The Pokemon I'm having you use is the Seviper in the above example I gave (tip: find a Pokemon with Sweet Scent. It'll make creating this encounter go much more easily). Call it Elderly (or something similar to that), as it is OLD. In fact, it's so old, it's been around since Hoenn. Anything that came after that, such as Pokemon/moves introduced after Generation III, the Physical/Special split, and TMs numbered higher than 50 are completely alien to it. And the thing is, this Seviper acts very apprehensive about things it doesn't know. What this means long-term is, in the order I listed above, that:
Elderly can't learn/use any moves introduced after Gen 3.
Elderly refuses to battle any Pokemon introduced after Gen 3, with exceptions noted below.
Elderly categorizes moves as physical or special by their type.
Elderly can't learn from TMs numbered higher than 50.

Oh, and one last thing: Elderly has always been unsettled by the Pokemon introduced after Gen 3 on the Route it was caught (the Pokemon being Drifloon, Mienfoo, and Inkay, for reference. Fishing/Surfing/Rock Smash Pokemon aren't being counted for this due to the fact that those Pokemon live on Route 8's shores, while Elderly lived in (and was caught in) the cliff-like area), and acted very hostile to these in particular, to the point where it has decided since adulthood that it would kill (read: solo) any instances of these Pokemon or their later stages.

Good luck to you as well!
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Naix I can do that. Although I'll keep my fingers crossed for an overachiever. One question however: Can Achiever evolve? Or is there a certain task he must complete beforehand, like the gym solo?

PSDuckie I'm at work, and there's very little to do so I have had a while to think of the 'Mon and the conditions. Although it is my first time doing this, so if you need me to revise anything or it's that awful you want me to think of another one. Don't hesitate to ask.

Meet Joelene the Jigglypuff. Joelene is nothing short of an overprotective girlfriend cum raging PMT monster: Nobody messes with her man. She will never be the lead of the party, but can be brought into battle if a male team member has sustained damage....and she plays different rules for whichever gender she comes to face: If the opponent is female... Joelene can only use attacking moves. If theyre male, Joelene can only use attract and passive moves such as toxic/protect stall.

I don't know what the rules are regarding items, but if you are using them...they can only be used while Joelene is in play.

Is there anything missing, or anything impossible?

I've got a few more things to add and will do shortly PSDuckie

Mod Edit: Lets try not to triple post OK?

Joelene can only evolve after beating 35 female trainer Pokemon.

And let's say that Joelene has issues with one particular gym that she wants to settle: Joelene wants it out with Valerie and her good for nothing Fairies. She will solo this gym leader.

Also, if your lead Pokemon is male and they faint. Joelene must then solo the rest of that battle, the exceptions to the rule are any other solos etc.
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Can we try and cut out the triple/quadruple posting please?

Either go to walls, or just wait until someone has replied to make a new post.
ok DahliaNoir take Alzheimer's the Slakoth

This Slakoth has some memory issues, which can get in the way of it's battling skills. One thing that it cannot seem to remember is the type chart. Once caught, go to and generate 4 numbers between 1 and 18. Alzheimer's must solo any pokemon whose primary type is one of the first 2 numbers, and cannot battle any pokemon whose primary type is one of the second two numbers. This does not override other solos. The kicker? Go back to and reset the solo's after every gym leader.


The next issue Alzheimer's has is STAB attacks. After catching it and after every MAY battle, generate another number. Alzheimer's thinks that this move is its STAB move, and if possible, must learn a move of this type and use this move on any pokemon not hit super effectively by its other moves.

Alzheimer's can evolve once after the first Archie battle, and evolve again after the second Archie battle.

Oh and you have to catch Alzheimer's in Petalburg woods before defeating Roxanne.

Too hard? Drop the STAB challenge.
Too easy? Try this out:
Every time you catch another pokemon, HM slave or team member, Alzhiemer's must replace its entire move set, and cannot change its move set at any other time besides these. You are allowed to catch random pokemon to wipe his move set, but they must be released immediately.

In other words, I am going to start my Y scramble soon, stay tuned!
Okay pretzel987 I like the sound of this: No planning ahead when everything is in constany flux but I'm sure it will be interesting. So now I have Phione, Psyduck, Sandshrew and Slakoth as well as one reservation... it is looking like a pretty balanced team.
Naix One question however: Can Achiever evolve? Or is there a certain task he must complete beforehand, like the gym solo?
It can evolve whenever you want, though if you want evolution requirements, you can use these...
If over: won't evolve until it gets the master-rank ribbon.
If under: must be the last Pokemon in your party to evolve. Ignore Pokemon that can't evolve, such as PSDuckie's Psyduck for this.
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PSDuckie I've named my baby Psyduck Ducksworth :) And I've got to admit that this scramble stuff is pretty fun: Thinking of the 'rules' and such....
I've got a few random ideas floating around my head.
And I've got to admit that this scramble stuff is pretty fun: Thinking of the 'rules' and such....
I've got a few random ideas floating around my head.

It really is addictive, isn't it? Playing scrambles is great fun too. That said...


Sirius the Solrock
Nature: Careful (+SpD -SpA)

And what category is every single damaging Fire-type move that Solrock learns? Special. Of course the most heavily restricted Pokémon on my team has pretty much the worst possible nature. I know there's no rule against just capturing another, but it feels wrong somehow. Plus now I've already spent time in Amie getting the EXP bonus to make the "highest level" restriction easier to handle, so...

Also added this little fella to the team:


Sandmaster the Sandshrew
Nature: Rash (+SpA -SpD)

Game is trolling me for sure with these natures. At least his Water-type solos were easy enough, just fished up a load of Magikarp and Goldeen with the Old Rod. At some point I'll probably farm Fiery Path a little while for the Fire-type solos. Not sure when I'll be able to find Ice-types to solo though... plus he's going to cost me a Heart Scale at some point so I can reteach him Sand Attack of all things xD
Actual update #1!
Brett nodded his thanks to the woman whose room he had rented, and started strolling down vaniville path. He was told to meet Sycamore in the next town over, with the pokemon.

"Hey, so you made it!" Sycamore yelled from across the courtyard, waving excitedly. Brett waved and jogged over.

"I introduced you to this Pidgey earlier, so I think you will be able to handle it just fine! Just a warning: Don't keep it cooped up for too long at a time."

Brett nodded, happily received the poke ball, and opened it.

"Oh wait, you might not want to open it in a crowded place like-"

Too late. The Pidgey was free, and the first thing it did was fly straight up, away from the two.

"You'll be able to find it, right? I'm afraid I have to go."

Before Brett could respond, Sycamore was gone, and he was left to find what seemed to be a Pidgey on adrenal. He ran out of the town towards the forest, and saw the Pidgey hiding in a tree.

Don't worry, I won't hurt you.

Cooped up in ball. Pidgey doesn't like being cooped up in ball. Trainer won't keep Pidgey in ball?

I won't, ok? We can go exploring.

Yay, Exploring!!!

The Pidgey, seemingly happy now, fluttered down and sat on Brett's head.

Brett grinned, and walked into the woods. This was going to be very interesting, he thought.

Used to determine the starter (since its gonna get tossed anyways), Introducing…..!!!
Filler v 1.0(Chespin)

Lv Idk
IDK nature
lets face it, this is not cut out to be an HM slave. I'll probably catch a zigzagoon for that.

Explorer is now the sole member of the team!

Is has a Brave nature, tho… Speed loss might be the death of me once or twice.
Basically grinded until I could beat that one youngster outside the woods, then grinded a lot in the forest where Shauna heals you a lot. Got to the end of the forest for now.


Lv 9
Brave Nature

-Sand attack

FILLER V 1.0(Chespin)

IDK nature

(once I get to the city I'll drop him off, but Accumula (or whatever it's called) doesn't have a PC box)

Also setting a rule for myself that i have to catch a scramblemon ASAP if I'm on that route (I was going to attempt to avoid Insanity Shenanigans but this makes it a bit harder.)
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Actual update #1!
Brett nodded his thanks to the woman whose room he had rented, and started strolling down vaniville path. He was told to meet Sycamore in the next town over, with the pokemon.

"Hey, so you made it!" Sycamore yelled from across the courtyard, waving excitedly. Brett waved and jogged over.

"I introduced you to this Pidgey earlier, so I think you will be able to handle it just fine! Just a warning: Don't keep it cooped up for too long at a time."

Brett nodded, happily received the poke ball, and opened it.

"Oh wait, you might not want to open it in a crowded place like-"

Too late. The Pidgey was free, and the first thing it did was fly straight up, away from the two.

"You'll be able to find it, right? I'm afraid I have to go."

Before Brett could respond, Sycamore was gone, and he was left to find what seemed to be a Pidgey on adrenal. He ran out of the town towards the forest, and saw the Pidgey hiding in a tree.

Don't worry, I won't hurt you.

Cooped up in ball. Pidgey doesn't like being cooped up in ball. Trainer won't keep Pidgey in ball?

I won't, ok? We can go exploring.

Yay, Exploring!!!

The Pidgey, seemingly happy now, fluttered down and sat on Brett's head.

Brett grinned, and walked into the woods. This was going to be very interesting, he thought.

Used to determine the starter (since its gonna get tossed anyways), Introducing…..!!!
Filler v 1.0(Chespin)

Lv Idk
IDK nature
lets face it, this is not cut out to be an HM slave. I'll probably catch a zigzagoon for that.

Explorer is now the sole member of the team!

Is has a Brave nature, tho… Speed loss might be the death of me once or twice.
Basically grinded until I could beat that one youngster outside the woods, then grinded a lot in the forest where Shauna heals you a lot. Got to the end of the forest for now.


Lv 9
Brave Nature

-Sand attack

FILLER V 1.0(Chespin)

IDK nature

(once I get to the city I'll drop him off, but Accumula (or whatever it's called) doesn't have a PC box)

Also setting a rule for myself that i have to catch a scramblemon ASAP if I'm on that route (I was going to attempt to avoid Insanity Shenanigans but this makes it a bit harder.)

Muahah. This will be interesting to see how it goes.
I love how scrambles make you do the weirdest crap sometimes. I've now received Pittyplatsch the Wynaut, and was immediately faced with a problem. My lowest level Pokemon was Sandmaster at lv25, and nothing available to fight was that high, so a lv1 Wynaut had to solo everything. In case you didn't know, Wynaut only has Splash, Charm and Encore until lv15. Two options, then:

- Train by catching Pokemon at full HP
- Burn through all 65 PP, then beat things with Struggle

The former is by far the easiest method and what I ended up doing (half a box full of Numel and Machop at this point), but I did in good faith backtrack all the way to Route 101 and attempt the latter. Turns out that even a lv2 Zigzagoon is pretty tricky to defeat when you're a Struggling lv1 -6 Atk Wynaut with only so many Potions to your name D:
Hey, I'd like to try a scramble of Alpha Sapphire.
I am available to trade if it is necessary, and in terms of difficulty I would like something along the lines of Medium-Hard.
For my scramble I'm pretty laid back, I enjoyed playing previous titles under numerous conditions: Using Pokemon that are of the same color (Clefairy, Wigglytuff, Medicham and so on), their species names are alliterative (Arbok, Absol, Archeops) or my favorite has been the mono-type challenge or Pokemon only being able to learn moves of their typing.

I look forward to whatever you want to throw at me.
I think you need one more, so take Wondrous the Treecko. Treecko never liked being owned by a trainer and is intrigued by the large world outside. This is why he wants to be Wonder Traded! This makes you sad, since you had hoped on a partner for life, but you eventually wonder trade it, wanting Treecko to be happy. After you traded Treecko, you'll get a new Pokemon, which you decide to raise as well as you can, being a temporary parent. The Pokemon has to be in the first slot of your party at all times. Even if you have to solo something, you just have to switch out first turn then. Additionally, the Pokemon gets homesick after you beat a gym, and wants to go back. So after every Gym, you have to Wonder Trade the Pokemon you got again and do the same challenge with the next Pokemon!

Good Luck.
On phone so will do prosaic update soon!

Current progress: connecting cave
Wipes: 1

Oooooh boy. This wipe. No, this wasn't a gym leader, nooooo, this wasn't a rival battle. THIS was the double battle with the furfrous on route 6. DANG THOSE THINGS ARE BULKY! It didn't help that dual crit flinch power led to explorer fainting early, but still. Embarrassing. Explorer'a requires solos were done on route 7.

All members except insanity are caught. You know what this means! WHIRWIND TIME! I specifically saved some trainer battles for this.

Normal: 2
Poison: 2
Electric: 1
Water: 1
Flying: 1
Fairy: 1

Oh and the battle chateau grinding is real. Also some grinding at cafe le nah went down.

PS Tetrinity I'm assuming u can't whirlwind the same pokemon twice?

She's not the user you're looking for.

That would be me (proof), and your assumption is accurate. Looking forward to the formal update!
Indeed; I am responsible for King Arthur the Honedge, which if I remember correctly should be either in your party or coming up soon. Guess I'll wait for the update to find out :)

I've now beaten Flannery (soloing with Sandmaster). Not much to report there, though Torkoal's Overheat is surprisingly strong and OHKO'd even without a Sunny Day boost. Had to rely on Sand-Attack hax to get past it, which luckily happened quickly. More importantly, it allowed me to pick up the Sandstorm TM and finally complete Sandmaster's moveset requirements! Now I get to start spamming Sandstorm on anything that moves.

Does anybody know whether I can use the Eon Ticket to access the Leftovers when I reach Lilycove? Pittyplatsch kind of needs it...
Lol sorry about the user mix up.

Brett was panting by the time he got out of the woods. He had spent the last 15 minutes literally chasing the Pidgey around. This might be harder than he thought. He got into Santalune City and booked a night at the hotel. He would need his rest before challenging the Gym Leader and the paparazzi alike. Pidgey fluttered out the window, promising it would return.

Brett woke up rudely to the sound of his pidgey screaming at the top of its lungs. He ran outside, and saw another pokemon chasing it, almost playfully. His pokedex identified is as a Litleo. It noticed Brett, walked over, and playfully lit his shoe on fire. Brett jumped around for a but before putting the fire out. He decided to walk away as fast as he could, and made it into the Gym with pidgey before any more garments were lit ablaze.

"Welcome, Brett! I will be your Gym leader, Viola! I don't suppose I could take a few pictures of you during our match?"

Brett nodded, and Pidgey swooped down, landing softly on the battlefield.

"Go, Surskit!"

Pidgey flew up, and used Gust. Unfortunately, the Surskit avoided it, and retaliated with String Shot. Pidgey flew up to it extremely quickly and head butted it backwards, then hit it with a Gust as it was trying to get up.

"Surskit is unable to battle! The challenger leads by one!"

The next pokemon up was vivillion. Pidgey started barraging it with Quick Attacks, but it held on, and as Pidgey stopped to rest for a bit, fired off Infestation. Trapped by infestation and slowed by String shot, pidgey fell alarmingly quickly.

"Pidgey is unable to battle!"

Brett stood there, shocked. He didn't have any other pokemon, did he? Just then he heard the door creaking, and before he knew it, the same Litleo had bounded into the room.

"Sorry! He was barking so loudly at the door that I had to let him in!"

Brett nodded, and stared at the Litleo. It got the message and didn't light him on fire. Instead, it ran onto the battlefield and glared down Vivillion.

Viola stared at it for a few seconds. "Is this your second Pokemon?"

Brett nodded, unsure of what else to do. Before he could react, the Litleo was running at full speed towards the Vivillion. Vivillion dodged, but with remarkable agility, Litleo flipped over and was able to hit Vivillion in mid-air, lighting one of its wings on fire. Vivillion quickly batted out the flames, but didn't notice Litleo charging, and waiting. Suddenly, a massive amount of flame burst out of its mouth, completely enveloping the vivillion. The end was clear.

"Vivillion is unable to battle. And the winner is the challenger!"

Brett stood there, shocked. He had won!

"Good job, Brett! I have some photos of you now too!"

A few hours later, Brett finished packing. He was still very confused by what happened. As he got into the taxi that was carrying him to Lumiose, the litleo made an appearance again. Before Brett could do anything, it ran up and hit the button of one of his Pokeballs. It was almost like the Litleo wanted to be with him…
wipe count-1

now, a lot more happened in game than in the update, but I'll write about that later.
Basically, got Burniate, and clean swept the Gym. Explorer didn't die, but I liked the prosaic feel of it. Explorer is a little over leveled, so getting through the routes is easy. AT lumiose city, i got and trashed the squirtle, and grinded a lot at Cafe le nah. The next route netted me Cookie Lover, who is, for now, limited to pound and yawn. yay. I got the amulet coin, and slap in on Explorer, since thats the most bang for buck.

Then I had that wipe. Yeah. That was fun. Furfrous are bulky. Needless to say, I procured Wall and King Arthur, and used Ghost type shenanigans to pound those people into the ground. Next up, Connecting Cave!
Explorer (Pidgey)
LV 29
-Quick Attack

Burniate (Litleo)
Lv 19
-Noble Roar
-Work Up

Wall (Snorlax)
LV 15
-Defense Curl

King Arthur (Honedge)
LV 15
-Swords Dance
-Metal Sound

Cookie Lover (Gulpin)
LV 15
-Poison Gas

Burniate doesn't learn Incinerate until lv 45. Glorious.
However, Wall will be able to lolz Wulfric with Heavy Slam. Screams triumphantly
Explorer's hardest hitting move is Quick attack. Which I can't use until the 4th turn.
King Arthur can essentially pwn the entire 3rd Gym solo. Great.

Ok Tetrinity (lmao actually correct tag this time) Two things:
One, I realized this might be an issue, so if its too annoying, Healthy can bypass the switch rule if it has a solo.

Also, Can Arthur evolve once its reached the Elite 4, or does it actually have to be in the building? This influences my ability to teach King's Shield to it.
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