Gotta agree with this. On both the Suspect and Standard ladders I've seen a lot more Swords Dance Infernapes being used.The Latis aren't slowing Infernape down at all. However, since they were introduced, more and more Napes are going physical. U-turn is an awesome move on Infernape for ruining their switch
kd24 said:Choice Band Scizor is literally everywhere lol, which brings to question: Why wasn't CB U-Turn Scizor used much more often before Platinum? Bullet Punch is huge, but U-Turn is really the main move of the set imo and we did have Quick Attack back then.
| Scizor | HP EV | Max | 20.8 |
Just encase anybody cares, I calculated the OUs of UU again, based solely on this month though. Again, it conists of the top 56 Pokemon, so Medicham, and everything above (i.e. Gardevoir, Charizard, Miltank, Sceptile, Electrode, Nidoqueen, Smeargle, Torterra, Weezing, etc.) are UU, and Mespirit, and everything else below (i.e. Regice, Jumpluff, Floatzel, Omastar, Scyther, Ninetales, Hitmonlee, Leafeon and Hippopotas) are NU.
That's not what I got. I'm getting that the cutoff falls at 58, with Regice and Mesprit being the last pokemon in UU, and Jumpluff and Floatzel leading off NU.
I got the usage cut-off point to be 1,803, which is between Medicham and Mespirit. Knowing me, I'm probably wrong, but I did this:
Can anyone see if I've made an obvious mistake or something? Or a 3rd person can try and see what they get.
For some reason I find the following quite interesting:
1 | Garchomp | 105070
Taken from the August 2008 statistics, which was Garchomp's final full month of play in OU.
1 | Scizor | 131744
Taken from February 2009.
Scizor had more usage then Garchomp did at the peak of his power heh.
Anyway, thanks again Doug. I always take stats into consideration when making my teams.
lol. Just realized, last month's stas said Porygon 2 was OU. This month's stats say it's NU.
I wonder what tier it'll actually end up in when the April lists are done!