The poetry topic

This topic is dedicated to the appreciation of poetry. All you have to do in this topic is write your own poem of any length you like. However, there are rules:
1. Do not insult other's poetry
2. Do not steal poetry and cite it as your own
3. Do not post a rant about your hatred of poetry, rather simply leave the topic and enjoy your life.

These are three short excerpts from my poetry book High School: Choking on the Ashes of Conformity

Empty Dramatics and Emptier Minds

that lying bitch with her empty blue eyes, all the junkies stand agape feeding off her lies, in vain they wander to the place of her personal suicide while she casts their fates away into the great divide.

Philosophy Soliloquy

that lying poseur wears her soul upon her face with another poser clinging like a leech to a vile bathtub of primordial sewage. The deceits range from psychosexual confusion to beef sandwiches. The widening split thickens and the clowns go along for the ride, hopefully to their inevitable demise.

Ceaseless Toil and Broken Dreams are the Essence of Urban Living

And the greatest work of all time had just crossed their tired eyes and their selective ears. They didn’t know what to think to be quite honest, so they perceived bombast and condemned the hero to shame and degradation. Hamlet had a sword and the hero has nothing but a felt pen I suppose…

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
This is on the spot, since you're all on teenage angst.

There once was a man from Nantucket
He was weird and he carried a bucket
He was always well dressed
but he just wouldn't rest
till he doused his ex-girlfriend; Quote: fuck it.

And this:

I am angsty teen
I destroyed your property
why do you hate me?

This is actually a villianelle I made quite some time ago:

The Politik of Life.
A Villanelle

My good man, have you no shame?
Spending all your days campaigning.
Politics is a dirty game.

Have no time for your future flame?
Perhaps the problem is your feigning.
My good man, have you no shame?

But afterwards won’t be the same,
After you have done your spinning.
Politics is a dirty game.

Can’t make promises that you claim,
Just because support is waning?
My good man, have you no shame?

The bombast of your trumpets came
To no effect, despite your straining.
Politics is a dirty game.

Your life and love are not the same
So why on earth are you complaining?
My good man, have you no shame?
Politics is a dirty game.

This is a particlarly hard construction since you must repeat your first and third lines throughout the poem, and both of them at the end next to each other. You also have to rhyme the second line of each stanza (you are of course, free to slant rhyme).
It's teenage angst because I wrote that 4 years ago... I will write another one after I get back from work.
copper man

you've always adored that copper man
with his metal heart and squeaky joints
cold to the touch, he still warms your bones
he treats you right, with his asimov tattooes
but when he sees you with the other boys
he gets a little green
he's all too tired of oxygen
while you're gasping for breath
I have been published 3 times, once nationally. However, I don't have the anthologies they are in with me right now.

I'll type them up when I get the chance, though.

I've also won 4 trophies.
They call this the badlands baby
But it used to be bayou
The shore of an inland sea
And I can hear you coming

What foul beast stalks this way

The night is dim
But I catch the scent of your arrogance

As you rear your head
I can see your eyes gleaming
Catching light from the moon
Like a pair of knives to cut me down

Hole in the world
And the light is leaking out
Spilling like water
And I can hear you coming

What new devilry is this
I saw you rise
And creep across the sky
And all night as I fled
You came behind

Eating all the stars
Dig to find
Why the life left
Rocks and stones
Skulls and bone
Whispered stories
Tales of glory

And a tragic fall from grace
And a tragic fall from grace
And a tragic fall from grace

Still we’re still falling
Just like the dinosaurs
And a tragic fall from grace

EDIT: and also, lol @ above poster

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
You sound like my English teacher.

"Highly irregular..."

Why must you sling detractions?
They are nothing but distractions
The consequenses of your actions:
it is hell ye be attractin.

That is all.
People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

-the GREAT American poet
"back the top":

Walking dancing on the sun
See the lad, he likes to run
Up underneath in the bush
He feels the beam on his tush

oh, and "dancing with mr. jacobs" (sorta like a sequel):

He feels the beat, on the floor
Dancing with sunbeam, his amore
As he traces feet in place
A softer smile does cross his face.

Oh, and it would be cool if people actually quoted and commented on poems that they liked, or at least just lines they thought were interesting.

Oh and, lol, where's the haiku love?

"Pond Float":

In the near middle
Where the frog sits and ponders
Lilypads adrift
It's like, light up a spliff, I know this herb'll bake me,
Which is all well and good, but where the fuck does it take me?
To an early grave, lost and forgotten; this shit'll break me,
I've gotta find myself and foraske the fake me

And frankly, I don't even care who I was
Or who I am, I only care about who I become.
And all the sins I've committed, the things that I've done,
Are just a part but can the whole exceed the sum?

Receding sun, offer me your wisdom please.
I'm at the door, but the lock doesn't fit my keys,
A code language, taught to me in beats and frees,
Couldn't crack it, now I'm trynna see the forest through trees.

Soarin' wit' bees, killah-type, not rollin' wit' bumbles,
Skip the headlines, going straight for the Jumble,
Workin' on my mind, Get it rrready to rumble,
So when the time and place arrive, I'll click, like "VOLTRON ASSEMBLE!"

I forget when I wrote that, but I had fun with it towards the end. :)


But yo, I'm not a joka, so let me get serious.
My rymes are dope enough leavin' cats delirious.
Fill you wit' mo' holes than a bowl of Cheerios.
You're a pussy, and I'll leave you bleedin', all up in yo period.

That's a line from me freestyling. I just thought it was funny. :)


mental pain,/ insane with anguish,/ wisdom waned/ as brian had languished.// if only i had known to cherish/ sanity before it perished,/ but arrogant was i and garish,// and now my burning incandescence/ turns to fading:/ evanescence,/ mind approaches obselescence,/ can't bear the thought,/ no aquiescence,/ of this premature senescence./


I'm often asked why a decidedly caucasian cracker,/ never wanting to act blacker/ would want to be a rapper,/ they expect me/ to express me/ to explicitly expain/ my inner pang/ and my desire/ inner fire/ they can't see past my 'white' attire./ i aspire to higher callings/ like the exhausted baby,/ sprawling,/ trying to walk instead of crawling,/ getting up and always falling./ is it any stranger that a guy like me would want to be "balling"?// it's galling/ dealing with this feeling,/ concealing aspirations,/ running out of patience,/ my life of mixed sensations/ a picture perfect aberration.//

Those were just two of my spoken poetry attempts. I dunno, the first one is just really pedantic, I think I was trying too hard to use big words. The second one is a little more real, but doesn't flow very well. =(


rid this world of human waste
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
I've got a pretty big stash, will post one or two here.

Pictures In The Sand Fade (But Not From Memories)

The sea turns red under a scarlet sunset,
And a full moon rises into heavens set
Above the shores where memories bled.

It's the last time winds breezed over the beach,
Through her hair just floating out of my reach
Into my ears whisp'ring virgin oceanspeech.

And she glanced from the corner of her eye,
Watching the fading world passing her by
A final gaze at the stars in the moonlit sky.

She sat down next to me and took my hand
And she drew circles and lines in the sand,
The last picture of us in the living's land.

We watched the sea recede from the shore
She held me tightly in her arms just before
She kissed me once but I never wanted more.

She whispered our last goodbye in my ears
Would I remember her when she left me here
Alone without her to keep the memory near?


Life In Balance?

void clearing of the mind - soul
broken body fragments - whole
one last day of peace - war zone
tropical forest storm - charred bones

roosters spit out blazing napalm death
taking away the green lung's breath
iron clashes with iron once more
failing sanity crashes to the floor

one trigger for the brain - life
living in harmony - strife
fit and hale old man - wheelchair
1000 skyclad troops - ev'rywhere

bullets fly from blackened barrel guns
chlorine gas, the soldiers are stunned
death metal trenches streaming blood
open the gates, here comes the flood

children crying blood tears - won
the apocalypse - begun
brotherhood battles - opposed
the strength of numbers - disposed

under a blackened sky only ruins sigh
rotting bodies with glazed vacant eyes
cleansing rain drops coloured crimson red
with the last blood of the forever dead.
Moonlight Blue-

I've gone across the world
for the sake of that girl
and before never knew
such a pain over
doing what's right
even though it might be
just another illusion
though she'll see
every sunset, the blazing horizon
I would offer her day after day
but she'll say
"Maybe the next time
you'll be better ready"

I've gone again across the world
and seen the events unfurl
the heartache and sorrow
a bleaker tomorrow
and think
why am I so lucky
to have been crushed so much earlier
and yet twice as cursed
to have never known what it was like
I would offer her day after day
already I can hear her say
"Maybe the next time
you'll be better ready"

I've gone across nothing
for the sake of a match
a furious flame
lit and quenched in a flash
and even when time would determine it right
I'll never be ready
to see the moonlight

The stars in the sky,
so remarkably lonely
without the pale aura
and the future in store
But it need only show once
Yes to see that once
In a blue moon


hope y'all like it, it's a bit sophomoric because it was written when I was much younger and far less wiser, but isn't art suffering? =]

On floors in the sky-plains
Rolling with clouds
Clouds that twist and shine just like fire
With lamps so it’s roomy, not at all gloomy
They run as they’re leaping, higher and higher

With glasses raised upwards
Filling with moonbeams
Catching the stars so pretty and bright
Two are seen weaving, eyes never leaving
The others as they dance through the night

Hands reaching upwards
Desperate with wanting
Grasping for something thinner than air
Quickly they grab it; it’s lost for a bit
As they duck and sway, lost in their stare

They come together
Filled with perfection
Passionately wanting what’s out of reach
Carefully wanting, their desire haunting
Every movement that’s just beyond speech

Slowly they’re drifting
Away with reluctance
Fearfully leaving the one they adore
Eyes never turning from what they’re just learning
As they slowly and drunkenly trip off the floor
Nonchalantly awaiting tragedy-

Love comes from the strangest places
One second he's here with me
And the next he's gone to another
My very own social chameleon
He changes with the wind
His mood and intentions unpredictable
But the last thing I need
Are his goddamn excuses
"You're my one and only, besides
Don't believe everything you hear
There's no girl on the side
Why would you ever think that, dear?"
His warm embrace is only an empty
But fulfilling empathy
He says he's been hurt
But it's not like the fault belongs
To this love we share
This love we bear together
Is not quite on a level balance
But the delicate dance
The tired waltz
Is tiring me out
Pointing out our faults
His kiss just doesn't feel right
Our future cannot depend
On unresolved relationships
On the tips of icebergs
That will sink our titanic
Sometimes the delay
Between long awaited tragedies
"There's no one besides you
And every night that you're gone
All my thoughts are of you
From the dusk to the dawn."
His smile disarms
My genuine distrust
And his constant assurance
Is never enough
To convince me
To turn the contradictions
Into my own illusions
Waiting around
For him to be
Truthfully devoted
Not just the act
That he's giving me
It's just that
Breaking it all down
It's getting harder to make
The words match
My feelings detach
But to live without
Without a sense of
I can live
Live again a life
Where worrying no longer
Exists in the way
When your cautiously wandering eyes
Secretly cause my heart to bleed
No more regrettable strife
Which take all the fun
Out of my own life
He is not my master
Nor dictator of my desires
Behind closed doors
Where the drama conspires
To take over what's left
What's leftover from the rubble
Though there's a chance to fall or stumble
There are others standing around
Waiting to catch me before descent
One day you'll learn to resent
Resent your cheating ways
Resent every lie you told
"She broke up with me
I never did anything deserving this
I was stabbed in the back so cruelly"
Me, ruin your bliss?
Sorry, but the world isn't a fairy tale
And prince charming as you might be
Armor rusts and swords can fail
When caught in promiscuity.

Composed when I was practicing a form of point-of-view swap, (no, I was not the two-timing boyfriend in the poem). Speaking of haikus however:

Blue Haiku-

Blue Haiku: yeah, yeah
I writing haiku for you
*Sweet guitar solo*

don't take that one seriously though, unless you really want to.
Dude, Nonchalantly awaiting tragedy is a sweet poem. It's the imagery, it's awesome. Man, I sound like my English teacher...

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